Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 365: Endless Night

Chapter 365: Endless Night

Ao Zhen, Ao Tong, Huo Linger, Huo Xianer, Ao Zhan, Xiao Huoshen, Hua Wuxing, Hua Wuying, Shui Yunlan, Mu Tianfeng.

Laying back in Ao Zhens carriage, one didnt move as fast as with Gates, but it sure didnt beat the scenery. 

The mandarin duck carriage was around thirty meters long. It was not only luxurious but also filled with nifty stuff. 

Li Mo found five spacial rings with plenty of ores and treasures.

Whats this?

Ye Xiaolu took out a golden fruit from a golden case.

Li Mo lit up, God Fruit.

But then he sounded let down, Only a sixth level God Fruit.

If it were a ninth or tenth level, Li Mo wouldve eaten it on the spot. But a sixth level was a waste.

Li Mo put it away.

Bastard, thats mine!

Everything here is mine, actually.

Even me?

Youre welcome to step outside then.

Bloody hell!

Ye Xiaolu flipped him off, then resumed petting her kitty.

Woman, you cant handle the rage of the future black tiger emperor! The cub yowled.

He was wailing all the time, but when Ye Xiaolu started scratching in all the right places, he closed his eyes in joy.

Hypocrite. Li Mo shook his head.

Humph, I, black tiger emperor, am only tired

Still stubborn, I see.



Lil Mo, where we going?

Ye Xiaolu looked outside the window.

A hub, a gathering point for thousands of races.

To mobilize so many races, one had to have a central gathering point. Li Mo knew thousands of them scattered across the five quadrants.

But scanning them all was impossible, so Li Mo thought of going to the source.

Since all the small fries are soul marked, what of the captains, or leaders?

God Huo ought to know everything, with his status and all.

Li Mos target? The first hub on the edge of western quadrant. The second, God Huo!

Hub? How many people are there?

A hundred thousand at the least.

Ye Xiaolu widened her eyes, the kitty meowed, hurt by Ye Xiaolus grip.

You crazy? Alone against a hundred thousand?

Minimum. Theyre probably millions though.

Youve lost it, crazy, insane! S***, use that damn shtick of yours and send me home. Im not suicidal!

Women sure are weak. The cub muttered.

Ye Xiaolu kicked the cub way up high.

Woman, you dare anger me? The cub was indeed angry, yet for some odd reason he never fought back.

If we dont destroy their hubs, should we just wait for them to destroy Earth?

But can one man do it?

Of course, I have you.

Me? What can I do? I cant do anything, I am still but a growing girl.

You have the Emulsion Spirit Body. You can cancel all their traits. If I set you off, exploding a hub is easy pickings.

F*ck, you dare?

Li Mo glanced at her, You tell me.

Lil Mo, dont joke around.

Of course Im not. Why do you think I brought only you?

Ah~, here I thought you loved me. I wont, just wont f*cking do it!

Thats not for you to decide.

Ye Xiaolu cried dry tears. She didnt get angry at Li Mo, knowing it to be a lost cause, so all she could do was vent on the kitty. 

The pitiful cub was wrung through any shape imaginable. It yowled, it roared, it cursed, but did not follow through on his words.

Western quadrants edge had a planet called Endless Night.

Only allowed on

One by one, short and filthy Drows were pushed into cages. They were all filled with rage.

Drows were the natives of Endless Night. This usually happened to human controlled planets. But with millions of aliens congregating, it became more pronounced.

Drows were few, merely ten thousand, so the millions of aliens caught every one of them in ten days.

Drows trait was magic, and they were also strong. A young Drow was a fifth level. A mature one easily became a sixth level.

The aliens chose Endless Night as their hub, because of the strategic location but also because the Drows were guarding something called the Life Pearl. An item of great power.

Sadly, the Drows were too stubborn. They were threatened, killed, tortured, but nothing about the treasure slipped. So they were shoved in cages.

A humanoid bug with eight arms walked up to a cage and shouted, This is your final warning. Speak now or I will burn you all!

Blasted invaders, a Drow will never beg for mercy!

Kill us, wretched invaders! The Elven Goddess will punish you all!

Only curses came from the Drows.

Damn filthy mongrels

The insectoid cursed and snapped the neck of the first Drow.

Dorado, still nothing?

A Golden Armored alien came over.

Dorado flung the blood off his arm, Nothing works, so of course I got nothing.

This planet is too large. Searching for a tiny pearl will take us ages. It wont matter, even without the pearl we can still destroy Earth.

Galt, I disagree. Dorado shook his head, Just think, if Earth is that weak, would we need an alliance of thousands of races? One race wouldve been enough.

No planet is ordinary to require such a force. The leaders gave us orders to destroy, not conquer. Theres something going on about here we dont know about

So we must find this pearl, or it will be hard to guarantee our lives.

Dorado, do you know why I enjoy being your partner? Because you think more than me. Galt laughed.

My Hexamand race isnt that strong in the universe. I may have a different body, but regarding strength, what can I alone achieve in the universe?

Quiet, lest youd invite ruin.

Right, ha-ha

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