One Wild Night

Chapter 686 Torch

Jade was woken up by Harry's phone call, and she smiled as she received the call and heard Harry's voice.

"Good morning, beautiful.'

"Good morning, handsome," she greeted with a yawn.

"You're still in bed? I thought you'd be up and bubbling with excitement ready to go kick ass,," Harry said and Jade giggled.

"I decided to enjoy my sleep first. The show won't be on until 10 A.M., so there is still enough time to bubble with excitement," Jade said and Harry smiled as he sipped from his mug of coffee.

"Everything is set then, I suppose?" He asked, and listened as she made some funny sounds while stretching.

"Sure. Did you sleep well?" Jade asked as she got out of bed.

"Yeah. I did. You?" He asked and she scowled.

"I would have slept better if you were beside me," she said and Harry chuckled.

"Make no mistake, esquire. You wouldn't have had much of a sleep if you were on the same bed with me," Harry said, and Jade grinned.

"Really? What would we have been doing then?" She asked in a flirty tone and Harry chuckled.

"You will find out when the time comes," Harry said and Jade scowled.

"You're not fun," she complained with a pout.

"So, you've told me. I'm still boring old uncle Harry, remember?" He asked, and she giggled.

"I thought you were over that already," she said in amusement, thinking how it seemed like ages ago since she called him boring.

"How can I be over it when you reminded me just now?" He asked dryly.

"Anyway, I apologized to Lucy last night," Jade said, and Harry raised a brow.

"You did?" He asked, since he had not expected that.

"Yeah. I was going to do so in the morning but she came over to my bedroom so we talked a bit," Jade explained the details of her conversation with Lucy.

"That's sweet of you, esquire. I'm very pleased with you. I should reward you. Tell me what you want," he said, and Jade smiled, feeling like a little girl.

"Anything?" Jade asked, and Harry chuckled when he heard the excitement in her voice.

"Sure," he said and Jade grinned.

"Can I spend the weekend with you after your family leaves?" She asked hopefully, and Harry chuckled.

Why was he not surprised, "The weekend? You don't want me to get you something?" He asked and she shook her head.

"No. I just want to have a normal weekend alone with my boyfriend in his apartment," Jade said and Harry smiled.

"Sure. We can do that," Harry said, and chuckled when he heard her screech happily.

"Really? We can?" Jade asked making him laugh.

"I don't see why not. It's just for the weekend. You're not moving in. And mind you, this doesn't mean I will make love to you or..."

"Don't say something you might have to take back or regret, baby," Jade cut in, thinking about all the sexy clothes and undies she was going to take with her for the weekend. She planned to make it very hard for him to resist her.

Who cared the number of ladies he had resisted in the past? She was Jade Hank, his girlfriend. Those ladies had meant nothing to him, but she was his girlfriend and she knew without a doubt that she would find a way to crack him.

Even though Harry was not there with her he could imagine all that was running through her mind already, and it made him want to take back what he had said about letting her spend the weekend alone with him.

Could he really resist her if she came to spend the weekend with him, prepared?

"You have to play fair, esquire..."

"All is fair in love and war, darling," Jade drawled dramatically, giddy with excitement now that she could tell he wasn't so confident.

Harry sighed, "Alright. I need to get ready for work now. I love you. Have a beautiful day, and don't hesitate to give me a call or text whenever you can. I will do the same," Harry promised.

"I love you more. Muahh!" Jade blew a kiss into the speaker before hanging up.

Now that she had started the day on such a pleasant note with Harry, she was ready to step out.

First she needed her morning dose of coffee, she thought as she walked into the bathroom to brush her teeth and when she was done, she decided to check in on Candace if she was awake so they could go downstairs together.

Once she knocked on Candace's door, it didn't take long before Candace opened the door, and she raised a brow when she noticed Candace's disheveled appearance.

She didn't look like she had slept well, and her eyes were sort of red around the edges.

This was not what she had expected when she knocked on Candace's door. Although she had thought Candace might still be in bed because she was too tired from all the sexercise with Matt over the night.

She had expected a flushed and gleaming-eyed Candace glowing from the after effect of a night well spent in the arms of Matt, not this.

"Are you okay?" Jade asked with concern.

"Yeah. Good morning," Candace said, and even though Jade wanted to probe some more, she held herself from doing that.

"Want to sleep some more or are you up for breakfast? You are coming with me to the show remember?" Jade said, and Candace sighed.

"Give me a couple of minutes to freshen up and I will join you," Candace said as she turned to return into her bedroom and Jade followed her inside.

"Are you feeling sick?" Jade asked and Candace shook her head.

"No. I couldn't sleep much. I spent the night binge watching a movie on Netflix," Candace said as she walked into the bathroom while Jade sat on the bed.

"I thought you would spend the night with Matt. Are you both really not talking?" Jade asked despite her decision not to pry.

"Yeah. We are not talking," Candace said flatly as she busied with brushing her teeth and washing her face.

The exchange with Matt had disturbed and upset her a lot to the point that she had been unable to go to sleep.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jade asked, and Candace turned to look at her in disbelief.

"Am I dreaming or is Jade Hank really asking me such a question?" Candace asked, and Jade giggled.

"Don't sound so shocked. I'm learning not to pry or meddle anymore. So? Do you want to talk about it or not?" She asked and Candace raised a brow.

"Will you let me be if I say I don't want to talk about it?" Candace asked and Jade shrugged.

"Sure. It will be hard, but I will drop it," she promised.

"Good. I don't want to talk about it. Thanks for asking though," Candace said and Jade sighed.

"This is so boring," she complained with a pout and Candace giggled.

"Keep practicing. You will get used to minding your business soon enough. I'm ready. Let's go downstairs," Candace said and they both walked out of the bedroom together.

"Last night was funny though. I googled the vibrator stuff. Can't believe Tom and Lucy did that. I'm surprised you didn't figure it out like the others," Jade said, and Candace giggled.

"If it were someone else I would have easily suspected that was what was happening, but because it was Lucy I just didn't think in that direction. I wonder whose idea it was. Must be Tom's. Lucy is much too reserved to want to do something like that," Candace said and Jade had to agree.

Lucy did not seem like the type who would want to experience such pleasure in public.

"They must have had a really nice time afterwards," Jade said with a giggle.

"They definitely did," Candace said, and Jade smiled thoughtfully.

"I wonder what Harry would think about me owning a vibrator," Jade said as she imagined teasing Harry with it.

"If he is as old-fashioned as you claim he might not like the idea. Some guys hate the thought of sharing their partners with anything else. It's like saying he isn't doing a good job," Candace said and Jade smiled.

She was just going to take one to Harry's place for the weekend. It was either he did the job or watch her use the vibrator to get the job done.

"Have you ever used one? A vibrator?" Jade asked curiously and Candace giggled.

"Yeah. Until Jamal somehow discovered it one day and we had to tell him it was a torch which had gone bad, and I disposed it in front of him," Candace said and Jade doubled over with laughter.

"A torch? Seriously?" Jade asked as they both walked down the stairs.

"What other explanation could we give to him? I was too flustered by the sight of him holding it up and wanting to put it in his mouth..."

"In his mouth? Oh, my God! Where did he even find it?" Jade asked, unable to control her laughter.

"I was using it, and when I heard him approaching the room I quickly took it out and left it under my pillow to attend to him. I guess I forgot all about it because the next time I saw it, it was in his hands," Candace said and Jade hooted with laughter.

"Oh, my God! That's so funny!"

"Thankfully Andy was quick to snatch it from him. You had to see how serious she looked as she told him how dangerous it was for kids to play with spoilt torches," Candace said with a grin.

"And he bought that?" Jade asked in amusement.

"Why not? He was just five years old. And I'm sure he would buy it even now. He even asked us to get a similar torch so he would see how it works," Candace said and Jade giggled.

"I can't imagine what he would think of you when he grows up and find out what that was," Jade said as they got to the dining.

"I pray he never remembers," Candace said as she sat down while Samantha came to join them.

"Ready for breakfast or you just want coffee? I had a hard time convincing Matt to have breakfast before he hurried off after taking just a cup of coffee. Seeing you all last night I was happy there was a full house and the dining would be lively, but I guessed wrong," Samantha complained after they were done with the pleasantries and small talk.

"Matt left already?" Jade asked, surprised to hear that.

"Yes. He said he had a flight to catch and had to hurry off," Samantha explained.

"I will have breakfast if it's ready," Candace said, wanting to change the subject.

"Me too," Jade said, and waited until Samantha had disappeared before facing Candace.

"Did you both have a serious fight?" Jade asked with concern.

"We didn't fight. By the way, I thought you were practising how to mind your business?" Candace reminded her.

"I just wanted to be sure you are okay," Jade said, and Candace flashed her a smile.

"Why wouldn't I be? Thanks for your concern, but I think it's time to change the topic. Let's talk about the live show," Candace suggested, and they both looked up when they heard Lucy and Tom's laughter as they approached.

Lucy stopped laughing when she saw Candace and Jade seated at the dining, and a blush stole up her cheeks when she noticed the amusement on their faces.

"Good morning to you both," Candace greeted with a pleasant smile while Jade grinned as she eyed Lucy with interest.

"Good morning. I hope you both slept well," Tom said and after the pleasantries he excused himself to go give Samantha instructions on the meal he wanted delivered to him at the office.

"I'm sorry I couldn't wait until the end of the discussions last night. How did it go?" Lucy asked with interest.

"Sonia decided we meet some other time since you were indisposed," Candace said and Lucy tried not to blush.

So much for assuring Sonia she wouldn't let her personal business get in the way of Sonia's wedding plan.

"So, how are you feeling this morning?" Jade asked with a wink.

Lucy raised a chin as she met Jade's gaze, "Thanks to Tom, I feel much better," Lucy said with a sweet smile that made them laugh.

"You keep surprising me, Lucy. I wouldn't have figured you for the type to do something so wild," Jade said, and Lucy shrugged.

"What can I say? More surprises await you," she said as she turned to Candace who was grinning at her.

"Uhm, did you guys agree on another time to meet then?" she asked curiously.

"Not yet. Maybe we can do that on the group chat later," Jade said just as Tom returned.

"Alright. Sure," Lucy said as she turned to Tom.

"Are you ready to leave now," Tom asked as he took Lucy's hand and she gave him a nod.

"Have a lovely day," Lucy called to them as she let Tom pull her away.

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