One Wild Night

Chapter 783 Quit Being Sorry

Chapter 783 Quit Being Sorry

An angry Candace stormed into the kitchen where Lucy, Jade, and Andy were laughing over something Andy had said and they all looked at her with curious expressions.

"What is wrong? Don't tell me your honeymoon phase has ended already after he whisked you away so romantically earlier," Andy said dryly and both Lucy and Jade laughed.

"Can you believe Matt? Can you girls believe that he agreed to shoot a kissing scene with Gemima?" Candace asked incredulously, and both Lucy and Jade looked at her with a frown while Andy raised a brow.

"I'm lost. Who is Gemima? And why are you so worked up about it when you know roles like that come with acting?" Andy asked and Candace glared at her.

"Gemima! The model I told you has a thing for him," Candace snapped at her.

"Oh, that! Good thing you know she has a thing for him, and it's not the other way around. You should have no problem letting her have a taste of what she can't have. I don't see why it is a big deal. You are dating an actor. Deal with it," Andy said with a shrug and Candace glared at her.

"Calm down, Candace. Did Matt tell you about it? What did he say? How did he say it?" Jade asked, and Lucy nodded, since she was going to ask the same question.

"He wasn't going to tell me she was the one. He asked if I had a problem with him kissing other ladies while on set, and I demanded to know who she was," Candace said and Jade nodded.

"And then what did you say? And what did he say again after what you said?" Jade asked, and Candace frowned.

"Are you interested in calming me or are you more concerned about knowing the details of our conversation?" Candace asked making Andy, Jade, and Lucy to giggle.

"Andy already tried to calm you, but it didn't work, so I'm guessing you just need to vent. Besides, how do you expect me to calm you if I don't get the whole picture of why you are upset?" Jade asked with a grin.

"I'm a lawyer. I work better with details. It will be better if you can also describe the expression on both your faces so I can picture it better," Jade added, and this time Candace laughed.

"You are not helping, Jade! I'm upset," Candace said and Lucy shrugged.

"I think Sonia might be the best person to calm you. Ask her how she deals with Bryan kissing on set, since we all know he has been involved in one scandal or the other with most of the ladies he pairs with in movies," Lucy said, and Candace nodded.

"You know I'm nothing like Sonia. Sonia is crazy," Candace said, and Sonia who just returned to join them grinned at her.

"Thanks for the compliment. For a moment I was beginning to think I lost it," Sonia said pleasantly and they all laughed.

"What were you girls talking about?" Sonia asked since she had only joined them in time to hear what Candace had said.

Candace explained the situation to her and she shrugged, "I don't think you should worry about her. Matt is yours, and kissing someone on stage isn't going to change that, whether or not she is Gemima. Besides, you have met her before and you know their history. They've kissed and banged before, yet here he is with you, Isn't that better than him kissing someone you don't know at all?" Sonia asked and Candace sighed.

"I suppose you have a point. But that is not the only reason I'm upset," Candace said as she sat by the island, and Andy raised a brow.

"What else did he do? Don't tell me they are also going to have sex?" Andy asked and Candace eyed her with displeasure.

"I asked him what the guys were doing for Bryan's bachelor's Eve and if they were getting strippers. Guess what he said?" Candace asked with a scowl.

"Why would they need strippers when they have us to perform for them?" Andy guessed with an amused smile.

"He asked if I wanted the gig!" Candace said, and they all burst into a giggle.

"It's not funny," Candace said as she glared at them all.

"I can't believe he said that!" Lucy said in amusement.

"That's my point! How can he say that to me? Not once, but twice!" Candace said, infuriated by the thought of it.

"I hope you told him you want the gig?" Sonia asked, and Candace scowled at her.

"Are you deliberately trying to annoy me?" She asked and Andy sighed.

"You are overreacting. We both know he was teasing you. It's not a big deal. Stop being so touchy," Andy said and before Candace could respond, Lucy clapped her hands.

"Time out. I don't want my darling cousins fighting," Lucy said and Jade rolled her eyes.

"You're no fun, Lucinda. Let them be. Their bickering is distracting me from thinking about what Harry might have talked to Mia about," Jade said and they all looked at Jade.

"Why are you still thinking about that?" Lucy asked in confusion, and Jade shrugged.

"Because I'm an overthinker and my brain just won't stop analyzing things. I can't let it go until I know why Harry is always so curious about her...."

"I'm very curious about her too. She seems like a very interesting person. I want to be friends with her," Andy said and Jade raised a brow.

"More interesting than I am?" She asked and Andy rolled her eyes.

"I'm not Harry. You shouldn't ask me that," Andy said and Jade pouted.

"Is it a bad idea if I...."

"Yes!" Candace and Andy said in unison and Jade scowled.

"You didn't even hear what I had to say yet," she said with a frown.

"If you have to ask if it is a bad idea, then it most likely is a bad idea," Candace explained and Jade sighed.

"What bad idea were you coming up with?" L Sonia asked with interest.

"I was thinking that I should give Mia a call to...."

"Definitely a bad idea. Let it go," Lucy said and Jade looked at Sonia hopefully.

"I agree with them. It's not a good idea," Sonia said and Jade frowned.

"The Sonia I knew would be on my side. What has happened to you, my sweet Sony?" Jade asked and Sonia grinned.

"I'm more surprised that you have been dating Harry for a while now and you still don't seem to know that doing something like that would rub him the wrong way. I'm sure you don't want any dramas before your vacation," Sonia said and Jade sighed.

"You're right. Fine. I will let it go," Jade said, slapping her temple dramatically to get rid of the thought.

"So? Did you resolve things with Bryan?" Lucy asked Sonia curiously.

"What? Was she fighting with Bryan?" Candace asked and Sonia sighed.

"No, we were not fighting. I hate to say that you girls were right. He was feeling upset. Thanks for insisting that I go talk to him," Sonia said and they all nodded.

"Sure. We are all literally here for you after all," Lucy said and Andy laughed.

"It's funny that you all seem to have one relationship drama or the other today…."

"I don't have any relationship drama. Tom and I are cool," Lucy said proudly.

"That's only because you both have had enough drama to last a lifetime," Sonia said and they all laughed.

"I can't wait to leave for my vacation with Harry next weekend," Jade said happily.

"Have you gotten all you need yet?" Sonia asked, since Jade had consulted them while trying to come up with a list of items she needed to take along with her on the vacation.

"No. Not yet. I will do that during the week. Which of you ladies is going to volunteer to go shopping with me?" Jade asked, looking at each of them.

"I would have offered, but I will be away on my honeymoon," Sonia said, and Jade nodded.

"Yeah. I know that. I was asking the others. By others I mean Candace and Andy, since I know Lucy can't leave the office during work hours to do that with me," Jade said, looking from Candace to Andy.

"Andy?" Jade asked hopefully and Andy giggled.

"If you were going to ask me all along why did you have to make it seem like I had a choice?" Andy asked and Jade grinned.

"Just to see if Candace will be willing to volunteer so I can turn her down," Jade said and Candace rolled her eyes while the others laughed.

"Let's finish up here and set the table. My soon-to-be husband is hungry," Sonia said and Jade mimicked her making everyone laugh as they rose to set the table.

Away from there, Amy who was busy trying to get her mind engaged on the movie she was seeing on her laptop, looked up when she heard a sound outside her door.

She frowned when she realized that someone was trying to open the door, and it didn't take long for her to figure out who it was.

"Amy! Amy! I know you are in there, open the door!" Malone called out angrily, and immediately Amy rose from her seat and drew back instinctively.

"AMY!" He yelled as he banged on the door while Amy picked up her phone as she contemplated calling the police.

"If you don't open this door I'm going to show up at your place of work tomorrow and you won't like what I'm going to do there," he threatened, and almost immediately Amy went to open the door.

"Did you really think you can hide from me? Where is my money? I know you have the money! Did you think I wouldn't figure out that Miley would have given you what was left of my money in case she died before the end of our deal? Do you think I'm going to let you steal my money?" He asked as he stepped into the house while Amy remained by the door as she shook her head.

"I don't know how you came about that idea, but Miley didn't give any money to me…."

"Why should I believe any word that comes from your lying mouth, you bitch!" Malone snapped at her.

"Malone, I have no business with you. Your business was with Miley and now that she is not here I suggest you stop bothering me, else I'm going to have to involve the police," Amy threatened indignantly and Malone laughter humorlessly.

"And tell them what when we both know you are carrying my baby…."

"No, I'm not. Thankfully the procedure didn't work, so I'm not carrying the child of a bastard like you. Now that you know we have nothing in common, can you please leave?" Amy asked angrily and Malone sneered at her.

"Perhaps it's for the best that you didn't get pregnant with a child carrying your friend's sick gene. I heard your friend say that you've never been with a man. I should do you the honor of planting my seed directly inside…."

Amy felt her skin crawl as he advanced, and without thinking about what she was doing, she ran out of the house and shut the door behind her.

"I'm not going to chase after you. I will be here waiting for you," Malone called after her loudly as he made himself at home.

Amy's heart raced as she ran as fast as her feet could carry her, not caring that Malone wasn't chasing after her. She just wanted to put as much distance as she could between them until she was able to figure out how to handle him.

Seeing as she had not heard from him since the last time he left her at the hotel to confront Miley's parents, she had thought he had forgotten about her and moved on, but it seemed like that was not the case and he was bent on being unreasonable.

After running for some time she came to a stop in front of a convenience and sat down by the seats in front of it to catch her breath.

Apart from Miley, the only other friend she had, lived too close to her apartment for comfort, and she didn't really want to tell her friend about what was going on with her. There was also every possibility that Miley might have mentioned her friend to Malone.

Seeing as she had left the house without money or her purse, she needed a place to spend the night before thinking of the next course of action to take since it was obvious that Malone was insane.

As she thought about it, the first name that came to mind was Lucy's, so she quickly dialed Lucy's line.

Lucy, who had just finished having dinner and was getting ready to retire to her bedroom so she could give Tom a call before Jade, Candace, and Andy would join her in her bedroom, picked up her phone when she saw she had a call.

She smiled thinking it was Tom, but raised a brow when she saw that it was Amy, and she quickly excused herself from the dining.

"Hey, Amy! Are you alright?" She asked, surprised to hear from Amy at that time of the night.

"No, I'm not. I'm really sorry to bother you, but Malone showed up at my place and I ran out because I was scared he was going to rape me. I can't think of anywhere else to go. Are you home? Can I come spend the night at your place, please?" Amy asked hopefully.

"Oh, dear! I'm not home, but you can go over to my place. I don't suppose you left the house with any cash for transport, did you?" Lucy asked with concern.

Although Lucy was curious to know what had happened and why Amy fled her own apartment thinking Malone wanted to rape her without bothering to call the police, she chose not to ask any questions until she got her to safety.

"No, I didn't. I'm sorry…."

"Quit being sorry. Give me a minute," Lucy said and returned to the dining, "Sonia, please I need you for a minute," Lucy called and Sonia excused herself from the others to join her.

"Do you think you could get across to Mia and Jeff and find out if she is with enough cash to help sort out Amy's cab fare? I will reimburse her tomorrow," Lucy said and even though Sonia wanted to ask what was going on, she nodded.

"Sure," Sonia said and went to get her phone to call Mia since she could tell from Lucy's tone that it was sort of urgent.

"You can head over to my apartment now. You will find the key on top of the right tyre of my car. Call me when you get there. I will make sure someone is waiting with money to pay." Lucy promised, thinking that if Mia and Jeff didn't have enough money on them, then she would give Alicia and Jasmine a call.

"Thank you so much, Lucy. I'm sorry…."

"Just get on a cab already," Lucy said and hung up.

"Mia says she has enough cash to pay for the cab," Sonia returned to say, and Lucy nodded, relieved that she wouldn't have to involve Alicia and Jasmine.

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