Once Upon a Time In Hollywood

Chapter 258: love deeply, scold fiercely

  Chapter 258 Love is deep, scolding is ruthless

On the 23rd, the Oscar Awards Ceremony, on the 26th, the two finished filming the cover and finished the interview, and on the 30th, the new issue of "Time" magazine officially met with the public. Although it was a week away from the hot news, the magazine Still selling hot.

   No way, who made "Time" the only media to get an exclusive interview?

The previous reports from various parties are just retellings of the incident. Even though the editors of the major media tried their best to comment, many of the remarks were supported by reality, but they can only be classified as unofficial history, and they belong to gossip. And now that the official history narrated by the person concerned has appeared, if you don’t buy it and take a look, is it still a fan?

   What’s more, I’ve watched movies so many times, bought DVDs and collected them, and even repeated songs…

  Everyone is here, all the flowers are spent, so I don’t care if a magazine costs more than ten dollars now.

  In addition, among the millions of subscribers of "Time" magazine, a large part of them overlap with movie fans. Therefore, as soon as the magazine was launched, Roland's little-known secrets quickly spread like a wildfire.

Although the impact of words on paper is not as strong as that of pictures, but the editor of "Time" magazine embedded the interview content in the magazine in the form of questions and answers. Interview, but in the minds of the public, there will still be a warm picture of Roland sitting there complaining about Kate to the reporter, but just after telling the truth, he was killed by the other party on the spot from embarrassment...


   This is actually the benefit of text media!

  The media disseminates simple information, and the rest is up to readers to make up their own brains.

  As long as the reader's sense of the party is not bad, then all brain supplements are actually developed in a direction that is beneficial to the party.

  Of course, while the public understands Roland, the advertisements embedded in it are constantly invading their world.

  ‘Yahoo! ’ is equal to ‘news’, ‘IMDb’ is equal to ‘Holy Land for Movie Fans’, Roland likes Blizzard games, and the necklace and ring worn by Kate are from the independent studio under the two names.

One piece of information after another was retrieved by the public. When those female fans curiously asked their boyfriends what Blizzard games were, the brand was already trying to get out of the circle; and waiting for more people to go online and offline. After discussing how beautiful the designs of 'Heart' and 'Future' are, will their studio produce jewelry...

  A sense of anticipation appeared.

   The first to taste the sweetness, ah, no, the third one to be tricked by his own boss is Blizzard Entertainment.

"My God! Roland, can you say hello to us the next time you advertise to the outside world?" Mike Mohamy's complaint came from the mobile phone. Even though the two were not together, Roland could still imagine , the helpless appearance of the other party at the moment.

   "What's the matter?" Roland, who was controlling the six puppies to rush to the other party's house in front of the computer, asked pretending not to know.

   "What else can I do?"

The words of "no emotion" choked the Blizzard CEO on the other end of the phone, and suddenly complained in a raised voice, "One of your advertisements completely disrupted our sales plan, one million sets of game discs , sold out in two weeks!"

   "Isn't this a good thing?" Roland, who slaughtered opponent farmers with six puppies, smiled happily, "It's another record!"

   "Good thing? Of course it's a good thing!"

Mike Mohamy said angrily: "We thought it would take more than two months to sell one million copies, so the second batch of burning was put in May, but now everyone is urging us to replenish the stock. ! And we can't make it up at all!"

  Roland likes to play Blizzard games and Roland's movies are adapted into games, which are actually two concepts.

  The latter is bought purely for the name of the person, while the former can be bought to play together.

After learning that the game Roland most wanted to play was "StarCraft" released on the 31st, this game, which can be called a masterpiece just because of its quality, was frantically sought after by players before it was released; In addition, by entering the 13-digit "StarCraft" CDkey, you can log in to Blizzard Battle.net for online battles, so more people buy it.

  Production capacity can't keep up.

  Of course, production capacity is not the biggest problem, as long as you spend money, it can be solved in minutes.

  The biggest problem Blizzard is facing now is actually—

   "Now there is a very arrogant player on Battle.net..."

   "Only two weeks after the game was released, he scored more than 1,600 points! More than 200 points ahead of the second place!"

   "He almost eliminated his opponent within ten minutes every time! And after we checked his data packet, we still couldn't find his cheating method! But that kind of speed is obviously obtained through cheating!"

   "The point is, that player's name is still 'ILoveKateWinslet'!"

   "Isn't this obviously against you?"

   "This kind of bad method is destroying the life of the game. Now we are all considering whether to forcibly ban him..."

  When I was working on Diablo, many players changed their data, but now, there are even more cheaters.

   But "StarCraft" is a real-time strategy game after all. There are many cheaters in this game, which greatly affects the game experience of other players. Therefore, Blizzard's methods of detecting cheating are also updated daily.

  In just two weeks, they banned almost a thousand accounts.

   But the most troublesome thing for them is that the guy with the top score list who obviously used cheating methods can't be detected at all.

  Forcibly ban, it belongs to the developer to overthrow the table, but if the other party is allowed to go on like this, there will definitely be players who question the fairness of the game and the inaction of the game company, and that player actually uses the name of his own boss to make trouble...

  The Blizzard Big Three were even more speechless.

  That's why Mike Mohamy called and complained.

  Although they feel that it is very cool to have a boss who can bring goods, but at the same time, the things that are caused are also very annoying.

   But when Roland heard such words, he directly used the six-dog tactic to gnaw at the enemy's hometown, with a strange expression on his face, "Do you think that guy who is around every ten minutes is cheating?"


   "Do you think that player 'ILoveKateWinslet' is provoking me?"

   "Isn't this guy already riding on your head?"

"that's me…"

   "What???" Mike Mohamy, who was still complaining, was startled, "That's you?"

   "That's right, this is me!" Roland withdrew the post-match panel and said, "Why, are you doubting my strength?"

   "Before, you were all spying on the screen to steal my tactics, so I lost to you in the game, okay?"

   "Now that no one is spying on the screen, who can beat me?"

  Yes, after temporarily paying off his debts, Roland finally felt that he could relax.

   No need to lie to Kate anymore, no need to mess around, every day when I wake up, I go to the computer, have a cup of tea and a cigarette, and write an article for a day, ah bah, it’s a game for a day!

   "StarCraft" was Roland's second favorite real-time strategy game in his previous life, and since it's online in this life, he has to support it!

  So, when all the players were groping for the game and fighting online with normal routines, he directly used the six puppies to achieve crazy slaughter!

  The game experience of gods blocking and killing gods and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas is really not too exciting!

   In this way, he also became the most beautiful kid in the "StarCraft" section of the Yahoo community!

  The phenomenon of being suspected of cheating and being studied for specific tactics gave him an unusual sense of accomplishment.

   It's not the same as making a movie.

  If the movie is successful, it means being liked by people, and if it is overwhelmed, it means that if there are too many people, they will shout 'Roland! Come and play multiplayer games with us! ’, ‘Roland! We will play Russian Roulette! ’, ‘Roland! I want to give birth to monkeys for you! ’, ‘Luo Bao, mom loves you! ’ fans…

   And the victory in the game, more often it can make the opponent's teeth itch...

When some players are rubbed against the smooth floor by themselves, and then become Zaunites, open the chat bar, tap the keyboard frantically, and the last sentence of greetings can only be attributed to asterisks, which is displayed on the public screen, that kind of game can't beat you , can only act incompetently and furiously, which can make Roland extremely comfortable...

  Although the behavior of abusing food is indeed disgusting, but...

  It's cool!

  The point is, this is not some kind of krypton gold game!

   After stripping away the money, the technological crushing is so exciting and hearty!

   "So, the purpose of your crazy scoring is to pursue the thrill of crushing victory?" Mike Mohamy's face darkened.

  He felt that his boss was just mentally ill, "But your sense of accomplishment can't last long!"

   "Because when other players have thoroughly studied your tactics, you will actually be unable to beat those fast-handed guys."

"You don't have to worry about this, I'll just be researching new tactics then..." Roland leaned on the seat with a smile on his face, resting his chin on one hand and controlling the mouse with the other, and said, "Well, real-time strategy games are all about IQ. Well!"

   Even if some players learn the six-dog tactics, Roland doesn't care.

Because in addition to the six dogs, he also has a series of tactics that can be used, such as star shifting, creating something out of nothing, monkey stealing peaches, and fishing in troubled waters. He beat those kids with the flow style of play, and even if someone has thoroughly studied all the tactics he knows, and his hand speed is faster than him, wouldn't there be two ultimate mysteries of stealing the sky and changing the day and stealing the dragon and turning the phoenix to fight?

   After all, the guiding ideology of interstellar tactics is that any tactics can be converted!

In his previous life, he was a king with a strong mouth. When he played "StarCraft" on Haofang and VS, he was always overachievers and underachievement, and when he was cool and unrestrained on the short-lived master, he was often rubbed against the dirt. , but now-

  He is the number one person in the world!

  Even though this title might not last long, he had it anyway!

   "That name..." Mike Mohamy didn't hesitate anymore. Since it's the boss's number, how could he be Ban!

"The name thing..." Roland, who was still extremely excited, smiled and sighed when this was mentioned, "She chose the name, she said, after I named it, those women who think I have good skills will not Will strike up a conversation with me..."

  Women are unreasonable, and contented women are even more unreasonable.

  Win the award, proposed, got the ring, and the matter of swearing sovereignty is even more unscrupulous.

  Of course, Roland personally thinks this name is very good.

  Although I’m a little out of secondary school, it’s very close to life!

  The life everyone wants to see...

   "Oh..." Mike Mohamy understood, and then quickly added, "Bye..."

   "What? Are you hanging up now?" Hearing the busy tone from the phone, Roland was a little confused.

Although Roland regards Mohamy as a friend, and Mohamy also thinks that Roland is a player, but with the continuous improvement of Roland's status, the identity of the boss is actually reflected-you can listen to the gossip of friends, but the boss and Gossip about the boss lady...

   Forget it, let's not join in the fun of this matter.

  However, the excitement is not there, and the heat still has to be rubbed.

  After learning that the number one guy in the world is his own crazy boss, Battle.net was quietly updated.

The real name function has been added. Players can choose to register their information independently, and choose whether to make it public. In the entire Battle.net, they discovered the first guy who registered with his real name.

  ILove Kate Winslet (RollandAllen*Official certification)

   Not only that, but after Xiaozhi moved him with emotion, Roland's local video of the battle was also packaged and uploaded on the Internet.

  What is it like to be stabbed in the back by your own employees?

  Although the sales of "StarCraft" showed a big-step growth after the identity exposure, video release, and top score tactics were transparently handed over, but Roland's game experience has plummeted...

It's not that he can't crush his opponents with new tactics anymore, but that every guy who fights with him will type and say 'hello' at the beginning, the kind of excitement like eating Xuan Mai, and directly give Roland 'Q' is autistic!

  ‘Excuse me, are you Roland Allen? '

  ‘Are you really Roland Allen? '

  'Are you sure you are Roland Allen? '

  ‘Fuck you! Don't run, you dog actor! '

  'Why did you make "Titanic"! My girlfriend cried like crazy in the theater! '

  ‘Do you know how much she spent on Titanic? Three hundred knives! Three hundred knives! It's still my money! ! '

  ‘And after she knew that you and Kate had a jewelry studio, she asked me to buy one and propose to her when the ring was on the market! We were supposed to get married this year! In the end, she didn't want to get married because she was waiting for the ring! '

  ‘Please be yourself, please? '

  ‘Hurry up and get out the ring, please! '

'besides! Don't be too expensive! Under two thousand knives! Don't be like those luxury goods, I can't afford the expensive ones! '

   If this kind of player has a better attitude, then the other one is the irritable old man...

  ‘Why do other actors can film every day, but you have time to make StarCraft the number one in the world? '

  ‘Why do other actors have continuous sequels, but your "Spider-Man" series has to be separated by four or five years? '

'I warn you! Go filming! Can't see "Spider-Man 2" next year! I'll break your dog legs! '

  Hey, after knowing Roland's identity, those players stopped scolding him, and directly changed it to personal threats.

  This kind of friendly 'reminder' and 'reminder' made Roland bewildered.

  According to Roland's vision, after his identity is exposed, judging by his popularity, he must be the **** in the eyes of players! A group of people should be crying and begging me to teach them skills, even if they can't reach the level of Great Technician Han, then there should be shouts like 'FGNB', right? Why is the style of painting actually reflected so weird?

   And he found out that many people spent nineteen dollars to buy the game, raised the score, and then urged him to sell the product to make a sequel!

  At first glance, this is really deep love, but when he thinks about it carefully, he suddenly feels that he has the illusion of becoming a little brother.

When I was playing DNF back then, the words that appeared the most on the World Channel were words like 'Brother Xiaoma, I'm a ****', but Brother Xiaoma was scolded for stealing money, but when it came to him, how could it become Will you be scolded if you don't sell the goods or make a sequel?

  What kind of world is this!

   Spend money on my game and then urge me to sell it and make a sequel?

  These guys’ request is as weird as the guy who asked to remove “Gone with the Wind” after a racial discrimination incident happened?

   Roland couldn't figure it out.

However, he didn't want to think about it anymore. After playing at home for almost a month, the long-awaited "Lord of the Rings", "X-Men" and "Harry Potter" have also entered different stages of preparation. As for the "Spider-Man 2 and 3" requested by those players, Mary Jane's candidate has already been waiting for him in the final round for a long time.

  (end of this chapter)

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