Purple Romance

Chapter 123: 123 When the Truth is like a hard capsule, choking you 2

Chapter 123: 123 When the Truth is like a hard capsule, choking you 2

Kobby pulled Calia out of the hotel and they got into his car. once they were inside the car, Calia culled back and became docile, a total opposite of her brazen attitude earlier.

''Are you now acting shy? I think is already too late to do that? I thought you were quite brave earlier on?'' Kobby asked her and she blushed and looked away. Kobby didn't say anything and started driving away and she asked.

''Where are you taking me?''

''To register and get our marriage certificate. Didn't you want me to prove myself to you earlier?'' Kobby asked as he drove out of the hotel's parking area.

''Wait. I was just messing around with Rihan. That woman totally got me pissed and I just said those words in the spur of the moment to get back at her'' Calia said.

''So, you mean, you don't intend to marry me?'' Kobby asked and pulled over at the roadside.

''No, is not that. Off course I want to marry you, but, I feel that we will be rushing things if we were to get married suddenly. I still have a show on tonight, right? So, how about we discuss that after the show?'' Calia asked cautiously.

''So, you asked me if I liked your?'' Kobby pointed at her breasts and she flushed and quickly used her bag to cover her chest ''you asked me that kind of question in front of everyone because you wanted to get back at Rihan, but now, I am getting curious as to how they would feel in my hands'' Kobby released his seatbelt and pressed the control adjustment button of Calia's seat and lowered it down.

''Youyou, what do you think you are doing? We are in the middle of the road'' Calia stuttered.

''The window glasses are opaque. Cal, you shouldn't provoke a man that way unless you want to be labelled as a tease'' Kobby said and leaned over, trapping her as she laid on the seat with nowhere to go. Kobby smirked after seeing her shut eyes. ''Open your eyes and look at me, Calia'' Kobby whispered into her ears and her face reddened. ''I will take you here if you don't open your eyes'' he said again and Calia opened her eyes.

He was on top of her and their position was ambiguous. He was so close to her that, any slight movement would make their lips to touch. Calia looked at his lips that were dangerously close to her and wanted to taste them. She subconsciously bit her lips and Kobby's gaze darkened, he bent down slowly and bit her lips and she hissed.

''That hurts'' Calia said.

''Calia, you are lucky you have a show tonight. If not, I wouldn't have let you off today'' Kobby said and pressed the button and it brought her back to her original position. Calia looked at him and spoke.

''Let's live together after the show'' Kobby turned and looked at her. ''I know that you are a man and you have your needs too''

'What nonsense did that woman put into your head?'' Kobby asked and frowned.

''She told me that you hated virgins because they were clingy and complicated. Is not that I don't want to go further with you. I just feel that it is too early to do that'' Calia said and Kobby laughed. ''why are you laughing? Do you also think I am nave?'' Calia asked.

''Calia, you are not nave and I don't hate virgins or whatever. Didn't you know that woman was a liar? Also, what kind of man would I be if I were to force myself on you? I have needs, yes, but they are not important to me as you are. I am not with you because I want to satisfy my needs. You mean more than just a woman I want to sleep with. Listen'' Kobby touched her hands and pulled her closer to himself ''apart from the fact that I love you, my daughter loves you and my late wife also approves of you. You don't have to force yourself if you are not ready. Let's allow things to flow naturally between us, okay?''


''Now, stop talking nonsense like let's move in together. You are already pushing my buttons when we are not staying together. Do you think I will act like a saint when the woman I like is sleeping next to me? Calia, I think you shouldn't hold me in such high esteem. I am a man who finds you attractive and imagine daily the kind of things I would do to you'' Calia moved back into her seat and pointed at the roadside saying.

''I still have things to do at the office. Please send me there'' Kobby laughed and shook his head before driving away.


Maria was busy listening to her online lectures. She had her earphones on her ears as she watched the screen attentively. Professor Kodney was teaching principles of marketing.

Ad-Din stood came out of his office and was about to go enter Paul's office when he saw Maria fixed her gaze on the screen and smiled. He walked quietly and stood at the door watching her. He thought about what Max told him this morning and sighed. He really didn't know how to disclose the truth to her. He knew it would hurt her.

Maria turned and saw him at the door and removed the earphones and spoke to him ''what are you doing standing there? Missed me already?''

''Concentrate on your lectures'' Ad-Din said and walked into the office.

''We are done. Professor Kodney gave us an assignment. She asked us to find out the marketing principles and strategies that most companies employ for their products. I intend to ask the team manager. He said I can go to him if I have any questions'' Maria said as she closed the website.

''So, you prefer to ask the team manager than ask your husband who is the CEO? Maria, is there something wrong with your brain?'' Ad-Din asked.

''Is because my husband is the CEO that I dare not display my ignorance in front of him. I don't want him to think his wife is muddleheaded''

''Not at all. I would never think of you that way. Come, let's go and have lunch''

''But, I already made plans with Monroe and he said he had something to tell me''

''Monroe said that he had something to tell you? When?''

''This morning. He said it concerned my mom. Yesterday, I was over emotional that I didn't listen to anything he had to say. He sounded serious, so I want to hear him out. I just hope, my mom is not in some kind of shitty business'' Maria said worriedly.

''What if she is involved in shady business? What will you do?'' Ad-Din asked, testing the waters.

''I don't know, but I just hope that it isn't something that is really dirty because I will get hurt. I know she left me a long time ago and she is probably not thinking about me anyways, but, a lot of things have happened to me before and I've come to realise that, the things our parents do always come back to hurt the children. I hope whatever my mom is doing isn't something I won't be proud of''

''Maria, no matter what it is, I want you to have faith in me, in us. I am never going to leave you or let you face the world alone again''

''I know. That's why I hope it won't be something that society will frown upon''

''I'm going to get my suit. Let's have lunch together with Monroe'' Ad-Din said and stood up from the table he was sitting on.

''Okay, I will get ready too''

CEO's office.

Ad-Din got into his office and called Monroe and the latter answered the phone ''what is the almighty CEO calling me for?''

''Monroe, Maria told me you wanted to talk to her about Alecia Maria Lee'' Ad-Din asked straight away.

''You know about that woman?'' Monroe asked over the phone.

''Yes, so please can you not tell Maria right now about that woman? Things are a bit complicated because someone we all know is a victim of what her mother does, so I hope that I will be the first person to tell her before she hears it outside'' Ad-Din said.

''I understand. I won't tell Maria now, but there is something you should know too'' Monroe said.

''What is it?''

''That woman is in front of the company right now. I just came from the court and saw her. She is standing across the road and looking over here'' Monroe said as he looked at Alecia Maria Lee standing at the roadside beside her car looking at the company.

''Don't let her come in. I will be there immediately'' Ad-Din hung up and opened the door to leave and saw Maria.

''Where are you going?'' Maria asked after seeing the flustered look on his face. ''Tell me, were you doing something behind my back? Wait!!! Were you eating something good without me?'' Maria asked and laughed.

''Maria, is good that you are here. I want you to stay in the office, don't come out. I will bring you something good to eat later on'' Ad-Din said.

''Why are you suddenly behaving strangely. Ad, is there something wrong?'' Maria asked.

''No, just listen to me and don't come out, okay?'' Ad-Din said and pushed Maria into the office and locked it before running out.

''Ad, open the door. What is going on?'' Maria felt frustrated and sighed. She went to the glass window and looked outside. She saw Ad-Din and Monroe walk across the road to a woman and her whole body turned cold as she murmured ''mom''

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