Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 49: The Three Kingdoms Instance Opens

Chapter 49: The Three Kingdoms Instance Opens

The past Du Fei was still recovering and couldnt join the Three Kingdoms instance trip. But in this life was different. 

Among the in-house testers going this time including Su Haoyang, Wang Huan, Ao Jiuxiao, Xin Xiaowei, Ying Mei the Thunderstruck Enterprise dubbed the last four as king testers.

The first delve into the Three Kingdoms instance had 21 people going in and only five coming out.

Three Kingdoms instance and Cang Qings abode were different. The latter was the safest it could get, while the former was fraught with danger.

The past Li Mo had no way to enter this first delve, but when he got to use the Staff of Origin, he once paid the instance a visit.

That world was packed with talents, filled with legends. The mystical Zuo Ci(T/N: a legendary personage of the Three Kingdoms. Said to be an expert in multilocation, divination, alchemy ), Crouching Dragon Zhuge(T/N: His full name is Zhuge Liang. He was a military strategist, writer, engineer, inventor, politician. Compared to Sun Tzu in regards to strategies.),  matchless Lu Bu(T/N: wildly famed as the strongest warrior. ), heroic Zhao Yun(T/N: a brave and virtuous general of peerless strength loyal to Liu Bei.) and all historically famous personages that stood out from the masses.

If not for cultivating, if not for getting stronger, I wouldnt have lived past the hellish training over these last days. Making us wear 15 kg of armor and yelling at us to pick up the pace day after day. Im tired, dog tired!

Li Mo and Du Fei got together at a canteen nearby Feng Citys Thunderstruck Enterprises branch.

Du Fei was made to train ten hours a day, every day. And under strict management, not allowed to leave. But this time he ran away.

Li Mo knew without Du Fei telling him, that they were getting ready for the Three Kingdoms instance.

Li Mo checked Du Feis cultivation speed and found the light spiritual qi in his body was reaching saturation.

The spiritual qi was good, while the carrier was not. This was Du Feis situation.

And to overcome it, he had to achieve Foundation and begin Body Tempering Stage. This would improve his body and allow it to contain a purer spiritual qi.

There was no problem with achieving Foundation through light spiritual qi alone, but it was a lengthy process. With the Earths environment, it would take at least 3 years.

Too slow.

Li Mo pondered.

He forwent teaching Du Fei the Transfer function because it wasnt accurate. Moreover, both the destination and the trip home were all up to luck where he landed.

It would be a great danger for Du Fei to venture among other planets as he was now.

By the way, our team leader said that for the next two days we are confined to training and then will start a new testing trip.

Three Kingdoms instance was going to start in two days?

Wheres the testing site?

Du Fei opened his mouth, Bro Mo is great indeed. I didnt say anything and you already know the location changed.

I havent been told yet. Team leader said this information is highly classified and we will only know when we get there.

But I will message you the location then.

No need.

Li Mo could find Du Fei easily thanks to the strand of spiritual qi he left in his body, as long as he didnt leave Earth.

Li Mo placed the heaven, earth, and man coins before Du Fei.

Du Fei looked at them puzzled.

Take the coins in your hand, calm yourself and throw them.

Du Fei did it despite his skepticism.

The golden coins tumbled and rolled on the table a few times.

The heaven coin was tails, the earth coin was heads, and the man coin was heads.


A flash of golden.

Du Fei jumped, Bro Mo, w-what are they?

Heaven, earth, and man coins made by an expert from antiquity. When the users divination worked, the same golden flash appeared.

Your luck aint bad.

Heaven is unaffected, while you will have a favorable location and need to mnd the people. Remember to take the best position and take the people into consideration in this testing.

But bro Mo, what does all that even mean? Du Fei was clueless.

Take it literally.

Li Mo took the coins.

I can do that. Du Fei didnt quite understand, but asked, What about your divination?

Only allowed on

Li Mo threw the coins on the table.

They were all tails.


Another golden flash

Du Fei stared blankly, I-is this good?

He may not understand divination, but he could figure out the difference between heads and tails.

Putting divination aside, heads was always considered better. Yet the coins were all tails..

This means incredible luck.

Li Mo put the coins away depressed.

He and Du Fei met for a short time before the latter left.

At seven PM, Li Mo arrived at his home and found it spotless.

The floor gleamed with his reflection while there was no speck of dust anywhere.

On the coffee table was a note, stating dinner was ready.

Two days later, in the evening, Li Mo sensed that Du Fei, who was confined to training until now, was on the move.

Two hours later, Du Fei arrived at Chitong Mountain outside Tongxi Town, just a hundred kilometers out of Feng City.

Chitong Mountain had a pine forest halfway through, the objective of Du Feis team.

Between two trees ebbed a black time-space rupture.

Du Fei, Su Haoyang, Wang Huan, Ao Jiuxiao, Xin Xiaowei, and Ying Mei were todays highly professional gamers. And they were all gathered here.

But the team leader was Lei Fei, the second son of Thunderstruck Enterprise Chinese Divisions chairman, Lei Tian.

Everyone there, be it man or woman, wore thick armor, and they werent props either.

Gamers, welcome to the new Starscape in-house testing. On behalf of Thunderstruck Enterprise, I offer you my deepest gratitude.

As you have all gone through one testing before, everyone has some understanding of instances. I feel the need to point out to you that this instance is unlike the one youve experienced so far.

How, you might ask? Danger. This instance poses a risk of dying.

I am not trying to scare you. I am as frank as possible when Im saying, the instance before you is one related to the Three Kingdoms period, the Battle of Changban(T/N: In which Liu Bei was forced to flee from Cao Caos cavalry, leaving his family and populace behind. Cao Caos forces captured most of the unarmed civilians and Liu Beis baggage as well as two of his daughters. The battle is also featured in the 20082009 two-part epic film Red Cliff. Please take a look at to better understand the next few chapters.) Everyone inside is our enemy.

Dont underestimate them because they use cold weapons. Ha-ha, only after you see for yourself will you understand how dreadful these ancient people are. Our number 0 in-house testing was held precisely here. The team was equipped with the best modern gear this age had to offer and the result, total annihilation.

An entire team equipped with the best modern technology failed?

They were all in shock.

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