People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon

Chapter 253 Establishing a base

253  Establishing a base

A large group of people, after taking a tour with the butler, reluctantly left.

Although the place was lovely, it was Zhao Yu's mansion. Given Liu Si Yu's relationship with Zhao Yu, it was understandable for her parents to stay. However, allowing a large group of relatives to stay might be considered inappropriate, bordering on usurping the house.

Liu Si Yu's parents didn't stay either. They felt that since Liu Si Yu and Zhao Yu weren't married yet, living here might stir gossip. After all, the house belonged to Zhao Yu, and they feared moving in without his consent might affect Liu Si Yu's relationship with him.

After discussion, those who needed to return home, and those who needed to continue to school went on.

Liu Si Yu, along with her three roommates and Song Han, were all seated in a business car sent by the Su family.


Zhao Yu stayed in the Ice Snow City for another day. After confirming that the Su family had prepared everything as agreed, he headed to the Su residence.

This time, he was meeting the core members of the Su family.

In addition to the Master Su, there were three daughters from the main lineage of the Su family. Among them was Su Xiao Xiao, the youngest daughter.

Zhao Yu was fairly familiar with the Su family's core members by now.

The Su family's empire wasn't built by Mr. Su alone but was a combined effort spanning over four or five generations.

"By the time it reached Mr. Su, the scale of the side branch had already become very large."

Mr. Su had three daughters.

 He used to have sons too, but sadly they all passed away at a young age.

The eldest daughter was named Su Wang Yue, in her thirties and already married. However, her husband had died unexpectedly years ago, leaving no heir.

The second daughter, Su Qing Qing, also married but unfortunately passed away from excessive alcohol consumption on her wedding day.

Over the years, the Su family business was partly managed by Su Wang Yue and Su Qing Qing, while the rest was managed by the side branches of the family.

The Butler Su who spoke with Zhao Yu was the son-in-law of the Family Su who married the sister of Master Su.

After investigating, Zhao Yu discovered that the Su family was not invincible and was currently in a precarious situation.

It's not that the Su family lacked male descendants. On the contrary, there was a substantial number of males in the extended branches of the family. However, the direct lineage only had three daughters left.

The Master Su was getting on in years, and although his influence was still palpable, he would eventually have to step down and relinquish his power.

This gave the extended branches of the Su family other ideas. On the surface, they were respectful and deferential, but behind the scenes, they were plotting to take over the Su family.

Master Su naturally saw all of this. Although he was displeased, he felt powerless to change anything. After all, he had no son, and his three daughters hadn't even provided him with a grandchild.

Upon entering the room, Zhao Yu noticed only Mr. Su and his three daughters present. Only butler Su was absent.

After some brief introductions, Zhao Yu sensed a hint of resentment from Su Xiao Xiao, the youngest daughter.

It was probably due to her dissatisfaction with the arranged marriage to him.

Mr. Su didn't delve into deep conversations. They briefly discussed the previously agreed-upon arrangements.

This meeting was mainly an introduction, with no other significant discussions.

At the end of the conversation, the eldest Miss Su, Su Wang Yue, pulled Zhao Yu aside.

"Zhao Yu, are you familiar with my family's situation?" Su Wang Yue's face was expressionless, and her thoughts were inscrutable.

Zhao Yu gave a slight nod, replying, "I've heard a bit about it..."

Without waiting to find out how much Zhao Yu truly knew, Su Wang Yue said, "On the surface, Su family appears harmonious, but behind the scenes, there's plenty of underhanded dealings. We three sisters can't fully inherit the family business. No one knows what the other Su family will look like once our father passes."

"Zhao Yu, regarding the businesses allocated to you, you might need to claim and protect them yourself."

"Oh?" Zhao Yu had some suspicions already.

"The businesses that are going entrusted to you are quite valuable. They were originally managed by one of my cousins," she said.

Zhao Yu mentally had expected this.

"But you don't need to worry too much. They won't make things too difficult for you..." Su Wang Yue said, though she seemed not fully sincere.

"During the takeover, will there be any physical confrontations?" Zhao Yu asked her.

"There might be..."

"Will there be casualties?"

Su Wang Yue's gaze flickered, seemingly impressed by Zhao Yu's quick grasp of the situation.

After a moment of contemplation, she said, "As long as no one from the Su family dies, there shouldn't be any major issues."

"However, this is under the assumption that you truly hold the value." She added.

"I understand!"

"Within three days, bullets can be mass-produced." Zhao Yu claimed.

Su Wang Yue seems to has more to say but she just let Zhao Yu leave.

Zhao Yu wasn't keen on getting involved with the Su family's issues. He just wanted to develop his own business.

He headed straight to his mansion. Although he had observed the mansion through surveillance, stepping into it gave an impression of grandeur.

The security guards at the entrance immediately greeted him as the master, saving Zhao Yu the trouble of introductions.

After a brief chat, he learned they were all arranged by the Su family, consisting of over ten security personnel and twenty-plus maids.

Zhao Yu called for Huo Da Hai and his team that standby nearby.

He handed over the mansion's security to Huo Da Hai's team.

Being close to the Su mansion meant there was little danger, with his own people on guard was always better.

After everything was settled, Zhao Yu took a tour of the mansion with Huo Da Hai and his sister, Huo Xiao Xi.

Apart from the main house, there were several other buildings suitable for many residents.

Zhao Yu took a brief look and didn't linger. No matter how large a house was, having a place to sleep was all that mattered.

After leaving a few of Huo Da Hai's men to watch over the mansion.

They directly went to claim his businesses. He had braced for a storm, but to his astonishment, the takeover process went incredibly smoothly.

"Could Su Wang Yue have been wrong?" Zhao Yu looked at the vacated factory.

He suspected that the side branches of the Su family might be scheming something big.

They might have relinquished the industries so easily only because of bigger gains.

However, since his contact with the Su family was limited, he was unsure about what their side branches might be plotting.

Zhao Yu laughed at himself, thinking he might be overthinking.

He wasn't originally from this world, and the technology and skills he possessed couldn't be easily challenged by the likes of the Su family.

The factories he had chosen were all meticulously selected, and they were crucial for his future developments.

 Taking them over without trouble was excellent, as he could now proceed with his robot development plans.

Zhao Yu realized that the only thing he could truly trust, given the unpredictable nature of human hearts, were still robots.

Fortunately, even though technological progress in this world was slow, there was an existing robot industry. This meant that if he created a new type of robot, it wouldn't seem out of place.

Once he had familiarized himself with the factories, Zhao Yu began large-scale renovations.

In just three days, the bullet factory and robot manufacturing plants were set up.

The first batch of bullets was sent to the Su family, fulfilling their initial agreement.

After the first-generation robots were manufactured, Zhao Yu immediately replaced manual labor, updating all the factories under his name.

At the same time, with the help of Xiao Liu, he installed intelligent recognition features in every factory.

Any intruder who entered without his permission would be targeted and attacked by the armed robots stationed there.

The first generation of robots, although not highly intelligent, were still far more advanced than conventional armed forces.

The Su family was astounded by this, but they never demanded the core technology from Zhao Yu, fearing he might install backdoors in the programs.

Once all this was sorted, Zhao Yu finally felt he had a territory free from prying eyes.

He could confidently work on even more advanced technology.

With most tasks now delegated to Xiao Liu, his artificial assistant, Zhao Yu had some free time.

Checking his phone, he noticed many unread messages.

Most of them were from women, a few familiar faces and many newcomers who were interested in him after hearing about his achievements.

Ignoring the majority, he read the message from Liu Si Yu.

Her texts were mainly asking about his availability and expressing her longing for him.

Zhao Yu thought for a moment and replied, "I'm free today, I'll come to see you..."

Next, he read the messages from other acquaintances.

Qiao Bing Bing consistently reported on Liu Si Yu's activities in school, earning Zhao Yu's satisfaction, and they made plans to meet in the evening.

When he got Yu Chu Xue's messages, he felt a bit conflicted.

"Zhao Yu, I miss you. When are you coming to see me?"

Yu Chu Xue was tricky. If she were an ordinary woman, he might have just accepted her, but she was from the Yu family and the fiancée of Huang Zi Long.

It seemed inopportune to circulate about him being involved with someone else's fiancée just as he was establishing his own family.

Noticing that Zhao Yu was online, Yu Chu Xue boldly sent a provocative picture.

In the photo, she was draped in a bath towel, tied with ropes, and seated on a chair.

Zhao Yu instantly recognized the chair and ropes from their previous encounter.

The content was undeniably enticing, making Zhao Yu's heart race. He coughed and decided to ignore any potential fallout, texting her back, "I'll see you at 9 PM tonight..."

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