Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 192: Ah Cai

Chapter 192: Ah Cai

Only an item refined from the body of a Void Beast, one of the ten great sacred beasts of ancient times, could ignore spacial restrictions and also hold a whole new world within.

The Void Beast was a rare existence even in times long past. In the event of its death, it would leave behind naught but void. Only if it voluntarily chose would its body remain. 

Void Beast bone was used in making the best spacial magic weapons. This magic weapon was unaffected by the outside world and it even could create a new world inside itself. This was how Yang Wanjin and her daughters maintained their demon qi and survived for so long.

I am in awe of Grandmaster Lis wisdom. This pertains to the survival of my family and hope Grandmaster would be kind enough to hold onto this secret.

Void Beast bone is precious but I dont need it.

Yang Wanjin lightened up.

The green fairy ran over, Mom, mom, that Gu man is here again. We cant stop him nor can let others see us use magical arts. What do we do?

Yang Wanjin frowned and placed her mask back on.

Grandmaster Li, things will become troublesome here. Would you like to come to my room and continue this conversation?

Li Mo stood, Fine. I still have questions that need answers.

Grandmaster, if you would.

Yang Wanjin took Li Mo away and the red and violet fairies entered the lounge. They brought back the fairies with the instruments and the dancing fairies, resuming the immortal music, rousing Bai Wudi and the rest.

What tunes! Just like true immortal music.

Yes, I even thought I was in a dream just now.

I felt as if I was dancing with a fairy.

Wa, theres three of them now?

Red fairy looks just the same as the rest!

Jade Lakes seven fairies are real.

Young master Liu laughed, I must be quite the man to make a third fairy appear.

The red fairy huffed.

As if! That rotten prick not only took advantage of me and my sister, he even saw all seven of us. He is in moms room having a chat as we speak!

The red fairy was still incredulous from all that transpired. She never saw her mom being respectful to anyone.

If word got out no one would ever believe the grand Heavenly Empress Yang could act this way.

I dont care who it is, but since Im here, beat it. You got that? Leave at once! Gu Hanzhong stormed in with his entourage.

The man was in his thirties. He was by no means ugly, but the ever-present arrogance gave the impression everyone was beneath him.

Young master Liu was annoyed, Gu Hanzhong, I booked this room tonight. First Zhao Risheng now you came to make a scene?

Oh, so its young master Liu. It wouldve been different for anyone else. How could I make it hard on you, young master Liu? Why not have fun together?

Green fairy, please bring two more of your sisters. Young master Liu plays with his pair and I with mine!

Young master Lius face darkened and the green fairy was put in a bind.

In a lavish room, Li Mo passed the surveillance system showing the lounges going ins.

Yang Wanjin served him tea, As this business developed over the years, few dared to mess around with the Jade Lake Club. Gu Hanzhong is the exception.

Punishing Zhao Risheng with two years in the foul pit was nothing to her. But when it came to Gu Hanzhong, shed have to think twice. 

They all say Jade Lake Club has a deep background, but only we know the truth, that we rely on everyones secrets. We take hold of all their darkest dealings and use it as leverage for protection. It is unorthodox, I admit, but you cant deny the results.

Yang Wanjin looked downcast at Gu Hanzhong on the screen, Except him. We dont dare to offend him, not even using the Soul Bewildering Art.

His name is Gu Hanzhong. That rough and boorish attitude is just a facade. He has the magic immune ancient body, Sage King Physique. All magical arts are useless on him. But thats not the worst part. His identity is terrifying.

Gu Hanzhongs Sage King Physique is hereditary, passed down from his father Gu Tianjue, head of Chinas TS division. I can easily dispose of Gu Hanzhong but his father is another matter entirely.

Li Mo nodded.

In the lounge, Gu Hanzhongs request was met with the appearance of the yellow and white fairies. With five fairies revealed to have the same looks, the guests were speechless.

T-there really werent twins disguising themselves.

Quintuplets, and all so gorgeous. Amazing.

Ha-ha-ha, five got you to make that face? Gu Hanzhong laughed at their dumb looks, There are seven in total you know.

Gu Hanzhong waved, Bring out the rest.

The red fairy glanced at the camera and Yang Wanjin scowled.

Grandmaster Li, we may be demons, but we never harmed anyone unless it was in self-defense.

I have a question.

Please ask.

The name Yang Wanjin is Heavenly Courts first and last Heavenly Empress. Why do you use it?

Grandmaster Li knows of the ancient Heavenly Court as well? Yang Wanjins eyes sparkled.

We, Ephemeral Birds, favor immortals and despise demons. The ancient Heavenly Court was also the only one place that did not discriminate. It took in all races. My mother was the one to enter it and also became sworn sister with Heavenly Empress Yang. The Void Beast bone item was in fact offered to me by Heavenly Empress Yang.

But it seems good things arent meant to last. Not long after I came into this world and had yet to become fully aware, Heavenly Court met with disaster. Mother sealed me inside the Void Beast bone to protect me. The next time I came out I was on Earth

I have always held Heavenly Court in high esteem. Despite not being fully aware, with vague memories of Heavenly Court and Heavenly Empress, but I always wish to return there. I took Heavenly Empress name to adapt to this world, as well as hoping it can draw in members of the ancient Heavenly Court.

My true name is Hong Cai, but you may call me Ah Cai.

Li Mo nodded.


Grandmaster Li, is there something else?

As they talked the seven fairies assembled before young master Liu and the rest.

Bai Wudis jaw almost touched the floor.

Gu Hanzhong laughed, Well?

Only allowed on

All those young masters were left speechless, young master Liu included. He could get a third one to come, at best, but Gu Hanzhong didnt seem to have a limit.

Li Mo said, Since you were sealed alone in the Void Beast bone since young, how did you get to have seven chicks?

Yang Wanjin blushed

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