Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

Chapter 266: black angel and black god

  Chapter 266 Black Angels and Black Gods

  In Roland's previous life, some people said he was boring.

  Serious and serious in front of strangers, perfect in speech and behavior, more rational in dealing with things, and more comprehensive in thinking, but in front of acquaintances, he looks like a lunatic, like a child, or like a fool.

   In fact, this life is the same.

   When meeting an outsider for the first time, reason drives his behavior. After many exchanges, his words are quite casual.

Maybe it's because she knows Kate well, but it's more like relaxing after being bound for a lifetime, so she has fewer scruples in communication. At first, Kate was a little surprised, but after getting along for a long time, she discovered that this dual personality is actually a kind of Very interesting.

   Roland pretended to be serious in front of outsiders, and then he could make him break his skills in a second with a random twitch.

  When helplessness, embarrassment and depression are mixed together, Kate feels that she has captured the truest Roland.

   Roland still belongs to her alone.

Because of this, when facing Roland's endless boasting, she just gave him a hygienic eye to let him go aside, and when Roland really suggested going to the movies, she didn't refuse, and took the initiative to choose a romance film—

   "City of Angels".

"City of Angels" is the work of Nicolas Cage and Meg Ryan. It tells the story of an angel who holds the position of black and white impermanence. To be able to be with the one he loves, the angel gave up eternal life and came to the world, and the female doctor fell in love with the angel because of this, and the two were happily combined.

  But unfortunately, when they thought they could stay together with each other forever, fate played tricks on them.

  A female doctor was involved in a car accident one morning and lost her life.

  The angel who fell into the mortal world for her fell into endless pain.

   To put it bluntly, this is also a routine film.

Most of the time, in love movies, the relationship between the hero and heroine cannot last long. This is no longer a drama, but an inevitability. People’s tears must always be earned. Only when the sadness is incited to a climax, can the film producer make money earn.

   But unfortunately, the producer's approach was fine, and the actors' performances were also very good, but the distributor chose the wrong schedule.

  Because in the whole of 1998, there was not a single love movie that was better than the long-running "Titanic".

  In Roland's previous life, the movie made a small fortune, but now...

  It was released on April 10. Nearly three weeks have passed, and the box office in North America has not exceeded 50 million.

  Compared with the cost of 55 million, this is like going to grandma's house!

  The reason for the audience not to choose this movie is also very simple, because they feel that the relationship between Nicolas Cage and Meg Ryan is fake, and since it is fake, there is no point in watching it.

   To be honest, when Roland saw such feedback, he was completely dumbfounded.

  Movies are an art of deception. Isn’t “fake” a matter of course?

   But when he learned that what the audience saw was really the marriage proposal on the Oscars, he shut his mouth.

  Because he suddenly felt that he seemed to have played a certain type of movie to death, blocking all the paths of later generations.

  Romance movies are really unreal. It depends on whether the hero and heroine can get together after they leave the screen?

  Isn’t this a difficult task?

   At the same time, Roland was secretly delighted. The audience believed in him so much. When R&K's diamond ring officially meets the public, it will definitely be bought by the people who are looking forward to love!

  Of course, this was not what the two of them talked about during dinner.

  Because in addition to love, there is another "highlight" in the whole movie, which is hard to ignore.

That is-

  Black Angel.

  At the end of the film, when the fallen angel played by Nicolas Cage loses the one he loves, a black angel appears in front of him, helping him to enlighten and let him talk.

  This deliberate approach is hard to ignore.

   "Steven and the others seem to have been helping African-Americans wave the flag all these years?"

  Kate gave Roland a third of the French lamb chops on the dinner plate, and then cut them into small pieces and put them in his mouth.

"First there was an all-African cast of "The Color Purple," then Denzel Washington's "Philadelphia Story," followed by Will Smith's "Men in Black," and now it's African-American. Angel, next step, is it God?"

   "Do they think that conflicts are not intense?"

Because he needs to wear a Spider-Man suit, Roland has to control his figure before shooting. One-third of the lamb chops is what he can eat. In order to make the meat taste last longer, he directly cut the lamb chops Silk.

   "You still forgot a movie, last year's "Broken Lock Rage." Speaking of the praise of African Americans, Roland is no stranger to it. "Isn't that what they have done for so many years?"

   "Use African Americans to stir up racial incidents, and then seek greater benefits for yourself."

  “They let the African-Americans embark on the road of distribution according to the trouble, but the African-Americans simply cannot get the fruits of victory.”

"Much of the success of African-American elites is due to them, like Michael Jackson, Michael Jordan, and Irving Johnson. They do have excellent strength, but they have no packaging and cannot ascend to the altar. When these black lights appeared, they used the power of the media to gradually separate these black lights from their basic board. When the black lights lost their mass base, their downfall became obvious. With a black With the fall of the light of black people, a new light of black people will be born. African Americans always feel that the compromise of the white people after distribution is the right way to success, but they are not united at all, but they are just a gun. Every time there's a disagreement, the larger crowd just grabs something and looks like they're winning, but it's just a mental victory."

   "These guys are being played around by the Jews."

  Although Roland made his fortune relying on the resources of the Jewish gang, he is not the kind of guy who eats people's mouths and takes others' hands short.

  He is grateful to Steven Spielberg for his help, but he will not whitewash the **** these guys are doing behind the scenes.

Many people only know that Spike Lee is a representative of African-Americans in the cultural and sports circles and a pioneer of equal rights, but more people don’t know that the Jews are a **** stick, creating conflicts there every day, and Steven Spielberg Grid is one of them.

  The "Purple" in 1985 seems to be a feminist novel, but it also has all the content of race and class. The point is that in order to depict the racial contradictions between whites and blacks, the arrogance of whites is directly magnified in the film—

Sophia, played by Oprah, took two children and met the mayor's wife on the road. The mayor's wife was very interested in the children and invited Sophia to work as a maid in her home, but Sophia didn't want to live such a life, so she refused. , but after getting this answer, the arrogant mayor beat her, and then Sofia fought back and ended up in jail.

   If it ends here, it's white oppression of black people.

But Steven Spielberg did not choose to stop. Under his portrayal, the wife of the mayor in the movie is a brain-damaged person. Even though Sophia beat her husband and was thrown into a prison, she was still in the end. Fished out, and continued to recruit into the house, as a maid, on the surface, this kind of fraternity is a cry for equality, but in fact—

  The arrogance of the white people and the ignorance of the African-Americans were reflected in the first round of brawls.

  The tolerance of the mayor's wife and the final recognition of African-Americans are actually discrimination engraved in the bones.

  I tolerate you, I like you, so you want to come to my house as a maid?

   Isn’t this **** nonsense?

   The point is, after being a maid, Sophia was grateful to her when the Mayor's wife gave Sophia a holiday on Christmas Day.

   This kind of gratitude that you beat me and rewarded me with food is a big head.

Of course, if someone has to say that "Purple" is portraying reality, Steven Spielberg just respects that period of history and wants to help hurt black people get out of it, then "The Tide of Broken Locks" , but it was dissed all over the United States.

  The conflict was created too deliberately, and the identity of the Jewish savior was even more clearly portrayed.

   To put it bluntly, thanks to the fact that he is Steven Spielberg, thanks to the fact that the media giants are controlled by the Jews.

   Otherwise, the behavior of his buttocks not straight and his head being too tilted would have ruined his reputation long ago.

   "Then he might affect us in the future?"

  Although Kate is not yet married to Roland, she actually regards herself as a member of the Allen family.

After experiencing requests for favors during the day and watching a movie with a strange meaning in the afternoon, she, who grew up in the entertainment industry since she was a child, has already smelled the possibility of the future, "Before, you had age as a cover, those guys Won't talk to you about race resistance, but now, after you've briskly walked through relationships, coming of age, getting married, there's a chance those guys will be like the guy chasing the Mary Jane character today and want you to satisfy them The desire to become a fighter for equal rights, because only putting Africans on fire is in line with the core interests of their Jews."


Roland glanced at her unexpectedly, and seeing her looking at him with probing eyes, he smiled, lowered his head and said, "That's why I resolutely gave up my identity as an actor, instead of being a director and producer, and playing the role of a film company. Become a copyright company!"

  “I don’t want to dedicate myself to being an equal rights fighter, but at the same time I don’t dislike what those guys are doing.”

That's right, although Roland remembers these **** things, it's just that he remembers them, and he doesn't make complaints about them if he doesn't have anything to do. Blood buns.

To put it bluntly, racial discrimination is like a trash basket. When you can put anything in it and bring greater benefits to yourself, then everyone is a pioneer of equal rights who love each other. When you can cause a blow to your opponent, this is The best nukes available.

  As for the African-Americans who feel they have taken advantage?

  How about things that don’t exist!

  Africans who have benefited and become elites will eventually lose their base.

  Jews can achieve unity in the general direction and struggle in minor details, but African-Americans will never be able to do so.

  Once an African-American becomes an elite, there must be lower-level African-Americans who hate and envy them.

  Because those elite African-Americans cannot realize the fundamental policy of getting rich first and then getting rich later.

  Those old black lights just want to kill the new black lights.

  After those newly promoted Black Lights are hit, they are bound to start fighting back.

   And by that time, it will be dog eat dog.

   It's like Oprah Winfrey versus Michael Jackson.

  Under the circumstances that everyone wants to be the only one, and everyone wants to monopolize the support of African Americans, African Americans will never be able to get up.

  Roland didn't want to get involved as a public face, but at the same time, if he could reap huge benefits, he didn't mind pushing for it.

  In fact, David Olsen was right in his evaluation before. Roland's way of acting is no different from those of the Jews, or in other words, it perfectly fits with the development ideas of America itself, because everyone is in the neutral evil camp.

  However, Kate's words reminded Roland.

  In the movie "City of Angels", the black man played the angel, and in "The Green Mile", the black man played God again. Although Roland is not very interested in the movie "The Green Mile", but...

   Seeing that Steven Spielberg has helped him for so many years, he is very happy to get involved here.

   As Kate said, the Jewish gang would only accept that he put Africans on fire.

  Since they won the Oscar for themselves, Roland is willing to make a statement first.

  Although I am not going to be a tool anymore, I still support your work!

  Invest in "The Green Mile" first, so that you can see my sincerity, and when the time is right, I will give you "Black Panther"!

   Interesting enough!

Because of this, after returning home that night, he expressed his thanks to David and Garnett, gave them the small gifts that he bought when he went shopping with Kate that afternoon, and after listening to the progress of the projects of Yahoo and R&K, Roland went to While Kate was taking a shower, she called Tom Hanks and asked about the preparations for The Green Mile.

   After chatting briefly for a while, I learned that the filming copyright of "The Green Mile" is actually in the hands of Castle Rock Films, and the project has already been approved, and it is preparing to inject funds and casting. It is expected that when the filming officially starts in August...

   Roland patted his thigh!


   Isn't this just a coincidence!

   I am familiar with Castle Rock Films!

   Isn't "The Shawshank Redemption" what they sold me!

  So, after discovering that the copyright of the project was in the hands of an acquaintance, Roland shamelessly called Castle Rock Films, and when those guys found out, Roland coded for wool...


   A loud roar came from the handset of the mobile phone.

   Then there was a beeping sound...

   "Hey...why are you so unfriendly!"

   Roland curled his lips, and said without beeping: "I'm just here to help you share the financial pressure!"

  Although he was yelled at by the other party, he was not discouraged, but called the grandfather of Castle Rock Films.

  Castle Rock Films was acquired by Turner Broadcasting Network in 1994, and Time Warner acquired Turner Broadcasting Network in 1996, so... If you dare to yell at me, then I dare to call your grandpa to beat you!

   What's more, these guys are still waiting for Steven Spielberg to make the final decision!

And when Time Warner learned that Roland was interested in the project of "The Green Mile", they didn't even think about it, and directly allocated a third of the investment share to Roland—because they didn't even realize that this project would be worthwhile. make money.

As a movie that lasts more than three hours, the director and screenwriter are especially the director in charge of "The Shawshank Redemption". In the eyes of Warner, this kind of bad luck debuff is already full. If it weren't for Tom Han If Max is willing to cut his salary to play the role, Time Warner will never pass this project, and now Roland is willing to enter the stage to take the risk, which is naturally the best!

   While the capital injection agreement was quickly reached, the film's producer, David Wanders, also dialed in after hearing the news, wanting to know why Roland made such an abrupt decision.

   "Roland, why did you suddenly remember to vote for "The Green Mile?"

   "Is it because of Tom?"

"Tom? No, no, no... It has nothing to do with him..." Although Roland and David Wanders didn't know each other before, and they had never met each other, but on the phone, he knew everything and said everything. Exhausted, "I went out with Kate to watch a movie this afternoon, it was "City of Angels" played by Nicolas Cage."

   "I think the final setting is pretty good."

"And before that, I read the novel "The Green Mile" and learned that you are preparing for this movie, so I want to try to give you some advice, for example, John Coffey in the movie , also use the same settings?"

   "The same setting?" David Wanders made a puzzled voice, but after a few seconds, he gave an affirmative answer, "Okay, I understand, I will try my best to convince the director..."

   After a brief conversation, Roland, who was leaning on the sofa, played with his phone, with an involuntary smile on his face.

  He believes that the casting of Mary Jane during the day will definitely reach the ears of all parties.

  His getaway will definitely cause dissatisfaction among some people, and some guys may even call to complain.

   But it doesn't matter, because he also believes that the proposal he just made will spread throughout the Jewish circle in a very short time.

  Because David Wanders is also a member of the Jewish Gang!

  He was Clint Eastwood's assistant, Francis Coppola's student...

  Roland didn't play his cards according to the routine, and released the pigeons of the forces behind the candidates?

   It doesn't matter!

   Didn’t you just make up for it that night?

  For this group that is trying to stick together, the general trend is the most important!

  What is a Mary Jane compared to a mature ally who respects the general trend?

   You guys are in such a hurry, it's no wonder Roland won't let you pigeons go!

  An investment can both express its opinion and throw away the pot?

   True value!

Note: ① When did the Jews infiltrate the media industry? I haven’t verified this time. However, one thing is known. When Walt Disney was alive, the entire Disney company was anti-Semitic. As the last company established in Hollywood In the union company, when Walt Disney knew that the union leader was a Jew, he directly fired the union leader, and thus also got into a racist lawsuit. Not only that, when he was alive, you could tell that the villains in Disney animation were Jews, but after his death, with the infiltration of Jews, racial discrimination, feminism, LGBT, and diversity gradually increased. Berg has been doing these things, and Black Life is also made by them. ②In the novel "The Green Mile", the main character is indeed black, but when preparing for it, he wanted to change it to a white person at the beginning. The director only wanted to shoot ugly, evil, and hopeful characters, because he didn't want to Repeat the mistakes of "The Shawshank Redemption", but with the intervention of the Jews, the **** man was finally finalized. This is what Bruce Willis broke the news. Sticking to the Black God metaphor was a decision made by producer David Wadders, who was part of the Jewish gang.



  (end of this chapter)

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