Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

Chapter 302: The person is still there, the heart has changed

  Chapter 302 The person is still there, but the heart has changed

   "I declare now! Roland Allen has won! Who agrees? Who opposes?"

"I agree! After 22 years, George Lucas raised the guide tube again, but he ruined my childhood! I don't believe that "The Phantom Menace" will become the box office champion this year, because I will Go see "Spider-Man 2"! I will drag my friends to see "Spider-Man 2"! I will let my family watch "Spider-Man 2" with me!"

"I agree too! After Steven Spielberg stepped in the editing work of "A New Hope" in 1977, George Lucas could already retire! Can attract fans! But he didn't know that the root of creating a movie is to write a story based on its merits! Compared with "Spider-Man 1", which tells the origin of Peter Parker, "The Phantom Menace" is simply a boring history Book! The point is, the history inside is still full of prejudice!"

  "George Lucas wants to prove to the world that his ability to make movies is no worse than Steven Spielberg! But he tells us with practical actions how naive his thoughts are!"

"I really can't believe that "The Phantom Menace" belongs to the "Star Wars" series! Compared with Roland Allen, who has also skyrocketed because of his film career, George Lucas is really too selfish! Even if Roland Allen has become a major shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway, but he can still do his job as a creator very well! And George Lucas? Since the success of "Star Wars" , he left the creative work to others! And when he discovered that CGI technology had developed to an astonishing level, he felt that he could come out to gain fame! This kind of behavior of creating for fame and fortune is disgusting!"

"If I were to describe my mood at this moment in one sentence, I would say: 'Twenty years of waiting is all wishful thinking! I would tell myself, 'I'd rather trust Roland Allen! Don't trust George Lucas! Because Roland Allen who maintains his creative passion will surprise people every year! And George Lucas will only give us what he once gave us. Good crush hard!'”

   That's right!

   When the fanatical "Star Wars" fan dissed George Lucas, Roland also lay down for no reason.

   It's just that he, who is also a creator, has become a positive example in this cursing incident this time!

Although George Lucas and Roland Allen are two irrelevant individuals, the director of the former and the actor of the latter are at odds with each other, but who makes "The Phantom Menace" and "Spider-Man 2" "When preparing to start filming, did they rub off on each other's enthusiasm?

  The arguments of the media at that time were highly consistent—

  'As long as "Spider-Man" can beat "Star Wars", then Roland will truly rule the entire 90s! '

Although after that, a series of things made Roland directly promoted from a tool to a capital, and the embassy bombing in "Saving Private Ryan" made it difficult for the media to brag about the honor Roland won again. When "The Phantom Menace" was released, Fox, who was backed by Jewish bosses and did not want to cause trouble, also gave up the hype of "Skywalker VS Spiderman", but even after two years, the audience can still clearly remember The competition between the two sides!

All right-

  This is actually bullshit...

  Because the movies that can be called masterpieces this year are only "Star Wars" and "Spider-Man"!

  You don’t need to memorize it deliberately, you can remember it!

  Because of this, after seeing "The Phantom Menace" rotten to the grandma's house and still achieve excellent results, the fans who loved it deeply and took responsibility for it, stepped on it crazily!

  Even if "Spider-Man 2" hasn't been released yet!

   Even if no one dares to pat their chests to guarantee, "Spider-Man 2" will definitely be liked by most people!

  But most of the time, dislike and praise don’t depend on the results, let alone reason!

   How many people once loved "Star Wars", how many people hate Lucas now!

   It’s not that the public can’t accept the garbage plot of “Star Wars”!

   But I can't accept this **** plot, it was written by the "Father of Star Wars" himself!

  Of course, the taste of the public can never be unified.

  Since some people hate "The Phantom Menace", there must be some people who like it. While some Star Wars fans derogate the movie and praise Roland, others find their behavior quite disgusting—

  ‘Despite The Phantom Menace’s flaws and clunky script, this is the beginning of the whole series! George is introducing the world to everyone, rather than satisfying the wishes of a small number of people. I think this is a manifestation of respect for the audience! '

  ‘I know that many people just watched the movie because of Anakin and gave bad reviews because of it, but this kind of behavior is unfair to George! Because he made Star Wars, not Anakin Skywalker Saga! He is constructing a world for us, rather than filming a personal biography alone! '

  ‘Spider-Man is the story of Peter Parker alone! But "Star Wars" is not the history of Anakin-Skywalker alone! Comparing the two is a mistake in itself, not to mention-Roland Allen and George Lucas are the same kind of people, they are keen on hype! They love publicity! They are obsessed with special effects! They don't like to delve into themselves! '

  ‘That’s right! You can't hold Roland Allen higher than him just because you don't like George Lucas! Not only is this disrespectful to the guy you've loved, it's stupid! Because Roland Allen is not as good as you say! If he hadn't been working with Steven Spielberg and James Cameron, would he have achieved what he is now? Compared with George who created "Star Wars" alone, the honor he received is too much water! '

  ? ? ?

  ‘Motherfucker! Whether you spray "The Phantom Menace" or George Lucas, what does it mean to involve our family Roland Allen? Did our Roland Allen provoke you? Nine years and eight crowns are too watery in your mouth? I see your mouths are more hydrated! Jackass! '


   In a word, it poked a hornet's nest!

When fans of "Star Wars" praised Roland and Lucas in order to show their anger, Roland fans were quite happy, because everyone hopes that their idols can be evaluated as good by others ah!

   But when the words of defense and rebuttal appeared, and many of them chose to drag Roland into the water in order to justify George Lucas, the people who were eating melons suddenly became upset!

   You "Star Wars" fans are fighting among themselves, why do you have to tear our family Roland into the water?

   Is our Roland eating your rice? Or is it costing your fabric?

   Said that our family Roland's grades are too low, and the past nine years have all depended on his thighs?

  The "Terminator" series and the "Jurassic Park" series are still possible, but can the "Home Alone" series, "Spider-Man" series, and "Titanic" be able to be hugged by just hugging your thighs?

  If you think that Roland got his way today by hugging his thighs!

  Then you find another guy who can hold the top three box office in film history by hugging his thighs!

   Can you find it?

   You can't talk more than your brain! It's okay to find trouble! Isn't this cheap panic? ! !

As a result, the Roland fans who were still on the sidelines at the beginning also left the stage, and directly tore up with those guys who said 'Roland is not worthy of the name'. Since they entered the stage halfway, they took the initiative to stand after knowing what happened. On the side of the "Star Wars" fans of Quarolan, I helped those guys diss "The Phantom Menace" together.

Not only that, because Roland's fan structure is much more complicated than the "Star Wars" fan structure. The latter is basically composed of boys, but more than half of the former are fans and fans who boarded the thief ship "Titanic". The dog food party, so when these people joined the battle, the discussion forums of major websites all fell to one side...

  The rating of "The Phantom Menace" on IMDb dropped from 7.0 to 6.7 in just one week!

   Such a strange situation has caused major Hollywood film companies to be full of black lines—

  While lamenting that Roland's fans are too powerful, they are also envious of Roland's background.

  “Ten movies in ten years, seems to be low-production, but it has attracted a generation of fans!”

   ""Star Wars" is the memory of a generation, but why is Roland Allen not?"

   "Compared with "Star Wars" and "Raiders of the Lost Ark", he still has his own unique advantages!"

   "The fan category of the former is too single, but the latter is really a killer!"

   "Unfortunately, with such a good foundation, I don't want to make movies..."

  "If the guys who are defending him now know that "Spider-Man 2 and 3" are the swan song, then they will go crazy, right?"

  Actually, for the film company, it has nothing to do with whether movie fans criticize "The Phantom Menace".

  Because the copyright of this series is in the hands of George Lucas himself, they can't get any profit.

  Since this is the case, the storm of public opinion covering the outside world is at best an annual drama for them. They moved a bench to eat melon seeds, and it passed. What they really regret is Roland's promotion.

   Such a perfect gold-absorbing tool has become capital, which is really a big loss for the circle.

   If you can firmly control it in your own hands and keep squeezing it, how great it would be!


  This kind of thing, just think about it.


  For capital, it is somewhat embarrassing for the perfect tool to become the same kind.

   But as far as Roland is concerned, he didn't feel pressured by fans' support.

  Ten years ago, when "Home Alone" was a big success, if fans defended themselves like this, then Roland would indeed be very moved, and would rack his brains to think about contributing better works to fans, but now—

   Feeling, happy, but not excited.

   It will not motivate yourself because of this, and it will burst out with a stronger desire to create.

   It's not that he doesn't care, let alone that he wants to break away from the masses, but that capital makes him Buddhist.

   It is of course a good thing that a group of people like him, because this will allow him to retire, but even if the subsequent "Spider-Man 2 and 3" disappoint the fans, Roland will not feel sad about it.

  Time flies, things change.

  The person is still there, but the heart has changed.


  Of course, no matter how noisy the Internet is, it can't stop the movie box office from continuing to rise.

  After the overseas distribution spread, the global box office climbed to 400 million in the first time.

  No way, many times, feelings are really valuable.

   Not only that, in this era, the impact of the Internet on reality is far less terrifying than it will be in the future.

   There are a lot of responses online, that's normal, but if you want to gather strength to boycott offline—

  This is a bit much to think about.

It's like 260,000 people jointly opposed the Japanese government's purchase of Mamao Island to build a military base for the retired world champion, but no one paid attention to it; if I think something useful on the Internet, I will adopt it, and if I think it is useless, then It must not exist.

   And when "The Phantom Menace" kidnapped the audience's wallet, "Spider-Man 3" was finally officially completed on June 17.

  When Peter Parker knocked down the little green goblin and the goblin, the old man holding the guide tube also shouted 'Cut, Good'.

  The salutes that had already been prepared were fired by the staff one after another.

  Colorful confetti flying all over the sky, like butterflies, enveloped the shooting scene.

  The celebratory champagne that was opened afterwards added a bit of festiveness to the extremely messy studio.

   Facing the wine glass that was excitedly held high, Roland never refused to come, and when he had a drink and sat there with a blushing face to rest, he couldn't help laughing because of the familiarity of the sight.

  Although the staff's celebratory voices filled my ears, and groups of laughing groups made the scene extremely chaotic, Roland, who was sitting in the center of the field, was surprisingly calm.

  Because he knew that this was his last scene.

  Because he firmly believes that he will never start all over again!

   "What are you thinking about?"

  When Xiao Lizi saw Roland sitting in the middle of the field in a daze, he leaned over directly holding a wine glass.

  Looking at the familiar face with a certain distance from his own, Roland recovered and said with a smile: "It's nothing~"

   "I just feel a little empty."

"You're still empty!" Xiao Lizi rolled his eyes, spat sharply, and said, "If a guy like you who wants money, money, and power is still empty, then we have nothing, so what's the matter?" live?"

  The sour words amused Roland.

   And just when he was about to imitate Mr. Dan's tone and pretend to be profound, "This may be the trouble of the rich", Xiao Lizi's next sentence almost choked him to death.

   "So... I think you are not empty, but kidney deficiency?"

   Doubtful little eyes scanned Roland's body over and over again, and Roland, who was leaning against the table, had black lines all over his head.

"Go! Go! Go!"

   Kicked the opponent's ass, Roland told him to get out!

  Not only that, but he was still muttering: "My kidney deficiency? My kidney deficiency? Do you think I look like that kind of person?"


   "I'm obviously thinking about how to live my retirement life for more than 80 years!"

Note: ① "A New Hope" was actually edited by Spielberg. There is a video on YouTube. Lucas's edited version has a lot of waste shots, and the rhythm is so slow that the special effects can't save it. Then Spielberg edited At the same time as "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", he and his team helped re-cut "A New Hope". Of course, this was not done by him alone, including Martin Scorsese, who gave comments to the editing, so-George Lucas would be very resistant to entrusting the subsequent movies to his own people, because that would really The name is not worthy of the name.



  (end of this chapter)

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