Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

After Haoran Xia killed Liu Mingliang, he returned to stand behind Chen Luo.

Chen Luo, oblivious to the horrified onlookers, confidently grabbed the iron chain that locked the mother chicken from Dragons hand.

Dragon was reluctant, his hand still clutching the chain tightly. The price Chen Luo was offering was far from what he had anticipated. However, once Chen Luo forcibly took the chain, Dragon didnt dare to reach out again, fearing a physical altercation.

My chicken, gone.

Chen Luo, on the other hand, had a satisfied smile on his face. He thought, it wouldnt hurt to feed Mi Li and Mi Ling with this chicken when I get the chance.

This chicken was truly ignorant of its situation. When it saw Chen Luo trying to grab its wing, it immediately pecked at Chen Luos arm. Its beak was quite sharp, but its level was too low to pierce the skin, let alone cause pain to Chen Luo.

Could Chen Luo indulge it?

He applied a bit of force and plucked out a cluster of feathers from the chicken.

Squawk, squawk, squawk!

The hen squawked in pain.

Chen Luo extended his hand and pointed at it, smiling mischievously. Try pecking me again, and Ill pluck all your feathers right here. Ill have you on my dinner table tonight. Dont believe me? Give it a try.

Chen Luo even reached his hand toward the chickens beak, and in response, the chicken backed down. It could still barely understand human speech. One more peck and it might meet its end.

The mother hen clearly cowered, keeping its head low.

Chen Luo spotted a bag made of urea on the opposite side, threw a crystal into it, exchanged it, and then placed the mother chicken inside.

Behave yourself, or Ill turn you into a bald chicken. There wont be any roosters interested in you anymore.

In just one minute, this mother chicken had become obedient in Chen Luos hands.

Dragon was once again astonished. So, this chicken had been asking for trouble all along. If only he had given it a good thrashing earlier.

Dragon had treated this chicken like a treasure, hoping it would lay more eggs. He had even gone as far as chaining it up, reluctant to scold or harm it. But little did he know that the chicken was completely ungrateful. It laid a few eggs in the beginning, but later on, it stopped. Apparently, it had been afraid of being slaughtered if it didnt lay eggs in the first two days.

Dragon sat down in despair, feeling like crying. My chicken! Have I been duped by the same person twice?

Chen Luo chuckled and left, thinking about finding a male chicken. He wondered if he could establish a chicken population. After all, eggs laid by only hens couldnt hatch into chicks.

Hmm, if he could find a female dog, could he mate her with the Thunderbolt King to produce puppies?

Xia Haoran was also close to advancing to the fourth level. Chen Luo planned to give him a fourth-level crystal tonight to help him advance more quickly.

Chen Luo went on a buying spree, not haggling over prices as long as they were reasonable and paying with crystals. Second-level crystals would gradually lose their value in the future, depreciating rapidly, while commodities would continue to appreciate. Holding onto second-level crystals for too long would lead to losses.

However, Chen Luo was frustrated because he hadnt seen anyone with advanced crystals or heard of anyone who had them. It seemed like finding someone as gullible as Jiang Wu was a rare occurrence.

Furthermore, he hadnt come across any elites yet. Chen Luos criteria for elites were those who could potentially advance to a ninth-level ability user, as seventh-levels were merely stronger cannon fodder. In the late stages of the apocalypse, seventh-level ability users found it challenging to survive, as the residual effects of king-level battles could easily kill them.

Chen Luo shook his head, thinking that ordinary ninth-levels were just minor characters. It was normal not to remember them all.

After making numerous purchases, Chen Luo had to acquire two more vehicles to transport all the goods. This behavior was quite conspicuous, but there was still some order here, and no one tried to rob him. Or perhaps, only fools would do so without understanding the situation.

After circling around, he returned to his stall and placed the hen in the trunk of the car.

Chen Luo looked at the chickens fiery red feathers and decided to give it a name: Xiao Hong.

Chen Luo sprinkled some rice for it, but it didnt eat. He sternly said, Eat, why arent you eating? If you dont eat, Ill pluck your feathers.

Xiao Hong looked frightened by the threat and began rapidly nodding, eating the rice.

Chen Luo smiled in satisfaction, thinking of himself as an animal whisperer.

Back in the car, Chen Luo turned on the air conditioning and planned to go out for another round when more people were around.

Chen Guang hesitantly said, Boss, I want to go out for a bit.

Chen Luo gave him a meaningful look and nodded, Be careful.

Chen Guangs face lit up, and he quickly left.

Chen Luo glanced at Su Dazhu and thought it was time to find him a wife.

For some reason, Chen Luo felt that Ma Yu was quite suitable. He had no romantic interest in Ma Yu, but Ma Yu had proven to be loyal. While her abilities were low, she was still considered part of the inner circle. It wouldnt be a bad idea if she could be with Su Dazhu.

Chen Luo took out his earphones, reclined in his seat, and pretended to nap while waiting for more people to arrive and for the organizer of this trade fair to reveal themselves.

As the number of people gradually increased, about an hour later, a convoy of vehicles began moving steadily along the road, and the sound of loudspeakers could be heard.

Please, all the leaders attending, gather at the toll booth to the east. Space is limited, so its best if each person only brings two others with them.

Chen Luo opened his eyes. They had arrived.

Zhao Hai came over to Chen Luos side.

Zhao Hai chuckled, Lets go together and see who organized this trade fair. I suspect their power is extraordinary, but certainly not on par with Brother Chen.

Chen Luo just smiled and walked over with Xia Haoran and Su Dazhu.

As they returned to the highway, the number of people had increased significantly, almost doubling since Chen Luos arrival. Chen Luo estimated that there were around 15,000 people present now.

No one would bring their entire group; many would remain at their bases. In some cases, there might not be a single leader; there could be a dozen or more, each vying for control. People gathered for the sake of better survival.

Behind the toll booth, there was an office building, and the meeting was held in an adjacent open area. With so many people, there were easily four to five hundred in attendance.

Many of them were well-dressed individuals tasked with maintaining order, and rows of clean plastic seats were set up for the meeting.

People entering the venue were each given a chilled Red Bull drink. Chen Luo couldnt find a spot at the back, where he wouldnt attract much attention. Unfortunately, the back was already filled up due to the large number of attendees.

Chen Luo decided to sit a bit closer to the front so he could get a better view and see who was organizing the event.

Hey, its Zhao Hai! I didnt expect to see you again. Haha, come here, lets hug, greeted a middle-aged man with a big smile as he approached Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai greeted him warmly and shook hands. Before the apocalypse, Zhao Hais financial power might not have rivaled Chen Luos, given Chen Luos extensive stock holdings valued at thirty billion. However, when it came to energy resources, Zhao Hai was far ahead.

Zhao Hai had connections in both legitimate and underground circles. He enjoyed making friends, and his extensive network of contacts was essential for his line of work. Without friends, it would be challenging to succeed in his field.

Zhao Hai introduced his old friend, saying, Brother Chen, this is Qi Lin, my big brother. Hes in the real estate business and has quite a number of people working for him.

He then introduced Chen Luo, This is Chen Luo, my little brother.

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