Purple Romance

Chapter 120: 120 Because I was the one left behind 3

Chapter 120: 120 Because I was the one left behind 3

Maria woke up with the worst hangover ever in her entire life. She was someone who could hold in her alcohol well but because of the stress that came with her worries last night, she easily got drunk. Putting her head on the bead's dashboard to support herself, Maria leaned against the bed and touched her throbbing head.

Ad-Din walked in at that moment and saw her leaning against the head of the bed and sighed shaking his head as he spoke ''I don't know whether I married an alcoholic or a brazen woman who dares to drink herself to death while crying in the arms of another man''

Maria pursed her lips having no explanation to give. She just stared at him and the cup in his hand and asked ''what is that in your hands?''

''Go and brush your teeth and come and drink this tea. I prepared some hangover soup for you to drink later'' Ad-Din said and placed the cup of tea he prepared on the vanity table. Maria stood up and hugged him suddenly surprising him as she spoke.

''Only you love me the most. You didn't marry an alcoholic. I am not a brazen woman too. I promise to not do that again'' she said and tightened her grip on him. Ad-Din sighed feeling all his previous anger dissipating. He simply couldn't get angry nor scold her no matter what.

''Go and brush your teeth. I will be outside waiting'' Ad-Din said to her and released her grip from him and walked out.

Maria turned and looked at the retreating figure and felt bad. She needed to explain things to him before he misunderstands her, she thought before going to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Maria came out of their bedroom and saw Ad-Din sitting in front of his laptop speaking. She got closer and realised he was having a business meeting and she stopped at a distance not wanting to distract him. Ad-Din looked up and saw her and smiled and the other person in the video asked curiously.

''Mr. Denarius, what are you looking at? Did you see something interesting?'' a Chinese man spoke on the screen and Ad-Din nodded and looked back.

''I saw something beautiful. I was looking at my wife'' Ad-Din replied and Maria blushed and smiled.

''Oh, so, is true you are taken? Mr. Denarius, who is this woman that conquered your heart? Can I see her?''

''If you promise not to fall for her, I can let you meet her. my wife is a charmer, I am afraid you will not find other women as good as her after meeting her, Mr. Shen Lin'' Ad-Din bragged over the video call making the old man behind the screen to laugh.

''Ad-Din, you are still funny as ever. Maadi should hear this. she will laugh her heart out'' Mr. Shen Lin said.

''Maria, come over here. I want you to meet the main investor of our company Mr. Shen Lin'' Ad-Din said and Maria got closer and he pulled her to sit on his laps. Maria flushed as she tried to get up but Ad-Din didn't give her the chance and wrapped his hands tightly around her waist.

''I see; your wife is a shy one?'' Mr. Shen Lin said.

''Uncle Shen, isn't she pretty?'' Ad-Din asked as he kissed Maria's cheek.

''She is indeed pretty but what to do? I find my Maadi prettier than any other woman'' Mr. Shen Lin said and they all laughed.

''Maria, this is Mr. Shen Lin, our company's major shareholder. I prefer to call him Uncle because he and my father are childhood friends. Uncle Shen, this is my lovely wife Maria Portia Lee'' Ad-Din did the introduction.

''Hello, Mr. Shen nice to meet you'' Maria said politely.

''Hello Maria, you don't have to be formal with me. just address me as Uncle Shen too. What do you like to eat? I will get you some when I am coming from China'' Mr. Shen said and Maria blushed and turned to look at Ad-Din.

''Uncle Shen, how about you release 5% shares to my wife as our wedding gift?'' Ad-Din teased the old man.

''Oh, look at who is trying to scam my husband off his money?'' Maadi appeared on the screen standing behind Mr. Shen. ''You, naughty boy haven't stopped scamming elders of their money, huh?''

''Aunt Maadi, if you put it that way, my wife will think her husband is a thief. I was just asking for a wedding gift'' Ad-Din said and winked at the old lady on the screen and she laughed.

''She is a pretty one. Make sure you give birth to beautiful mixed breed babies. I want a chocolate coloured baby to hold. Let me tell you. My neighbour's son married a woman from Africa with beautiful skin, my neighbour has been bragging about it nonstop. My ears are already threatening to bleed. Now that your wife is even prettier than that woman, we will see who she is going to brag to. Little Ad-Din, send me little, what is your name?'' Maadi asked as her face took over the screen blocking her husband.

''Maria'' Maria said.

''Good. What a beautiful name. send me little Maria's pictures to me. I won't let that woman brag about her daughter in law to me again"

''Aunt Maadi, I hope you and that your neighbour won't get into a fight soon?'' Ad-Din said and laughed.

''Silly boy, we are so old. Why should we be fighting? I also want to brag that my niece in law is also a dark skinned woman'' Maadi said.

''Okay, I will send you a lot of pictures then. Aunt, what will you give us as a wedding gift if I send you all the pictures?' Ad-Din asked.

''Naughty boy. He is up to no good again. Maria, I will take your number from Ad-Din and call you later. Let's have a ladies chat, okay?''

''Yes, aunt''

''Are you leaving me out already? Let me tell you aunt, my wife and I are a set. You can't take one and leave the other''

''What set? Are you twins?'' Mr. Shen asked.

''Uncle Shen, aunt Maadi, I still have to feed my wife. I will file the document and email it to you today'' Ad-Din said.

''Sure, I will have a look at them and we will decide where the site will be. Maria, take care of our Ad-Din for us'' Mr. Shen Lin said.

''I will uncle''

''Maria, I will chat you later on messenger, okay?'' Maadi said.

''Yes, aunt. I will be expecting it'' Maria said.

''Bye, uncle Shen'' Ad-Din said and ended the video chat.

''I didn't know you were so good with elders?'' Maria asked and turned her face to look at him.

''I am good with elders and even taking care of my wife. Aren't I just a wonderful man?'' Ad-Din said smugly.

''Oh, you are such an all-round man. I love that''

''Let's go and get you some soup to drink first. How is the headache now?'' Ad-Din asked as they walked to the kitchen dining table.

''Is better. Tell me, what kind of tea was that? I felt much better after drinking it''

''Why did you drink so much last night? Did something happen while I was away?'' Ad-Din asked as he placed the bowl of soup on the table for her.

''Nothing much'' Maria said.

''Nothing much and you dared to drink and even cried so hard in your sleep? Maria, I hope you are not hiding anything from me?'' Ad-Din asked.

''Is about my mother'' Maria said and Ad-Din sat across her. she had never spoke about her mom to him except during one time 8 years ago. He realised she didn't like to talk about her mother therefore he never asked her about it too.

''Your mother? Did you meet up with her?'' Ad-Din asked and Maria shook her head.

''No. She didn't come to find me and I didn't meet up with her. I've been having dreams about her lately so I got worried that she might be in some kind of trouble. So, I decided to let Monroe find out about her. I wanted to be sure she wouldn't appear out of the blue and disrupt my life''

''So, what did you find out?''

''I found out that she was living a good life after abandoning me. she looked really good that I felt hurt. I know it was childish of me to behave that way''

''It wasn't childish. Being abandoned by the one person who was supposed to protect you isn't something one can forget in a day. No matter how old you are. When someone you trust leaves you, it will hurt''

''I didn't think I will feel so much pain seeing that she was living a good life. She still looked at same like age didn't even make a number on her. she gave birth to me when she was 18 years. Is already being 16 years now since she left. I don't know why I got depressed over that. But, that was it. I won't cry over her again. she is living a good life, so I won't worry about her anymore. Ad-Din, I'm sorry for drinking too much. If I ever drink like that again, then I am a pig'' Maria said and Ad-Din chuckled.

''Eat and get ready. Don't you have classes today? Max wants to discuss something with me. I will return and we will go to the office together'' Ad-Din said and stood up. he tussled Maria's hair before going out. Maria smiled happily and continued to drink the soup.

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