Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

Chapter 263: reason and emotion

  Chapter 263 Sense and Sensibility

   When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.

  David ran around for Roland, so Roland helped David take care of the children.

Roland's leisure has always been built on the basis of David's busyness. After the Oscar, countless contracts followed one after another. Faced with those cooperations that started at nine figures, even if David hired a manager, he did not dare to let go. Take control of the situation.

And after disposing of a bunch of agreements left over from the Olympics, the R&K brand under the Double Star Group has also entered the stage of formal establishment. According to David's plan, this long-term business must not be compared with the previous clothing As in business, it is the safest operation method to find an OEM factory, acquire a mature jewelry design factory, or purchase a production line from a second- and third-tier brand that is not doing well.

  But when David first contacted the seller in New York, Roland happened to leave the sale of Yahoo to him.

   After realizing that Yahoo is the present and R&K is the future, it became David's purpose to grasp both hands and be tough.

  So, Ganetti, who had been in New York for many years and knew a little about the jewelry business, was taken away by her husband.

  David was in charge of negotiating with Carl Icahn and the others, while Ganetti took over the research work of the jewelry design factory.

   Of course, that's how it's done, but it's not how it's said.

  Before leaving, David threatened Roland very "arrogantly"—

   "If the three of them sue you after I come back, then you can do these negotiations yourself!"

  Although Roland knew that David was just complaining casually, since the words were spoken, he was still under pressure.

After all, the Olsen sisters are already twelve years old, and Elizabeth is also nine years old. They have already passed the point where they could be fooled by a lollipop. If you want to draw portraits like you did back then, you are dreaming ! So don't look at Roland not being at the negotiating table, just staying at home with the baby, but in fact, his daily life has been occupied by busyness.

  Get up at six o'clock every day and run for forty-five minutes on the treadmill in the gym.

  Wake up service at seven o'clock to wake up Kate who is angry.

Since they don't like to live with the servants, they have to deal with breakfast by themselves. At this time, Roland will walk into the kitchen. At around 7:30, when the eggs and the frying pan are in close contact and making a sizzling sound, Kate can be heard shouting The sound of the three little ones getting up.

   After breakfast, take a simple shower, and send Elizabeth to school before nine o'clock.

   As for Ashley and Mary...

   Kate will stay at home with them until the governess arrives.

When the three little ones have all entered the normal learning state, Roland also returned home. At this time, Kate will take him to the mansion in Malibu for a stroll to check the progress of the renovation. Just bring stuff.

   If there is no accident, they will go home to have dinner with the Olsen sisters at noon, and the afternoon is a relatively open time, but there is no such thing as wanton play. After all, they have to bring Elizabeth back before four o'clock.

  Because of this, at night...

  The earlier the three little ones go to bed, the easier it will be for the two of them.

After all, when raising children, you have to pay far more than physical strength. More often than not, you need to answer the children's unrestrained thoughts that day. For Roland, who has no childlike innocence, most of the time, he acts as They are all topic-stoppers. If Kate hadn't been coaxing him, he believed that the three little ones would have kicked their noses in the face, pried open his head, and then left with a disappointed face. The passing dung beetle saw... Bah!

  He just looks at everything with realistic eyes, unable to keep up with the innocent rhythm of the child!

But he is not naive, and it does not mean that Kate has lost her dream. After receiving the ring, Kate stalked Roland, wanting to know the truth of the matter, and waited for Roland to tell Kate all the transactions, and even the R&K brand was born. When he didn't hide the reason, Roland thought that Kate would be angry, but found that this guy was looking at him with a silly smile on his face.

   Such behavior made Roland very strange.

  Because he felt that few women would accept the fact that their man made a bare-bones deal behind his back.

   Not many women are willing to accept the businessman's thinking of selling love.

   But when Kate looked at him, he was curious, and he also asked what was in his heart. But when Kate knew Roland's opinion, the satisfied girl rolled on the bed laughing.

   "Deal? It is because of the transaction that I love you more!"

   "If I have no value, then I am not Susan Buffett?"

   "If you meet your own Katherine Graham, then won't I be automatically out of the game?"

"Now, we have R&K. The more valuable this brand is, the less likely we are to separate. Although it sounds unreasonable, it is the greatest guarantee for me. You think I may not be able to accept it, but I really like it. This gift."

   Such an answer made Roland laugh dumbly, but after thinking about it, he found it very reasonable.

  Kate's goal is to occupy him, and countless transactions allow Kate to occupy him. Although the means are very cruel, as long as the result is the same, isn't it enough? As Kate said, few women are willing to be Susan Buffett.

   All women want to be like Katherine Graham, long-term **** of the guy they like.

  The only thing that can do all this is profit.

  Because of this, when everything was clarified, Kate naturally helped Roland nurse the child.

   Roland only talks about reality to children?

   It's okay!

   She can take over the children's naive topic!

  Think Roland is a topic stopper?

   It's okay!

  Just ignore that idiot!

   Knowing how strong her hole cards are, Kate became unscrupulous; if she didn't want to wait for Roland to retire next year and experience the sacred moment of wearing a wedding dress, she would have thrown away the raincoat that Roland used.

   And Roland...

  Family Status-1-1-1…

Although Kate has been teasing him in front of the three little ones, and the long-term "ordering" has made him lose all prestige, but seeing that the little bean sprouts on their heads are growing well, and the little bean sprouts on their heads have a tendency to transform into overlord flowers , and after being amused by Roland's depressed behavior from time to time, Roland actually felt at ease.

Of course, things like "ordering" are actually relative. When Kate took Roland to talk about "lawn trimming and maintenance", "safety precautions for deep well operations", "strawberry cultivation and development", "diversified occupations" After a series of topics that Roland is super interested in, such as learning and experimenting, what can I do if I become a little unscrupulous during the chat?

  When Kate appeared in the black and white uniform of medieval England, Roland was excited and friendly to experience life with her!

  A life without passion will end up in a pool of stagnant water, and passion and peace are interdependent, which is the driving force for people to move forward!

Because of this, after settling down the three curious lesbians, the two returned to the house to study the history of various countries. After a pleasant but exhausting study, Kate took a bath So she lazily nestled on the sofa, letting top student Roland dry her hair, and the buzzing sound also reminded her of something.

   "What's going on with "Harry Potter"? Isn't it going to be a movie? Why is there no news?"

   "Li Qi and the others asked you many times, but you never answered directly, why? Is this a secret that cannot be told?"

   After sending away Peter Jackson and Kevin Fitch, while Roland asked David to help him sell Yahoo shares, Warner also sent people to discuss the shooting of "Harry Potter".

Although the book has only been on the market for three months, except for America, only the corrupt countries have begun to distribute goods, but this does not prevent the official launch of the film and television project. After all, according to the current sales scale of America, an investment of 100 million, Totally worthy.

   But the problem is that when both parties want to shoot, the "Harry Potter" project did not reach a consensus with Warner as quickly as "Lord of the Rings" and "X-Men". The crux of the problem...

"This project is a mess right now." Roland opened his palm, held Kate's hair to let it loose, and took the hair dryer with the air-cooled gear to blow it from the root of the hair, "Steven wants to direct this project, But he has too much work on hand, he and Warner have an "artificial intelligence" project that hasn't started yet, and he owes Fox a "Minority Report."

   "Don't look at the only two movies he has tentatively finalized, but there are a lot of troubles in them."

   ""Minority Report" was obtained by Brian Palmer for Tom Cruise, so the protagonist can only be him."

"But the problem is, Tom is now making Stanley Kubrick's "Eyes Wide Opener", which was originally a Warner movie, and then he is going to shoot "Magnolia", which is Warner's new line. The project of the film company, and then Paramount's "Mission: Impossible 2" is waiting for him. Similarly, in order to repay Tom's persistence for many years, Paramount's "Vanilla Sky" that he promised him before will give him an award. Opened right after shooting on Mission: Impossible 2, so…”

   "Steven's "Minority Report" cannot be filmed temporarily."

   "He can only go to shoot "Artificial Intelligence" first."

   "But if you shoot "Artificial Intelligence" first and then "Minority Report", then the problem will come."

"According to the agreement between me and Warner, the release time of "Harry Potter" is basically the same as in 2001. If you want to release it in 2001 and it is still filmed by Steven, then "Minority Report" will be released. We have to move on..."

   "But this is impossible. Fox cannot wait indefinitely."

"In the case that many of Tom's projects are invested by Warner, it is impossible for Warner to allow Tom to shoot other movies first to squeeze time for Steven. Similarly, it is impossible for Steven to wait for Tom indefinitely, so things It's deadlocked."

   Roland shrugged, expressing his helplessness.

   That's right, with Roland's intervention, Spielberg did not struggle with the issue of the All-British team as he did in his previous life.

  The Jewish gang wants to praise Hayley Osment?

  But I have already signed an adaptation contract with the author of "Harry Potter" by an all-English team!

  Don't embarrass me!

  If it were someone else, the Jewish gang would definitely struggle with this issue for a long time, and in the end it would be the same as in the previous life, with an unpleasant quarrel, but the problem is that Roland is Steven's student! He spread his hands to show that there was no other way, and the old man didn't bother to beep...

   Of course, the most important thing is to take care of Roland's family harmony.

Kate's roots are in the UK, and the trend is the British show business circle. If Roland tore up the contract without authorization under the signing of the all-British team, then they are really not human. The old man who understands this crop will naturally Do not force him.

   "Then the current situation is that this movie can't be made for the time being?"

   While Roland turned off the hair dryer, Kate also raised her hand to stroke her hair, and she was very satisfied with the soft touch.

   "Yeah, I can't take pictures." Roland threw the hair dryer aside, saw Kate open her arms begging for a hug, bent down and spread her hands, and threw her back on the bed in the posture of a princess hug.

   "Then, does this movie have to be made by Steven?"

   "Of course! Steven is the best candidate, bar none..."

   If it is a movie like "The Lord of the Rings" and "Terminator", then Roland will definitely use the original director, because those guys are the ones who play a decisive role, but "Harry Potter"...

  Roland really felt that as long as the director's narrative ability is good and the rhythm is good, it doesn't matter whoever shoots it.

   And in this case, Spielberg is clearly the best guy.

  Because he has his own box office!

Not to mention, after he filmed it, the group of people who watched "E.T." 20 years ago are now taking their children to watch "Harry Potter". This sense of inheritance is comparable to Disney's Mickey Club and Disneyland It's too much to beep!

  Twenty years ago you watched my movies, twenty years later your family will watch my movies...

  I'm like a cancer, occupying the screen and not moving!

   But just when Roland felt that Spielberg was the best candidate, Kate, who was putting on a mask, suddenly said, "What if Steven really can't shoot? Don't you want to try?"

"You have been practicing since "Captain Hook", "Jurassic Park", "Forrest Gump", "Spiderman", "Titanic", which movie does not have you? Since those film critics If you can’t see the difference, don’t you want to take pictures yourself?”

   "After the filming of "Spider-Man 2 and 3", you just didn't act. Could it be...you really quit the circle?"


  Kate's question stopped Roland, and after glancing at the other party, Roland said, "I'm not quitting, and I don't want to be a director. I'm too tired, okay?"

   "How easy it is to be an investor and leave things to others!"

   A long time ago, Roland envied Mr. Xu who was about to open a new map next door.

   Put your hands in your pockets and watch the director of the tool man toss slowly.

  How tired is he?

Of course, as soon as Kate mentioned the director, Roland felt that she meant something else, "Aren't you too bored at home and want to find something to do? "The Lord of the Rings" just started , why don't you go there to hang a producer?"

   "I'll let Catherine watch that movie. If you don't understand anything, just ask her."

   But when Roland said this, Kate, who was still applying a mask with her eyes closed, shook her head, "No."

   "I was just thinking, if you become the director of "Harry Potter", then I can go back to England to live in the future."

   "A film is shot for seven or eight months, so I can go home almost every six months, and I can stay for half a year at a time."

   “California is good, but…”

   Kate stopped talking halfway through, but the loneliness in her body made Roland understand her thoughts.



"Go home if you miss home! I'm not a devil! After David comes back, you give him a few addresses and ask him to go to the UK to buy real estate for us. Although I don't want to be a director, I will accompany you home every year. It'll be fine for a while..."

"Really?" As soon as the words came out, Kate opened her eyes and found that Roland was sitting on the sidelines looking at her reaction. She was so happy that she got up and kissed Roland on the face, "Mua~ thank you ~"

   Roland was no stranger to familiar gestures, but Roland naturally felt that this kind of insincere gratitude was not enough.



   "I don't think you are good enough."


   "Why should I express my gratitude to you, I have to show it in kind, and you only need to say something verbally to thank me? Is this really unfair to me?"

Hearing these words, Kate was stunned for a moment, and when she noticed the smile hidden in the corners of Roland's eyes, she immediately raised the corners of her mouth, and asked in a flattering tone: "Then what do you want to actually express? You go up The first time you said you wanted to see me in a maid outfit, but I specifically ordered Victorian period clothes, and there are all kinds of styles, isn't that a realistic expression?"

   "Count, but not enough!" Roland continued.

   "Then what do you want? Haven't you worn those clothes even once?"

  Kate gave Roland a hygienic eye angrily, and raised her elbow to him, "You are too greedy."

   "Wow, is this the first day you know me? I've always been greedy, okay?" Roland pretended to be surprised with an exaggerated expression.

  Seeing that Kate was about to raise his hand to hit him, he stopped laughing and said, "However, what I want this time is not role-playing, but to discuss something with you..."

"What's up?"

   "Tomorrow, can you let me go alone?"

  Hearing this, Kate blinked her eyes, not understanding what Roland was talking about.

   After she thought about it for a while, she laughed and twisted Roland's arm, "Okay!"

   "I found that I really can't satisfy you, guy! If you satisfy one thing, your next request will follow the trend, and if you meet your next thing, the next request will be even more excessive!"

   "You want to leave me? Tomorrow by yourself?"


   "I dare you to go alone tomorrow, but after you go, do you dare to come back at night?"


  Feeling the deepening pain in his arm, Roland quickly confessed, "I just said it casually..."

   "Don't be mad...don't be mad..."

   "How could I not take you to choose a heroine?"

   "I'm just worried that after we all leave, the three of them will be left unattended..."

   "Hey! Don't twist, don't twist! If you are twisting, believe it or not, the shower we just took was for nothing!"

   It's a pity that the words of confession didn't work.

   After finding that Kate was still staring at him with pouting lips, Roland, who was too lazy to explain with his mouth, started directly.

   Turn over, raise your hand, and push hard.

  Flee left, dodge right, and finally fall down.

  When Kate used the rabbit to kick the eagle and repeatedly begged for mercy, Roland, who was merciless, directly scratched the itch.

   Soon, there was a cheerful breath in the air again.

   Note: ①Susan Buffett is Buffett's first wife. ②Catherine Graham is the most important woman in Buffett's life. Before 1971, Buffett was just an investor with good grades, but after meeting Catherine, Buffett became a stock god. Catherine is the owner of the "Washington Post" and is known as the first lady of the American newspaper industry. The "Washington Post" that made Buffett's net worth soared was Catherine who brought him in, before the "Watergate Incident" was reported. , Buffett frantically bought into the shares of "Washington Post", and the so-called 10 million soared to 200 million. The director of "Washington Post" was nothing more than insider trading and Catherine's support. In 1977, Buffett simply lived in Catherine's home in New York. In 1991, the meeting between Buffett and Bill Gates was also facilitated by Catherine, who connected with Gates' mother. When Carl Icahn attacked Coca-Cola, the two tore up the beep. The wolf king revealed all of Buffett's insider trading over the years, but Buffett passed the investigation of the Ministry of Justice unharmed. The reason is also related to Catherine, because Her father was a Wall Street tycoon, the chairman of the Federal Reserve under President Hoover, and the first president of the World Bank under Truman. And all of this was written by Morgan Stanley director Alice Schroeder in "Buffett and His Fortune Life". Baleut didn't start from scratch at all, so stop spraying about insider trading I wrote, there is no big boss who doesn't play insider trading. ③Kate really doesn't like to stay in the United States. This is what Pepper broke the news, and Kate helped buy Pepper's house in the UK.



  (end of this chapter)

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