Purple Romance

Chapter 142: Close yet apart 2

Chapter 142: Close yet apart 2

Jordan Attoh pulled over in front of a beautiful three storey building and got down. Paige hurriedly followed suit as he walked inside the building. Throwing his keys at the valet, the valet caught them and bowed in front of Jordan Attoh saying.

''Welcome, young master''

Jordan nodded his head and turned to look at Paige who was stunned by the respect they gave to him.

''What are you doing there? Are you not coming in?'' Jordan asked her and held her sleeve pulling her along as he went inside.

A man in his forties met them on the way and bowed before Jordan saying ''you are welcome, young master''

Paige looked at Jordan again wondering the exact position he held to be revered so much by all the people.

''Is the room ready?'' Jordan asked as his hand still held unto the sleeve of Paige's blue blouse.

''Yes, it is ready. I also placed a couple of your favourite drinks but because you didn't tell us you were bringing a female partner; I didn't prepare any drink for her'' the man said.

''Don't worry, she doesn't drink'' Jordan said and looked at Paige.

''Then, I will take my leave now'' the man said and walked away.

Paige followed Jordan into a private room that had a four seater chairs attached to an arm rested table just like how the movie cinemas were always arranged. There was a giant flat screen television on the wall. The lights of the room were like that of the disco lights used in clubs just that it was a little dim in the room and the brightest came from the television rather.

''This place. Is it a clubhouse?'' Paige couldn't help but ask after seeing all the interior dcor.

''Yes'' Jordan answered and looked at the screen as the footballers walked into the park.

''Then, does this place belong to you?'' Paige asked again remembering how he was treated at the entrance by the valet and the man.

''What do you think?'' Jordan asked and turned to look at her. They were seated on the same lane, close to each other but at an appropriate distance.

''Huh?'' Paige blushed and looked away.

''The game is about to start'' Jordan said and pointed at the screen.

''Which teams are playing against each other?'' Paige asked and looked at the screen.

''Manchester United Vs AC Milan''

''Then, which team are you supporting?''

''Manchester United. What about you?'' Jordan asked her.

''I don't usually watch football, so I don't know much about it'' Paige said and they turned as the match started to watch.


After watching the football, they walked out of the clubhouse. Jordan took the keys from the valet and they went towards the car.

Paige looked at Jordan and started studying him, something she does subconsciously when she wants to gauge the feelings of someone. She noticed he was a little down after the match. The team he was supporting had lost.

''Are you sad, because your team lost?'' Paige asked him as they got to the car. Jordan turned to face her with a smile asking.

''Why? Do you want to console me'' Jordan looked at her face interestingly.

''Tsk, I was just asking because you seem a little sad that's all'' Paige said and turned towards their car and saw Joel chatting happily with a woman she didn't know. Paige paused instinctively.

''Is almost time for your part time job. Should I send you to the restaurant?'' Jordan asked unaware of what Paige saw. He noticed she was quiet and looked at the direction of her eyes and saw the man and woman chatting with smiles.

''Hey, are you alright?'' Jordan asked her as he notice the change in her expression. He wondered the kind of relationship she had with those two.

Paige instinctively turned around and hid behind Jordan the moment she saw Joel turning towards their side. Jordan frowned as he watched the man and woman get into their car.

''They are gone. You can come out now'' Jordan told her and Paige stepped out from behind him. Jordan watched Paige as she looked longingly at the car driving away and asked ''who is he to you?''

''Nobody, let's go'' Paige said and got into Jordan's car. she didn't know what kind of answer he wanted and she didn't think she had the answer to it either because in the end, they really had nothing going on. She was the only one who felt something for him.

Jordan realised she wasn't willing to talk about, so he also got into the car and started driving towards her part-time work place.

At the traffic stop, Jordan turned and looked at Paige. She had a sad face contrary to her usual cheerful face and it bothered him somehow.

''Who was that guy? Husband, boyfriend?'' Jordan asked.

''He is nobody. Don't concern yourself with me'' Paige said as her nails dug into her bag that laid on her laps.

''I don't usually intrude into people's affairs but I brought you here so I deserve to know. The face you are wearing right now isn't the one you came with and funny as it may sound, its bothering me somehow'' Jordan said, his voice sounding a little pissed off.

''He is someone who doesn't know I even exist anyways. Stop being nosy and mind your own business'' Paige said impatiently and Jordan looked at her. It never occurred to him that she would be the nave type in a relationship. He found it refreshing.

''First love crush?'' Jordan asked and smiled.

''He is not my first love'' Paige protested immediately.

''I bet he is and you just saw him with another woman. This is quite interesting'' Jordan said and Paige looked at him and said angrily.

''Does it give you that much pleasure to tie open someone's wound and rub salt into it?'' Paige asked.

''What?'' Jordan asked not understanding why she said that about him.

''I will take a cab from here, pull over at the bus stop in front'' Paige said as she gathered her bag into her hands.

''What is wrong with you?'' Jordan asked as he pulled over.

''I want to be alone. Go and leave me alone'' Paige said as she got down and Jordan got down together with her.

''Paige, wait. What is wrong with you?'' Jordan asked again.

''I said I want to be alone. Leave me alone'' Paige said as she walked ahead to look for a taxi.

''Okay, fine. Suit yourself'' Jordan said and got into his car and drove away. Paige also soon got a taxi and entered with tears in her eyes.


Paige finished her work for the day and sat on the only table she hadn't turned over. She stared at the phone Jordan gave her and murmured ''was I too harsh? Well, he should have known not to talk that way to me. Will he be angry with me tomorrow? What if he makes it hard on me at school because of this?''

Paige sighed and got down from the table. She turned it down and changed out of her uniform before leaving the restaurant.


Jordan walked out of the bathroom with a towel on his head, wiping the water off his hair. He stood at the middle of the room and stared at the mirror before thinking back to the scene where Paige hid away from the man and the woman.

''Is she stupid? How can you love someone who doesn't even know you exist? Is that even loving? She is setting herself up for disaster'' Jordan murmured and added ''well, that is not my business. So what if she has a pretty face? She is still nave to believe in something called love. Stupid!!''


Paige got out of her house ready to go to school and saw Joel also driving out of his apartment. Paige saw him and suddenly felt awkward so she decided to pretend not to see if and walk away but Joel pulled over in front of her.

''Paige'' Joel called out and Paige stopped and turned to face him.

''Hi'' Paige said awkwardly and Joel laughed.

''Why are you suddenly acting awkward? These days you go to school early'' Joel said.

''Yes. I have a lot of things to do'' Paige said not daring to look into his eyes. She had cried the previous night and her eyes were puffy, she only managed to hide them behind her clear shades.

''I see''

''How is work at the company? Hope is not too stressful?'' Paige asked trying to keep the conversation going.

''Well, being the CEO is not an easy thing but, is good. Let me send you to school'' Joel said and pulled open the front seat door.

''No need, actually I am not in a hurry'' Paige said trying to dismiss him.

''I insist, get in. Is on the way too'' Joel said and Paige nodded her head and got inside the car. She quickly buckled her safety belt.

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