Purple Romance

Chapter 140: Slave? We are in a free World 5

Chapter 140: Slave? We are in a free World 5

Joel pulled over and turned to look at Paige saying ''here is okay, right?''

''Yes, thanks for bringing me to school. You didn't have to do that'' Paige said the last part softly but Joel still heard it and laughed. He got down from the car and went to her side and opened the door for her. Paige didn't see him early and got down bumping into his chest and he held her waist. Her body froze as she looked at their intimate posture. Joel looked at her and felt strange too.

Joel seemed to have come back to his senses and stepped back and apologised ''I'm sorry. I just wanted to open the door for you''

''Is alright. I will get going now'' Paige said and Joel nodded his car.

''Study hard then'' Joel said and got into his car, driving away.

Paige stood at the same spot watching as the car drove out of her sight. She touched her rising heartbeat and murmured ''If my heart keeps beating fast like this whenever I see him. How am I going to stop loving him?''

She soon remembered her reason for coming to school early and cussed ''oh my diary. Shit!!!''

Paige arrived at the place Jordan Attoh always parked his car and didn't see him. She looked around the other cars parked and still didn't see his car or himself.

''Hm'' she humped ''his car is not here, where is he? Could it be that he didn't come to school today? Rich people always do whatever they want, I almost forgot''

Paige turned to go and Jordan Attoh arrived in his car and pulled just a distance away from her. Paige turned and saw him getting down and she hurried towards her. she stretched her hand towards him saying 'where is it'' she asked and Jordan Attoh looked at her interestingly and smirked.

'"What?'' Jordan Attoh asked and leaned against his car lazily.

''You know what it is. My diary, give it to me'' Paige said impatiently.

''Your diary?'' Jordan Attoh asked again and folded his arms against his chest smugly.

''Don't pretend as if you don't know what I'm talking about. I mistakenly left my diary in the bag yesterday. I know you have it so give it to me already before I lose my patience'' Paige said and Jordan Attoh chuckled.

''Oh, so that was a diary? I thought it was a story book?'' Jordan Attoh said.

''You did not read my diary by any chance, did you?'' Paige asked and Jordan Attoh smiled.

''No way. Are you crazy? How can you just read someone's diary and act like is nothing? Isn't this too much? I mean, how can you read what's not yours?'' Paige asked angrily.

''That bag contained the shirt you gave me so everything in it is mine'' Jordan told her. Paige hit her chest trying to calm herself down even though she wanted so much to give him a punch.

''What?'' Paige asked and chuckled sarcastically.

''Oh, so that was a diary? I thought it was a story book though. It was quite Interesting'' Jordan Attoh said while looking at Paige's face that gave off different expressions of anger each time. She was clearly angry and above all flustered and Jordan Attoh was enjoying seeing her that way.

''Are you trying to make me mad right now?'' Paige asked.

''You're quite capable you know. I wouldn't have guessed, ever'' Jordan Attoh said.

''Fine!! Are you happy now? You know everything about me in just one night. You must be excited. Getting all that information for free'' Paige said and laughed more at herself because behind her tough appearance was the fear that her most cherished secret was found out by the one person she hated the most. Her eyes waivered.

''No, the real excitement is just getting started Part-time'' Jordan Attoh said amusingly.

''What? Part Part-time? Who, Me?'' Paige asked and chuckled.

''Yes, that's the name only I will call you by'' Jordan Attoh said and smiled.

''Give me my diary, I am getting late for my lectures'' Paige said looking at her wrist watch.

''You didn't come expecting me to just give you that dairy like that, did you?'' Jordan asked her.

''What do you want?'' Paige asked back impatiently.

''Be my slave for two months'' Jordan said and leaned back on the car. Paige busted into laughter before saying to him.

''What? Your slave for two months? Whoa. You are even more crooked than I thought. Wait. Do you think we are acting 'boys before flowers?' or perhaps you have read too many books and you think you can apply what happens in those cheesy romance novels to real life? Look here, wake up, okay. We are leaving in a free world, Mister'' Paige said and laughed again mumbling to herself.

''Did you just insult me?'' Jordan asked angrily.

''Unless you don't understand English and needs a translator but yes, I just insulted you. what are you going to do about that?'' Paige said and looked at him daringly.

''Well, let's see how the school will view you after they find out that the arrogant campus belle is actually a poor penny pitcher who juggles different part-time jobs just to survive?''

''How dare you say that about me? Did you investigate me?'' Paige asked feeling suffocated.

''I didn't have to do much, since all the information I needed were right inside your diary. Even your nonexistence love life is written there'' Jordan mocked her.

''You are really obnoxious. I hate you so much right now'' Paige said feeling disgusted.

''The choice is yours. Anyways, or you can just get on your knees here and apologise to me and I will let you go'' Jordan said.

''Never. I will never beg a scum like you because I didn't do anything bad to you'' Paige said back.

Jordan Attoh looked at her determined face and smiled. He removed his phone and made a call, putting it on loudspeaker. The call soon connected and he spoke.

''Am I speaking to the school announcer's president?'' Jordan asked and looked at Paige's face which had turned into shock and disbelieve and smirked.

''Yes, this is Hakim, how may I help you?'' the voice replied.

''Well, I recently stumbled upon a scoop about the campus belle and was wondering if you would like to run a special on it?'' Jordan said and Paige tried to snatch the phone from him ''what? Do you have something to say to me?'' Jordan asked Paige.

''Stop that call'' Paige said softly.

''What did you say? I didn't hear you''

''I said stop the call. I will do whatever you want'' Paige said, almost screaming at him.

''Hello, Hakim. Right, let's talk another day. I am having a conversation with the campus belle, bye'' Jordan hung up and put the phone into his pocket and looked at Paige saying ''wasn't that so nice to come to a consensus?''

''You win. I will do it. Yes, but let me warn you about something. If I find out that anyone of your friends knows about this diary, I will kill you Jordan Attoh'' Paige said through gritted teeth.

''How did you know my name. I didn't tell you my name. that I am sure of it'' Jordan asked and Paige frowned. It seemed to be the case, but how did she even know his name if he didn't tell her? Paige found it strange herself.

''I will keep it safe. Don't worry'' Jordan said and opened his car door. He removed a phone case and handed to Paige saying 'here, have it''

''What is this?'' Paige asked as she took it.

''Can't you read?'' Jordan asked back.

''I can read but, why are you giving me a phone? I have a phone'' Paige said.

''This is a limited edition of Samsung's new Apple phone. It has a lot of applications and is useful. My number is already stored in it. I have also registered it with a new card for you, you can put your old card in the other side'' Jordan said.

''You still haven't told me why you are giving me a phone when I didn't ask for one''

''Throw the one you have away'' Jordan said and Paige laughed at him saying.

''Mister, why should I throw away a phone that is functioning well? Besides, I still haven't finished paying the instalment price for it'' Paige said and laughed again.

''In any case, don't receive or call me through that old phone. Use this and answer whenever I call you. Every morning you are responsible for my breakfast'' Jordan said and removed a sheet of paper from the car and gave to Paige adding ''this is my breakfast schedule; you must follow it. I hate mistakes so; you must be very careful and don't be more than five minutes late when I call for you''

''What are you? A prince? Why are there so many things about just one person?'' Paige said sarcastically.

''If you don't go right now, you will be late for class, again!'' Jordan said and Paige looked at her watch and screamed.

''How did you know my schedule? Whatever, I don't have the time to bicker with you. Damn it'' Paige said and ran along

Jordan Attoh chuckled and looked at her retreating figure interestingly. 

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