Overlimit Skill Holder (Web Novel JP)

Chapter The Black Sky Pirate Smiles Under The Moonlight. The Red Magus Roars Towards The Stars (50/63) 54: Overlimit Skill Holder Vol 3 54

Overlimit Skill Holder Vol 3 Chapter 54

Translator: Saitama-sensei Editor:Ryunakama

Vol 3: Chapter 54

** Anastasia **

(What in the world was that?)

She witnessed an impossible sight.

When the girl standing on the deck of “Queen of the Night” swung her right hand, an enormous black blade appeared and slashed apart the monster together with the sky itself.

『–Critical damage to engines 1, 4 and 5. We can’t maintain buoyancy anymore!』

The ringing alarm and the operator’s voice brought Anastasia back to her senses.

Now was not the time to wonder which one of them was the real monster.

(We’re going to crash——)

Even if you repel the monster that attacked the Empire, there is no point if you crash and die.

Furthermore, many ministers including the Emperor were on board. The country would fall into chaos if they all died.

「Your Majesty, to the emergency escape pod!」

「Hurry up! Get at least His Majesty to safety!!」

These ministers, who are usually eager to flatter and ass-kiss, gave top priority to the Emperor in this critical situation. There was no ulterior motive or intention. They wished to help the Emperor purely out of love.

The Emperor seems to have fallen over on the floor when the “Sky Harvest” tilted, and he became senseless. Multiple ministers supported and carried him away.

『Dropping altitude! 600 meters left!』

「Divert all energy to buoyancy!」

『Already executed!!』

「Guh… Then disengage the turrets and shells at once!」

『Huh!? But then the city will…』

The commander’s order implied to discard all the heavy things in order to reduce the weight of the “Sky Harvest”.

「Don’t worry! The surroundings are almost burnt fields! Moreover, His Majesty the Emperor is onboard with us!!」

『Y-Yes, sir!』

Metal sound was transmitted along with vibration. The main gun and turrets were separated from the “Sky Harvest” and fell.

「The descent speed is decreasing! However, we will make a crash landing as it is!』

「His Majesty!?」

「Still here!」

「Make a wall of meat and protect His Majesty!!」

The appearance of the ministers gathered around the Emperor was like small animals gathered together to warm up on a winter night.

They resolved themselves for the crash.

Anastasia as well.

(This may very well be the last moon I will ever see.)

The main gun was removed and fell off, causing the “Sky Harvest” to lose balance and tilt significantly.

At that time, Anastasia saw the city of the Empire.

Smoke was rising from here and there, and the surrounding area was a mountain of debris.


Involuntarily, a voice leaked out her mouth.

Sparks of flame petals danced around her.

She saw him. A lone adventurer running across the debris towards them—she saw Reiji.


The wooden railing she was clasping burned. Flames brightened her surroundings.

Tears overflowed from her eyes.

She thanked God for being able to see Reiji in her last moment.

(He gave me the hope to live. He taught me that my life wasn’t over.)

However, she is going to crash into the ground.

(Don’t come here, Reiji-san. And if I die… I am sorry)

And then Anastasia shut her eyes close, so she didn’t see it–

Reiji sticking out his hands and casting magic.


I noticed the “Queen of the Night” returning, right in the middle of the snake anemone releasing big snakes onto the ground.

(The “Queen of the Night” should have escaped. Why is it coming back?)

My head was filled with questions.

It would be better to deal with the rampaging big snakes than to think about those, however.

Each snake was slow in proportion to its large size, thus they were easy to defeat. But their number was the real problem. Everywhere was filled with snakes, snakes, and snakes as far as the eye can see. Someone who dislikes snakes, would most probably faint, and even I, who am okay with eating snakes, got goosebumps.


Before I could do something about the falling snakes, the snake anemone fired a ridiculous energy cannon, and turned its attention the other way.

I was thinking of compressing and shooting magic, but the snake anemone beat me to the punch! Seriously… Does it mean that the monster is smarter than me?

(Are all the monsters in the “Other World” like this?)

Oroboros and the snake anemone were tremendously strong. Not to even mention the “mediator”. I was convinced that this snake anemone was a resident of the “Other World”.

The lukewarm wind and the burnt odor—was the same as what I felt when I fought the “mediator”.

The snake anemone sent several airships to oblivion, and withered like a plant. But soon after, when I saw that it started eating the big snakes, my goosebumps accelerated and I was about to get hives.

「I guess… this is my chance!」

I thought that if I pushed through the big snakes, I could get a direct hit on the snake anemone with a magic attack.

Right then, the aircraft carrier revealed a turret and tried to launch an attack of similar power as the sea anemone.


Crap. The snake anemone turned its mouth towards the aircraft carrier.

At the same time as light was emitted from its mouth, the aircraft also launched its attack.

Due to the shock wave of the energy shot by the snake anemone, I was swept off the ground and blown away.


Although I didn’t take much damage, I was blown away a long distance.

And at that time, I saw a half-torn snake anemone and an aircraft carrier with a large hole in its belly.

(What is all this…)

If an all-out war broke out in this world, it would surely be an exchange of such powerful energy attacks.

What can I even do at that point?

Even if I have a 10-star skill orb, what can a lone human being accomplish alone?

(No, don’t lose your confidence…)

I can’t just absentmindedly watch while things happen.

The giant aircraft was losing altitude every passing moment, and seemed to aim for emergency landing—at worst, a full crash—it was falling straight down, and the snake anemone seemed to be still alive.

The “Queen of the Night” was getting closer and closer.

(Why? The snake anemone is still alive—)

At that moment, I noticed a figure standing at the bow of the airship.


There is no way I would ever mistake that person for someone else.

Even if I didn’t have【Eyesight Enhancement】.

Her blonde hair blowing in the wind, and she was wearing a violet combat uniform that I had never seen–even if four years had passed since then.

「Ah… I see now.」

I understood what she was trying to do and why the “Queen of the Night” returned.

It seemed like she was reaching out to me who had nothing and had no power.

The same as when she stood in front of me when I was about to be killed by the Duke because he hated my black hair and black eyes.

Knowing her, even if it’s not in her own interest, if she sees such a huge monster in front of her, she will definitely come back.

Even being fully aware of the dangers to herself, she will try to defeat this monster that could claim a great number of lives.


My big sister.

My most precious person.

The person who “gave” unto me for the first time in this world.

Lark raised her right hand to the heavens and activated the 6-star skill orb【Shadow King】. That smile was the same as it was four years ago. Nothing changed. The same smile when she said to me, “You’re cheeky.”

In the four years she must have refined her use of the skill orb. She very easily wielded the enormous blade, slashing the heavens, slashing the enemies, and even slashing the earth.

A rain of blood spewed out from the snake anemone. I saw Lark fall on her back, as if fainting.


My voice did not reach her. There’s no way it could. I caught a glimpse of Lark’s companion carrying her away.

I have to chase after them right now. Now that the snake anemone has been defeated, the “Queen of the Night” will soon leave. Since the other military airships are still disordered, it’s my biggest chance.


I grasped my hands tightly.

Then I turned my back to Lark, to my big sister.

Chasing after Lark is not what I should do right now.

「I don’t know if I can do it though!!」

I ran. I kicked the debris, the ground, and the snakes underneath and sprinted.

Turrets and shells were falling away from the falling aircraft carrier. The airship was unloading in anticipation of a “crash” in an attempt to reduce its own weight as much as possible.

Considering the size, there should be a considerable number of crewmates onboard.

It may not be possible to save everyone.

The impact I could have on it may be negligible.

But still–

If my magic could save even one person.

If I could be like Lark who took the risk and followed through to the point of exhausting her power.


I concentrated everything on one powerful magic spell rather than multiple.

When I reached a few tens of meters before the landing point, I pushed my hands forward and concentrated all the mana throughout my body.

「Gather, Gust!!!!!!」

【Wind Magic】is difficult to handle. This magic which manipulates the atmosphere, rather than the air, has no shape, is not visible, and is easy to disperse.

However, it should be able to exhibit the greatest output in any situation.

The surrounding atmosphere swirled according to the mana that I radiated, compressing the air. My hair stood upside down and my clothes fluttered. By the time I couldn’t keep my eyes open—the giant airship was about 50 meters above ground.


I almost fainted as all my mana was wringed out, but I controlled the magic to the last minute and released it forward.

The compressed air became a huge tornado as it entered the landing point. The mana that was holding it down was released to the surroundings at the same time. The pressure crushed the ground and lifted the airship from below. The bottom of the ship made creaking noises.

However, it wasn’t enough with my magic alone.

「Mimino-san, I’ll use it!!」

I took out the Dupe Potion I had from the tool bag and slammed it on the ground.

The bottle cracked and the liquid inside flowed out, and at the same time, purple phosphorescence rose to the surroundings.

The previous mana was reconstructed again.

Dupe Potion doesn’t use mana, but if you lose control, it will run wild… or to be more precise, you have to use it with a clear aim in mind!


The gust slid under the airship in the same way.

It was less than 10 meters from the bottom of the ship to the ground.

When the compressed air burst out, the bottom of the ship became dented and the sound of cracking echoed. The falling speed of the airship got slower and slower.

Eventually, there was a dull sound.

「F-Finally, I did it…」

The airship, with a hole and caught on fire, landed on the ground.

I collapsed on the spot. With peace of mind, intense drowsiness strikes.

(I have to chase after Lark… What kind of face Lark will make when she sees how much I’ve grown… I wonder… There are many other things I want to talk about too…)

And I closed my eyes.

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