Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 356: Burned Out Soul Fire

Chapter 356: Burned Out Soul Fire

Experts Alliance, headquarters.

With the Spiritual Gathering Array working at full capacity to gather spiritual qi, it had turned this place into a paradise.

Li Mo hovered cross-legged reciting Savage Emperors art to help the thousands of experts below raise their cultivation.

Savage Emperor was also one of humanitys emperors. The majority of the 36 Emperors werent humans, but those that were had an everlasting impact on the world.

Even fewer were those who became humanitys acting emperors, like Heavenly Emperor, who combined the thousands of arts into Heavenly Emperor Art and Heavenly Emperor Fist. A pity it had been too long since and the two arts died out.

Cold Immortal Emperor Change created Nine Cycles. Each time it was used, ones power doubled. When it was done nine times, no one in this world could stand in his way.

The last God Emperor, Emperor Jiang, created Everlasting Undying Art. Although flawed, it broadened future generations minds. Yao Changsheng and Zhou Mengxian had both benefited from Emperor Jiangs legacy.

As for Savage Emperor, he was the most mysterious. From a mere mortal, he treaded a path of defiance until he was crowned God Emperor.

In his time, the universe was filled with powerful beings, with a hundred potential candidates to rise as the next God Emperor. For a mere mortal to become an emperor in this environment showed how savage he was.

No one knew his real name. He himself never spoke of it. He was thus called savage as he used raw power to pacify the turmoil in the world. When Savage Emperor pursued to become the next God Emperor, besides the universes strongest at the time, there were also a hundred coming out of the forbidden areas to stop his ascent. 

In that battle, the universe quaked. He alone had killed a thousand strong aliens and scattered the rest. But Savage was far from done. He chased all who wanted to kill him for a hundred years and ending them and their race.

Not a single survivor remained.

Only allowed on

Henceforth Savage was known throughout the universe.

And that campaign was before Savage became an emperor. When he did though, some said that the universes races experienced a baffling event. Every powerful expert that vied to become emperor faded away. 

Now that Savage became an emperor, no one dared point their sword at him.

Savage left three arts. Luck had it that past Li Mo found one of them, Killing Art.

The art was an oddity. Only humans could train it, while aliens would only receive harm instead. Li Mo found that this top-notch art had no requirements whatsoever. Any human could train it, so he chose this one to impart to others.


Breakthroughs happened on and off down below. With a remarkable art and perfect environment, even a moron would be going places.


A rainbow light shot from Li Mos head for a good few minutes.

Li Mo was now in the eight level!

Among the ten levels, the universe called the eight level as almighty ascent.

What was almighty? Pinching planets, clutching stars, severing the land itself, an ascended almighty power. 

In this stage, one could set up shop and open a sect. To Li Mo, who had gone beyond mere almighty, who had a pseudo imperial item, this was a cinch. 

The advancements below kept on coming, but not even the strongest one there with the best talent could hold a candle to Li Mo.

Li Mo trained in the Fortune of Heaven and Earth Art, as much as ten times faster than Savage Emperors Killing Art.

Fortune of Heaven and Earth Art was an ancestral art from the Primogenitor Planet. Pangu and Panshi hadnt become emperors, but they could still fight one. That power came from cultivating this art.

Regarding speed, it was the fastest art in the universe.

But it was far from perfect. From its inception till now, among all who trained the Fortune of Heaven and Earth Art, not one rose to be an emperor.

Pangu had the power to cleave the heavens, called Great God Pangu by many, but he was no God Emperor. Second elder, Panshi, almost snuffed out Li Mos soul with a glare, but he was no God Emperor either.

This was Fortune of Heaven and Earth Arts greatest flaw, as well as its biggest riddle.

Past Li Mo had been hunting for thousands of arts all so he could mend Fortune of Heaven and Earth Art.

Still hovering there, Li Mo plucked one hair and turned it into a copy of himself to take his place. The next second, Li Mo was in Feng City.

Body Double, a characteristic defined only by those reaching almighty ascent.

Body Double in this level wasnt complete. It could only create a tool with half the users strength. Only in the ninth level, the Saint Stage, could one make a perfect Body Double.

The Jiang siblings souls Li Mo nurtured home were getting worse with time, their light almost running out.

They are ordinary people. They do not have the grief others do and cant hold on. Yan Wenjing said.

Yan Wenjing never left his home. She could now be called Li Mos subordinate.

Li Mo called the siblings souls to his hand and, taking the Staff of Origin back, he went to Underworld. 

The command rod was a key to enter Underworld. The downside was it was good only one way. While the Staff of Origin had no such flaw.

Li Mo let the souls go towards the Dark Hall.

This was the only way to preserve them.


Li Mo appeared in Bestial Galaxys city, Alstar City.

Alstar City was the biggest in Underworld, a hundred times more thriving than Holy City. The lord over this metropolis had ever been Dorag 19.



Dont let them get away!

Li Mo popped into a war.

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