One Wild Night

Chapter 763 Just A Little

Chapter 763 Just A Little

As Tom headed for the stairs, his phone started ringing, and just as he was about to receive Harry's call, he saw Harry coming from the opposite direction.

"Where were you? I've been searching all over for you," Harry said, and Tom grinned.

"Were you missing me?" Tom asked, and Harry chuckled.

"Yes. I wanted to have my fill of your face and presence before we all leave," Harry said, and Tom chuckled.

"Let's go talk at the bar. I have good news to share," Tom said, and Harry raised a brow as they headed for the bar.

"What good news?" Harry asked, and Tom placed his arm around Harry's shoulder.

"Patience, Harry. Patience. By the way, we need to celebrate Sara's arrest," Tom said as they walked into the bar.

"Yeah. I'm glad that is out of the way now," Harry said as he watched Tom pour champagne into two glasses.

"So, what is the good news?" Harry asked as he took one of the glasses from Tom.

"Let's make a toast first. To defeating our enemies," Tom said as he raised his glass, and Harry clinked glasses with him.

"To defeating our enemies," Harry repeated.

"You know, I was thinking of something," Tom said, and Harry raised a brow.


"Why don't we arrange for Rebekah Miller and Sara to be roommates in prison? I don't want them to be bored. They should at least be able to have fun talking about how we ruined their lives," Tom said with a wink, and Harry chuckled.

"Or they will have fun plotting a revenge. Either way, I'm not interested in them. What is the good news?" Harry asked curiously.

"Take a guess," Tom said, and Harry narrowed his eyes.

"Lucy is pregnant?" Harry guessed since he could see the gleam in Tom's eyes, and he knew only something that had to do with Lucy could put that light in his eyes.

"No, she isn't. Not yet. But she will be by the time this is all over," Tom announced happily, and Harry looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" He asked, wondering if Lucy had said or done something to give her plans away.

"Lucy has truly changed her mind about getting married to me. I confirmed it."

"Really? How? Did you ask her?"

Tom shook his head as he took a sip from his glass. "No. I asked Sonia, and she confirmed it," Tom said happily, and Harry smiled.

He had always thought Sonia wasn't very good at keeping secrets, and now he was very glad he didn't include her in his plan to propose to Jade.

"Wow! I'm so happy for you, man. So what are you going to do? Ask Lucy or wait it out until she decides to tell you herself?" Harry asked, trying his best to look happy as though it was his first time hearing about it.

"I plan to propose to her during the Christmas party," Tom said, and this time, Harry didn't need to pretend to be shocked.

"What? Why? What if she turns you down? I mean, shouldn't you like have a conversation with her first to know if she will accept your proposal or not?" Harry asked, wondering what Tom was thinking.

"Why? Do you think it is a bad idea? Sonia thinks it's a good idea. She actually suggested I do it at the Christmas party," Tom said, and Harry frowned, wondering what Sonia was thinking when she knew fully well what Lucy planned to do.

"Sonia suggested that?" Harry asked, and Tom nodded.

"Only after I suggested that I propose to her, though. She said the Christmas party would be the perfect time to do so," Tom said, and Harry chuckled at the incredulity of it all.

Sonia was aware of Lucy's plan, yet she was encouraging Tom. He couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking and plotting. He wondered if she was going to inform Lucy of Tom's plan. He hoped not.

"So? What do you think?" Tom asked, and Harry shook his head.

"I'm not sure yet. I wouldn't want you to make any mistakes," Harry said, and Tom nodded.

"You can speak with Lucy. You know, try to confirm her change of heart and also indirectly prepare her mind for my proposal," Tom suggested.

"I'm not promising you anything, but I will see what I can do," Harry said, and Tom nodded as he raised his glass to his lips.

"That's good enough. I should go back in to join my future fiancee," Tom said with a grin as he drank the remaining content of his glass.

Harry shook his head and chuckled before doing the same to his drink so they could leave.

"Don't miss me too much in Ludus," Harry said as they both headed for the stairs.

"I will miss you with every passing second. Don't be in haste to come back, though. I will handle things," Tom said, and Harry smiled.

"I hope you don't run down the company before I get back," Harry joked, and Tom chuckled as he walked into his bedroom while Harry continued to Jade's room.

An hour later, Tom and Lucy bid the others goodbye and got on the jet to return home to Ludus.

"So, it's just the both of us now," Lucy said with a happy smile, and Tom grinned.

"Yeah. It's just the both of us."

"You know, it's our first time traveling together alone this way. Why don't we do something special?" Lucy suggested.

"I agree. I was going to suggest that we divert to somewhere beautiful for a quick date before we go home. What do you think?" Tom suggested, and Lucy grinned.

"That is a wonderful idea. Being alone with you like this is already giving me a date kinda vibe. Let's go on a date," Lucy said, and Tom grinned since he had planned for it already from the moment he realized they were driving alone.

He wasn't the kind of man to miss opportunities like these when they were presented to him on a platter.

"So, where will we be going?" Lucy asked excitedly.

"Why don't you wait and see," Tom said, and she grinned.

"How many people are on this jet with us?" Lucy asked curiously.

"Three. Why?"

"Do you think any of them will be coming this way soon?" Lucy asked, and he raised a brow.

"Why? Do you want something?" He asked, and she smiled suggestively.

"I was wondering what it would be like to make love in the air," she said, and Tom threw his head back and laughed.

"What did you do to my sweet, innocent Lucy?" Tom asked teasingly, and she giggled.

"You should be asking yourself that. Not me. So? Are you in or not?" She asked, and Tom grinned.

"Can I ever say no to you? I should probably ask them to give us privacy. We don't want any of them catching us pants down," Tom said, and Lucy giggled.

"No one will catch me with my pants down since I'm not wearing one. Why do you think I chose to wear a gown?" She asked with a wink, and Tom looked at her in surprise for a moment before chuckling.

"You are so naughty and spoilt, Lucinda Perry. And I love it," Tom said as he held out a hand to her, and once she took it, he pulled her onto his lap to have his way with her.

As Tom made love to her, Lucy moaned so loudly that no one needed to walk in on them to know what they were doing.

"You have given the crew members something to talk about," Tom said with a grin when they were done, and Lucy slapped his arm.

"And whose fault is that? Couldn't you shut my mouth or something when you know how I can be?" Lucy asked with a scowl, and Tom chuckled.

"I like how you can be. I don't care about anyone else," Tom assured her.

"Yeah. Easy for you to say since they will all be talking about your sexual prowess and how I kept screaming like a fox in heat," Lucy said grudgingly, and Tom laughed softly.

"So, are you saying you approve of my sexual prowess?" He asked playfully, and Lucy shook her head in amusement.

"That's all you heard me say? Men," she said as she looked out of the window while Tom grinned as he watched her.

A few hours later, the pilot announced that they were at their destination and advised that they prepare for landing.

"Where are we?" Lucy asked as she looked outside the window.

"Take a wild guess," he said, and she shook her head when she couldn't figure it out from the height.

After they got out of the jet, she looked around the place and Tom watched her with a grin on his face as her eyes widened slightly in surprise when she realized where they had landed, and then she broke into a peal of laughter.

"This brings back a nice memory, huh?" Tom asked with a teasing smile, and she laughed even more.

He had brought her to the mountain side where he had brought her long ago before she knew his identity (Chapter 157).

Then he had said he planned to build a resort there, and judging by the buildings she could see around, she could tell things were going very much according to his plan even though they had not discussed this since then.

"Do you remember what you told me when I first brought you here?" he asked, and she raised a brow.

"What did I say?" Lucy asked in amusement, even though she knew what he was asking.

"You called me your big brother. Not even your friend, but a freaking big brother," Tom said, and Lucy laughed harder.

"I didn't exactly find it funny," Tom said with a scowl.

"Well, you deserved that and even worse than that. You bully! Now that I think about it, I'm feeling offended now. Do you realize that what you did could be considered as workplace harassment?" Lucy asked, and Tom raised both hands.

"Okay. You win. This isn't how I imagined the conversation would go. It was supposed to be romantic, not make you angry," Tom said, and even though Lucy was amused, she raised a brow.

"How did you imagine that it would go?" she asked, and he shrugged.

"I imagined you would be thrilled that I brought you here, and you would ask why I chose here for our date, and I will tell you it's because I want us to have the first date here before it is open to the public, and then you will be very touched and want to reward me for being such a thoughtful boyfriend," Tom said, and Lucy giggled.

"Very funny," Lucy said as she took the arm that Tom offered, and she let him lead her close to the waterfall.

"How are we going to get home now that the jet has left and there is no car?" Lucy asked with concern since the sun was beginning to set.

"I could carry you on my back," Tom joked as they drew closer to the waterfall.

Lucy rolled her eyes, but before she could say anything, she stopped when she heard the sound of a violin, which had been hidden because of the sound from the waterfall.

"Can you hear that?" She asked as she turned to look at Tom.

"Let's see what is going on," Tom said as he led her around the waterfall to the other side of it, and Lucy gasped in surprise when she saw a beautiful yacht that had been hidden from view by the mountains.

A man stood on the deck playing the violin, and a table for two was set out there with a bottle of champagne chilling in an ice bucket and two glasses of wine on the table.

It was arranged in a way that they could watch the sunset as well as the waterfall.

"Oh, my God, Tom. This is so breathtakingly beautiful and romantic. When did you arrange this?" Lucy asked, and Tom shrugged.

"Last night, after Jade and Bryan said they were not coming with us. I figured we do something special," Tom said with a pleased smile as he led her to the yacht, and they both got on it.

"This makes me think of Titanic," Lucy said, and Tom shook his head.

"No, please. No. No drowning," he said as he held out her seat, and she giggled as she sat down.

"I thought you said you didn't own a yacht? (Chapter 197)"

"Yeah. I didn't own one because I wasn't a fan of it, but you sounded like you wanted me to own one, so I decided to get one for you," Tom said easily, and she raised a brow.

"What do you mean?" She asked, and he smiled.

"I mean exactly what you think. I got this for you. You never told me what you wanted for your birthday. So, after thinking about it, I decided that this would be a perfect gift. This is just to remind you that your boyfriend is super rich," Tom said, and Lucy opened her mouth to speak but shut it when no word came out.

"So, are you touched enough to want to reward your romantic boyfriend?" He asked hopefully.

"This is for me?" She asked, and when Tom nodded, she shut her eyes and took a deep breath.

"This is too much, Ace," she said, and he shook his head.

"No. Nothing is too much to give to you, Jewel. It was your birthday, but I was the one who received the best gift of meeting you. This is my way of saying happy birthday to you and thank you once more for coming into my life and being a part of my life," Tom said as he took her hand and kissed her palm.

"I should be thanking you, too, for being part of my life. I know I don't make things easy for you," Lucy said, and Tom smiled.

"I won't have you any other way," Tom said, and Lucy raised a brow.

"Really? Are you sure about that?" Lucy asked, and Tom chuckled.

"Maybe I will change a thing or two. Just a little," he assured her, and they both laughed happily, grateful for the gift of the love they shared.

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