Player who Returned 10,000 years Later

Chapter 514: Open (2)

Chapter 514: Open (2)


The Third Door, sealing the deepest point of the Demonic Sea, was opened.

"Huh?" Bael’s eyes widened. He could see countless red eyes inside the black sun behind Oh Kang-Woo. He said tremblingly, "What the hell…?"

Chills ran down his back, and his teeth clacked together.

"What the hell are those…?" he asked the Demon God trapped inside his heart.

- N-No.

The Demon God’s despaired voice echoed inside Bael’s head.

- Th-The Abyss has been unleashed.

The Door to the deepest point of the Demonic Sea— the link to the Primordial Darkness— was opened.

"D-Dammit! Do something!! You’re the one who created it!" shouted Bael as he trembled.

The countless red eyes in the blazing black sun were staring at him. Bael’s teeth clacked and he could barely breathe. He could only feel a void as if he was facing a horrible nightmare; he felt as if he were being sucked into an endless void.

- I-I can’t.


- I made the Third Door so that it couldn’t be opened. From the moment I discovered the seed of the Demonic Sea and created the vessels to hold it…! I sealed the Third Door so that it could never be opened!!

However, the Door that was impossible to open was open in front of their very eyes.

"What are you… talking about? It’s open right there!!"

- Shit! I-I don’t know either!

The Demon God had no idea how a mere vessel managed to open the Third Door but he was sure of one thing; once the Abyss was unleashed, no one could control the Demonic Sea.

- A-At this rate… we will all be devoured by the Demonic Sea.

There would be no winners or losers; now that the Abyss was unleashed, no one could have the Demonic Sea. There was no way to contain the Demonic Sea with no vessel to hold it.

- E-Everything… will be devoured by the Demonic Sea…

The Triad, the satellite worlds around it, and the Nine Hells… all worlds would be engulfed by the power of the Demonic Sea. All lifeforms would be trapped within the Abyss, including the Demon God who created it.

- D-Dammit!

The Demon God cursed. He had not killed Kang-Woo in the world of his consciousness because he needed to prevent the vessel from breaking and the Demonic Sea from running out of control like it was now.

- That lunatic…!

However, the vessel made to hold the Demonic Sea had unleashed the Abyss. The vessel broke itself and caused the Demonic Sea to go out of control.

"Wh-What… what should we do?" Bael asked tremblingly.

He had resolved himself for death before battling the Demon King, but this was not the end he wanted; he did not want to die without proving anything or being acknowledged by anyone.

- Accept my power.

Bael’s gaze wavered. If he accepted the Demon God’s power, he would be handing his body to the Demon God; he would never be able to get his revenge against the Demon King.


- Shit! There is no time to hesitate!!

The Demon God’s screams echoed inside his head.

- I swear on my Deific Essence that I will not tamper with your consciousness!

The Demon God even gave up on his resurrection. After all, his resurrection would be pointless if he left the Abyss to be fully unleashed.

- Hurry up and accept my power!!

Bael bit his lip anxiously. "Fine."

He closed his eyes and accepted the Demon God’s power.


Unfathomable demonic energy surged from Bael.

"Haaa," Bael exhaled heatedly. "So this is… the power of a Titan."

A sense of omnipotence spread across him. He felt like everything was beneath him; they felt pathetic.

"H-Hihihi," Bael giggled. "Yeah, with this… I think I can do it."

He had a feeling that he could win even against the Abyss of the Demonic Sea with this power.

"Is that… so?" Kang-Woo asked as he stared at Bael with a smile.

Bael’s eyes widened. "You… H-How are you still conscious…?"

Bael stared at Kang-Woo, whose ego was still intact even after opening the Third Door, in disbelief.

"Who knows…? I’m… not sure… either," Kang-Woo stammered as he swayed from side to side. "A-Arghhh."

Kang-Woo clenched his head and crouched. He could feel the sea of demonic energy pouring out of the three Doors, trying to devour his sanity.

’Not yet.’

Kang-Woo gritted his teeth. He couldn’t lose consciousness yet. He still had something he needed to do.

- My… king.

Balrog’s dying words and how the light slowly disappeared from his eyes were engraved in his mind.

"A-Aaaahh." His unfathomable rage resisted the Demonic Sea’s takeover. He hummed, "Bael, Bael, Bael, Bael, Bael."

Only one desire was blazing within his collapsing consciousness.

"Yeah, yeah. I still have something I need to do. I have to…"

He needed to kill Bael, and then…

"Kehehe," Kang-Woo cackled.

He stood up as the black sea raged around him. He would likely not be able to maintain his sanity for long. The Abyss of the Demonic Sea was rapidly eating away at his sanity even at this moment.


Kang-Woo clenched his jaw. His consciousness was collapsing. He could barely remember what he was trying to do, what he needed to do… or even who he was. However…

"I… I’ll…"

Kang-Woo staggered forward and looked down at the corpse of Balrog, a demon who had always protected him by his side and fought alongside him. A subordinate, a comrade, and a friend.

"I’ll remember you."

’I will never forget you. No matter what happens… even if I’m devoured by this black sea, even if I’m forever trapped inside the Abyss, I will do whatever it takes to remember at least you.’

"Haaa, haaa."

Kang-Woo held on to his fading consciousness for dear life. He raised his head and looked around.

"Hah," he couldn’t help but chuckle.

Crack, crack.

Demons with red eyes were walking out from the door made from the black sun behind him.


He was the first demon whom he met on Earth.

’Phenex, Malphas, Halphas.’

They were Lucifer’s subordinates who attacked Kim Si-Hun in South America.

’Mammon, Lucifer, Belphegor.’

They were the princes of Hell whom Kang-Woo devoured. Satan wasn’t among them for some reason but Kang-Woo did not have the brain capacity at the moment to think about that.


Kang-Woo slowly looked around at the immense number of demons who walked out from the Abyss of the Demonic Sea. Demons from the First Hell to the Ninth Hell, the Constellations of Evil, and even those with Deific Essence. The demons whom Kang-Woo devoured until now were walking out of the Abyss.

"I sure have… eaten a lot."

Kang-Woo cackled as he looked at the demons, who filled the skies of Seoul in an instant.

The demons who came out from the Abyss stared at Kang-Woo, their eyes as lifeless as a puppet as if they were waiting to be commanded. Kang-Woo smiled.

"I guess…" Kang-Woo could tell whose commands they were waiting for, even when he was being devoured by the Demonic Sea. "I’m still… the ruler."

He was about to lose his sanity at any second but he was still the Ruler of the Demonic Sea.

’In that case.’

Kang-Woo turned to look at the heavily panting Bael.

"H-Hihihi. Do you seriously believe these numbers have any meaning against me?" Bael asked as he gritted his teeth.

However, his voice was shaking anxiously unlike his expression filled with confidence. Kang-Woo walked toward him.


Vibrations shook the entire city. Hundreds of thousands of demons who walked out of the Abyss stared at Kang-Woo.

Kang-Woo slowly raised his hand and commanded, "Tear him apart."


The demons of the Demonic Sea, who had been awaiting orders, simultaneously charged at Bael. Their numbers made them look like a tsunami.

Bael cackled and shouted, "Hihihihi! I told you! Numbers are meaningless against me!"

Enormous amounts of demonic energy infused with the Demon God’s power surged from him.


Bael stretched out his right arm. The skin of his arm split open from the shoulder down and poured out of it a giant pillar of demonic energy, which then gradually took the shape of an arm several kilometers long. The colossal arm of a Titan wiped out the demons.

Crack! Crunch!

The sight was extraordinary to behold. The demons hit by the Demon God’s arm were blown to bits. It did not matter whether they were from the First or Ninth Hell or if they were princes of Hell; they were equally squashed like insects.

"H-Hihi!" Bael laughed crazily. He fiercely swung the Demon God’s arm as he shouted, "Hihihihihihi!! I told you! Numbers are meaningless against me!!"

Demons could defeat him, whether there were hundreds, thousands, or even millions of them.

"Ahhh! Yes! This is it!" said Bael as he relished in his omnipotence. "I can pull it off with this power!"

He could defeat the demons crawling out of the Abyss as well as the Demon King who had opened all three Doors.

"Kihihihihihi!!" Bael cackled as he swung the Demon God’s arm all over the place.

The entire city was falling apart. Even Bael’s army was getting caught in the destruction, but he did not care.


He no longer needed an army; numbers were pointless before the power of a Titan.

"... I HAVE BECOME SPECIAL!!" Bael screamed crazily.

"Haaa, haaa," he panted heavily after swinging the Demon God’s arm some more. Using the power of a Titan consumed an extraordinary level of mental strength. "Now… you’re all that’s left."

Bael smiled as he stared at Kang-Woo. Every demon of the Abyss was wiped out by the power of a Titan. Only the Demon King remained.

"I’m all that’s left… you say?" Kang-Woo chuckled even as his sanity was falling apart. "Why don’t you take another look?"


Bael heard something sticky moving.


Bael’s expression froze. The demons of the Abyss, which Bael had wiped out with the Demon God’s arm, were reforming as if time was rewinding. Black mucus bubbled as it gathered together to form the demons again.

"What… the hell?" Bael’s teeth clacked together. "They’re all… immortal?"

The hundreds of thousands of demons, enough to cover the entire sky above Seoul, were regenerating as if they had opened a Door of the Ten Thousand Demon Core.

"That’s… bullshit. DON’T MAKE ME LAUGH!!!"

There was no way to defeat an army of immortal demons numbering hundreds of thousands.

"Now, time for round two."


The demons made of black mucus fully regenerated. The immortal army of the Abyss fiercely bared their teeth.

Kang-Woo staggered forward.

"I am…" he muttered as he hung on to his sanity and cackled. "The cavalry, motherfucker."


The immortal army charged at Bael once again.

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