Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

It took more than an hour for the members to clear the zombies in the village.

There was only one formidable zombie, Ironhead.

Except for the two members killed by Ironhead, no one else died. Eight members sustained minor injuries, which were easily treated.

They acquired some supplies, but their value was limited. There were only some corn, sweet potatoes, and sprouting potatoes, barely enough to be used as seeds.

Chen Luos purpose in coming today was to assess the situation and clear the zombies while he was at it.

It was time to go back and organize manpower to build a new base.

Chen Luo planned to envelop the entire village and construct thick, sturdy walls on all sides.

Originally, the village had only a little over a thousand residents, but accommodating over ten thousand people posed no problem.

Chen Luo also had to set aside an area for cultivation. They couldnt possibly plant outside the base, right?

He left Xia Haoran with a hundred people to stay behind while he, accompanied by Ironhead, returned to the base.

Chen Luo immediately began searching the nearby bases, openly recruiting manpower.

Recruiting Earth-elemental ability users, giving priority to those with strong abilities, providing sufficient meals, and offering resources or crystals as compensation based on daily work.

If you have experience in building houses, even if youre not an Earth-elemental, you can still apply.

Light-element users, those with auxiliary abilities, and those from the Nature element can join unconditionally.

Whats Chen Luos strength? Is there any need to secretly poach someone elses talents?

If I cant retain my workforce, dont blame me. If youre dissatisfied, you can come and challenge me.

In just two days, Chen Luo managed to assemble a team of five hundred Earth-elemental ability users.

Of course, it was so easy because the work wasnt dangerous, and the compensation was high.

You could obtain crystals without having to kill zombies.

When Chen Luo initially built the villa base area, it didnt take much time, and there were fewer people. At that time, his level was also lower.

Some of these Earth-elemental ability users had reached the third level, so their construction speed was naturally different.

Chen Luo didnt demand a very fast pace; finishing within a month was sufficient.

He didnt have his Earth-elemental members involved in construction; they had to battle zombies every day to continue growing.

There was no point in wasting time on mundane construction tasks.

As for the new bases location being exposed, Chen Luos base wasnt hidden in deep, remote forests. As long as your eyes werent blind, you could spot it.

There was simply no need to hide it.

More and more people were advancing to the third level, and the number of Chen Luos members was increasing at a rate of about thirty to fifty every day.

As long as they met the criteria, Chen Luo accepted them all.

You might say this is unfair to the older members.

Of course, there is a difference between the early members and the newcomers. Many have already accumulated three hundred points and obtained elite member status.

Their positions are different.

Moreover, the more, the merrier. These are all individuals that Chen Luo brought in strictly.

Not absorbing new members would be a death sentence sooner or later.

Once a certain number is reached, Chen Luo will set even stricter conditions for recruitment.

On this day, Mengyin found Chen Luo holding a sprouting potato.

Chen Luo instructed Mengyin to focus on using the potato for testing.

Why a potato?

Many people love to eat potatoes. Some may not like eating meat but enjoy potatoes, and they have a high yield and grow quickly.

Mengyin said, I believe that with my Nature elemental ability, this potato seed has been improved, and it will have a significant yield.

The land was polluted, and only at least a fourth-level Nature elemental ability users power could neutralize it.

Whether Mengyins seeds would work, only testing would reveal.

Mengyin was just an ordinary member with less than ideal food, occasionally relying on Xiao Yu to improve her meals. She was willing to go to great lengths for better food. Mengyin eagerly watched Chen Luo.

Chen Luo chuckled, Give it a try when you reach the fourth level. Right now, youre in debt by 1,000 points.

Her debt was even higher than Thunderbolt kings.

Xiao Yu found another fifth-level crystal, which Chen Luo allocated to Mengyin to help her reach the fourth level sooner. Mengyin had excellent talent, but her crystal absorption had been delayed.

Mengyin left with a forlorn face, still hoping for a round of fried chicken.

In a coastal city.

The origin of life lies in the sea, and the creatures within it were among the first to undergo mutations, which often turned out to be the most terrifying.

Mutations themselves werent necessarily frightening, but what was truly frightening was the extreme growth in their desire for destructive attacks after the mutation.

Many marine creatures, after undergoing mutations, crawled onto land and attacked nearby humans.

Survivors were mostly living on the outskirts of cities where zombies were scarce.

After marine creatures came ashore, they faced zombies in front and mutated marine creatures behind, leaving them in a difficult situation. They had no choice but to retreat inland.

A crab measuring up to forty centimeters in length, with a somewhat darkened body, brandished two sharp pincers, which were almost as long as its body. It was the first to make its way onto the beach, advancing relentlessly.

Following that, a dense swarm of crabs poured out, moving horizontally.

Their speed was comparable to a pre-apocalypse persons full-speed sprint.

The first batch of tens of thousands of crabs frantically sought out living targets to attack.

Even zombies werent spared from their assault.

They seemed to be completely devoid of fear, more so than the zombies.

The crabs pincers could easily tear off substantial chunks of flesh from survivors, causing intense pain even for third-level physical ability users.

Some of the particularly outstanding mutated crabs could rival fourth-level ability users.

Occasionally, there were also massive, over three-meter-tall octopus-like creatures in the mix.

Without Chen Luo, even Chen Luos base would have been destroyed by this massive crab army.

The Thunderbolt king, when facing such a crab army, would have to yield without attempting to confront them head-on.

The unfortunate souls who encountered the crab army first were trapped within their base, left with no option but to panic.

Some crabs that had separated from the main group and were killed by survivors turned out to be inedible. Their meat was exceptionally unappetizing, emitting a foul odor, and consuming it made people nauseous and physically uncomfortable.

The tide had risen, and it seemed an exceptionally massive creature was capable of controlling the waves, flooding a large area.

Coincidentally, a relatively strong base was left in a miserable state due to this unexpected high tide. Most of their supplies were swallowed by the sea and damaged by the water.

The leader of the fifth-level base, Feng Zhengqing, had a deeply troubled expression. They had lost a significant portion of their resources, and some people had been swept away by the water.

Had the marine creatures undergone a mutation?

One of his subordinates, filled with worry, asked, Big brother, what should we do? Should we head to the city? Its clear we cant stay here any longer.

Go to the city?

Feng Zhengqing contemplated the situation. What if the tide continued to rise? What if it submerged the entire city? What if terrifying creatures made their way ashore? They couldnt stay in the coastal city any longer.

Divine Capital wasnt far from here. Perhaps heading to Divine Capital was the best option.

Feng Zhengqing quickly made up his mind.

This Yun City was ultimately too small of a stage.

After a day of preparations and gathering vehicles, Feng Zhengqing led over a thousand of his followers on their way to Divine Capital.

These were among the first survivors to enter Divine Capital.

Their supplies were meager, enough for only a few days, but Feng Zhengqing had no concerns. Only those without strength would worry about supplies, and if needed, they could just seize more.

Divine Capital was almost within reach, and Feng Zhengqing suddenly felt invigorated.

Not being at the Great Wall makes one no hero; a real dragon can cross the river.

(Pace quickened)

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