Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

The group began to move supplies into the villa, selecting several houses as storage warehouses.

In reality, it wouldnt be so troublesome if they just placed everything into Chen Luos supernatural space.

However, the timing was not yet ripe, and only the core members knew about it.

Moreover, for individuals with supernatural abilities, having so many people around made this moving task seem insignificant.

Soon, the supplies from the heavy truck were unloaded, and everyone was elated.

With so many provisions, they would have enough to eat for a long time, including some meat products such as sealed duck legs, chicken feet, sausages, and cured meat.

Without resting, they continued to move towards Chen Guangs location to transport the supplies.

In two days, a considerable number of zombies would evolve into level one zombies, almost like a scheduled program.

So they needed to finish moving the supplies before that deadline.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to think about moving supplies again.

After some consideration, Chen Luo decided to leave the Thunderbolt King behind to guard the home.

With the Thunderbolt King present, there was hardly any threat from ordinary people.

The Thunderbolt King was truly a reliable watchdog. It could discern danger and would genuinely run away if there was any. Without Chen Luos orders, there would be no fighting to the death.

Chen Luo couldnt stay behind to guard the home; he had to protect the girls during the transportation.

After reaching Chen Guangs location, they first transported all the supplies that Chen Guang and his group had stored back to their base. Chen Guang continued searching for more supplies.

The amount of supplies in the residential area was truly abundant.

Who didnt have a half bag of rice, flour, and some snacks in their homes? Large water containers were also almost a necessity in every household.

Chen Luo vigorously continued moving the supplies, but somehow news about Chen Guang and his groups departure leaked out.

Other survivors within the residential area came running, crying and trying to stop them.

You cant leave! Who will protect us if you go? they pleaded.

These people were also aware of their own vulnerability and understood that they relied on Chen Guang and his group for protection.

Chen Luo chuckled and sarcastically replied, Oh, you guys are so amazing. Either you can do magic or perform lightning whip combos.

Do you really need someone else to protect you? Your numbers are even greater than ours. Cant you rely on yourselves? If you dont change, its your own fault if you die.

Chen Luo then used two spatial spheres in the empty space beside them, causing a detonation that frightened the approaching crowd, dispersing them in fear.

While others were busy with the supplies, Chen Luo didnt stay idle. He entered an uncollected residential building on the ground floor.

Once inside, he retrieved 500 pounds of sausages from his own storage space and placed them in this particular household.

These sausages were Chen Luos personal stash.

When the girls discovered this abundance of sausages upon entering, they would surely be overjoyed.

Chen Luo sighed, thinking, Ive gone to great lengths just to let you enjoy sausages.

He couldnt reveal himself or take credit for his good deeds. He preferred to be the man silently supporting them from behind.

As expected, after a while, an earth-shattering scream erupted from the room where Chen Luo had placed the sausages.

People who were unaware would have thought they encountered terrifying zombies. The girls blushed as they looked at the sausages hanging in the room.

So many sausages, lets eat some.

How can there be so many sausages?

Maybe this family was in the sausage business? Who cares, lets just enjoy them.

Shuyun, with a delighted expression, reported to Chen Luo. He smiled and said, Then lets have sausages for dinner.

With the help of the heavy-duty trucks and buses, it took about five trips to transport the supplies from Chen Guans neighborhood.

The acquired resources, to be conservative, would last everyone at least three months.

Shu Yun entrusted the most valuable sausages to Ma Yu for safekeeping.

Sausages are not easily perishable.

Chen Luo didnt object and thought, Store them with me. These 500 kilograms of sausages might actually turn into 1,000 kilograms.

Given the opportunity, let Ma Yu turn his stored pork into some cured meat and sausages.

It takes around three kilograms of meat to produce one kilogram of sausages.

Served alongside sausages, it would make a delicious meal.

Ma Yu sliced the five kilograms of sausages, placed them in a pot, gave them a simple steam, and the fragrant aroma filled the air.

Theres no need for fancy preparations.

With five kilograms of sausages, paired with rice, its already enough to make a delicious meal for everyone.

Just the thought of having so many sausages made everyone delighted. Even if Chen Luo ate a bit more, it would still be enough for them to enjoy dozens of meals, right?

Just kidding, with so many tasty options available, who would just settle for sausages?

After finishing his meal, Chen Luo laid comfortably on the bed, feeling content.

Then, a knocking sound was heard at the door.

Chen Luo smirked and thought to himself, On the third floor, it must be just me and Mi Li, or rather, Mi Li alone.

So, shes learned to take the initiative, huh?

Chen Luo opened the door, but to his surprise, it was Mi Ling standing there.

Mi Ling was wearing a black long dress, seemingly fond of the color black.

So, the black item I secretly took before its a perfect match, isnt it?

The loose-fitting long dress couldnt hide her astonishingly beautiful figure.

Oh, Chen Luo noticed that Mi Ling was holding a plastic bag. He wondered what was inside.

Mi Lings expression became somewhat unnatural as she handed the plastic bag to Chen Luo.

Chen Luos face was filled with astonishment as he received it.

Mi Lings face also turned red in an instant.

A small umbrella?

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Mi Lings face flushed with embarrassment, secretly gritting her teeth. Why was he looking at me with such a shocked expression?

If it werent for Mi Li, do you think I would willingly do something like this?

Mi Ling had prepared a whole speech to educate Chen Luo, but when it came down to it, she couldnt say it.

Mi Ling stammered, Mi Li is still young, maybe in a couple of years If youre ready to be a father, then consider it me meddling in your affairs.

After speaking, Mi Ling hastily opened the door and tried to leave. In her haste, she bumped her head on the door with a thud, but she didnt even care.

It was too embarrassing.

Chen Luo called out, Wait, Mi Ling, I also have something to give you.

Dont get the wrong idea. Mi Ling, Mi Li, and Dazhu are approaching the third level, and Chen Luo is determined to help them promote to that level as soon as possible.

Chen Luo still has half of the Rat King crystals and level five fire-type crystals remaining. These can accelerate their advancement.

With each level-up, the difficulty increases exponentially. It takes other people twenty days to reach the third level, but at this rate, it would be impossible to reach the king level in just a few years.

In a few years, there will be quite a few king-level survivors among the human population.

The reason is simple: advanced crystals can greatly expedite the leveling process. With a sufficient quantity of high-level crystals, Chen Luo could reach the king level within a month.

But its clearly an impossible task. With these zombies around, Chen Luo would only be going to his death.

In her panic and confusion, Mi Ling didnt even hear what Chen Luo said.

Shaking his head, Chen Luo proceeded to Mi Lis room.

When Mi Li saw Chen Luo, her face turned slightly red.

Not today, she said.

Chen Luo felt a bit frustrated. Some things could be resolved with healing magic, but when it came to certain relatives, magic simply didnt work.

There was no way to drive away these bothersome relatives.

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