Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

Chapter 311: Off the Principles Film Festival

  Chapter 311 Off-principle Film Festival

  After Hurricane Brett, the three little ones returned to Los Angeles in a private plane borrowed by Roland.

  In three months, Disney, who wanted to make money, put together the "Hot Mom and Hot Girl" project.

  Although there is still some time before the filming starts, the producers are willing to see the actors read the script in advance, analyze the characters, and find their feelings. So, the Olsen sisters started working on the second day after their vacation.

   As for the youngest Elizabeth, of course she will go back to school and continue her classes~

   Perhaps it was because of Roland's intervention that the Olsen couple did not get divorced, or it might be because of Roland's appearance that Elizabeth saw too much of the world, so in this life, her life trajectory and Roland's memory deviated.

  The little guy who has been studying hard and has excellent grades has not developed much interest in acting.

Not only that, when playing in the UK, whenever someone asked her what she wanted to do when she grew up, this little **** would always show her chubby baby fat face and tell the other party solemnly that she would grow up. I want to play finance when I grow up.

  Although the naive and romantic decision had a childlike meaning, David was still very happy after learning about it.

  With James Olsen’s crooked tuba in front, Elizabeth, it’s really a considerate little padded jacket.

   As far as Roland is concerned, if Elizabeth really does not set foot in Hollywood, it will indeed be a loss, because she played the Scarlet Witch really well, but this kind of loss is actually harmless in Roland's opinion.

  If it was an outsider, then Roland must be thinking of ways to coax and squeeze it, and it's the turn of this little girl who grew up watching movies... She can do whatever she likes, if she doesn't want to act, don't act!

  Who made him... like in the previous life?


Since the three of them returned home by private plane alone, their departure did not have any impact on Roland's itinerary. At the same time as saying goodbye to the three little lesbians, Roland and Kate who stayed in the UK also welcomed Katherine Kennedy.

  After the success of "The Sixth Sense of Spirituality", the producer of the film, Catherine Kennedy, felt that there was a big stone in her chest and finally landed.

  Because this is her fifth solo film, and her only one to be a hit.

  Since following Steven Spielberg in 1979, Kathleen Kennedy has given the impression to her peers that she is the guy who got **** luck and hugged the big brother's thigh.

  In the eyes of most people, the name of Hollywood's second producer, which she and her husband mixed up with the old man, is so watery that it can drown people!

It is precisely because of the endless doubts she has encountered in the past ten years, so when the old man left Universal in 1992, she took this opportunity to form the Kennedy/Marshall Film Production Company with her husband, hoping to prove herself Ability.

It's a pity that after the establishment of the company, the first project produced by her husband, the movie "The Last Days of Heaven" suffered a huge loss. The second "Pretty Woman" even collapsed in word of mouth and box office. The first "Raiders of the Magic Cabinet" continued to pull the hips, and the fourth "Congo Psychic" was worth paying back...In this case, the ridicule in the circle is rampant.

  Everyone thinks that this is Katherine Kennedy's true level!

   And various film companies also questioned her ability because of repeated losses.

  In this case, making "The Sixth Sense" was tantamount to a last stand.

   If you succeed, you will be ashamed, if you lose, you will never be able to stand up again.

  Because of this, Kathleen Kennedy spent a lot of money to invite Bruce Willis.

  Although actors cannot be the core criterion for judging whether a movie is good or bad, this decision is obviously correct. The high box office has brought to an abrupt end the doubts that have existed for many years, and it has also made Kathleen Kennedy, who has been aggrieved for many years, feel proud.

   So much so that when Roland saw her, that radiant face seemed to have been waxed.

   "Long time no see~Roland~" Catherine Kennedy took the initiative to reach out.

   "Yeah ~ Catherine."

   "Oh~ Kate~ I will be filming at your house for a long time in the future~" the human spirit gave her a hug.

   "It's too exaggerated for you to say that." Kate denied with a smile, "I haven't booked a hotel yet? Then come to my house tonight?"

   "Okay~" Katherine Kennedy responded directly to this invitation, "Living at home is much more comfortable than staying in a hotel."

   "It's just right, I can also take a look at it. Steven said that you may stay in the UK for a long time in the future. What kind of house is it?"

  The teasing words made Kate laugh. While leading the way, she also said in a regretful tone: "Oh, it's such a pity, because our house hasn't been settled yet~"

   "What? You have been in the UK for a long time, haven't you? Why haven't you even finalized this kind of thing?"

  Katherine Kennedy was shocked.

However, just when she thought that the new couple had their own difficulties in choosing, Kate said in a serious tone, jokingly, "The main reason is that our two ideas are somewhat different, so I wasted a lot of time. "

   "I want to live in the suburbs, it's so clean, and Roland wants to live in the city, saying it's convenient to travel."

   "That's it?" Catherine Kennedy had black lines all over her head, "Is this what you guys are dragging on?"

   "Then it still can't be solved?"

   "Yes!" Kate nodded, acknowledging the conflict between the two parties, but when faced with the second question, she denied it: "But this problem, we have resolved it now..."

   "Buy one in both urban and suburban areas, so you can live wherever you want..."

   "..." The actions of the local tyrant left Katherine Kennedy speechless.

   But even so, after a few seconds, she still asked curiously: "Then where are your properties located?"

  This question, Roland can give an accurate answer, "She took a fancy to a 200-acre piece of land in Buckinghamshire, just beside the Thames River, and I chose Kensington Palace Gardens in London."

   "You can build your own manor on two hundred acres of land, and go there if you want to go on vacation, and if she wants her child to go to school in the UK, then we will live in Kensington Palace Gardens during school, because it is more convenient..."

have to!

  Katherine Kennedy stopped talking.

She doesn't understand the world of the super rich. You can buy real estate with nine-figure upwards without blinking. This kind of behavior is easier than eating candy. Not fragrant anymore.

Of course, the reason why Roland and Kate did not leave the UK, but stayed here to wait for Katherine Kennedy, was not to pretend to be loud in front of her. Besides, the two of them didn't think buying two properties was considered fake, they The purpose of staying a few more days is actually for the "Harry Potter" project, or in other words, for the actor contract.

The decision to kidnap Charlize Theron reminded Roland of the previous "Harry Potter" trio who raised the asking price when they renewed their contracts. Although these things can be avoided by making profits, if they can be solved at the source Question, isn't it better?

So when Roland learned that Katherine Kennedy would fly directly to the UK after finishing the work of "The Sixth Sense of the Spirit" to fully promote the preparations for the filming of "Harry Potter", he wanted to send the child away and left Roland chose to wait patiently.

   After meeting Catherine Kennedy and giving him a simple reception, he didn't want to hide the truth, so he directly expressed his thoughts, eager to get an accurate answer.

   "Do you want to sign a long-term contract with them?" Catherine Kennedy held a water glass with a serious face.

"Yes, is there any problem?" Roland leaned on the sofa frankly, "This will be a series that spans several years, and I don't want actors to be replaced due to salary reasons during the filming process." human situation."

  Although Roland told the truth, his impersonal and cold-blooded words still made Catherine Kennedy sigh.

  Because Roland's behavior at the moment is very similar to Spielberg who left Universal and started his own business.

  In the eyes of this secretary who has followed the old man for 20 years, the old man's greatest ability is not actually creating one blockbuster movie after another, but picking up the guide tube to talk about creation, and putting down the guide tube to be a stranger.

  When a person can continuously grasp the preferences of the audience, he can only be regarded as a master;

  When a person can control costs and streamline expenses, he can only be regarded as a businessman;

   And when a person can not only create art, but also reduce costs and pay close attention to costs, then he is a capitalist.

  The principle of capital is that there are only interests but no principles.

   And grasping the preferences and paying close attention to the cost, isn't it a perfect fit for the principle of capital?

  Because these two methods are all for the pursuit of interests.

   "No wonder he said that you are the student most like him." Catherine Kennedy was filled with emotion.

   "But I can't keep up with him in terms of artistic creation." Roland responded with a smile.

   Without getting too entangled in this topic, Catherine Kennedy directly gave the answer Roland wanted.

   "Of course a long-term contract can be signed, but we have to control the extent of it."

   "Because we can only sign with those minors, those actors who have already become famous will not accept such a contract."

"However, signing long-term contracts with minors actually has certain risks, because they themselves cannot make decisions for themselves. All contracts are signed on behalf of them. In this case, even if we sign with them With a long-term contract, they can also go to court with us because of the salary issue, as long as they sue their guardians together, saying that their guardians joined us and defrauded them of the benefits that should belong to them, the court will focus on investigation."

   "And once this kind of thing happens, the possibility of our losing the lawsuit will become very high."

   "Because their guardians may have certain transactions with them."


   Roland understood.

   "That is, parents take the initiative to take the blame and seek greater benefits for their children?"

   "Yes." Katherine Kennedy nodded.

   "Is there a solution?" Roland asked.


"How to deal with it?"

"First of all, the remuneration cannot be suppressed too hard. If the price of each film is 500,000, then we will definitely lose the lawsuit; secondly, our "Harry Potter" crew needs to be like the "Lord of the Rings" crew. Greater good locally…”

   It is actually very simple to lower the price, just don’t give people a reason to win the lawsuit!

  How to block the reasons for winning the lawsuit?

  Of course the judge can afford to lose face! Local interests pass!

The so-called judge's face is decent, so naturally don't come up with those contracts that insult people's IQ-before J.K. Criticize flaws?

And if three to five film contracts are first agreed in the contract, and the follow-up participation clause is added, and the remuneration is appropriately mentioned, then after the judge reads it, at least he can understand that this is indeed the producer's intention to compress Costs, the low-price contracts made in advance by cunning, rather than the squeeze contracts planned from the beginning.

  As for the decent local interests, it naturally helps the filming location generate income.

Leave some photos of the crew at the filming location, donate some costumes and props for shooting, and then write some filming tidbits and behind-the-scenes stories for it in the name of the crew, so that the local area can turn it into a tourist attraction. enough.

As long as the local government can continue to earn tourism income from the filming location, they will also help to testify when an accident occurs, showing that this is indeed not a squeeze, but a pre-agreed legal contract, and during the filming process, the crew Actively cooperate with the inspection, legally employ people, and shoot in compliance, there is no problem.

  Of course, these two points are easy to say, but they are very troublesome to run.

   But, with Kathleen Kennedy, an old fritter, Roland is still very relieved.


  After entrusting the contract matters to Catherine Kennedy, Roland and Kate finally left the UK and headed east.

For Roland, it doesn't really matter where to play, it's all decided by his wife, but for Kate, this is actually the best way to delegate power, because after the filming of "Titanic" was closed, Roland's decision was hers. of choice.

  Whether it's a vacation or a trip, Roland will follow wherever Roland says.

  Whether she is working or socializing, wherever Roland says she lives, her home is there.

  Although Kate has always been accommodating to Roland and didn't care too much about such small things, she was still very happy when she was really asked to make a new choice, not to mention that Roland still sat aside and didn't speak, allowing her to choose slowly.

At first, Kate was quite happy as she was looking slowly at the map, but when she found out that her man was leaning on the sofa and looking at her with a tilted head, not caring about the time at all, she immediately abandoned this need for thinking work.

When Roland patted her **** and told her that she had retired, she would be making the decision for the rest of her life. Since the right to choose is in her own hands, she doesn't care whether she chooses or not. Map the numbers in the area, and then use the dice to decide where to go. After they receive God's will, the next thing they should do is to go there recklessly?

  Decided where to go?

is it necessary?

  As long as you are with each other, you can play wherever you go. In this way, then—

  The accompanying bodyguard assistants all felt that they had beeped the dog!

   On the 23rd, they were still hosting Katherine Kennedy in London;

   On the 24th, the check-in task of the Berlin Wall has been completed;

  Take a day off on the 25th, and stroll along the street eating crispy pork knuckle;

  On the twenty-sixth day, two sand sculptures were trembling in Greenland with Danish beer in their hands;

   On the 28th, I went to Barcelona to watch a bullfight;

   On the 30th, nestled next to the Notre-Dame Church in Luxembourg, Kate acted as a model, and Roland held a drawing board and painted all day;

   And in early September, they went to Italy again and participated in the Venice Film Festival as tourists...

  If it was the past, Roland would of course be very interested in the film festival, because it is a good platform to communicate directly with creative people from all walks of life, but now, it doesn’t matter to him whether he participates or not, as long as Kate is interested.

  Before going, Roland thought this way, but after going, Roland realized, huh... so they are old acquaintances!

   There are many films participating in the competition, and the one Roland is most familiar with is a film about education - "No One Less".

  The second most familiar one is "Eyes Wide Shut" played by Ah Tang and his wife.

  The third most familiar is "The Cider House Rules" starring Tobey Maguire and Charlize Theron.

  Although Roland has watched all these movies, is it the same for high-definition resources and live viewing?

  Take "Eyes Wide Shut" as an example, the deleted version and the uncut version are two different concepts, especially when the masked girls in the church take off their black robes...

Eh! At that moment, Roland's eyes widened.

   And when Nicole Kidman is wearing glasses and stepping on high heels, running freely in the hotel...


   While making a contribution to global warming, Roland also envied Xu Qi'an who could go to Goulan to listen to it every day.

   "Does it look good?" Hearing the sound, Kate immediately kicked her man.

   "It's not good-looking!" Roland shook his head after learning his lesson.

   "Then why are your eyes so wide?" Kate sneered.

   "Criticism! Criticism!" Roland said righteously.

   "Huh~" Kate rolled her eyes.

  The advantage of watching movies at film festivals is that you can truly understand the director's intentions.

  If you are lucky and find some friends with similar views, maybe after a few days of development, everyone may be able to communicate and become like-minded people.

Of course, these open benefits have nothing to do with Roland, and while he was happily busy on vacation, a curly-haired guy in New York was a little anxious to get angry because his new work was about to be accepted. Fox axed.

  (end of this chapter)

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