People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon

Chapter 314 - 314: Alien

Chapter 314: Alien

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“This is Han Jia Ditch Town?”

After three hours of trekking, Zhao Yu and his team finally arrived at the mission location.

The small town was modest in size, consisting of only two streets. At a glance, it was shrouded in darkness, devoid of any inhabitants.

“Let’s go in and take a look!”

Zhao Yu decided to get a closer look.

Zhao Yu bent down to inspect the ground which was covered in dust. It appeared to have been undisturbed for quite some time.

Would aliens come to a place like this?!

Midway down the street, Zhao Yu suddenly heard the sobbing of a woman.

Such a sound in the dead of night gave him quite a scare.

With the twenty soldiers around him brought a small measure of comfort. He led the soldiers towards the source of the sound.

They arrived at a street-side shop and the noise was coming from inside this building.

“Stop crying! What if you attract the monsters?!”

He faintly heard someone’s voice.

There were really people here!

Perhaps they’ve already been visited by the aliens!

With this thought, Zhao Yu quickly made his way upstairs.

“Who’s there?!”

As he ascended the staircase, a panicked voice echoed from inside the room.

Five figures stood in the corner of the room, armed with makeshift weapons like wooden sticks, staring fearfully in his direction.

“Don’t be scared, we’re humans!”

Zhao Yu tried to reassure them. However, the room was pitch black, making it difficult to discern anything.

He signaled one of his men to light a torch.

The room was instantly illuminated, allowing Zhao Yu to assess the situation.

Three men and two women, unarmed except for the tree branches in their hands.

The faces of the two women bore tear streaks, indicating they had just been crying.

Upon seeing Zhao Yu and his team’s attire, the five individuals faces filled with terror.

“Do you recognize me?!” Zhao Yu was startled, realizing these people seemed to know him.

The man leading the group immediately knelt down, repeatedly bowing in supplication.

“Sir, please spare us…”

The other four followed suit, also kneeling down in submission.

“Are you all from the fallout Shelter 12988?”

However, the five people seemed to not hear him, continuing to beg for mercy.

“You’ve misunderstood. I’m not here to harm you!” Zhao Yu was confused by their action.

After much persuasion, they finally stood up.

“I’d like to know, what happened to your group?”

The five seemed bewildered, unsure if Zhao Yu was playing tricks on them.

But given the circumstances, they had no choice but to share their story.

It turned out that not long after Zhao Yu had left, they were sent to a neighboring chemical factory.

Naturally, this lured out numerous facehuggers. They fled with the crowd, but upon returning to their shelter, they found it sealed shut.

Many were trapped outside till midnight and some unknown monster began a relentless massacre.

Unable to bear the horror, they escaped with a group.

As they fled, many perished and leaving only these five survivors.

Based on their description, an image of the alien formed in Zhao Yu’s mind. It closely resembled those he’d seen in movies a round head, a spike on its back, a body covered in black armor, moving incredibly fast, impervious to bullets.

“When was the last time you saw the alien?”

“The last time? About three hours ago…” They recalled.

Zhao Yu nodded, “Rest assured, I’m here to eliminate those creatures.”


“Of course!”

“Find a sealed space to stay in. Leave the rest to us.” Zhao Yu instructed.

He immediately exited the room.

From what he knew of the aliens, they were natural-born killers, silently lurking and incredibly swift.

Their armor could deflect bullets, and they possessed a sharp spike capable of piercing through harden steel.

“Light more torches!”

Outside the room, Zhao Yu ordered his soldiers to illuminate the surroundings.

In this darkness, while the aliens could sense their heat, humans had only their sight. It was better to have more light.

As for how to kill the alien, Zhao Yu had a plan.

They could artificially create a confined space to limit the alien’s mobility and then concentrate their firepower to eliminate it.

After circling the town, they didn’t find any suitable battleground, except for one place Zhao Yu was reluctant to consider.

Standing before a dried-up sewer entrance, he decided that this was the spot.

“Two of you, go check inside…”

As the two soldiers entered the sewer with torches, they startled various rodents and insects, which scurried away.

The flames revealed the sewer’s interior. Zhao Yu noted that while it was smelly, it wasn’t as filthy as he imagined, given its long disuse.

“This will do. Prepare to set up traps…”

With a plan in mind, he began directing his soldiers.

“Are we really just staying here?!”

Back in the previous room, the five survivors peered out the window.

After Zhao Yu departed, they voiced their concerns anxiously..

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