One Wild Night

Chapter 811 We All Have Masks

811 We All Have Masks

While Lucy and Lucas were busy conversing, Tom was also busy with Tyler at the balcony.

Tom had a frown on his face as he looked at Tyler, "So, you're saying she visited the clinic three times a week, just to talk to your colleague?"

"Yeah, that's what he said when I asked why she was always visiting him," Tyler confirmed, his brow furrowed in response to Tom's skeptical expression. "Apparently, they were close family friends."

Tom's skepticism intensified. "Close family friends? Did he specify if they were from her side or her husband's? And what kind of conversations would warrant three visits a week? Is he a therapist?"

"No, I didn't ask the details of their friendship or conversations. And no, he isn't a therapist," Tyler said, wondering why Tom was asking all that question.

"Didn't you ever suspect anything?" Tom asked and Tyler hesitated, considering the implications of Tom's questions.

"Are you thinking that maybe they were not just chatting?" Tyler asked when he realized where Tom was going with his questions.

"Didn't it cross your mind even once that there might be more to the visits?" Tom asked and Tyler shook his head.

"Dr Evans would never do such a thing. He loves his wife too much to ever want to have an affair," Tyler said and Tom scowled.

"Is that the best you can think of?" Tom asked in disbelief. "Did you ever notice anything unusual about Mia before or after these visits? Anything at all?" Tom asked again, and this time Tyler's heart skipped a beat.

He hadn't wanted to believe that Sonia was right about the possibility of Mia being on the run from her abusive husband, but now, doubt gnawed at him.

If that was true as Tom's question was making him believe, he didn't want to imagine that Mia had been visiting the hospital that often just to receive treatments, or that Dr Evans had been aware of the fact that she was being abused but had done nothing to help her.

"There was one time I saw her wince as though she were in pain when settling into a seat in his office. But I dismissed it as a harmless ache," he said and Tom nodded.

They were getting somewhere now, Tom thought, "So, do you think it's possible that your colleague was treating the wounds inflicted on her by her husband?" Tom asked and Tyler nodded hesitantly.

"It's possible," Tyler said and Tom sighed deeply.

"Can you tell me more about your colleague?" Tom asked and Tyler went on to tell him all he needed to know about Dr Evans.

Once they were done they returned to join Lucy and Lucas who were laughing over something Lucas had said.

"Do it, let's see how he reacts," Lucy whispered to Lucas just as Tom got to where they were seated.

"By the way, Tom, did Jade send you the pictures she captured of Lucy lying on Tyler's body?" Lucas asked, and Lucy stuck her tongue in her cheek as they watched Tom turn to Tyler.

"Is that true?"

"You heard Lucas. Lucy was lying on me not the other way around. I didn't initiate the contact," Tyler said defensively.

"Why did you let her lie on you?" Tom asked and Tyler looked from Tom to Lucy and Lucas incredulously.

"What do you mean why did I let her lie on me? I was sleeping and I woke up to her lying on my body and hugging me…."

"She hugged you? You hugged another guy?" Tom asked and turned to glare at Lucy who was grinning at him.

"It wasn't a big deal. Are you going to talk to Lucas or can we go up now? I'm exhausted," she said with a pout as she stretched, and Lucas chuckled when Tom's glare transformed into a concerned expression.

"Want me to carry you upstairs?" He asked in a soft voice and Tyler looked from Tom to Lucas who was grinning as he watched Tom and Lucy.

Lucy bobbed her head as she held out both hands to Tom like a baby, and Tom swept her off her feet before turning to Lucas, "I thought I could hangout with you tonight, but as you can see, she needs to go to bed, so let's hangout when next you come around. Make sure to leave Tyler where you found him and come alone," Tom said before taking her away, and Lucy winked at Lucas as they left.

"Is he really that crazy about her or is he putting up a show for my sake?" Tyler asked and Lucas chuckled.

"Does Tom look like he cares about anything other than Lucy? Why would he put up a show for your sake?" Lucas asked and Tyler smiled.

"Well then, I'm happy for Lucy. I don't think I could ever have given her that," Tyler said and Lucas nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. So, what did Tom want to talk about? Did he pay you off to stay away from Lucy for life?" Lucas asked and Tyler chuckled.

"That wouldn't have been such a bad idea," Tyler said and then sighed before going on to tell Lucas what they had discussed.

As Tom carried Lucy up the stairs, she grinned as she looked into his face, "Were you really mad that I hugged Tyler?" She asked and he shook his head.

"Not mad. I wasn't mad, but at the same time I don't like the idea of you being that close to any guy. Does that make sense to you?" He asked, and she nodded.

"Yep. I definitely wouldn't like it if a random girl from your childhood showed up and started hugging and throwing herself at you," Lucy said and Tom arched a brow.

"Then why did you do it then?" He asked and she smiled.

"Because I didn't think of it like this at the time. And also maybe because I trust myself enough to know that nothing would happen between us," Lucy said thoughtfully as she helped Tom open their bedroom door and he carried her in.

"But if the situation was reversed you wouldn't trust me enough?" He asked and she grinned.

"Well, I'm working on that," she said and laughed out loud when Tom threw her on the bed.

"Seriously?" He asked and she grinned.

"Of course, you know I trust you too. To an extent," she added with a giggle and Tom scowled.

"To an extent?" He asked as slowly as he advanced towards her on the bed with a challenging glint in his eyes and she laughed.

"Fully. How can I not trust you fully after all we've been through together in such a short while?" She asked looking into his face with laughing eyes and Tom lowered his lips to hers.

"I was wondering the same thing," he said as he kissed her slowly, causing her toes to tingle.

"I don't know if it's because I was away for two days, but kissing you is making me tingle all over," she said and Tom chuckled as he pulled away.

"Relax, while I will run us a bath," Tom said before walking away.

Lucy had a smile on her face as she stretched out on the bed and then reached for her handbag and took out her phone.

She raised a brow when she saw some missed calls from Sonia and a text asking her to call immediately she sees the text.

Lucy raised a brow as she dialed Sonia's line and almost immediately Sonia received the call.

"What are you doing with your phone when you should be busy honeymooning? And why are you still up till now?" Lucy asked the moment the call connected.

"Where have you been? And where did you leave your phone?" Sonia hissed irritably.

"I was hanging out with Lucas and Tyler downstairs. What's the problem?" Lucy asked with a worried frown and Sonia sighed.

"It's not exactly a problem per se. I need you to help me keep an eye on Mia while I'm away. Do you think you can do that? Maybe just check on her and hangout with her when you can. I'm worried about her, and since I won't be around to do it myself I was hoping you could help me, just until I get back," Sonia explained and Lucy nodded.

"Sure. Of course, I can. I will be stopping over there tomorrow to see Amy. I will check on her while I'm there," Lucy promised and Sonia smiled.

"Thank you so much," Sonia said, glad that Lucy did not bother asking her any questions she didn't have answers to.

"But you shouldn't worry too much. Lucas told me Jeff would be keeping an eye on her too," Lucy said wanting to put Sonia's mind at ease.

"Jeff? Lucas? What's going on?" Sonia asked in confusion.

"Tyler told me about what happened earlier when you asked us to excuse the three of you today. Harry knows about Mia and both Harry and Tom are helping her. Jeff is also involved," Lucy said and Sonia frowned wondering why it seemed like everyone else was aware of what was going on with Mia and she and Bryan were the last to know.

"Babe, the water is ready," Tom said as he stepped out of the bedroom and Lucy lifted a finger to let him know she needed a minute.

"I don't know the details, do you?" Sonia asked and Lucy shook her head.

"Not exactly. Everything I know, I heard from Lucas. But from what he said her husband was abusive and she has lots of scars on her back. Jeff told them that," Lucy said and Sonia's hand clenched in a fist.

"I will call you in the morning before we fly out," Sonia said and after that they hung up.

"Who was that?" Tom asked as Lucy as she kept her phone and got off the bed.

"Sonia. She wanted me to help her keep an eye on Mia until she gets back," Lucy explained as she took off the dress she was wearing.

"Did she tell you why?" Tom asked as he watched her and she shook her head.

"No. But I heard about it from Tyler and Lucas, and I think it's very nice that you and Harry want to help," Lucy said as she took the hand which Tom offered and followed him into the bathroom.

Lucy smiled when she saw what Tom had done. Lavender candles flickered, casting a gentle glow on the steam-filled room.

"It smells relaxing," she said and he smiled.

"I noticed some scented candles at your place the last time, so I figured you like them and got some," he said and she sighed dramatically.

"Tell me something. How did I survive all these years without your love?" She asked, and he chuckled as he took off his clothes.

Lucy couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment, and for the life they were building together.

She stepped closer to Tom and wrapped her arms around him from behind, resting her head against his back.

"Thank you for doing this," she whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his shoulder.

Tom turned around, his eyes soft as he looked down at her. "Anything for you," he said, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

They stepped into the tub together, the warm water soothing their tired muscles. And as the hot water enveloped them, Lucy sighed, the tension slowly melting away.

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying each other's presence.

"I love you," Lucy said suddenly, breaking the silence. Tom smiled at her, feeling his heart swell with love.

"I love you more," he replied, as she reached up to cup his cheek.

She kissed him, a sweet, tender kiss that spoke of her love and devotion to him, and even though Tom was very much aroused, he held himself from making love to her since he knew that she was very exhausted.

After they were done, they returned to the bedroom, and Tom made her lie on her stomach so he could massage her body.

Lucy sighed as he massaged her, "You know, it's hard to imagine that someone like Mia went through something like that. She always looked so vibrant and strong whenever I saw her. I mean, she doesn't look like someone who would let anyone treat her that way," Lucy said thoughtfully.

"Strength comes in many forms, love. And it takes immense courage to leave an abusive relationship, especially when wealth and power are involved. So, you're right about her being strong. You never can tell how long it took her to come up with this persona," Tom said and Lucy nodded.

"I know. And I admire Mia's bravely. I'm sure it was not easy to start over this way. But it makes me wonder what else is hidden beneath the surface. No one wants other people to see their vulnerability. We all have masks," Lucy said with a yawn and Tom smiled.

"Don't you think that goes to tell you that people only let you see what they want you to see? And in turn reminds us to look deeper, to offer support when we can. We should be grateful that we can be there for her," Tom said and Lucy nodded.

"You're right," Lucy said, finding comfort in his warmth and understanding. "Thank you, love."

"What for?" Tom asked and she shrugged.

"For everything. For being here for me and for how you are always willing to offer a helping hand to anyone that needs it. It was thanks to you that I could take off my mask," Lucy said with another yawn and Tom leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

"You don't have to thank me for anything. Besides, you helped me take mine off too," he said and she rolled her eyes.

"That doesn't count as a mask," she said and he smiled.

"That's where you're mistaken. It counts. Everything with you counts," he assured her.

"Everything with me counts as a mask?" Lucy asked with a sleepy yawn and Tom chuckled.

"I think you need to go to sleep now," he said, knowing that she would sleep off in any moment.

"Yeah. So much for the deep tissue massage I dreamt about," she said and Tom chuckled.

"We can always do that some other time after you're well rested," he said and she nodded.

"Yeah. Sure. I love you. Thanks," she said as her eyes closed and Tom grinned as he moved away from her so she could sleep.

"I love you too, Jewel. Sweet dreams."

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