Not Sure, Another World Reincarnation

Chapter 99: Continue Apologizing in Hell!

Chapter 99: Continue Apologizing in Hell!

A magnificent fighting scene was currently unfolding right in front of me. How did this happen?

Originally, after Arle and Rico went back home after I finished renovating their house, they praised me to a great extent. Ecstatic, I got conceited. But a short time after that, the boys came back.

At first, the boys group was surprised at the dramatic changes. They were also speechless with how only their rooms remained shabby. Not to mention, Cain kept sending me a weird gaze Im sure he was having another delusion convenient for him, but the problem was not Cain. Its Boman.

Boman suddenly said, Lets do a food stall. It was so unexpected that my mind went blank for a while, but heres the summary of the groups interaction after that.

Actually, Boman wanted to do business for a long time. In recent years, there had been a food stall sales contest at the harvest festival in the royal capital. The contest was started to popularize the potatoes, meaning the stalls had to use potatoes in their dishes.

The higher the place one won in the contest, the more money they would get. There were chances that they might be able to find a job at a famous store.

Boman had proposed to take part in the contest to everyone before. However, Triela suddenly got tied into a leasing contract for this house at that time, increasing their expenses. They persuaded him that they couldnt afford it, so he gave up.

Since Triela and the others initially thought that they wouldnt be able to have enough money for their winter preparations no matter how hard they worked, Boman knew that he couldnt be selfish here and drew back. But when he went home today, he found out that the renovation that shouldve taken them a considerable sum of money had been resolved.

Meaning, they didnt have to worry about the renovation costs that wouldve been incurred from now on. Thats why Boman decided to join the contest.

But Maricle had a different opinion. Even though they no longer had to pay the renovation cost, they still had to think of their expenses for the winter. Its better to have savings in case of an emergency.

Without thinking, the idiotic Cain said that he wanted to support his close friends dreams. He didnt use his head as usual. What a fool. Was he dreaming when he was awake? Follow Ryuus example, wont you?

By the way, Ryuu was unusually silent.

Triela and Maricle kept persuading Boman and Cain kept defending Boman. But personally, I only had one thing I wanted to know.

Boman, you say that you want to do business, but youre not good at calculation, right? How are you planning to do that?

Yeah, Boman was slacking off in the open-air classes and studied irresponsibly. In the end, I wasnt very sure about his calculation skills. After I pointed that out, Boman made a ridiculous excuse which made Arle angry

Eh? I can just leave that to Arle, right? Arle also said she wanted to do business, plus shes more skilled in calculations than me. Hah!? I refuse! Why do I have to do that!?

Eh? But you said you want to do business in the cooking industry, so we can do it together, right? I said that, but that has nothing to do with you! Rather, I absolutely dont want to work with you! I refuse!

Then who is going to do business with you? You dont have a suitable partner, do you? It doesnt concern you at all. And its not like I want to do it right at this second. Either way, working with you is definitely out of question.

Do you hate working with me that much? Of course I hate it! Youre a guy whos only thinking about how you can slack off. Id have to do all the work by myself! To be honest, Im sure you will slack off again!

This is my dream. Theres no way I will slack off! You said that, yet youre already slacking off!

When did I do that!? When Ren was teaching us, you didnt take it seriously! If you wanted to do business in the future, you shouldve known that reading, writing, and calculation are all important! And yet, you didnt study properly. I dont think someone like you can do anything seriously!

Thats I didnt think this opportunity would come so soon. When I said I wanted to open some stalls, everyone opposed it, right? And whats with that? Even if you cant open the stall right now, there are chances that you can do it someday. I want to start such a business in the future, so I did my best to study for my dream! Why didnt you do that? Its pretty clear already, right?

Uh Since everyone opposed it, I thought I could just study later Later? So youre opposing me because you cant calculate right now? You suggested it and yet youre not good at calculation, so dont talk about it! Dont force what you cant do on others!

Im not forcing you to do it! We can share the roles, right!? Sharing the roles? Hee Then who will cook? Im the one whos skilled at cooking, right? So Ill cook too? Since I do both cooking and billing, what are you doing? Shop assistant? But after you call the customers and take the order, I have to cook the dish and do the bill? I cant cook after touching money, okay? Arent you being unreasonable here!?

Ugh Since were going to sell food, what are we going to make anyway? For potatoes, I only know how to boil them and sprinkle them with salt. You suggested it, so of course, you have something in mind, right?

We have Ren, havent we? Shes really good at cooking, so she shouldve known the recipe for delicious potatoes. You want to rely on others for the recipes!? Stop it already! You idiot!

Arle became even angrier. But Im sure anyone would flip out if they had to deal with this guy. A human who never made an effort and left all of the tasks to others Its not fair since Arle had worked so hard

I want to open my own store in the future. So I studied hard and I did my best while cooking. Im in charge of cooking in this party, but I tried to help as much as I can even if thats not my role. I want to research recipes and I want to gain more experience. But what about you? You say you want to do this and that, and yet you ask for others help for literally everything. Have you ever made anything exquisite when youre in charge of cooking? You havent, right? Its always the skewered meat Ren taught us. And yet you want to open a food stall? You can just ask Ren for the recipe? Dont behave like a spoilt child!

When I was still teaching them, Arle asked me a lot of tips and recipes every time we were on break. As a hardworking person, she couldnt accept anything Boman said.

I Ive decided! I will never help you with anything involving food stalls! I also wont teach you the recipes, so think for yourself if you want to join the contest! You also cant make Ren teach you! I wont tell him. Hes not even my friend.

In the first place, Boman said that he could just ask me for the recipe Of course, I wouldnt teach him, right? Why should I do that? Hes not even my friend. Naturally, I refuse.

Eh? What?

Huh? Why were Arle and Boman so surprised?

Boman and I arent friends, right? Not friends, you say

Hmm, I didnt understand why he was that baffled.

In the first place, Boman why did you think I would give you the recipe? Thats If your friends are in trouble, you will naturally help them, right? You have done so much for us too, havent you? I see. So youre saying that its natural that I should help my friends if theyre in trouble. Thats definitely right. If Triela and the other are in trouble, I will help them without questions.

In fact, I pushed a lot of things on to Triela, Arle, Maricle, and Kuro. I like pampering them.

Then Im right? Yes. Thats why I wont help Boman. You didnt help me when I was in trouble. We arent friends.

It wasnt like I was being friends with Triela and the others because I was that calculating, though. Triela and Arle had become my friends before I noticed it, plus Rico and Kuro were cute. Maricle was the one who had protected me from the beginning, I guess? But what about Boman?

When were you in trouble? Anytime after Cain bullied me. You never helped me. You were standing next to Cain, just looking at me. T-thats

Yeah, thats right. This guy just stood still next to Cain. He didnt look like he felt anything when he watched me cry. Just remembering that made me angry.

Ohh, his face turned pale at once. Hmm, lets do the final attack.

You didnt help me when I was in trouble, but you think I would help you when you are in trouble? Of course I wont, youre the worst. But Ryuu who laughed while pointing at me is even worse. Eh

Ryuus complexion also changed. You could say that I dragged him in or he got hit with a stray bullet, but this was a perfect chance to speak my mind clearly.

But you agreed with Ryuus proposal before, right?

Oh, the cooking proposal?

That was because Ryuu had grown beyond my imagination. At that time, I said something that would make him angry on purpose. But Ryuu didnt get angry and listened to me properly. Thats why I decided to interact with him, but that doesnt mean that Ryuu is my friend. T-Then what about Cain?

Hmm? Ryuu, youre wondering what I think about Cain, who actually bullied me, compared to you who laughed at me when I cried? Then Ill tell you.

I dont even think he exists. I want him to stop breathing right at this moment. Eh Hes obsessed with bullying me, so of course hes not my friend, right? By the way, Boman, you said that I have done much for you all, right? But Im not doing it for you fools. I did it for Triela and my friends. The three of you just got the leftovers. In the first place, I wouldnt even think of involving myself if they didnt join the team.

The three fools hung their heads in shame like they were in a memorial service. Ahh, I felt a little gratified after spitting out the resentment I had pent up for many years I hope my words would make them a little mature.

Since these guys had received a lot of favors which were the extra bonus of my gifts to Triela and the others, they had probably misunderstood Anyway, even if I said all of that, I wouldnt stop spoiling Triela and my friends!

I! Ren, Im soIf you want to apologize, stop it. I dont need it anymore.1ry Eh? I dont need your apology. Its too late for you to apologize now. W-why? Why, you ask? I think I already gave you a lot of chances to do that in the open-air class, right? In the end, you didnt say anything. Its already too late. I dont need an apology anymore. I have no intention to accept it. If so, how can you forgive me? Forgive you? Its already too late for that.

His time to apologize had ended. Cain sure didnt have enough awareness and cognizance. If he still wanted to apologize, then he had to demonstrate it with his behavior and attitude from now on. But I wouldnt say it.

After Cain finally understood the situation, the three fools looked even grimmer. Even so, I had one thing I would like to mention.

Ryuu, listen. What is it?

Yeah, I had something to say to Ryuu.

Ryuu. The people around you look at your daily conduct more than you think. When you have something, and when you want to do something. Whether you lend them a hand, or whether you try to do something for them. Thats the standard of the judgment of your daily conduct. You saw that just now, right? Yes.

Ryuu nodded. About how Boman was yelled by Arle. About how Cain was rejected by me. Ryuu saw it all.

Do you remember what I said to Boman just now? You laughed at me when I was bullied and crying. Thats Um, Im sorry Yes. But Im not angry about that right now. Boman talked about this before, but I noticed this when you came up with the suggestion for cooking. At that time, I deliberately said something hurtful to make you angry. I was testing you. But you didnt get angry. Why? I said it at that time, but everyone had told me a lot of things, so I thought I should think about it a little Im still doing foolish things, though Thats great. Boman and Cain havent changed, but you have. You worked hard to change. Since youre aware of your mistakes, you may be a little clever than I thought. Even so, what youre doing is not foolish at all. You can change.

In the open-air classroom, Ryuu actually never made a ruckus during the class. And he stopped saying thoughtless words after the cooking proposal. He could act a little imprudent sometimes, though.

He went for it and renewed his attitude I guess I wanted to cheer him a bit. Well, it might be his starting point was too low that made him look like he had grown so much

Im sure Ryuu can change more. Please do your best. I I, I will do my best!

Yeah, do your best.

Wait, dont you think I looked like I had a condescending attitude by looking down on him like this!? Even though I had thoroughly done whatever I please every day! Ahahaha! Haa I loathe myself sometimes.

Anyway, thats how it was. With Ryuu looking downward and crying, I turned around and spoke to Arle.

Arle, Ill teach you a recipe, so please be prepared. Heh? Eh, right now? With this flow, youre suddenly saying that!? That is that, and this is this. You said you bought rice, right? Ill teach you how to cook it. Ahh~ Im grateful for that, but were doing it in this atmosphere?

Arle glanced at Cain and the other fools. She looked worried. She didnt have to mind them, okay? Just leave them alone.

You can just lock them in the room, right?

Especially Cain. He had been making various facial expressions since I talked to Ryuu, his gloominess got on my nerves so much.

I want to teach you a lot more things. If we dont hurry, well run out of time. A lot!? We dont have enough time Uh~ Ah, then you can stay overnight tonight! Our room also has a lock anyway! Okay?

Eh, stay overnight? That sounds like a girls night2, doesnt it!?

Id love to!

I was too simple, I ended up immediately agreeing without giving it much thought. Anyway, Im going to stay overnight here today! Yay!

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