Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 170

Chapter 170

It doesnt mean that awakening some kind of ability guarantees mastery of that skill.

But even the most basic application, anyone can do it.

For example, with fire ability, as long as you concentrate the power in your hand, it becomes a fireball. But more advanced skills like flame explosions require personal comprehension.

Chen Luo tried to condense his time ability in his hand to see what effect it would have.

But Chen Luo was confused, there was no reaction, and he didnt feel his ability decreasing.

How could this be?

At that time, Chen Luo used time acceleration, but he didnt know how he did it and didnt dare to continue trying.

Chen Luo cursed silently, wondering if he could only comprehend it before dying?

Chen Luo began to carefully recall the feeling and visuals when he used time acceleration.

At that time, he shouted in his heart, Mutant, go die, perish early.

He hoped that the mutants life would end, and it did, which resulted in the use of time acceleration.

Chen Luo wondered, could it be that time ability is not used with the body but with the mind?

It seems so. When Jiang Chuxue, another time ability user, stopped time for herself, she didnt make any movements.

No signs, unable to resist, unable to withstand the time freeze that even stopped the ability.

At that time, Chen Luo felt as if he had seen a ghost, unable to understand.

Time is invisible and intangible, cant be seen or touched, cant be used with the body, but with the mind.

Although he didnt know much about time abilities, humans have some understanding of time.

Time reversal, time freeze, time acceleration.

Lets start with the time acceleration he used before.

Chen Luos eyes fixed on a white teacup on the opposite table.

This teacup was new, as he accidentally broke another one, so he replaced it.

Make it old.

Chen Luo stared at the teacup, but it didnt age.

Confused, Chen Luo scratched his head, thinking, am I useless?

Suddenly, Chen Luo realized something was wrong.

My ability has decreased significantly, so I must have used time acceleration, but I didnt know it.

After contemplating for a while, Chen Luos eyes lit up.

The brand-new teacup  will take several years  for it to  completely change, maybe he had only accelerated time for half a year or a year.

Chen Luo took the teacup and his eyes brightened. It was indeed different from before, with a slight yellowish tint that he hadnt noticed before.

But something seemed off. Continuous use of time acceleration should have made it age.

Could it be that I still cant use it continuously on the same target?

No more inanimate objects, lets experiment with a living creature, as their changes are more noticeable.

Chen Luo left the room and went to the yard.

First, he looked at Xiao Hong, who was incubating eggs in her nest.

Xiao Hong  glanced warily at Chen Luo. Although she was afraid of this non-dog person, her children were about to be born.

She wouldnt allow him to eat any of her eggs.

Use Xiao Hong for the experiment?

No, what if she becomes an old mother hen and cant lay eggs anymore?

Chen Luo also looked at Silver Wolf, the Kings wife, who was about to give birth.

That wouldnt work either. If any unknown changes occurred, it would be bad if the Kings wife disappeared.

Lets find a small animal instead.

In the end, Chen Luo chose a dung beetle pushing a dung ball.

This dung beetle was smaller in size compared to others.

After using time acceleration, the size of this dung beetle visibly grew at an accelerated rate.

Unaware of the changes, it was rather delighted, thinking it could push the dung ball faster and eat more dung.

Chen Luos face turned pale. Suddenly, a quarter of his ability was gone.

Compared to accelerating the teacup, it consumed too much.

Is the consumption between inanimate objects and living beings different?

It seems that the effects of Jiang Chuxues time-stop vary depending on the target.

For Chen Luo, who was at the King level at the time, it could cause a ten-second time-stop, but for a Level Ten ability  user, it could last over half a minute.

The consumption of my time acceleration also varies depending on the target.

Chen Luo returned to the cultivation area where the potatoes planted by Mengyin Ouyang Lu were almost ripe.

Lets try it on them.

In the blink of an eye, the small potatoes turned into big ones.

Chen Luo was pleasantly surprised. Could it be that time acceleration can be used for farming?

But its too extravagant. Chen Luo can only affect individual targets, and he cant grow more than a few potatoes in a day.

Only someone with a problem in their head would use time-based abilities for farming.

The energy consumption is significant; it needs improvement to reduce it.

Hmm, if it can make potatoes and dung beetles grow quickly, what about using it on humans?

For example, Chen Luo knows clearly that he will become a King-level Ability User in the future. If he accelerates time for a few years, he can directly jump to the King level?

It sounds unbelievable, but time manipulation is a very mystical ability, isnt it?

Perhaps its possible?

One must be ruthless to stand firm. Chen Luos face showed determination as he was tough on himself.

After using it, Chen Luo directly collapsed to the ground, completely drained of his energy, yet his strength didnt increase at all.

Even though absorbing crystals from the same level would contain different ability users abilities, Chen Luos limit didnt increase.

Chen Luo stood in front of the mirror and noticed a changehis youthful appearance remained, but he had a full beard.


Can time acceleration not affect Ability users levels?

Maybe Im being too greedy. If it works, I would be invincible and could mass-produce King-level Ability users.

What use does time acceleration have?

It seems to have no effect on the targets, whether its dung beetles or potatoes.

It has a miraculous effect on mutants because their lifespan is short.

But for normal, steadily growing zombies, it has no effect.

Chen Luo is aware that he cant make them instantly die of old age yet.

Can time reversal make the target regress to a weaker state?

Maybe time manipulation will truly show its effectiveness when I reach a higher level.

The power of a fireball from a Level One fire Ability users and a King-level Ability users is different because their crystal qualities differ.

Currently, the most useful time technique seems to be time-stop, but Chen Luo doesnt know how to use it.

Jiang Chuxue knows time-stop but not time acceleration.

Everyone has different innate talents.

Could it be that my greatest achievement in spatial abilities is Void Walk, while in terms of time, its time acceleration?

And what about combining spatial and temporal abilities? What would happen?

Chen Luo shook his head, thinking that the consumption would be significant. He didnt dare to try it because if the crystals shattered completely, it would be fatal.

Theres no need to take such risks.

Returning to his room, Mi Li habitually leaned against him.

Mi Li curiously asked, Is time acceleration magical?

Since Chen Luo has time manipulation abilities and had just practiced time acceleration, he didnt hide it from Mi Li.

Chen Luo explained the effects, and Mi Li suddenly had a whimsical idea, imagining herself as a twenty-two or twenty-three-year-old.

Just then, Mengyin excitedly shouted from outside the courtyard, Big brother, my potatoes are ripe!

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