Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

Chapter 297: New projects related to Disney!

  Chapter 297 A new project related to Disney!

   Roland discovered a very strange fact.

  When I first joined the industry in 1990, I was full of energy, but ten years later, burnout was written all over my face.

  I feel my body has been hollowed out, and I can't make it up no matter how hard I try to mend it.

   And this kind of burnout seems to be a contagious disease, because besides him, so are the people around him.

After the "Home Alone" series, director Chris Columbus, who first cooperated with him, took over the filming of "The Big Boy" and "Slim Dad". But since 1993, he has entered the fishing mode, although in In 1995, 1996, and 1998, three films were released: "September of Pregnancy", "Christmas Bean", and "Stepmother", but the meaning of intersection is extremely strong.

   This is actually very easy to understand.

  He talked about a girlfriend, got married, and wanted to be a father.

The second James Cameron I know, this former studio tyrant, now turns a blind eye to all kinds of things, the excitement of filming "Terminator 2" and "Titanic" is already gone No, instead, it is sixty long live, seventy is better, eighty is perfect, and ninety is redundant. As a guy who does not want his wife to show his face, exploring the deep sea is what he is eager to do now thing, as for work?

  Life is not only about the present, but also poetry and distant fields...

The third co-worker, Steven Spielberg, doesn't look like this guy has a full schedule, but in fact, he is unmatched in terms of dodging laziness. Roland handed over the preparations for "Harry Potter" to Gave it to him, what happened?

   This guy threw a backhand to Kathleen Kennedy and ILM.

  The former is responsible for the preparation of the crew, the latter is responsible for the construction and production of props, and the script and the draft of the shot—

   Whenever Roland asked this question, the old man would respond with 'soon, soon'.

  Holding his daughter to make her happy, he is like a pigeon.

  And the "soon, soon" in his mouth is more like—

   "It will be ready soon~ I can hand in tomorrow~ I'm sorry~ It's been a long time~"

  As for the fourth cooperation, it was also Robert Zemeckis, who originally let him win "Home Alone". This guy is also completing a blockbuster series. After winning two Oscars, he entered the sage mode.

  After "Forrest Gump", except for "Contact" in 1997 and the upcoming "Cast Away" and "Dangerous", he has no other works.

   Not only that, but he is fascinated by Weta digital motion capture technology, and he has no intention of making live-action movies anymore.

  As a technical geek who likes to fantasize, he chooses to do what he likes to do.

Many people say that the reason why people procrastinate is because they don't love something, but the problem is that when their love becomes work, no matter how much love they had before, it will still be lost due to the passing of time. And recession.

  The reason why people are interested in something is because this interest can make you relax and feel happy after work, but when the interest keeps appearing in front of you, the happiness will disappear.

  However, once the interest disappears, hey, happiness appears again!

   Just like coding and breaking updates, if you code every day, people will slack off.

  But if one day you dove with confidence, happiness will come back!

  Because of this, Roland, who has a deep understanding, can understand the choices of these guys.

  Because sitting there and watching is much more comfortable than doing it yourself!

   Well...except for certain items...

However, for some guys who have not been on the set for a long time but can get good grades, it seems a bit whimsical to want them to give up this path. They are the only way to make money, so they continue to walk on this road without stopping.

   That night, when Roland and Kate returned home with half blood, they encountered such a situation.

  After coaxing the child to bed, Ganetti, uncharacteristically, knocked on the door of Roland's house very abruptly.

   In the beginning, I talked to Roland about the issue of 'RandK'.

Due to investment negotiations, store decoration and other reasons, the first product could not be launched on the market this year on Valentine's Day as expected. The warm-up will be linked with "Spider-Man 2", er... To put it bluntly, it is to catch the heat when "Spider-Man 2" is announced.

   Roland naturally had no problem with such an arrangement, but after he handed everything over to his husband David, Ganetti suddenly changed the subject and found a way out for his daughter.



""A Couple Born" was released last month, with a North American box office of 79 million and a global box office of 118 million. This result is already quite high for Ashley and Mary, who are starring in the leading roles for the first time. Excellent. Especially since you helped them get the box office sharing contract, the salary for this movie is almost 15 million."

   Speaking of this, Ganetti's face was full of gratitude.

"Hey! Not bad!" Hearing this, Roland immediately expressed surprise at the result, "Although the previous "Jurassic Park", "Sleepless in Seattle" and "Jumanji" all had good box office The results, but after all, this is the first time they have shot a project worth 100 million yuan without external force, and it is an intuitive manifestation of their ability to attract money, which is very good!"

  If Roland remembers correctly, the box office of "A Couple Born" in his previous life did not seem to exceed 100 million.

Although with the popularity of the Olsen sisters, it seems unreasonable to take the leading role in a movie for the first time and win a box office of over 100 million, but movies and TV are really different, with an investment of more than 10 million and a box office of 100 million. It's really a big hit, and like Roland's climbing up is a record, it's all stepping on the trend of the times.

  He is the first person to enjoy the bonus of the era, if he can't fly, then hell.

But before Roland could say a few words of praise, Ganetti changed the subject, with a troubled look on his face, "But...although the grades are good, after such a long time, Ashley and Mary still haven't received any good results. The invitation from the Big Six seems to have not seen a nearly ten-fold return on investment, and no company has sent them a script..."

   "Oh..." Roland understood.

   This is to please myself, continue to find projects for the Olsen sisters!

In Roland's previous life, after their parents divorced, the Olsen sisters basically looked for jobs by themselves, and it was precisely because they were too young that their vision was limited, so they took on "Good Things Come in Pairs" and "Daddy's Clearance" , "Passport to Paris", and "Switching" are terrible scripts, no bright spots, and extremely mediocre projects.

   But there is no way!

  At that time, they didn't have good thighs!

If Roland took the show like this, he just called in the morning and confirmed that he would pick it up with the management. Before he could sign in the afternoon, the old man would be able to parachute into his house at noon and break his legs. Bad movie, the old man can't afford to lose this person.

   Because of this, the situation of the Olsen sisters has changed.

  With Roland here, who will send them the notebooks at the Sixth University?

  Your family has money and resources, so if you want to shoot something, don’t you just ask?

  Who can beat you with ready-made items?

  Customized projects You can go your own way faster than us!

  In this case, the six big ones are all sitting in a row to eat fruit, and whoever the Olsen sisters choose will be able to enjoy the profits happily.

  So, if the Olsen sisters want to film, they can only find Roland.

   Not only convenient and fast, but also painless and safe.

   But for Roland, even though this is the case, he can't do it directly with his head covered!

Because the acting skills of the Olsen sisters are mediocre, shooting a youth movie and harvesting fans’ wallets will be the best. If you want to go further, it’s just a dream, so before helping to find a project, Roland has to figure out, this time Is it because the Olsen sisters want to shoot, or their mother Ganetti is still dreaming of unrealistic fame.

  If Ganetti still counts on the Olsen sisters to win the award, and hopes that Roland can help in this regard...

   Then Roland really has a big head!

   But when Roland vaguely asked what was on his mind, Ganetti, who had already guessed the situation, laughed—

"Roland, David has told me many times over the years that it is impossible for Ashley and Mary to become good actors, they don't have that talent, and after watching your award campaign, I really don't have any hope."

   "This time, they want to shoot, and it's me and David who want them to shoot."

"They are already fourteen years old, but they have not received a single day of systematic education. Now whether we hire them a tutor or send them back to school, it is making things difficult for them, so...David and I discussed with them After a while, we reached a consensus and decided to let them learn from you, film until they are eighteen years old, and then send them to New York University to study and enter the Fashion Institute. won't starve to death..."

   "Ah~ exaggerated~ exaggerated~"

  Roland quickly waved his hands and said with a smile: "They are my younger sisters, how could I let them fall to that level?"

   "Since you have reached a consensus, I know it in my heart."

   "Okay, leave the film selection to me, give me some time..."

   "Don't worry, before the filming of "Spider-Man 2 and 3" is finished, I will definitely come up with a plan for you..."

  Since Garnettie was beeping, Roland was relieved.

  As for the arrangements the Olsen couple made for their daughter, Roland can understand even more—

  Having not received systematic education for so many years, if you want to relearn basic subjects, it is a waste of life!

   In this way, it is better to realize your fame and make money like crazy!

   After seeing Roland's own operation mode, they also discovered the watershed of adulthood.

  Before reaching adulthood, child actors can kill all over, but after adulthood, child actors lose half of their basic set.

  In this case, changing careers is the perfect way to achieve success!

   As for the Fashion Institute—

   Isn't that just following in the footsteps of the ancestors and moving forward!

For the vast majority of rich people, it is the best choice for their ignorant daughters to enter the major of fashion design, because the biggest barrier to entry for this major is beeping, but for the rich, there is no such thing as exist.

   In this way, entering this line of development has become a simple matter.

  They can understand what the teacher said. After graduation, they can use the resources at home to start a small brand.

   If it becomes bigger, that is of course the best result.

   But even if you go bankrupt, it doesn't matter, as long as people don't sit idle, then it's fine.

  Like Sofia Coppola, directly following Chanel's Lafayette.

  When her dad sent her to answer the phone, how could she be expected to learn anything!

   I still hope she can calm down and stop causing trouble!

   In this way, Roland can arrange it easily.

  Continue to manage the commercial films that represent youth, whoever makes money will shoot whichever!

   "Like "Mean Girls" and "Hot Mom and Hot Girls", can't these be filmed?"

After seeing off Garnett, Roland, who went into the study alone, directly bald Lindsay-Han Luo, "Youth movies have no time factors, and the protagonist of "Mean Girls" is set to be ten Five years old? Same for Hot Moms and Hot Girls!"

"Ashley and Mary are fourteen years old this year, let them do "Hot Mom and Hot Girls" first, and when the movie comes out, they will be about fifteen or sixteen years old, and then let them seamlessly make "Mean Girls", the movie When it was released, it was the age when they retired bravely, bid farewell to Hollywood, and entered New York University to study..."

   ""Hot Mom and Spice Girls" was easy to film, and I directly hired Jodie Foster to play it..."

   "As for "Mean Girls", just buy the copyright of the book..."

If Garnetti asked Roland to help the Olsen sisters win Oscars, he would definitely refuse, because of his limited ability; but if he asked Roland to help the Olsen sisters choose some urban drama scripts, then it would be too simple , can be arranged with eyes closed!

  Of course, the idea of ​​the Olsen couple to let the Olsen sisters continue to make youth films actually coincides with Roland's development path. If before that, his Warcraft film and television was managed by sheep-herding, then now...

   "The Lord of the Rings" he can ignore;

   "X-Men" he can also ignore;

   "Harry Potter" he can still ignore;

  But he really has to take care of urban movies!

  Because advertisements can be placed in it!

  Just like after Coca-Cola bought Columbia Pictures, they let all the protagonists in the movie drink Coca-Cola and let all the villains drink Pepsi. In three years, they knocked down the brand value of Pepsi by 20%.

  Before, Roland didn’t have ‘RandK’. It didn’t matter to him whether he made urban movies or not, and whether he could eat the profits. But now, since he has his own brand, he has to manage it well!

  Inserting brand advertisements into the six major urban-themed movies is actually not very safe, because no one knows how the producers will finally present the advertisements.

  If it’s a silly beep lens like Yili Shuhua Milk, it’s better not to implant it!

   But if you do it yourself, the operability is very strong.

  Besides, this kind of urban movie doesn’t need to be made every year, just release one every few years to strengthen the public’s impression.

After all, there are only a few movies that can attract women to watch, and there are very few movies that can drive implantation with high box office. Apart from "Hot Mom and Hot Girl" and "Mean Girls", there is only "Princess Diaries" And The Devil Wears Prada.

   That's right!

   Roland is eyeing Anne Hathaway who can bring goods!

   Of course, it can also be said that he has his eyes on Disney.

  Because "Hot Mom and Hot Girl" belongs to Disney, and the "Princess Diaries" series also belongs to Disney.

Note: ① The four directors mentioned in this article are all crazy fishers after the arrival of two thousand years. Chris Columbus was originally because Steven Spielberg did not make "Harry Potter". The one on top, but after filming two films, he himself didn't bother to film because he wanted to go home with his children. And James Cameron played diving under the banner of poor technology. Steven Spielberg seems to be prolific, but when "War of the Worlds" was announced, Tom Cruise said that the old man goes to work every day, and he looks forward to returning home from get off work. As for Robert Zemeckis, playing technology is much more comfortable than running on the set. ②It is written in the article that Jodie Foster is invited to play "Hot Mom and Hot Girl", that is because "Hot Mom and Hot Girl" is a remake movie, and the original (1977) movie is the daughter played by Jodie Foster, Lindsay- When Han Luo was filming again, the crew invited the other party to play Lindsay's mother, but was rejected by the other party. ③ "Mean Girls" is based on the book "The Queen Bee and Obsession" written by Rosalind Wiseman. Although the book was only published in 2003, the content was serialized very early. Rosalind Wiseman He is also the founder of EmpowerProgram, an organization that prevents violent crime among young people. There is no need to copy, the scripts are ready-made.



  (end of this chapter)

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