Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

Chapter 268: Roland Salted Fish Allen

  Chapter 268 Roland Salted Fish Allen

   As the saying goes, it’s cool to hug your legs for a while, and it’s always cool to hug your legs all the time.

  After spreading everything out, Roland suddenly felt that he had an extra layer of BUFF called "Happy Salted Fish"—it was almost like playing on a swing in the backyard.

  For him, the first half of 1998 was the crazy realization after years of PY trading, which was a happy harvest period.

  Lie there, you can earn money, take a photo, and you can collect your name.


its not right!

  Why is there such a rush of passion?

   But for the general public, the world in the first half of the year was rich and colorful.

  They not only saw the complex love history of Zipperton, saw the lecherous character of the commander-in-chief and the understanding and tolerance of the commander-in-chief's wife, but also witnessed the birth of the love of the century, and the unprecedented marriage proposal.

   Pulling out these things alone can attract countless eyeballs, not to mention that when the two extremes of pros and cons appear at the same time, the broad masses of people who have become melon-eating people are immediately fed up and belched.

Eating sweet and greasy dog ​​food here, turning around and criticizing the ruthless and ungrateful commander, this kind of contrastive comment directly touched the hearts of some people, and with the development of the two things The heat is waning, just when everyone thinks that this year's America will never be able to produce similar big news—


  These melon eaters and critics suddenly all turned into out-of-control curly-haired baboons, restless!

  First of all, Disney.

  They announced that they will join forces with Warcraft Film and Television, spend a huge sum of 300 million yuan, and bring "The Lord of the Rings", the originator of modern fantasy literature, to the screen!

  When this news appeared, the middle-aged and elderly people who had cast kind eyes on the beautiful love before all went crazy!

  Since the 1950s, "The Lord of the Rings" has swept Europe and the United States, becoming a cultural imprint of an era.

Tolkien used "Lord of the Rings" to create a time and space comparable to any other mythology system, a civilization similar to history, and an English nation's own creation myth; the series of books have been translated into more than 60 languages ​​and sold half a dozen times. In the 19th century, the sales volume had already exceeded 100 million, and the day after the author Tolkien's death, the "New York Times" even published a review article, calling him the "creator".

Words in black and white can't describe people's love for him at all, and after Disney's official announcement, their external contact hotline was immediately blown up. Those old men and women who are fascinated by Middle-earth are eager to know , In what way will the fantasy world in my heart be presented?

  Will the huge investment of 300 million yuan really be put into reality?

  Who will be the director of the movie?

Although Disney cannot answer questions about the content of the film for the time being, they still dare to guarantee the investment. Under the instruction of high-level officials, "The success of "Titanic" made us discover that large-scale production is the basis for improving the quality of the film. Therefore, we adopted a plan of 300 million investment and continuous shooting that will not be affected by the market, and the rhetoric of restoring the world of Middle-earth written by Mr. Tolkien as much as possible, immediately became an official response to win people's hearts.

  Even if this is a cliché, those old men and women clearly captured a message——

  ‘Lord of the Rings’ will be filmed in the same way as Titanic. '

  How was "Titanic" filmed?

  Buy land and dig pools to build boats!

  Since Disney said to learn from "Titanic", those old men and women can feel relieved.

  As long as capitalists are willing to spend money, there is no visual effect that cannot be produced!

   And their peace of mind is Disney's peace of mind.

  The official announcement alone can attract so many inquiries, so when it is released, the influence of the box office on the first weekend has already stabilized!

Just when those middle-aged and elderly people were very restless because the literary works they had loved for many years were finally put on the screen, the second batch of curly-haired baboons was also born smoothly. Two days after Disney officially announced "The Lord of the Rings", Time Warner also announced, It will join forces with Warcraft Films, Amblin and DreamWorks to spend 100 million yuan to create the magical world of "Harry Potter".

  Although compared with the 300 million investment of "The Lord of the Rings", the 100 million yuan project seems not enough, but in the list of producers announced by Time Warner, Steven Spielberg's name is impressive!

   Even though the old man came out to stand on the stage when he was promoting "Harry Potter" to the public at the beginning of the year, he has given the stage to literary works too many times in these years! Before it is officially finalized, no one knows whether he will withdraw from the production, and after the official finalization, he may also run away just like abandoning "Raiders of the Lost Ark 5"!

   But now, with the intervention of Amblin and DreamWorks, everything is a foregone conclusion.

   After twenty years, the old man once again copied his old business and created a children's myth?

The guys who bought books because of the old man's name from the beginning were very excited. Their expressions were like those of old stockholders who bought stocks on Dian Niang, seeing that the stocks they bought with all their money and money were being maliciously pulled by the dog author. After stretching, these guys shouted frantically: "Naizi! Ah no! Nice!"

If "The Lord of the Rings" and "Harry Potter" have received the support of the middle-aged and elderly groups and the children's group in the "groupies" respectively, then the "X-Men" shooting plan announced by Universal will make those who watched The young and middle-aged man who grew up in the manga went berserk.

  One day after the official announcement of "Harry Potter", Universal also impatiently announced to the outside world that it will cooperate with Warcraft Film and Television and Marvel Entertainment to spend at least 300 million yuan to produce three mutant movies.

Although "X-Men" is not as famous as "Lord of the Rings" and "Harry Potter" in terms of production lineup, the success of "Spider-Man" makes them feel that "X-Men" is also very good. Fuck it!

  Wolverine may not be as famous as Spider-Man, but he has a whole body of flesh!

  Wolverine may not be as famous as Spider-Man, but the ability to delay aging and high-speed regeneration is amazing!

  Wolverine may not be as famous as Spiderman, but that wild beard attracts little girls!

  Of course, the most important point is that "X-Men", like "Lord of the Rings", is also the youth of a generation!

  Youth is priceless, as long as the shots are not bad, there will be a bunch of fans who reminisce about youth paying for it.

  If the box office goes up in the first weekend, it is not afraid that it will not attract passers-by to enter the theater to watch it.

  Of course, the one after another bombing news turned the four generations of old, middle-aged and young people into curly-haired baboons, eagerly looking forward to the early arrival of the movie they have been longing for, but at the same time, everyone also discovered a problem.

  Where did Warcraft Film and Television come from, a ghost company?

  Why haven’t I heard of it before!

  Can you carry out a plan with an investment of over 700 million at the same time as Disney, Time Warner, and Universal?

  This financial strength is terrifying and a bit scary!

  ‘Why do I feel like I haven’t heard the name of this company before? Could it be that it was created recently? '

'impossible! The newly established company cooperates with bigsix as soon as it comes up? You thought the boss was Steven Spielberg? '

  ‘On IMDb, this company has only one movie under its name, “Seven Deadly Sins”, but when we searched for the full name, we found a joint distribution company named Sony, Amblin and Warcraft Films. According to the disclosed content, this is Sony's global distribution department! Can a new company's name hang on the head of Sony's worldwide distribution division? What's the situation? '

  ‘Wait, this company’s name is Warcraft Films? Isn't World of Warcraft Blizzard's game? This kind of use of the name is already a violation of the law, right? But Blizzard doesn't seem to have any intention of prosecuting it? That is to say, there is a relationship between Warcraft Movies and Blizzard? Or, is it a subsidiary of Blizzard Entertainment? Hiss...a game company making movies? Is it that exaggerated? '

  Before the official announcement of the three companies, they communicated with Roland whether they wanted to be the producer.

   And Roland Salted Fish Allen replied to them: 'I am already famous enough, I don't need to be more famous'.

  So, I felt that it was a pity, well, the three families who couldn't catch the heat actually respected Roland's choice.

Of course, Roland chose to hide his identity. It's not that he really thinks the exposure is too high, but that normal bragging methods are no longer effective for him. If you succeed, others will take it for granted.

  Just like the old man Spielberg, in the eyes of the public, the old man's movie is a big hit, that is, don't be six, sit down, sit down.

   Only when the project dies suddenly can it make headlines!

  Since the positive exposure has little effect on Roland, let's not expose it for now.

   After all, in the era of information interconnection, sand sculpture netizens can always come up with something.

The names of Warcraft Film and Television and Warcraft are so similar, the joint relationship with Blizzard Entertainment can naturally be guessed by big hands, and then hold back for now. With the success of the three major series, people will definitely become more and more popular. curious!

   When the time comes to list the company, oops! Isn't the truth about the matter?

  The hidden boss that the audience has been looking for for many years turned out to be Roland Allen?

  This kind of impact is much greater than the official announcement of the producer's identity!

And if a reporter interviews him and asks him why he wants to hide his identity, then just say, "The time I miss the most is when I got 10,000 dollars for a movie. I was very happy at that time, and I regret the most in my life." The most important thing is to accept "Home Alone", because of the soaring fame, let the happiness leave me" as a response.

  Effect, directly fill it up!

Of course, although the Big Three did not announce Roland's identity, and those media companies who knew the inside story also kept silent about the matter, they could only hide it from outsiders. After seeing the continuous official announcements, the interest groups who knew the truth , It exploded immediately!

  Except for Mary-Jane, Roland actually put out so many items at once?

   This, this, this... Hurry up!

   I have to say that even a thin-skinned person can't get along.

After seeing the resources of the three series, the guys who complained to Spielberg in order to compete for Mary Jane all selectively forgot what they did. In their eyes, resources are everything. If we I offended you, Roland, by being impatient, so please treat us as farts and just let it go...

  Because I have seen with my own eyes how much Roland hates trouble, after the official announcement of the three projects, no one expects Roland to be able to appoint every role. Because of this, Roland is also happy.

   "I finally feel like a boss. If you think about the selection of people every day, it's really low..."

   "And as soon as these three projects came out, people of all ages became leeks?"

"Well ... Jobs really makes sense! Many times, people don't know what they like!"

With the official announcement of "Lord of the Rings", "Harry Potter" and "X-Men", the whole Hollywood has finally come out from the shroud of "Titanic". The list of the home's tiles also poured out.

  The first to bear the brunt is "Clash of Heaven and Earth", a collaboration between Paramount and DreamWorks.

  The trailer of the comet hitting the earth forcibly attracted the attention of all parties.

   Sony Columbia Samsung Pictures' "Godzilla" followed. The famous Japanese monster once again appeared on the big screen in North America. This kind of cultural invasion is what Sony wants to do.

  The last is Robert Redford's "The Horse Whisperer".

  These three films are the vanguard of this year's summer film, but Roland lost interest after glancing at the film schedule of the North American Theater Alliance.

   He had watched "Clash of Heaven and Earth" in his previous life, just like "City of Angels" and "Miracle on the Green Mile". For him, the real highlight of the whole movie was the black president played by Morgan Freeman.

  The old man's ability to do things, just get used to it.

   Roland has also seen "Godzilla", and what impressed him most is that the monster in "Godzilla" is clearly the big lizard that ran out of "Jurassic Park 2" next door!

   As for The Horse Whisperer?

   He will never watch this movie again.

After throwing all the main and sideline jobs to the right people, the time came to May. Thinking that he would soon meet the wise elders, the relaxed Roland turned into a real fan and went straight to the shooting range, ah no, to Omaha, Nebraska.

  When the Bombardier Global Express borrowed from Spielberg carried Roland hovering in the air, the chessboard landscape came into view.

  Because it is a large distribution center for wheat and livestock, as well as heavy industries such as meat processing, agricultural machinery manufacturing, railway equipment, and oil processing, when overlooking the city from the air, the clear sense of division can easily give people the illusion of split camps.

  Agriculture on the left and industry on the right, the central urban area is wrapped in black and green. At first glance, there seems to be no problem, but when you look closely, it looks like a person wearing a black hat, and then green grass grows on it!

   "How can there be such a weird city layout, does it imply that the guys who live here will eventually be green?"

   Roland murmured inwardly. Just when he wanted to stare at the city and open his mind, the gliding and landing plane killed his good wishes in the cradle.

Such an unfortunate encounter made Roland feel a little regretful, but he didn't think too much about it. Anyway, he still had a chance to diss the city layout when he left. Just as he was wearing sunglasses, he got out of the cabin, holding on to the handrail, stepping down the spiral ladder, while When he took out his mobile phone and wanted to find someone to guide him, a Chevrolet suddenly drove up from a distance and stopped in front of him.

   "You arranged it?" Roland looked at the assistant beside him suspiciously.

   What I got was a shaking of my head in response.

   Just as he was about to figure out the situation, the Chevrolet co-pilot suddenly turned on, and a middle-aged man came in front of him.

  Looking at the other party's appearance, Roland was relieved.

   Isn't this Bill Gates' bodyguard?

   "William asked you to come?" Roland smiled and shook hands with the other party.

   "Yes, the boss asked me to pick you up." Big Bai nodded, "The boss said that as soon as you landed, you will definitely ask him for directions."

   "What? How did he know that I was unprepared?" Roland was startled.

Seeing Roland's seen-through appearance, the big man also took off his sunglasses, and repeated the words of the boss's instructions very embarrassingly, "The boss said...you, a guy who relies on borrowing all his travel tools, can't make arrangements in advance." Good itinerary…”

   Note: ① "A Comet Strikes the Earth" should be the first movie in Hollywood history where a black man is officially president. Prior to this, there was a "Rufus-Jones Running for President" in 1933, but it was a satirical film, "The Man" in 1972 was also ordered in danger, and "The Fifth Element" in 1997 was not a serious Hollywood film. Movies have a great influence in the United States, and the black man in it is the federal president. Until DreamWorks and Paramount made "The Comet Hit the Earth", it was the black president who led the people to save the world. The old man is very good at fighting, and a praise for black people is really very meaningful to the Jews. ②After "Titanic", Hollywood has entered into an endless loop of big productions and big returns. Before that, 100 million yuan investment was a very impressive project, but after that, 100 million yuan investment is very common. Not only that, but many At that time, the production cost obviously couldn't spend that much, but the budget had to be increased, because it was related to the film company cutting leeks in the fund market. If those film investment funds didn't boast how many billions the project invested, investors would not buy it at all; so You think that many movies are losing money, and the accounts are also losing money, but the company always lives very well. The most typical one is Paramount.



  (end of this chapter)

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