Purple Romance

Chapter 186: Is your anger appeased now...?

Chapter 186: Is your anger appeased now...?

''You still haven't let go of that gangster attitude, Paige''

''Glad you know, you jerk, because from today anywhere I see you, I will beat you up''

''You came to my tuff and hit me like this. Everyone here is a witness. I wanted to remain a good person in your eyes because of our long term friendship but it seems I can't even do that now, since you and your friend have chosen your side already. Today's matter, I can't let it off like that. If you kneel down here and beg me in front of all these people, I might let you off, if not, you will be sent to a place far from here and not even your boyfriend can save you. What do you say?''

Paige spat on him and threw him a smirk saying, ''that is my answer''

''You little bitch'' Lazarus raised his hand to hit her and another arm stretched forth and twisted his hand backwards. Jordan held unto Lazarus and turned to look at the men.

''If you don't let her go, I will make sure you don't get to see the sun shine ever again'' his voice was cold and the men felt fear. The immediately let go of Paige and instead of relaxing, she went closer to Lazarus and said as he remained under Jordan's control.

''That was for Carl, now this is for myself'' she said and knee him hard and he screamed out loud. Jordan pushed him away and let him go before turning to Paige.

''Is your anger appeased now?'' he asked.

''Almost'' she said and turned to see Lucas at the entrance. Knowing what she was going to do next, Jordan pulled her sleeve a bit saying.

''He is still my friend, be gentle on him, please''

''That depends on his behaviour'' she said and walked towards Lucas who stood unmoved.

Jordan turned to the hospital director saying, ''you should handle this matter including all those who took the videos but'' he turned to face the people, ''it will be in your best interest to delete the videos you took because I don't ask for little money when it comes to compensation''

The people immediately started deleting the videos in their phones.

''Do you like Carl or not?'' Paige asked Lucas as she stood in front of him, ''take your time to answer it, because it will determine whether you get a slap or a punch''

''I like Carl''

''Then, why did you tell her all those nonsense? Do you only know how to make excuses and run away?''

''I am leaving anyways, so there is no need to start something I can't finish'' Lucas said and Paige slapped him.

''Stay away from Carl, a coward like you don't deserve her'' she said and walked out of the hospital. She got on her bike and sped off without a second glance.


Paige arrived and saw Carlien coming out of the bathroom with a towel wiping her hair.

''You are awake?'' Paige asked.

''En, what about you? Where did you go dressed like that? Wait, you didn't go to beat up anyone, did you?'' Carlien asked as she glanced at Paige suspiciously.

''Why would I go about beating people? Am I a thug?'' Paige asked as she started to undress.

''Then, where did you go?''

''I went out for delivery. My boss asked me for a favour''

''Didn't you stop working to focus on the exams?''

''I did but, as I said it was a favour and I couldn't say no'' Paige said and removed the top and Carlien saw blood on her knuckles.

''Paige, you are hurt. Where did you hit yourself?''

''Oh, this, I don't know. I wonder how I came by it''

''Come and sit, let me put some balm on it'' pulling Paige to the bed, Carlien brought out the first aid kit under the bed and opened it.

''It's not so serious'' Paige protested.

''Keep quite or I will be mad at you''

Carlien said and picked a cotton bud.

''Paige, thank you''

''For what?''

''Which of them got more punches?''

''You knew?'' Paige asked her surprised.

''How can I not know your temperament? But, I hope you didn't hit Lucas' on his face?"

''Is that what you are worried about now? His face?

''I know, right?''

''Carl, do you like him that much?'' Paige asked as she looked into the face of her best friend of many years.

''I'm going to stop liking him from now. He has too many flaws, I must be sick in the head to like someone like him. He doesn't even treat women right, he is proud and selfish. Now that I'm thinking about it, he has no manners and uses people for his own benefit. Why would I like him for long? I'm not a masochist. Whatever I felt today ended before it even began'' Carlien said forcefully and Paige knew those words weren't from her heart. They were just said to comfort herself.

''Paige'' Carlien called out softly and she responded.


''Can I go with you to healing village? I don't want to be alone''

''Off course, you can. I will give Professor Glow a call and let him know about it. He will be pleased to get another helping hand, especially a final year genius like you'' Paige and Carlien smiled.

''Let's sleep''


Lucas reached his private home and opened the door. He hadn't come here in the last two years since Mali passed away. This was supposed to be their wedding home, where they would live happily but she didn't live past that after that day.

Lucas entered the master bedroom that he had personally designed and sat on the bed. Tears welled up in his eyes as he pulled himself till he was sitting on the floor. He let out a loud scream and busted into a heavy cry.

Thinking back to how Carlien ran away from him, he kept hitting his chest and biting his lips in an agonising manner.


Early the next day, Jordan accompanied Lucas to the airport. While waiting to check-in, they stood at a distance chatting.

''Won't you regret it?'' Jordan asked him.

''I'm already regretting it, but what kind of results will that bring? Carlien was originally someone I shouldn't have gotten closer to but she was intriguing and I was bored, so I wanted a challenge. I am the jerk here, I can't pull her into my world, Jordan. It's too messy for a pure soul like Carl''

''I can help you with Lazarus, but since you don't want that I can't do anything either''

''Thanks, Jordan. As for Lazarus, just ignore him. Please, tell Paige to take care of Carlien for me'' Lucas said with a heavy heart.

''Sure, I will. You take care of yourself and my regards to Ad-Din and Maria''

''Sure, I will let them know about the fact that you and Paige are now an item''

''Also tell them how much of a coward you are yourself'' Jordan said and Lucas chuckled.

Soon, it was time for him to board the plane. Giving Jordan a hug, he left afterwards.

Outside the airport, at the roadside, Carlien sat in the taxi watching the airport quietly. After some time, she said to the driver.

''Let's go driver'' this was the last time she was going to think about Lucas again. since he wanted nothing to do with her, it was best to not also care about him.


Carlien got down from the taxi and headed towards her mother's store when a car pulled over in front of her and Lazarus got down. Seeing him, Carlien immediately quickened her steps not wanting to talk to him.

''Carlien wait'' he said and walked hurriedly towards her but she didn't stop and kept moving. ''Hear me out, Carlien. If you don't let us talk, I will go to the police and press charges against your best friend for what she did to me yesterday''

When Carlien heard his statement, she stopped and turned to face him.

''You are now willing to talk to me?'' he asked and Carlien let out a soft sarcastic chuckle.

''What do you want to say? I don't have much time'' Carlien said to him indifferently.

''You are really cold to me, Carly''

''I am usually this cold to animals''

'What? Are you saying I am an animal right now?''

''Your ears are still functioning well, I guess I don't have to scream it for you to hear my words''

''Carl, do you even know what kind of person Lucas is? You and I have known each other for so long, why would you let him get between us?''

''It's precisely because I have known you for a long time that I am heavily disappointed in you, Lazarus''

''Lucas isn't what you think he is. He is cunning and just wants to use you against me''

''That must prove how important I am to you then, and also to him because you also want to use me for the same purpose. Bringing me to the hospital, acting like you care about me, wasn't all of the just so you could get back at Lucas? Do you know the kind of people I hate the most in this world? People who try to use me and that's what you and Lucas did. I have nothing else to say to you, so leave me alone''

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