One Wild Night

Chapter 799 Scars

Chapter 799 Scars

All through the night, Mia had contemplated packing up and running off to go start afresh somewhere else before Tyler blows her cover, but she hadn't been able to bring herself to do that.

She owed it to Bryan and Sonia to be present for their wedding. Maybe after the wedding, she could run off to go start over somewhere else, but for now, she had to be present and be there for them.

Knowing that Jeff would most likely be back soon since they had spent the night on the yacht, she decided to go freshen up so she would leave for Bryan's place and spend time with Sonia and the rest of the ladies before it was time for the wedding.

The wedding had been fixed for evening because of Sonia, so she could get enough rest before the wedding, and also because she had said she preferred an evening wedding party.

As Mia showered, Tyler's face flashed before her, his knowing smirk a silent accusation. Run, a voice whispered in her mind. Run before they tear off your carefully constructed mask, and expose the scars beneath.

She was startled out of her thought by she the sound of the persistent sound of the doorbell, and only then did she remember that she had locked the door from within because Jeff had spent the night out.

She quickly rinsed the soapsuds off her body and tied her towel over her chest as she hurried out to confirm if it was Jeff and to open the door.

She looked through the peephole and when she saw that it was Jeff, she opened the door.

"Sorry. I was in the shower," Mia said the moment Jeff stepped in.

"I guess you are feeling better now, that's good," he said and she flashed him a smile.

"Yes, thanks. Give me a minute to finish up in the bathroom, and then you can tell me all about the party before I leave to go get ready with Sonia and the others," Mia said before walking past Jeff to return inside.

The moment she turned her back to him, Jeff frowned when he saw some jagged scars etched across her back, barely concealed by the towel wrapped around her.

His breath caught in his throat as he realized the depth of the secrets she harbored beneath her calm exterior.

The scars spoke volumes, telling a story of pain, fear, and resilience that Mia had kept hidden from the world.

He hesitated, torn between respecting her privacy and confronting the truth that lay just beneath the surface. But the sight of those scars, stark against the pale canvas of her skin, gnawed at his conscience. He couldn't ignore them, couldn't pretend he hadn't seen the evidence of her suffering.

"Mia," he began, his voice soft but tinged with concern and Mia turned to look at him, wondering what was wrong.

It wasn't until she saw the look on his face and his eyes that she realized what was wrong.

"What... what happened?"

Mia's shoulders tensed at the question, and her grip on the towel tightened as she realized that she had momentarily forgotten about her scars in her hurry to answer the door.

Her expression was guarded as she avoided his gaze, "I... I don't want to talk about it," she murmured, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart.

With that she turned away from him, retreating into the sanctuary of her bedroom. Her movements were stiff.

Jeff's heart ached at the pain evident in her every movement, in the haunted look that shadowed her eyes. He wanted to reach out, to offer comfort and support, but he knew he had to tread carefully. Whatever had caused those scars was a wound that ran deep, one that Mia obviously wasn't ready to confront.

He stood there helplessly as Mia closed the door to her bedroom, shutting him out along with her secrets.

The silence that followed was heavy with unspoken truths, with the weight of the past that lingered between them.

Did her scars have anything to do with the reason she had run away from home and pretended to be dead, or were they a result of the accident that was claimed to take her life?

Did the scars have any reason to do with the reasons she cried almost every night and why she always looked sad to him no matter how much she smiled or laughed?

Jeff stood outside Mia's door, his mind swirling with questions and emotions he couldn't begin to unravel.

He wished he could erase the pain etched into Mia's skin, wished he could shield her from whatever memories that haunted her every waking moment, but he knew that healing was a journey Mia had to embark on herself.

All he could do was offer his unwavering support, his steadfast presence in the face of her darkest moments.

As he turned away from Mia's closed door, a resolve settled over him. He may not have all the answers, may not be able to erase the scars of her past, but he would stand by her side, a silent guardian in the storm that raged within her.

And together, they would navigate the tumultuous waters of healing, one step at a time, until Mia found the peace and solace she so desperately deserved.

Inside her bedroom, Mia trembled as she sank onto the edge of her bed, her heart pounding in her chest.

The memories she had fought so hard to suppress came rushing back with a vengeance, threatening to overwhelm her fragile defenses.

The sight of Jeff's concerned expression, the way he had hesitated before asking about the scars, stirred a whirlwind of emotions within her.

She had spent the last three years burying the pain, the fear, the shame, deep beneath a facade of strength and composure. But now, faced with Jeff's knowledge of her scars and his unspoken questions, the walls she had built around her crumbled like sandcastles against the tide.

Talking to Harry about her past had been different. Harry didn't see her scars, and Harry wasn't as close to her as Jeff was. Harry had not asked the question because he had any idea about anything or because he cared.

She had told him the summary of it all and had been able to detach herself from it as much as she could without giving in to the humiliating details of the abuse she had suffered.

But she knew it wasn't the same for Jeff. His question had come from a place of suspicion and genuine concern, and after catching a glimpse of her ugly scars, she could only imagine what he must be thinking.

Her mind drifted back to Henry, the man who had once been her husband. His cruelty and brutality, were etched into every scar that marred her skin, a constant reminder of the nightmare she had endured.

But Mia had fought back, had clawed her way out of the darkness, determined to reclaim her life from the clutches of her tormentor. Faking her own death had been her only escape, her only chance at a future free from Henry's suffocating grip.

And yet, the past had a way of resurfacing when least expected, of clawing its way back into the present like a relentless specter haunting her every move.

Jeff's question, had dredged up memories she had long buried, forcing her to confront the demons she had fought so hard to outrun.

Tears welled in Mia's eyes as she rose from the bed to stand in front of the mirror, and the tears dropped as she let down the towel and stared at her reflection in the mirror, the scars on her body a roadmap of pain and suffering she could never forget.

She wished she could confide in Jeff, and unburden herself of the weight she had carried for so long, but her shame and fear held her back. The shame of exposing her vulnerabilities, and the fear of reliving the horrors of her past.

With a shaky breath, Mia wiped away her tears, steeling herself against the tide of emotions threatening to engulf her.

She couldn't afford to unravel now, not when the stakes were higher than ever. She had promised to be there for Bryan and Sonia, to celebrate their love despite the shadows that lingered in her own heart, and she was going to do just that today, Mia resolved as she dressed up.

She had a wedding to attend, a celebration of love and new beginnings that she refused to let her past overshadow.

Determined to push aside the memories that threatened to consume her and cast aside the shadows that lingered within, Mia took a deep breath as she opened her bedroom door.

Slightly taken aback by the sight of Jeff seated in the living room like he was waiting for her, Mia squared her shoulders and forced a smile onto her lips as she joined him, masking the turmoil churning beneath the surface.

Jeff, who had been busy checking the internet for news of Vanessa Rosewood, looked up when he heard her coming, and she read his expression which was a mix of concern and sympathy.

"Hey, Jeff! Sorry about earlier. I was just caught up in getting ready for the wedding," she said, her voice bright and cheerful, though it rang hollow in her own ears.

Jeff nodded in understanding, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer than usual. Mia's heart raced at the thought that he might press her further about the scars, but to her relief, he simply returned her smile.

"It's okay, Mia. I understand," he replied, his tone gentle but tinged with a hint of concern.

Mia breathed a silent sigh of relief, grateful for Jeff's willingness to steer the conversation away from the topic she dreaded discussing.

Relieved, Mia took the seat opposite him, "So, how did the party go last night? I still feel sorry that I couldn't make it," she said, her voice light and friendly, a stark contrast to the heaviness weighing on her heart.

Jeff's gaze softened as he regarded her, his eyes reflecting a depth of understanding that sent a shiver down her spine.

"It was... eventful," he replied, choosing his words carefully.

"The party was great. Bryan and Sonia had a blast, and everyone had a good time. But we missed having you there. I particularly missed having you there since I remembered clearly how you rooted for Sonia from the beginning," he said, and Mia's heart clenched at the sincerity in Jeff's voice, at the warmth that radiated from him despite the distance she had placed between them.

Seeing how he had respected her wish to not talk about her scars, she wished she could open up to him, but the fear of exposing her vulnerabilities held her back, tethering her to the safety of silence.

"I'm sure it must have been fun," she murmured, her gaze flickering away from his. "I just... wasn't feeling up to it."

Jeff nodded understandingly, though a hint of concern lingered in his eyes. "That's okay. We all have our off days. Here are some pictures and videos from last night. I tried to capture as much as I could for you," he said as he passed his phone to her, and Mia took it from him thankfully.

He watched as she smiled and giggled as she watched the videos of the games and conversations and he contemplated whether or not he should tell her that he had talked to Tyler last night and now knew her real identity.

After all he had seen about her and her husband online, he couldn't help but wonder what her story was.

Her husband seemed like a pretty good man. He was a wealthy philanthropist, given to charity and her parents were prominent business people.

Mia savored the fleeting moment of normalcy as she watched the videos. She was grateful for the chance to pretend, if only for a moment, that her past didn't exist between them.

"I see it was fun. Thanks for capturing these beautiful moments. Thanks to this, I feel like I was there," Mia said as she returned the phone to Jeff.

"I need to leave now," Mia said as she rose, but Jeff's voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Mia," he began, his tone gentle but firm. "I know you're going through something, and I want you to know that you don't have to face it alone. Whenever you're ready to talk, I'm here. I hope you know that you can trust me with whatever it is that's bothering you. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. You know that, right? Friends, remember?"

As he spoke, Mia couldn't shake the feeling of his piercing gaze, as if he could see straight through the mask she wore to the vulnerability hidden beneath. She fought the urge to look away, to retreat back into the safety of her own thoughts, but Jeff's presence anchored her to the present, a reminder that she couldn't keep running forever.

She swallowed hard, forcing herself to meet his gaze. "Thank you, Jeff," she whispered, the weight of her gratitude heavy upon her tongue. "I appreciate that."

"I hope you will stop running from your past and fears whatever they are. You don't have to face them alone. Whenever you're ready to talk, Mia, I will be here. I promise," he said, his voice a soothing balm to her wounded soul.

Mia's throat tightened at his words, the lump of emotion threatening to choke her. She forced a smile onto her lips. "Thanks, Jeff," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'll keep that in mind."

With a final nod, Mia left the house, the weight of Jeff's promise lingering not only in the air but in her heart.

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