Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 81: Don’t Know

Chapter 81: Don’t Know

Ao Jiuxiao taught math, not from a textbook but on the blackboard. The hundreds of characters doodled on the board got everyone confused. Though he operations were very precise, like a calculator.

When the class ended, Ao Jiuxiao had many girls surrounding him.

Oh, master Leng.

Master Leng, hello. See you master Leng.

Master Leng, do you keep in touch with the emo boss? I want to join the fad. Please introduce me, master Leng.

Li Mos mood darkened.

Every single student that passed by changed how they called him.

Du Fei shouted, Im also in this fad. I am master Fei. So why arent you talking to me?

Only allowed on

Beat it! They all scrammed.

Master Leng, want to have lunch together?

Ao Jiuxiao stood with a smile before Li Mo.

That blinding smile, a killer move to girls, was perfect. But Li Mo felt uneasy. 


Ha-ha, alright. Ao Jiuxiao left.

Huang Yao came and poked Li Mo as she whispered, You know Teacher Ao? T-then can you introduce me?

I dont know him.

No way! Teacher Ao never invited anyone to lunch. He wouldnt do this if he doesnt know you. Come on, help me out.

Li Mo frowned.

Huang Yao didnt much care about looks. She only cared about money. Of course, if both were combined, it couldnt be better.

And Ao Jiuxiao was such a man, with both looks and being loaded. He was know on the web as McDreamy.

Huang Yao didnt know about Ao Jiuxiaos family, but she did look up his name. 

The best gamer in the world with such a nickname had to be worth millions, if not hundreds of millions! Of course, Huang Yao couldnt imagine such a sum, not when her living conditions were poor. 

Such a man was Huang Yaos idol.

Help me, and I will take you out next time!

Li Mo stood. He wouldnt even talk to her if not for Huang Lixing.

Miss Huang Yao.

As Li Mo stood, Ao Jiuxiao returned smiling ever brightly at Huang Yao.

Huang Yao was overjoyed, You called me?

Yes, miss Huang Yao. Want to have lunch together?

Y-yes, I do! Huang Yao was in heaven.

See you at lunch.


Ao Jiuxiao left, not before throwing a vague smile to Li Mo.

Du Fei slapped his desk, Bro Mo, hes too damn annoying!

Li Mo wasnt pleased either, Then go rough him up.

Cough, I will, at the first chance.

Will what? Beat Ao Jiuxiao? Tubby, can you do it? Su Haoyang sat right in front of Du Fei.

I-I of course can. Du Fei softened.

Trash, the both of you. Su Haoyang strutted off.

Bro Mo, he cursed you.

He said trash.

Yeah. He called me that but both of you means the two of us.

Did you ask him that?

I never mind. An adult doesnt nitpick with children. I will let him off for now.

Then should I ask him?

Ah, n-n-no. I was kidding. Dont take it seriously.

Li Mo was speechless.

Du Fei, youre strong enough to deal with Su Haoyang. I just cant understand why youre so afraid of him.

Once Im hundred percent confident, I will put him in his place. I will show him who is truly ruthless.

Li Mo stood and called, Su Haoyang, Du Fei said hell put you in your place. That hell show you what it means to be ruthless.

Du Fei shivered in fright, paralyzed on the spot.

Bro Mo, dont joke around. My life is on the line

Su Haoyang returned with a pissed face.

Du Fei gesticulated all over the place, I was only joking. How could I do that to you?

Su Haoyang spat, Trash, the both of you.


Li Mo kicked Su Haoyang, sending him meters away and making him kneel on the floor while clutching his stomach.

Y-you dare hit me? Y-

Awo~! Before he could finish, Du Fei roared and mounted him. Yelling at the top of his lungs as he beat the crap out of Su Haoyang.

Du Fei may be faint-hearted, but once Li Mo acted, he was no longer scared.



Du Fei didnt curse, only yelled. This was more for himself, to build up courage. Of course, this wasnt his best moment either. The best was when he was bawling and throwing punches. Though there was no reason to warrant such a drastic measure. 

Du Fei was now many times stronger than Su Haoyang. His flurry of punches were not something Su Haoyang could take, soon knocked out from the heavy blows.

Du Fei got away from Su Haoyang in tears.

Li Mo felt helpless, Why are you crying after beating him?

I dont know. They just wont stop, wu~ Du Fei wiped his tears.

Li Mo was speechless.

Ten minutes later, Li Mo and Du Fei were called to the teachers office.

Du Fei couldnt stop crying, confusing the hell out of the guidance counselor. Why is your crying worse when you beat someone than when youre the one getting beaten?

Did you get beat up, Du Fei?

Everything hurts and my heart cant take it, wu wu

Alright, alright. Stop crying for now. Tell me whats going on.

He was an eyesore. Li Mos blunt reason came.

You? The guidance counselor turned to Du Fei.

Iwu I dont know.

Even at this time Du Fei was loyal to his friend. Though he was scared his face blanched, he never thought of putting the blame on Li Mo.

Someone must be held responsible.

Put me on record and leave Du Fei out. I made him start the fight.

Just because you say so you think I will? That he beat him up and he gets to get away with it? You think its that easy? Furthermore, there is the matter of Su Haoyangs medical expenses and whether his family will press charges. A statement must be made about this matter.

I will take full responsibility.

Du Fei kept crying, I beat him up. Making bro Mo answer is wrong!

Fine fine, I get you are loyal. But is school a place where you can display your loyalty? None of you will get away from this. Each of you will go on record!

Li Mo, Du Fei, get out here right now!

As the guidance counselor was disciplining the pair, Su Haoyang with a black and blue face roared from beyond the door.

He woke up.

The guidance counselor opened the door.

Dont worry Su Haoyang. The school will handle it swiftly. I

Su Haoyang punched and the guidance counselor fell to his knees, his arms around his stomach. Su Haoyang kicked him and sent him tumbling.

You two, get out and get ready to die!

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