One Wild Night

Chapter 816 Art Gallery Date

Chapter 816  Art Gallery Date

Alone in her house, since Candace had dropped her off before going to visit Matt, Andy sat at the balcony, staring at the bottle of wine she had picked from the  wine cellar and wondering if Cassidy had deliberately placed it there.

She remembered the brand all so well. That had been the wine Cassidy had been drinking when she was led to him the very first night of their encounter.

She still remembered how Jero had walked into the living room while she was seeing a soap opera with Candace and had thrown a skimpy dress at her, asking her to change into it and follow him.

"Why? Where are you taking her?" Candace had asked with a frown as she picked up the dress.

"Stay out of it, pea," Jero had said before turning to Andy.

"Hurry up. I don't have all evening," he ordered.

"No, Jero. She is not going anywhere with you if you don't tell me where you're taking her, and why she has to wear such a dress," Candace insisted stubbornly.

"Fine. If you must know, I want to introduce her to someone. He's going to give her a job in his company. He likes ladies to dress up nice, that's why I want her to wear that," Jero said to Candace before turning to glare at Andy who was still standing there.

"A job? What kind of job? What's the name of the company?" Candace asked as Andy reluctantly went in to change.

"You ask too many questions, and you know I don't like it," Jero snapped irritably, startling two years old Jamal who was asleep on the couch beside Candace.

Candace quickly picked up Jamal who was crying to pacify him, while Jero walked over to the refrigerator to take a can of beer.

The moment Andy stepped out dressed in the mini dress and a heeled sandals, Jero nodded in approval as he looked her over, "Let's go."

"Take care of yourself, Andy," Candace called to Andy as she walked out with Jero.

"The man you are going to be working for, his name is Cassidy Bank. Make sure you're on your best behavior and you do whatever he asks you to do, okay? Do not do anything to embarrass me, else there will be hell to pay. You can't keep leeching off me. You should at least bring something to  the table," Jero said as he parked the car in front of a club.

"Are we meeting him here? In a club?" Andy asked with a frown.

"Do you have a problem with it?" Jero asked harshly, making her press her lips together as she followed him.

Jero led her around the club to the private and secluded rooms reserved for the VIP guests.

Jero rang the doorbell on one of the rooms and the door was opened by a huge man dressed in black suit.

The moment the man saw Jero, and saw Andy beside him, he shut the door and returned inside. He came back a short while later.

"The boss said you can leave, and only her can come inside," he informed Jero, and with a nod Jero stepped back.

"I'm sure you can find your way back after your meeting. Be on your best behavior," Jero warned and walked away before Andy could say anything.

"Come with me," the huge man in black suit said as he held the door wider for her to go in.

Twenty-two years old Andy walked into the room, and there he was, dressed in a white button down shirt and white trousers. His shirt was halfway undone and the belt of his trousers was loose.

Cassidy was seated on the bed with a bottle of wine in his left hand and a cigar in his right hand.

"Leave us alone," Cassidy said, dismissing the man.


"Strip," Cassidy ordered, cutting off whatever Andy had to say.

"What?" Andy asked, taken aback by his order.

Cassidy looked at her, his expression bored and annoyed, "You heard me the first time. Take off your dress," he growled and she frowned, wondering what sort of job required her to strip.

"Shouldn't I introduce myself…." Andy gasped and jumped back in shock when Cassidy threw the bottle of wine and smashed it against the wall behind her.

"I don't care who or what you are. Take off your damned clothes!" Cassidy yelled.

Andy shook her head to shake off the memory. She didn't want to think about it, she decided with a sigh as she rose from her seat.

She doubted that Cassidy would have added that wine to the cellar deliberately when he knew the kind of memory the wine would bring back.

She picked up the bottle of wine and took it back to the cellar. Maybe he liked the brand and had kept it there for himself not her sake, she decided.

As much as she didn't like to remember that experience, lately she had been thinking about it a lot.

She had been thinking a lot about her past with Cassidy, and she wasn't sure if it was because she missed him or it was because she had forgiven him or maybe it was her mind's way of reminding her of all that had happened so she would realize that getting over whatever she was feeling was best for her.

Perhaps Candace was right, and she was feeling the way she was because of the Stockholm effect.

Was it normal for her to have feelings for someone who had sexually violated her regardless of his reasons? Someone who paid to have sex with her?

Was it normal that she was desperately hoping that he would visit or that they would meet again? Andy mused as she moved around the house.

Maybe she needed to get her head checked. There was probably something wrong with her. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Over the course of the celebrations she had taken her time to study everyone and the dynamics of their relationships.

Sonia, Lucy, Jade, Aurora, and even Candace were involved with cool and calm headed men. Men who adored them and had real stuff going for them, so why was she interested in a man with such a dark past?

One who was hiding from both the law and outlaws?

Even if there was the possibility of anything happening between them of they ever crossed paths, she was going to have to go back to that island to live in hiding with him, and she wasn't cut out for that kind of life.

Liking or wanting him was an exercise in futility.

If for anything they crossed paths in the future, then maybe they could be friends.

She would keep the house since it was a gift, but she wouldn't wait for him to show up or hope to see him. She was just going to go about living her life and hope that some day she would find the kind of love she deserved.

Away from there, Amy sighed deeply when her doorbell rang again, and she rose to go answer the door, wondering why everyone wouldn't leave her alone.

She was surprised to see Lucy standing there with an awkward smile, "I'm very very sorry to bother you, Amy. You have no idea how sorry I am. But if you don't mind sharing your space for a little mind, can I come in to get ready for my date?" She asked and Amy looked at her incredulously.

"Of course, you can. This is your apartment and I'm the one in your space…."

"Well, it's your space at the moment," Lucy said as she walked inside the bedroom.

"Do you want me to help you get ready?" Amy offered.

"Oh, no. You don't have to worry about me. You can go do whatever you were doing before I bothered you," Lucy said and Amy walked out of the bedroom to give her the privacy she needed.

Lucy had a grin on her face as she looked through her closet to take out the clothes she had worn on their first date.

She dialed Tom's line once she brought out the clothes and set them on the bed.

"Change of plan, love," Lucy announced the moment Tom received the call.

"You're not cancelling our date, are you?" He asked with a frown.

"Not at all. But I was thinking. Instead of going to the gallery together, how about I meet you there?" She asked and Tom raised a brow.

"Why? Are you going somewhere else?"

"Not exactly. I want you to go ahead. I will join you in a bit. Adolf can drive me to the gallery," Lucy said since it was almost time for their date already.

"And your clothes? Won't you have to come home to dress up?" Tom asked curiously.

"Don't worry about me. I will dress up from my place. I just want us to do something different. I will tell you about it when we meet," Lucy said and Tom sighed.

"Alright. I will be waiting for you at the gallery," Tom said before hanging up, wondering what she was up to.

An hour later, The air hung heavy with the scent of old paper and oil paints as Lucy walked into the gallery, her heart pounding a familiar rhythm against her ribs.

Lucy scanned the sun-dappled hallway, searching for the familiar form of Tom since he wasn't by the entrance.

Suddenly, she spotted him. He stood before a large Monet water lily painting, his back turned to her.

The sunlight streamed through the high window, casting a warm glow on his broad shoulders. He seemed lost in the brushstrokes, a rare calmness radiating from him.

With a playful smile, Lucy decided to surprise him. She walked stealthily across the polished marble floor, her sequin blue dress whispering against her thighs– the same dress she'd worn on their very first, awkward dinner date at his apartment.

"Guess who?" Lucy asked in a false deep voice as she stood behind Tom and covered his eyes with her hands.

Tom chuckled, "I already caught a whiff of your perfume," he said as he turned to look at her.

"You look..." he began, his voice trailing off as he took in the dress. "It's... that dress."

Lucy grinned. "You remembered," she said with a bright smile.

He nodded, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Of course I did. Why would I forget a dress of such importance?" He asked and then leaned closer to her.

"The good thing about wearing it now is that you won't have to wonder whether or not I will make love to you tonight," he said with a teasing smile, making Lucy giggle.

"Well, I wore the same set of undies I wore that night. This is your second chance," she said and Tom grinned.

"By the way, I'm sorry I kept you waiting," Lucy said, changing the subject.

"I don't mind waiting, as long as it's for you," he said, and then gestured towards the painting. "I got lost in the lilies. Monet always had a way of transporting me…" He trailed off, his gaze lingering on her.

"Who needs to get lost in artworks, when there is you? You're so beautiful, Jewel. I need to have a painting of you. One in my office, and another in the bedroom at home," he said softly and Lucy grinned.

"Go easy with the flattery, love. You're going to get some tonight whether or not you flatter me," she said and he chuckled.

"I'm being serious. What was I thinking not making love to you that night?" He asked and she grinned.

"You were thinking about tricking me into becoming your fake girlfriend. Let's take a look around. Impress me with your knowledge of art," Lucy suggested, and Tom extended an arm to her and she hooked her arm with his.

As they navigated the gallery, Tom surprised Lucy by effortlessly weaving tales about the art. He pointed out details in a Monet, the way the light danced on the water lilies, the hidden symbolism in a Chagall, and explained the symbolism hidden within a Bruegel landscape.

Lucy equally surprised and delighted him with her insightful observations and genuine enthusiasm.

"This place is captivating," she whispered, turning to Tom.

He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "It suits you, doesn't it? Full of hidden depths and unexpected beauty," he said and she raised a brow.

"Unexpected beauty? Why is my beauty unexpected?" She asked and he chuckled.

"I thought we were talking about the gallery and the paintings?"

"We were, until you said that making it sound like you were referring to me," Lucy said with a pout and Tom laughed softly.

"Your beauty is actually beyond expectation," he assured her as he urged her along with his hand on her lower back.

"And what I meant to say was that this place reminds me of you. Beautiful, full of hidden depths, and always leaving me wanting more," Tom said and Lucy grinned as she stopped to look at him.

"I leave you wanting more, huh? More of what?"

"More of everything. I don't think I could ever get enough of you," he said and she smiled.

"My jaw is going to hurt so much from smiling because of all these sweet compliments from you," Lucy said as they continued moving.

They paused before a vibrant Picasso. Lucy traced the bold lines with her finger, a thoughtful look creasing her brow.

"It's chaotic," she said, "but somehow, it works."

"Perhaps that's the beauty of it," Tom replied, his voice softer than usual.

"Life is chaotic, Lucy, full of unexpected strokes and surprising twists. But sometimes, the chaos creates something beautiful, something unique," Tom said and Lucy mulled on it for a moment.

"I guess you are right in a way," Lucy said and then looked at him seriously.

"How come I never knew you were such an art aficionado?" She asked and Tom shrugged.

"I guess there is a lot we still don't know about each other, seeing as I didn't know you knew so much about art either," Tom said and Lucy smiled.

"Isn't that the beauty of all this? We can slowly discover it all. I'm not in haste to know everything about you. Are you?" She asked, and Tom shook his head.

"Not at all. Hopefully, we have forever to do that. By the way, I got you a little present," Tom said as he pulled out a small velvet box and presented her with a delicate silver pendant, shaped like a blooming sunflower, the flower's center adorned with a single sparkling diamond.

"This reminded me of you," he said, his voice soft. "Bright, vibrant, and full of warmth."

Tears welled up in Lucy's eyes as she touched the pendant, the cool metal a stark contrast to the heat rising in her cheeks.

"You know I'm all of that because you showed up in my life, right? You are the diamond at the center of my life," Lucy said and Tom leaned in and kissed her.

"I was actually going to say that to you," Tom said as he tried to pull away but Lucy's arm went around his neck to keep him in place.

"Hello, everyone! This absolutely gorgeous man here is the love of my life," Lucy announced loudly, surprising Tom, and the patrons around clapped for them while Lucy grinned up at a flustered Tom.

"Did you think I could only do that when I'm drunk?" She asked and he grinned.

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