Player who Returned 10,000 years Later

Chapter 479: Family Aren’t Supposed To Do That Kind Of Stuff With Each Other

Chapter 479: Family Aren’t Supposed To Do That Kind Of Stuff With Each Other

“Huuu,” Kang-Woo sighed deeply, sitting down in a hospital for Players located in Seoul. “You remember nothing at all?”

“Yes.” Kim Tae-Hyun nodded cautiously as he was lying on a bed. “No matter how hard I think… I can’t remember a thing.”

Tae-Hyun had lost all of his memories since awakening as a Player.

‘No, to be more exact, he’s not even a Player anymore.’

The blessing granted to him through the System had completely disappeared. His level, stats, and skills were gone; he was a bona-fide ordinary person now.

“Ngh,” Kang-Woo groaned as if his head hurt.

‘I can’t do anything about this.’

Kang-Woo had tried all sorts of things to restore Tae-Hyun’s memories but he had ultimately failed.

‘I guess I have no choice but to give up on getting information about the future.’

The only thing he could do was hope that Tae-Hyun’s memories would miraculously return.


“Got it. I’ll get going now. Call me using this number if you happen to remember anything.”

Kang-Woo placed a note with his number written on it on the table.

“Umm…” Tae-Hyun cautiously called Kang-Woo. “What should I… do now…?”

“Guardians will pay for your treatment and give you some financial aid. For now, just stay here and focus on healing.”

Tae-Hyun lowered his head with a somber expression. It was only natural since his memories of the past few years had vanished without a trace.

“See you,” Kang-Woo said, turning around without any form of consolation.

He did not want to give Tae-Hyun false hope by saying that his memories would come back someday or that he would be able to return to his old life.

‘There’s nothing more despairing than an unattainable hope.’

It was unfortunate, but it was highly unlikely that Tae-Hyun’s memories would come back.

‘It’s a miracle that he’s even alive.’

He, who possessed below-average talent as a Player, had accepted the power of a Titan. Simply getting off with losing one’s memories as the price for using the power of a Titan was incredibly light of a price.

“Tsk,” Kang-Woo clicked his tongue in sorrow.

- I-I can’t believe I got to meet you again… It is truly an honor!

He recalled his reunion with Tae-Hyun.


There was a bitter taste in his mouth. Kang-Woo opened the hospital room door and left. He walked up the stairs and opened the door to the hospital rooftop. Lilith was leaning on the rooftop railing.

“Are you finished with your talk?” she asked.

Kang-Woo nodded.

“Based on your expression, it doesn’t seem like his memories returned.”

“Well… I more or less expected it.” Kang-Woo sighed and leaned on the railing next to Lilith. “How is the situation in Seoul?”

“We can rest easy now, thanks to Layla’s outstanding performance.”

Seoul, which had been in flames, was being rebuilt at incredible speed. It was naturally impossible to immediately repair all the damages throughout the city, but the chaos died down thanks to Layla using the influence of Guardians to pressure each nation to send relief supplies.

“That’s a relief.” Kang-Woo nodded, making a mental note to buy Layla a gift later. “How peaceful.”

He looked up at the sky shining blue as if the red Rift several kilometers wide had never formed.

“You protected this world, my king,” Lilith remarked.

Kang-Woo remained silent.

As she said, Earth would never have regained this blue sky if he had not protected it.


Kang-Woo closed his eyes. The apocalyptic future that Tae-Hyun saw continued to linger in his mind. It was the worst possible future involving Kang-Woo, completely taken over by the Demonic Sea, ending the world with his own hands. The uneasy feeling spread throughout his entire body.

“Hoho, don’t worry so much,” Lilith giggled softly and placed her head on Kang-Woo’s shoulder. She then whispered, “If anything were to happen to you… I’ll stop you, my king.”

Kang-Woo chuckled. “And how exactly are you gonna do that?”

“Hmm. Who knows? Wouldn’t it be possible with the power of love?”

Lilith turned the end of her hair into a green tentacle covered in sticky mucus, which stuck itself to Kang-Woo’s cheek.


‘That’s not the power of love.’ Kang-Woo shook his head in pallor. ‘Well, it might actually work though.’

He had a feeling that even if he were to be taken over by the Demonic Sea, he might come back to his senses if he saw Lilith’s tentacles.

Kang-Woo distanced himself from Lilith’s tentacle and asked, “That aside, have you found anything out about Nostrian?”

“Mm… I even went to Aernor to investigate, but I wasn’t able to gain any useful information,” Lilith answered, bowing her head apologetically.

Kang-Woo clicked his tongue. “Well, it can’t be helped since there is barely any information left about the Titans.”

“But this incident was…” Lilith slurred in concern.

Kang-Woo nodded; it wasn’t hard to guess what she was trying to say. “I’m sure the one known as Nostrian planned it.”

What were the chances for a below-average Player to coincidentally acquire a necklace containing the power of a Titan and then coincidentally see the future with it?

“He showed it to Tae-Hyun on purpose.”

Nostrian had shown Tae-Hyun the end of the world, making it seem like the power went out of control.

‘He even knew how Tae-Hyun would act.’

“The problem is… why he did such a thing.”

Kang-Woo had no idea why. There was far too little information to even make a guess.

“In any case, continue your investigation on Nostrian.”

“Yes, my king,” Lilith replied and bowed courteously.

Darkness boiled from beneath her and she disappeared as if being sucked into it.

‘I should check up on Darling.’

Kang-Woo had not visited Seol-Ah because he had been busy finding a way to restore Tae-Hyun’s memories.

‘Darling said she was fine, but…’

He wanted to check up on her at least once.

“Let’s go.”

Kang-Woo headed to his house after what felt like forever.


“Darling~” he called as he opened the front door.



Kang-Woo heard something falling in Han Seol-Ah’s room.


He walked toward Seol-Ah’s room with a frown. Seol-Ah opened the door to her room slightly and peeked out. Her face was flushed red and she was panting heavily.

“Haaa, haaa. K-Kang-Woo? H-Have you finished your b-business with Tae-Hyun?”

“Uhh, yeah. I mean, I didn’t feel the need to stick by him anymore. That aside, what’s wrong, Darling? Are you feeling unwell?”

Something might have happened to her as she was calming the raging energy with Tae-Hyun. After all, the energy that she had suppressed was none other than that of a Titan.

“Let me insi—”

“N-No! I-I-I’m fine! Stay right where you are!!” Seol-Ah shouted hastily.

Kang-Woo stopped because of how desperate she sounded.

“A-Ahem. P-Please wait just a little bit. I’ll be right out.” Seol-Ah slowed her labored breathing and slammed the door shut. She then came out a few minutes later. “I-I didn’t think you’d come back so soon.”

“What were you doing?”

“Umm… I-I was exercising because I think I’ve gotten a little f-fat lately,” answered Seol-Ah, her face completely red.

Kang-Woo tilted his head in confusion.

‘She can exercise at home to the point that she sweats that hard?’

Seol-Ah looked delicate but she was a Player with Deific Essence. In terms of physical prowess, she could easily throw around trucks weighing several tonnes as if they were pebbles. It was nearly impossible for her to exercise with no equipment in a small room to the point that she would sweat.

‘I mean, I guess it would be possible if she was training to improve her energy control.’

Just like how Si-Hun cultivated and Kang-Woo trained to raise his demonic energy control, training to improve control over one’s energy was enough to tire them out even in a small room if they were training hard enough.

‘Mm… but I never once saw Darling training to improve control over her energy.’

Seeing Kang-Woo continuously staring at her oddly, Seol-Ah quickly walked over to Kang-Woo and embraced his arm.

“Wh-Why don’t you change into more comfortable clothing since you’ve come home after so long? I’ll make you some kimchi stew in the meantime.”

“Oh?” Kang-Woo’s eyes shone and he nodded with a bright smile. “Come to think of it, where are Echidna and Halcyon?”

“They went to help Lilith to collect information on… someone. I don’t remember the name.”

“Ohhh.” Kang-Woo nodded as if he understood.

‘It must be about Nostrian.’

It was indeed a little too much for Lilith to do on her own.

‘It’s not like she has countless subordinates like in Hell.’

Kang-Woo hung his jacket in the drawer and said, “In that case, I’ll go take a shower, Darling.”

“Okay, Kang-Woo.”

Kang-Woo leisurely enjoyed his shower and changed into a comfortable sweatsuit.

‘I’ll be busy again starting tomorrow.’

Matters regarding Tae-Hyun had more or less been resolved, so he needed to help around Guardians starting tomorrow.

‘I’m sure they’re dying from overwork.’

Layla and Kim Si-Hun were likely up to their necks with work trying to clean up the aftermaths of the Parasite invasion. Kang-Woo smiled bitterly as he imagined the two of them drowning in a mountain of paperwork.

“Oh, smells good.”

Just then, the smell of kimchi stew diverted his attention. He walked to the kitchen with a smile.

“It’s ready, Kang-Woo.”

“Haaah, how long has it been?!”

Forget kimchi stew, Kang-Woo had spent a week unable to eat a proper meal because he was so busy dealing with the Parasite invasion and the matter with Tae-Hyun. Kang-Woo gulped down the kimchi stew that Seol-Ah prepared almost instantly.


“Was that too little?” Seol-Ah asked.

“No, it’s fine.”

To Kang-Woo, eating was closer to entertainment than a means of survival. He did not want to make trouble for Seol-Ah simply because he wanted to eat more.

‘Honestly, it’s a bit of a shame.’

Kang-Woo licked his lips and lifted the empty pot of kimchi stew.

“I’ll clean up. You can get some rest, Darling.”

“No, I’ll—”

Kang-Woo shook his head as he put on the dishwashing gloves. “It’ll be over in a flash.”

He was able to wash them in seconds if he used his Authority, but he wanted to enjoy ordinary life by washing them with his own hands.

Seol-Ah stared at Kang-Woo washing dishes in silence as she sat at the dining table. They weren’t speaking to each other but it did not feel awkward at all.

“Doing this kind of stuff really makes it feel like we’re a married couple,” Kang-Woo mentioned.

“P-Pardon?” Seol-Ah flinched, her eyes widened.

Kang-Woo smiled and continued, “You know, eating together and washing the dishes after.”

Seol-Ah remained silent. She was panting heavily for some reason.

“Later… even when everything is over, I wish it’ll stay like this forever.”

Kang-Woo chuckled, knowing that saying such a line did not suit him.

‘Maybe I’ve become a little sentimental because of the future that Tae-Hyun saw.’

Even if the future could be changed, he would be lying if he said that he wasn’t worried.

The end of the world that Tae-Hyun talked about was far too atrocious even for Kang-Woo.

“When that time comes, we can hold a wedding ceremony…”


“And should we move to someplace bigger?”

“Haaa, haaa.”

“Let’s move to somewhere bigger where there would be enough room even if Yeon-Jo, Si-Hun, and Layla come to visit.”

“U-Umm… Kang-Woo.”

“Oh, that son of a bitch Balrog would be a problem. He doesn’t seem to find it comfortable in his human form, but building a house only to accommodate his size would make the house a bit too—”


“Hm?” Kang-Woo turned to Seol-Ah.

“Haaa, haaa.”

Seol-Ah was panting heavily and staring at Kang-Woo with bloodshot eyes. Kang-Woo’s expression froze.

“What’s wrong, Darling? Why are you—”

“I… I don’t think I can… hold back anymore.”


‘Hold what back?’

“I’ve been feeling… w-weird lately. My sacred power has gotten a lot more dense… my wings have gotten so much more vivid… and my body is so… hot.”

Twelve wings sprouted from Seol-Ah’s back; they were shining far more vividly than before.

“That’s why I was… even just a while ago, by myself… Huuu. Fufu. Kang-Woo, Kang-Woo, Kang-Woo, Kang-Woo, Kang-Woo…”

‘Hello? Miss Han Seol-Ah? Why are you making such a scary face? Your eyes look a little hazy.’

“Huuu, huuu,” Seol-Ah placed her hand on her chest and took deep breaths. “Please wait a little bit, Kang-Woo. I’ll go wash up.”


‘What are you talking about, Darling?’

“Wash up? Why?”

‘I told you that it feels like we’re a married couple. If we’re married, it means that we’re family. Family aren’t supposed to do that kind of stuff with each other.’

erigiii’s Thoughts

Remember, kids: it ain’t incest if we shout “no chromo.”

Jokes aside, I personally don’t like the direction they’re taking with Seol-Ah… Lilith best girl

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