People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon

Chapter 155 - 155: Mission Completion Reward

Chapter 155: Mission Completion Reward

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Outside Pluto, a mothership hovered in space. From its side, a kilometer-long cannon extended, pointing ominously towards Neptune.


With Moro’s command, the fully charged third-generation star-destroying cannon unleashed its fury.

On the big screen, two countdowns were displayed. One showed a time of five days, while the other was a mere six minutes.

The five-day countdown indicated the time it would take for the star-destroying cannon to hit Neptune. The six-minute countdown marked the launch time of another planet-destroying weapon.

The six minutes passed in a flash, and dozens more cannon barrels emerged from the mothership, firing straight at Pluto.

Each was a laser beam as thick as a bowl. Dozens of them fired together, creating a hollow circle.

In an instant, a hundred-meter-deep channel was melted into Pluto’s ice layer.

After the channel appeared, the lasers didn’t stop. They continued outputting, deepening the channel.

“What are they doing?!”

On the lunar base, Zhao Yu stared at the gravity wave detector, puzzled.

“It seems like they’ve fired something at Neptune. Based on its mass and speed, I suspect it might be a star-destroying cannon,” Uncle Da explained.

“They want to destroy Neptune?!”

Zhao Yu frowned, recalling the gravitational wave disturbance after Jupiter was bombed, “This is likely another attack from the enemy. Hurry up and repair the second defensive line…”

But as to how the enemy would specifically attack, the two spent a long time pondering but couldn’t figure it out.

“Commander, maybe you should stay on the mothership during this time. Just in case something changes, it would be easier to escape…”


Zhao Yu thought for a moment, then made another trip to the combat command center to ask the staff, but he did not receive any useful information.

Six days later.

On Pluto, the channel melted by the lasers became increasingly deep, only a thin layer was left before reaching the core.

In the center of the ring of laser cannons inside the mothership, a previously silent cannon suddenly spewed a bolt of lightning. It shot straight into the core of Pluto.

“Sizzle —!”

The lightning instantly struck that layer, and in a blink, the entire core appeared before their eyes. It was a fiercely burning golden fireball.

With the addition of lightning, the color of the golden fireball became even more vivid.

Although Moro’s fleet no longer had particle black hole collapse bombs to casually blow up planets, it did not mean they had no other means to destroy a planet.

In addition to the star-destroying cannon, there were many other ways to destroy a planet. Like the current method to destroy Pluto, it was suitable for environments without external interference.

“Pluto’s core temperature is rising…”

“The pressure inside the core is increasing…”

“Increase laser power, keep the channel open…”

“The core has awakened, Pluto’s magnetic field reappears…”

“Keep heating…”

Various departments in the mothership coordinated. In a few minutes, the temperature of Pluto’s core increased nearly tenfold. The ice layer outside the core started to boil and vaporize.

A large amount of steam emerged, desperately seeking an outlet. But this was the outer layer of the core, there was no exit, the steam could only compress within this small space.

The temperature of the core grew higher and higher, and the pressure outside the core grew greater and greater.


After an unknown length of time, all gravity wave detectors on the mothership failed with a crisp sound.

“Neptune has exploded!”

Moruo knew clearly; this was the effect of the star-destroying cannon reaching Neptune.

“Pluto should be soon…”

As he said this, the land of Pluto below suddenly broke apart. The entire planet seemed as if some creature was waking from beneath the ground, beginning to churn.

“Quickly evacuate—!”

All cannons on the mothership ceased firing and in a blink, they had left Pluto.

In a few seconds, Pluto ‘boom’ – completely shattered. Countless fragments mixed with various elements exploded in all directions in space.

At this point, both Pluto and Neptune were officially retired.

The mothership had only moved a few tens of millions of kilometers away, and then stopped again.

This was the location of the wormhole.

“Activate the wormhole, let’s go to the nearest star system…”

The spaceship began to spew negative energy. As the wormhole emerged, the ship vanished into it in an instant.

Near the moon, Zhao Yu sat on the massive mothership, anxiously watching the screen with Uncle Da.

On the screen, the gravitational wave curve representing the star-destroying cannon was slowly colliding with Neptune.


The familiar error code appeared, and the gravitational wave detector failed again.

“Here we go again…”

Zhao Yu took a deep breath, looking towards the second line of defense. There were tens of thousands of newly built spaceships standing by at a safe distance.

As Zhao Yu was pondering how the enemy might attack, a system voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

“Level 1 mission, expel alien (Moro) fleet completed, optional rewards available.”

“Optional Reward 1: Upgrade the title ‘Mysterious Merchant.’ Gain extra tech points when trading with alien civilizations.”

“Optional Reward 2: Activate the title ‘War King.’ Gain extra tech points when destroying alien military units.”

“Optional Reward 3: Unlock the reputation system. Reputation can be used to exchange for technology exceeding base level limit.”

“Note: In view of the host’s relationship with the Earthlings, trading with Earth will not trigger ‘Mysterious Merchant.'”

“Note: Only one of the three rewards can be chosen.”

Mission rewards?

Zhao Yu was taken aback. He carefully recalled that when he first time-traveled six years ago, the system indeed mentioned this as a mission, but it was so long ago that he had forgotten.

After reading the system’s prompt carefully, it mentioned that the mission to expel the Moro fleet was completed.

“Does that mean, the Moro fleet has left?!”

The system wouldn’t lie. Zhao Yu breathed a sigh of relief. He had worried that the Moro fleet’s destruction of Neptune indicated some new form of attack.

Now, it seemed they were simply lashing out in helpless rage, detonating a planet out of spite before leaving.

Overjoyed, Zhao Yu began happily examining the three rewards.

What he found somewhat regrettable was that the ‘Mysterious Merchant’ title no longer applied to the Earthlings.

He guessed it might be because he had interfered too much with Earth, leading the system to judge them as being of the same origin.

Though Zhao Yu was very curious about what the Mysterious Merchant would become after the upgrade, now, this reward seemed to be the most useless.

“War King title, destroying alien military units can earn extra tech points…”

Zhao Yu couldn’t help but glance at the space station outside Earth.

[Note: Due to the host’s common origin with the Earthlings, destroying Earth military units will not earn extra tech points.]

Just as this thought came to mind, he received a system prompt.

Zhao Yu felt somewhat disappointed. If he could exploit this loophole, that would be amazing. He could continuously build and destroy, earning tech points in abundance.

Finally, he moved his gaze to reward three, “Activate the reputation system. Reputation can be used to exchange for technologies beyond the base level. This is good…”

Zhao Yu quickly made his decision.

“I choose reward three, activate the reputation system….”

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