Online In Another World

Chapter 316 What Was Exchanged

It weighed on him heavily; the presence of both the Faceless One and the Progenitor, two forces that transcended mortal understanding–such entities of colossal pressure ruined his own sense of strength.

"How long was I asleep?" He asked, looking over at the tiny creature.

Nin sat on the railing of the high-up bed, which was made of cleanly-cut, rich wood, swinging their legs without a care in the world as their sparkling wings laid flat.

They were tapping their chin in thought, periodically making small noises as if really having to rack their brain to remember, "Hmm…Hmm…About five hours? Yeah, that sounds right. I wasn't counting, but the mind of a faerie is just superior like that, ya know?"

"Sure, whatever. Thanks," he responded, getting his answer.

"Hey! You were barely listening, weren't you?!" Nin squeaked.

Still not paying much mind to the words of the bird-sized humanoid, he slid off of the top bed and crouched down beside the bottom one, checking on his slumbering friend.

"Still asleep, huh?" He muttered.

Guess the Primordial wasn't lying. Blimpo won't wake up until after he's left the garden. Well…Hold on, he realized.

Standing back up, he put his singular hand against his chin, peering into thought as he realized the way Blimpo was sleeping had changed; the snoring had quieted down, sleeping much lighter it seemed.

"Hey, faerie," he called out to the verdant-winged creature.

"I told you, the name is Nin!" Nin placed their hands on their sides, floating in front of the young man, "What is it?"

He looked up, "Weird question…but are we technically in the garden right now? While inside of this tree, I mean?"

The faerie tilted their head, thrown off by the random question as they tapped their chin with their small finger again, "Hmmm…I'd say it's not. This resting area is a closet space that Master Adam created. It should count as a completely separate place altogether…Why though? What's that have to do with anything?"

A small smile appeared on the Dragonheart's lips as he got the answer he was looking for, "Thanks!"

"Sure? Anyway, it's time for me to go tend to the garden. Don't make the place messy while I'm gone or I'll fly into your mouth while you sleep!" Nin threatened, though it definitely came off less than intimidating from the tiny creature.

"...Weird threat, but okay," he nodded.

After the verdant-winged faerie fluttered out of the finely-furnished room within the tree, it was just him and his slumbering friend left inside.

Alright…Let's do this! He thought.

Stepping in front of the leave-blanketed bed where his elven companion was sleeping quietly, a new objective bore itself into the mind of the young man; the fear and negativity that had been etched into him from his nightmarish encounter subsided as he found this new idea:

Mission: "Wake Up Blimpo"! He decided.

It wasn't a guaranteed exploit in the Primordial's conditions that he had found, but a possibility within it nonetheless.

Adam only said that Blimpo would remain asleep while inside the garden. If this space is technically outside the boundaries of the garden–I might be able to wake him up! He thought.

First things first, he grabbed the elven man by his shoulder, shaking him lightly in an attempt to do things "gently", though as Blimpo remained steadily asleep, he began shaking him more aggressively.

"Wake up! C'mon!" He urged.

There was only so much he could shake his friend with one arm, resorting to his draconic strength to perform a different action entirely, one that he didn't want to resort to–


–Straight across the right cheek of the unconscious elf, his palm swept against it sharply. A red mark was left, causing Blimpo to roll around briefly and grumble, yet still not waking up.

"...Really?" He let out worriedly.

It was clear to him that his companion wasn't simply locked into sleep; there was definitely a chance to wake him up. The problem was, Blimpo seemed to be quite the heavy sleeper, enduring the cheek-scalding slap.

Stop dreaming about spare parts and wake up…! He thought.

Finally, he resorted to one last tactic of waking somebody up; quite a cruel method, in fact. He carefully pinched the eccentric elf's nose, plugging it from drawing any air in. Undoubtedly a cruel method, but an effective one, seeing as after a few seconds of holland it, the elven man's complexion paled before–


Blimpo jumped up, flailing his arms to try to get whatever was preventing him from breathing away.

The young man immediately let go of his friend's nose upon finding his method successful, smiling at the sight of his reawakened companion.

"The hell was that for?!" Blimpo coughed, sitting up on the natural bedding.

Emilio laughed, "You weren't waking up."

The elven man finally caught his breath, rubbing his own nose before looking around, "Where are we, anyway?" Blimpo looked towards the blonde-and-black haired young man as his eyes widened, "H-hey,'Milio, the hell happened to your arm?! And that eyepatch–how long was I out?!"

It was definitely a question he expected, though it was all a bit hard to explain, seeing as his mind was still muddled at the moment.

"...It's a long story," he began to explain.

Of course, Blimpo was more than willing to listen; a listener unlike any other. Without sparing any details, making sure there were no eavesdropping faeries, he told his elven friend everything. From the Garden of the Abyss, to the Primordial, to the exchange he made for knowledge and power, along with the frightening encounter he had.

"Woah…That's…a lot," Blimpo reacted.

"Yeah…" He nodded.

Blimpo looked at his right side where an arm used to occupy, "Quite the trade you made. I can't blame ya'. I would've done it myself–easily."

On that topic, he felt it was time to finally tell his companion what his current plan was, leaning forward as he held a motivated smile, "About that…I have an idea, if you're willing to give it a shot."

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