Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 116

Chapter 116

Chen Luo first picked up Ironclaws two claws. At this stage, these two claws could be considered artifacts. They could be fashioned into weapons, or if one didnt mind the grotesque appearance, they could be wielded directly as weapons.

Even a Level 1 supernaturals, carrying one of these claws, could pose a threat to Level 6 supernaturals. Those below Level 4 would likely be pierced through with a single grab. Having two claws allowed them to be used by two people, making them ideal prosthetic attachments for hands.

Ironclaw stared dumbfounded as its claws vanished into thin air, seemingly like magic. It grumbled, Mine

With a sharp slap from Chen Luo, Ironclaw flinched and covered its face. Some of the hostility in its expression faded away.

Chen Luo snorted. What do you mean, yours? Did these claws grow on you? Dont you want to keep your neck?

Ironclaw held its face, and the aggression on its face subsided slightly.

Chen Luo cleared his throat. It was time for a little discipline.

Chen Luo had Ironclaw lead the way, following closely behind.

Be obedient. No matter how fast you are, you cant outrun me, understand? I can use the teleportation skill I just demonstrated indefinitely.

I dare you not to behave, and Ill snap your waist too, Chen Luo threatened.

Ironclaw suddenly felt a chilling sensation around its waist. This person could really put words into action.

Chen Luo chuckled lightly. Ironclaw had the intelligence of a human child of around twelve or thirteen, but it wasnt the kind of zombie that had evolved normally, it was more like someone who hadnt seen much of the world, unaware of the dirty tricks and deceit. Chen Luo couldnt take any chances.

Afraid that Ironclaw might try to ambush him if he drove, Chen Luo and Ironclaw walked back to the Mouda Express together.

When everyone learned that Chen Luo had brought back a zombie, they were all astonished. How was this even possible? What kind of operation was this?

Zhao Hai and the others couldnt help but feel that Chen Luo was becoming more and more mysterious. He appeared to be just a young man, but he was utterly incomprehensible.

When Ironclaw saw so many people, it immediately had the urge to pounce on them and devour them. However, Chen Luo, with two big fans, restrained it.

Chen Luo selected a small cargo truck with a compartment and locked Ironclaw inside. If Ironclaw really wanted to, this thickness of a compartment wouldnt hold it back.

Chen Luo comforted, Dont be in a hurry. Ill let you have a good meal tomorrow. Stay inside quietly, or else watch your waist.

Chen Luo made a fierce gesture of snapping someones waist, which left Ironclaw puzzled and stunned.

After closing the compartment, Chen Luo couldnt help but laugh. It was quite entertaining, almost like bullying a child.

Over 700 people spent more than an hour sorting out useful supplies and loading them onto trucks. They filled 23 trucks, half of which were filled with food and drinks.

Their next destination was a certain Feng Express.

If there were around 500 employees working during the initial outbreak of the apocalypse, there were probably around 300 now. Some zombies had wandered off, losing their way as they roamed.

As they approached, Chen Luo turned to speak, Without courage, how can you survive in the apocalypse? Dont rely on others. The zombies are getting stronger, and if you dont improve your strength and have courage, you wont last long.

Without changing yourselves, youll be done in three months at most. Look at yourselves, do you live like humans? Youre worse off than dogs. Whats the point of clinging to life like this? Chen Luo lectured.

Enough said. Im doing this for your own good. Now, to avoid having you all face hundreds of zombies at once, Ill go ahead and lure some of them away.

Among Zhang Kuns group, most of them had merely followed Zhang Kuns lead without directly harming Chen Luo, so they didnt deserve to die. However, they couldnt get off scot-free either.

The most important thing was that they hadnt caused any harm to Chen Luos group. If they had killed any of Chen Luos people, none of them would have a chance to live.

After the operation was over, at least more than half of them would be able to survive. But if any of them harbored resentment in their hearts, they wouldnt be allowed to stay. Chen Luo will have Rice check them to identify any potential threats.

Living worse than dogs, this sentence struck deep into the hearts of some people. Yes, whats the point of living like this?

They had been waiting for help for a month and a half and hadnt received any assistance. Luring zombies was a dangerous task. They looked at Chen Luo in shock. With such a high status, he was personally luring zombies? What if he got killed? If someone more powerful than you is risking their life, why shouldnt you?

The group parked the trucks nearby and used them as cover. They werent worried about the intelligence of second-level zombies, which was equivalent to that of a child. They wouldnt think that someone was behind the truck.

When over a dozen zombies spotted Chen Luo, they immediately let out a roar and started chasing him. Hearing the commotion, other zombies nearby also headed in their direction. But by doing this in batches, they avoided the danger of having all the zombies come at once. Nevertheless, they still lost 17 people in the process.

The group spent the night sorting out the deliveries and killing zombies, working until nearly five in the morning. Their haul included 122 trucks worth of supplies, enough for Chen Luo, Zhao Hai, and their people to last about a month if they only consumed these resources.

However, these food and water supplies, such as instant noodles, chocolates, biscuits, and other items, had a higher value compared to rice. Gathering more than a hundred people who could drive was relatively easy, and they returned with full truckloads of supplies.

When they arrived at the base, Zhao Hai looked at Chen Luo with eager eyes, wondering how much of the loot he would get. He hoped Chen Luo wouldnt be stingy and only give him a few trucks.

Chen Luo said, Old Zhao, there are 122 trucks. Ill give you 22 of them, okay? While it was just a small portion, Zhao Hai was already satisfied.

Chen Luo continued, Its not that Im unwilling to give you more. If I give you too many, you might not be able to handle it. If you run low on supplies, you can come to me for a loan, especially for riceI have plenty of that. Chen Luo knew Zhao Hai had the strength and capability to manage this.

Chen Luo continued, For the remaining people from Zhang Kuns group, if any of you are willing to join me, youre welcome to do so.

Zhao Hai looked at Chen Luo in astonishment, amazed at the extent of his generosity and trust. Chen Luo seemed unfazed by the number of people he was welcoming into his group.

However, it made sense. No matter how many people there were, it didnt seem like they could pose a threat to Chen Luo.

Chen Luo gathered Zhang Kuns group together and addressed them, Youve already fought against zombies, managed to kill three of them, and obtained three crystals. If youre willing to adapt to the daily tasks in my group, I wont hold your past against you, and youre welcome to join us.

Beside me, Brother Hai here is also recruiting. If youd like to follow him, thats an option too.

Zhao Hai was about to speak, wanting to emphasize that his conditions were the same as Chen Luos. However, he realized that anyone who met the conditions would undoubtedly choose to join Chen Luos group as long as they werent foolish.

While Chen Luo recruited fewer people, they were all considered elite survivors.

Zhao Hai said, I only need one crystal as proof that youre capable of killing zombies. I dont want cowards.

Chen Luo had Chen Guang bring out a batch of rice and some water, giving each person three pounds of rice, two bottles of water, and a bottle of a beverage.

One of the survivors asked, Is this the supplies you mentioned?

Chen Luo replied casually, Its enough to support you in killing zombies. If you dont have the guts to kill zombies, even more supplies wont be of any use; it would just be a waste of food.

Despite receiving fewer supplies, they were grateful not to leave empty-handed.

Everyone lined up, and Chen Luo stood on the side, occasionally picking out someone and saying, Brother, you seem decent; just join us directly.

The others didnt understand why he was being chosen, but they envied the fortunate few. Little did they know that not long after, a large pit appeared in the back of the base.

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