Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

Chapter 260: The number of episodes is too small, so sell it

  Chapter 260 The number of episodes is too small, so sell it

  Of course, although Roland did express his kindness in front of Kevin Fitch, it didn't mean that he would go through the opponent's plan with ease.

Thirty films in 20 years, at first glance it sounds the same as 23 in 11 years, after all, in his previous life, from "Iron Man" to "Far From Heroes", Marvel would have two to three films per year. Launching movies at a high speed, now with nine more years, Kevin Feige only made up seven movies, which is simply an act of streamlining housekeeping.

   But, want to rely on seven movies to complete "X-Men"?

   And softening the two camps of "X-Men" and "Avengers" together?

   This is a bit of a dream.

   That's right, after hearing the plan of 30 movies in 20 years, Roland's instinctive reaction was not to give too much, but to ask for too little!

  In order to defeat a purple sweet potato essence, this bald man in the Mediterranean circle can start a single-player movie for nine superheroes as a foreshadowing. Then for the X-Men, after cutting out two collections, there are only three single-player movies?

  Are you kidding me by being so special?

   As a guy who has witnessed the glory of the MCU and the failure of the DCEU, one thing Roland knows best is that when creating a movie universe, he must be full of fantasy, but he must not be too hasty.

   To put it in a more general way, you have to make a big cake for yourself, but you can't take too big a step, which is easy to tear the egg.

  Why did the "X-Men" series fail?

   That is because there is no fantasy!

   In Roland's previous life, Fox summed up this issue.

Because the main line of "X-Men" is always revolving around Magneto and Professor X. The first time I watch it, it's fresh, the second time I watch it, it's okay, and when it's the third and fourth time, the audience is very excited. tired…

   Twelve movies were made, half of which were about the love-hate relationship between Magneto and Professor X, what's the point?

   If it's a matter of disturbing the foundation, wouldn't those aboveboard and warm-hearted people be so kind!

   There are only a few people who call and call, and the layout is too small, just like a child playing house.

  From Shuangwen's point of view, that is, the enemy doesn't change the map after they finish fighting.

   There is no sense of upgrading, giving people a feeling of staying in the novice village all the time.

  Wolverine and Deadpool can produce solo movies because of their high popularity.

   Excluding them, the whole team can't get a third super popular hero, so GG is normal.

  And why did DCEU fail?

   Isn't it because Warner looked forward and backward, and acted too hastily!

In the film plan announced by Warner in 2003, Christopher Nolan's "The Mystery of Heroes" is the beginning of the DCEU, and "The Return of Superman" is the second follow-up. A trump card to drive the formation of the DCEU, but unfortunately, "The Mystery of Shadows" succeeded, and "The Return of Superman" failed.

  According to common sense, a 50% chance of success or failure is actually not a big problem, and the failure of "Superman Returns" did not discourage Warner's enthusiasm for continuing to do DCEU, but the problem is that "The Dark Knight" gave Warner a head-on blow.

As the first superhero movie with a box office of more than one billion and global acclaim, this kind of success made Warner regard Christopher Nolan as a treasure, and those players who are willing to buy peripherals after watching the movie as cash cows. Ever since, the DCEU plan that was still talking about a year ago was completely forgotten by them.

At that time, Warner only wanted to keep "The Dark Knight Rises". They decided to move this series out of the DCEU, and then copied "Iron Man" released in the same year, learning from Marvel and launching a popular but uncapped "Green Lantern" ".

  However, it was this decision that put DCEU on the road to the street.

  Why DC is more profound than Marvel, why the plot of DC movies is boring, why the quality of the audience is so poor that they don’t like connotative movies...

   These are bullshit!

  The root cause of DCEU's failure is eating what's in the bowl, looking at what's in the pot, and thinking about what's in the pot!

While wanting to build the DCEU, they are unwilling to accept any failures, and after seeing that popular movies can bring more benefits to themselves, they are able to voluntarily give up their pre-made plans, and hard work can give Movies that bring their own current interests, so as to keep those off-the-charts away from the audience's sight, and even allow those movies that are not too bad to have anything to do with the cash cow in their hands. In this case...

   Bian Que three times in a row!

   Can't be cured! wait to die! farewell!

   You must know that in the first phase of the MCU, except for the "Iron Man" series, other movies are all off the shelf.

   But even so, Kevin Feige still took pictures.

   Is it because he knows that if he follows the layout, he will eventually reap success?


  That's because the bald man has the same philosophy as Steve Jobs.

  Many times, the public doesn't know what they want.

   Only when you put something in front of the public, will the public give feedback.

   Then, cut out the ones that the public doesn't like, and that's it.

   It doesn’t matter if you invest in one movie, you can accept two movies without making any money, and the income of the three movies is just equal to the production cost. This is the best news! We spend a year, two or three years to cultivate the audience's concept of watching movies, and slowly tell them a story! Create a hero! Paint a world!

   To put it bluntly, if you want to create a movie universe, you have to learn from Lao Nong Han!

When the vegetable field in our house is empty, we have to sow a handful of seeds, apply some fertilizer, and water some leeks, and then we can harvest the leeks after they grow. We don’t even bother to cultivate them in the market, and we only want to make money in our minds. How could it be successful?

  Unfortunately, capital is all about profit.

  The guys who have the authority to make capital decisions on the DCEU are all professional managers.

  They also have to eat, they also have to survive, if they can’t make money for shareholders, they have to get out.

  Under such high pressure, it's understandable to try my best, but—

   "I don't need this kind of short-term profit!"

  After seeing off Kevin Fitch and his party, Roland went back to the study and finished flipping through the script.

Looking at the story that was slightly different from the previous life, he said to himself with emotion: "Compared to gambling for quick money, cultivating the audience's viewing habits is what Marvel should do most. For an Infinity War , This bald man spent 23 movies in ten years to pave the way. Compared with this kind of meticulously polished plot, thirty movies in twenty years is really too little..."

   "How could there be only three protagonists in "X-Men"?"

   "The story of Magneto and Professor X can be a big book, and Wolverine can have a solo movie because of his popularity explosion, but this is not the reason why Phoenix Girl died early!"

   "It's really reckless for a guy with the Phoenix Force to be KO'd just like that."

   "I'd rather you give me the power to fight, and give me the details described in the single-player series, and I don't want to take it too hastily."

"The "X-Men" kind of rush work can be successful, which proves that there is a market for this thing, but the producer's repeated manipulations made the entire IP go on the road to the street forever. "

   "After all, it's best to come up with ideas at the beginning of a series of movies. Afterwards, as long as the finished product is not bad, you can win by feeling alone!"

   "What we have to do now is to let the audience see sincerity, and of course..."

   "Buy Marvel."

Yes, the reason why Roland asked Kevin Feige to go back and write the plan first, instead of investing directly like Peter Jackson, was because he really wanted to understand the complete layout. Before the movie comes out, buy Marvel.

  In Hollywood, where movie box office revenue only accounts for 20% of total IP revenue, movies are actually like a large-scale advertisement spread all over the world, and the real money is all derivatives.

  Now that he knows all this, Roland will never watch Marvel eat up this part of the profit.

   I make movies and you make money?

   Is it okay to have nothing!

   And when it comes to buying Marvel...

   Naturally, the Yahoo stock in hand was exchanged.

  He holds 16.5% of Yahoo, and if he wants to sell it, he must abide by the "Rule 144" of the "U.S. Securities Act of 1933".

Shareholders of listed companies who hold more than 5% of their shares shall sell no more than 1% of the issued shares of the same type every three months or the average trading volume within four weeks, based on the turnover rate of listed companies in the United States over the years , at most 2% in three months, so...

Even if Roland wants to sell all the stocks, even if Carl Icahn is willing to take over all the orders, it will take eighteen months to complete the entire transaction. If you wait until the market value peaks to consider selling, then all the stocks will be lost !

"It's April 24th. Even if you submit the report now, you will have to wait until January 2000 to sell all the shares. Although it seems that almost 12% of the shares can't get the peak The stock price, or in other words, compared with the peak stock price, at least 7% to 9% of the shares will be sold at 30% to 50% off, but... I ran away!"

"The money that goes into my own hands is the real money. As for whether Karl will kick Yang Zhiyuan and Sun Zhengyi out of Yahoo in the end and sell Yahoo to Microsoft? This has nothing to do with me! Anyway, I Can get a lot of cash flow while eating Marvel, and avoid the Internet bubble in March..."

"It's the best time for me to sell now. Anyone can see that the Internet represents the future. Comparing my selling behavior at this time with the rising stock price, it is a fool's act. The sooner you can take the shares from me, Carl Icahn’s book profits will be more, and when the Internet bubble crashes after I run away, people will only lament how lucky the fool was, because my motivation for selling stocks now is to join hands with Global Create "X-Men", and judging from the current market value of Yahoo, even if I sell all the stocks in my hand, I will only earn a few hundred million while eating Marvel..."

"Although those smart Jews who wiped my **** will not think that I am a fool, they will not find any abnormalities in me, because even if they eat the bubble, they are still making a lot of money compared to the past gains. !"

It is precisely because of the lofty idea of ​​letting others make money and letting himself lose blood, so when Roland found David with his own plan, the guy who had just returned from Irvine after watching the scene swayed, Almost didn't fall.

   "Are you crazy! Are you going to liquidate all the Yahoo shares in your hand?"

  David's eyes were staring like a cow, and his astonishment made people wonder that he would pull out the hammer in the next second and smash Roland's head open to see if it was shit, urine, or fart.

   "Is there any problem?" Roland asked knowingly.

"It's a big problem!" David knocked on the table and said loudly: "Yahoo's momentum is very good now, and if it continues to rise under the current situation, it will surpass Berkshire Hathaway in about two thousand years! You now hold 1% of Berkshire Hathaway, which can bring you a billion dollars, but you have 16.5% of Yahoo! Even Berkshire Hathaway Wei's market value is stagnant, and after two years, you will be worth 16.5 billion!"

  Roland knows this truth. Similarly, he also knows that Yahoo has indeed surpassed Berkshire Hathaway in his previous life, but, "If the shares are not liquidated, then it will always be paper wealth, right?"

   "Even if my net worth is inflated by Yahoo's skyrocketing, what's the use?"

   "Using them to bank pledges is not as useful as Berkshire Hathaway."

  “Even if the Internet is strong, it will never affect the status of Berkshire Hathaway in the hearts of Wall Street.”

   "Because they won't trust Jerry Yang, they will only trust Warren Buffett! Trust Carl Icahn!"

   "Now it's not me who wants to sell Yahoo, but Microsoft places an order with Carl Icahn to buy Yahoo..."

That's right, Roland knew that David would resolutely oppose his act of selling Yahoo shares, because even a pig can see how popular Yahoo is now, but this kind of persistence is fundamental in the face of Carl Icahn and Microsoft. Just can't stand.

In Roland's previous life, in that unexplainable eastern country, Warren Buffett was hundreds of times more famous than Carl Icahn, but in America, this was exactly the opposite, because Carl Icahn's fierceness was deeply loved by A bunch of speculators welcome, whenever Carl - Icahn eyeing a company, the company's stock will be bought by investors.

  Because they know this company has value!

  Because they knew Carl Icahn would kick out the founder team and sell the company for a good price!

   Entering the market at this time is a truly profitable business.

  Because of the final result, there are only two kinds.

  The first one is that the target company repurchases its shares to cancel them, forcibly raises its own company’s stock price, cuts and bleeds, and begs Carl Icahn to sell his shares and leave the market.

  The second type is that the target company is absorbed by other companies, and the market value will also increase in the acquisition transaction.

  No matter what kind of result it is, it can bring real benefits to speculators.

   As for confrontation?

Do not make jokes.

  No one wants to be audited by KPMG today, audited by Deloitte tomorrow, and reviewed by Ernst & Young the day after tomorrow, dealing with PricewaterhouseCoopers the day after tomorrow, and no one wants to hold three extraordinary general meetings in half a year...

  If you don’t give me money, I will torture you.

  If you don't sell the company to me, I won't let you operate normally.

  Bad news combined with on-site operations can wipe out your company's market value in minutes!



   Don't just look at it!

   If you have the guts, hit me!

  As long as you dare to do something, I dare to stand here and let you have a good time!

   It is precisely because of this that no listed company is willing to hear the news that 'Carl Icahn announced that he holds nearly 4% of the shares of XXX company'.

   The same is true. When Roland moved out of Microsoft, which regards the antitrust law as nothing, and the wolf king who trampled on the US Securities and Exchange Commission wantonly, David's persistence disappeared in an instant.

   "Are you sure?" The guy sitting behind the desk asked seriously.

   "Of course!" Roland nodded with a smile, "Carl told me personally, and William himself confirmed the existence of this matter."

   "The reason why they told me before doing it was not because they were afraid of me, but because everyone was in the same camp now, and I have been very disciplined in doing things for so many years."

   "They're savages, but not just random savages, right?"

   "Okay, I'll talk to Carl."

   After getting an affirmative answer, David didn't ask any more questions.

  Because he knows that what listed companies are most afraid of is a guy like Carl Icahn who walks on the edge of the rules.

  At all times, it is more cost-effective to be friends with this kind of person than to be enemies.

Even if this kind of person will never help friends against enemies for free, and at the same time, because of profit, he will take orders against friends very disgustingly, but...more often, he will not use disgusting tricks on friends .

  I can deny you as a friend for money.

  But I recognize you as a friend, so when I rob you of money, I will tell you first.

   It is best if we can do business in an amicable manner. If not, I have fulfilled the responsibility of a friend and reminded you.

   When the time comes to really do it, it will be life and death, and you will do it if you don’t accept it.

  Although it is gangster logic, it is much better than punching first and then asking questions after punching...

Note: ① "X-Men" was established in 1998, and filming started in September 1999, but it was only in December that a visual effects company was hired to do special effects. The reason for this situation is that "X-Men" initially wanted to It was released on the Christmas file of the millennium, because the summer file was reserved for Spielberg's "Minority Report", but the old man changed his mind temporarily before the filming started and went to film "Artificial Intelligence", so Fox had no choice but to Moving "X-Men" from the Christmas file to the summer file to fill the gap, so the production time is actually only four months, so it is called a veritable rush. ②The sale time should be calculated correctly. For major shareholders with more than 5%, at most 2% within three months, that is (16.5-5)/2*3=17.25, which is 18 months, because 12 months are completed in 18 months. %, the remaining 4.5% can be reduced at one time without following the 144 rule. ③Wolf King’s popularity in the United States has always been higher than that of Buffett, and the stock prices of companies he targets will skyrocket. Even after Wolf King announces the company’s shares he holds, some small shareholders will take the initiative to contact him and follow him Voting kicks people, many people hold shares to make money, and Wolf King has buyers who can sell the company at a good price, so most of the time, company holders will choose to send money to beg him to leave the market. There are a bunch of robbed victims such as Time Warner and Viacom, and this is why his company's return rate is 11 points higher than Buffett's. There is another one, that is, when the crude oil futures were negative this year, there were nearly 2 million barrels, and he bought the bottom.



  (end of this chapter)

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