One Wild Night

Chapter 728 Couple Outfit

Chapter 728  Couple Outfit

Tom raised a brow in amusement when he saw the cab waiting outside to take them out on their date, "What's going on?" He asked Lucy, and she smiled.

"I figured, we have a normal day. You know? Do normal stuff like every normal couple," she said and he raised a brow again.

"Going out in your own car isn't normal?" He asked and she grinned.

"Sure, It is. I just want to do something different with you. It's my treat, remember?" She said and Tom nodded.

"Good. So, get in. Today you're going to be just Handy Tom," she said and he chuckled as he got into the car.

Once they were comfortably seated, Lucy told the cab driver where they headed, and Tom smiled when she linked her hand with his and rested her head on his shoulder.

"So, may I know what inspired the idea for this date?" He asked, and she shrugged.

"My love for you, of course," she said matter of factly and he chuckled.

"I see."

"What were your favorite places in Heden? Tell me about your childhood and the fun places and things you liked to do," Lucy asked and Tom considered it for a moment before going on to tell her all he could about his childhood.

"That's nice. Sounds like you had a balanced childhood," she said and he nodded.

"I did. What about you? What did you like to do? Where did you like to go?" Tom asked and Lucy shrugged.

"There was this cafe where we used to hang out a lot. I mean, before everything that happened. After that, I stopped stepping out much," Lucy said with a shrug.

"Want to hangout at the cafe with me?" Tom asked and she shook her head.

"It folded up some years ago. So, how did it go with your parents?" Lucy asked when she remembered she was yet to ask him that.

Tom shrugged as he went on to tell her what his parents had said.

"They certainly won't send her back alone if she doesn't show up, would they?" Lucy asked with a concerned frown.

"They should. If her mother doesn't mind, why should we?" Tom asked and Lucy shook her head.

"Because you are not her mother. You're better than her mother and her grandparents, and you're supposed to do what is right regardless of what others are doing," Lucy said and he sighed.

"What would you have me do? I'm not getting involved anymore in this, and I do not want you to either," Tom said and she nodded.

"So, you're telling me you're going to let them send the little girl alone if she doesn't show up? You have no problem with that?" Lucy asked and Tom looked at her pointedly.

"Stay out of it, Lu," he warned.

"I will stay out of you if you want me to, but I'd rather you don't let that happen…."

"Kimberly doesn't deserve your kindness. Why are you doing this?" Tom asked and she shrugged.

"Because this is about Dawn, not Kimberly. Kimberly might not deserve our kindness, but Dawn does. How will you sleep well at night if you let that kid travel across the country all by herself?" Lucy insisted.

"Nothing is certain yet. For all we know, Kimberly might just come down here to get her. So, stop worrying about something that is yet to happen, and let's focus on our date," Tom said reasonably.

"Promise me you won't let her travel alone if Kimberly fails to show up," Lucy insisted and Tom groaned.

"Why are you so stubborn? Let it be, Lu," he pleaded.

"Promise me, Tom. Even if it means we have to take her back ourselves, I don't mind. I want us to do right by Dawn regardless of what everyone else chooses to do," Lucy insisted, and seeing that she was not going to let it go until he agreed to do as she wanted, he sighed.

"I'm not taking her anywhere, but I won't stop you if you decide to accompany her," he said and she nodded.

"That's good enough for me," Lucy said , knowing that Tom would never let her travel alone. She was very certain that if it happened that she needed to take the kid back, Tom would go with her.

Neither of them said anothe word until the cab came to a halt in front of the address she had given him.

"We are here. Let's get you cleaned up," Lucy announced as she paid the driver and they both got out of the cab.

"My dad and Lucas gets their haircut here," Lucy explained as she led Tom inside the large building which was filled with different businesses.

"I suppose the barber must be good, else you won't bring me here," Tom said trying not to wince since he was very selective of the places where he got his hair cut.

"You suppose right. You won't find a better one anywhere around," Lucy said confidently.

"Let's hope you're right," Tom said as they both walked into the salon.

"Look who we have here, it's my Princess LuLu!" A large man who seemed like he was in his early fifties exclaimed, and before Tom could say Jack, he enveloped Lucy in a warm hug while Lucy giggled like a little girl as she hugged him back.

"It's good to see you, uncle Brown," Lucy greeted as he broke the hug but still held on to both her arms so he could look her over.

"See? I told y'all she was my little girl but you wouldn't believe me," He said to no one in particular since his gaze was still on Lucy.

"You've been gossiping about me?" Lucy asked with a raised brow.

"Bragging would be a better word than gossip. You've been quite popular since you left here, you know?" He said and Lucy shrugged.

"I guess so. How have you been?" Lucy asked as she looked him over.

"As good as can be. You look radiantly beautiful and healthy too," he observed.

"Yes, I am. I promised you I will take good care of myself, didn't I?" Lucy said while Tom stood behind her wondering who the man was and why Lucy seemed so friendly.

"Yes, you did. I thought the next time I was going to see you was at your brother's wedding. You have no idea how happy I am that it was cancelled even though I still don't know what exactly happened. I never really liked that girl you know? Whenever she came over with him she tried to dictate how everything should be and Lucas just let her," he said with a shake of his head and Lucy grinned.

"I'm not going to gossip Lucas's private business with you, uncle Brown," Lucy said and he grinned.

"Can't blame me for trying. I thought you would have changed by now. Well, you can gossip your private business with me. I saw all that news about you circulating the internet. You seemed to have gotten into a lot of trouble. And I saw you got yourself a rich boyfriend too," he said still too focused on Lucy to take note of Tom's presence.

"Yes. He is super rich," Lucy said with a grin.

"Good girl! He treats you good, right?" He asked and Lucy nodded.

"Yes. He's such a great guy."

"Perfect! I knew you didn't stay single all this time to settle for just anyone. You should bring him by when next you are here so that I and my boys can scare him a bit, okay? We don't want him messing with you just because he is filthy rich," He said and Lucy giggled.

"I already did. You can scare him right now," Lucy said as she jerked her head towards Tom and his attention turned to Tom whose brow was now raised.

"You could have introduced him the moment you both walked in," the barber said with a scowl at Lucy who was now grinning.

"Why? Did I ruin your plans of scaring him?" Lucy asked and he glared at her.

"Hello! I am Brown. I'm Lucy's nonbiological uncle," he said as he extended a hand to Tom, and Tom took his hand in a firm grip.

"It's good to meet Lucy's boyfriend. You're not just messing around with her, are you?" He asked in a voice that was meant to intimidate Tom.

"Would I open up to you if that was what I was doing?" Tom asked with a raised brow and he nodded.

"Well, don't mess with her else you'd have me to contend with," he warned and Tom gave him a nod while Lucy grinned.

"I brought him to the best barber I know for a haircut and a decent shave," Lucy said and Brown frowned.

"Me?" He asked looking around his shop.

"Yes. Why?" Lucy asked while Tom narrowed his eyes.

"I've never cut the hair of someone so wealthy. He's not going to sue me if I make a mistake, is he?" Brown asked looking from Lucy to Tom.

"It depends. Do you plan to make a mistake?" Tom asked, and Lucy giggled.

"Stop fooling around and get it done. We don't have all day," Lucy told Brown as she led Tom to one of the available seats.

"Are you sure he's not going to make a mistake?" Tom asked uncertainly and Lucy flashed him a confident smile.

"I will kill him if he messes with your hairline," Lucy promised.

"Well, you might have to wait a bit. I've got people waiting to be attended to," he said pointing at a couple of guys seated around.

"Can't you make an exception for a VIP client? Do you know how many other VIP clients this could get you? What do you think will happen to your shop if someone like Bryan Hank comes in here for a haircut after seeing the wonderful job you did on his big brother?" Lucy asked with a sweet smile.

"Did you bring me here to help grow your uncle's business?" Tom asked and Lucy raised a brow.

"No. But if that was the case, do you have a problem with it?" Lucy asked and Tom shook his head.

"Lucy, you know how things are done here. No special treatments. Maybe if you had called to let me know before hand that you were coming over I would have reserved a spot for him," Brown said apologetically.

"I don't think we have the time to wait. How about I pay for everyone's haircut and give you extra tip, and in return you attend to me first?" Tom said loud enough for everyone else to hear him.

Lucy shook her head, "Tom…"

Brown spoke at the same time, "No, I don't think…"

"I don't mind going after you. I'm not in a haste," one of the guys waiting announced.

"Me too," another called out, and Brown sighed when everyone else on the waiting list responded alike, and Lucy raised a brow at Tom.

"You gentlemen can order for something to eat and drink while you wait. I will cover the bill," Tom said and they all cheered happily while Brown shook his head in disapproval as he led Tom to the seat for his haircut.

"You shouldn't throw money around that way," Brown said with displeasure.

"I didn't throw money around. It was a transaction. I saved my time and they saved their money. I don't have time to spare but I have money to spare," Tom explained easily.

"Please use your best clipper set. A new one," Tom said, and as Brown walked away to get it, Lucy stepped closer to Tom.

"How am I supposed to pay for all of that? I told you today was my treat," Lucy complained and Tom chuckled.

"Don't worry, you can pay for the new clipper and the haircut while I take care of the rest. Those aren't part of our date. I was only saving time for our date," Tom assured her and she sighed.

"It must feel good to have the kind of money you have," Lucy said and Tom smiled.

"Why don't you marry me and find out just how good it feels?" he said with a wink.

"It's still going to be your money not mine," Lucy said with a shrug.

"But then you'd be my wife and have access to all I own. It would be ours not mine," Tom said and Lucy pursed her lips as though she was considering it.

"That's a very tempting offer. I think I might take you up on it and do just that," Lucy said as she kissed his cheek, and Tom chuckled as he watched her step aside to give Brown, who had returned, room to attend to Tom.

By the time they walked out of the salon an hour later, two amongst the men they had met there had pitched their business ideas to Tom, and he had agreed to review the business plan of one of them and make an investment if he liked it.

"So? Do you like your haircut?" Lucy asked as she led him into a unisex clothes shop.

"What now? You want to get me clothes?" Tom asked and she bobbed her head.

"Yes. I want to dress you up for our date. I've never really spent any money on you," Lucy said and Tom chuckled happily as he let her lead her down the clothes aisle.

Although he doubted that the clothes being sold in the shop were to his taste since he preferred to wear limited-edition clothes and custom-made outfits, he let her do what she wanted.

As far as he was concerned, as long as the clothes were gifts from Lucy, then they were perfect for him.

"You can pick out what you want," Lucy offered as they stood in front of a designer clothesline.

"Why don't you help me? I'd love you to dress me up. You are the fashion design director after all," he said and she grinned as she went ahead to pick out some casual clothes for him while a shop attendant followed them around.

"You should try out the clothes..."

"No. Let's just take them all," Tom cut in quickly.

"No. We didn't come out with a car and it will be a hassle moving about with the bags..."

"We can have them deliver it to the house, right?" Tom asked the shop attendant and she nodded eagerly.

"What's the fun in shopping with you if you don't try out the clothes?" Lucy asked and Tom shook his head.

"I don't remember the last time I had to try clothes out this way. Must be when I was a kid and went shopping with my mom," Tom said and Lucy grinned.

"Well, now you're shopping with me. I think it's best you try out the clothes so I can make up my mind on what looks best?" Lucy said and despite his objection, she sat down as she waited for him to go try out the clothes.

"You are so stubborn," Tom muttered as he took the clothes and walked over to the changing room.

"I would like to have an outfit to go with whatever he gets," Lucy told the shop attendant once they were alone.

"That won't be a problem," the shop attendant assured her.

Lucy laughed and took photos of Tom each time I came out and struck a pose for her, and thirty minutes later after he had tried out the outfits, they settled for a red checkered shirt and black trousers with a pair of white sneakers and black sunglasses.

"I look sort of different," Tom murmured as he took in his reflection in the mirror.

"Yeah. More like Handy Tom without the earrings and nose ring. Excuse me for a moment. I need to use the ladies," Lucy said before walking away, after signaling to their attendant to bring in her matching pair.

"Hey, babe!" Lucy called with a grin when she returned a moment later and saw Tom busy on his face.

Tom raised his head to look at her, and his lips curved in a smile when he realized she had changed into a similar outfit as his.

The sales attendant grinned as she watched the couple starting at each other with a wide smile on their faces.

"I figured we start checking our list. What do you think?" Lucy asked, but Tom said nothing as he rose and walked over to where she stood.

Without caring that they had an audience he kissed her deeply, until she started giggling, "I guess you like it?"

"I love it. Now I can't wait to see all you've got planned out for the rest of the day," Tom said and Lucy handed her phone to the shop attendant to take photos of them.

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