Not Sure, Another World Reincarnation

Chapter 146: Mr. Trouble, There’s No Seat For You Here! (part 1)

Chapter 146: Mr. Trouble, There’s No Seat For You Here! (part 1)

Hmm, if only these people werent here, I could quickly use [Storage] to stash it away, but what should I do?

As I pondered how to deal with the corpse of the large magic beast we defeated, someone else from the town arrived, yet again.

Guild Master! What was the source of that noise earlier? ?! Oh! This is incredible!

Mayor, I told you not to come here until its confirmed safe, didnt I? Why are you here?

Well, I couldnt help but be curious about what happened.

Its not about curiosity. What if something had gone wrong?

Well, in the end, everything seems to be fine, right?

Please dont just rely on hindsight. Besides, coming here alone

Enough with that, Guild Master! Anyway, I cant believe you managed to defeat this monster! Fantastic! Was it you who did it?

Oh, so that staff member was the Guild Master of this towns Adventurers Guild, and despite being told it might be dangerous, the towns mayor decided to come here anyway, and he rushed to Rads group instead. The situation was full of comedic details, but I felt like this was another troublesome individual.

This is incredible! You must be incredibly skilled adventurers! Could you please tell me your names?

No, we arent

Mayor, they didnt defeat the magic beast.

Hmm? Then who did? There doesnt seem to be anyone else around here who could have done it

It was those girls over there.

Those girls? ????

Oh, the mayors face is a mix of confusion. I can understand his feelings, though.

Guild Master, dont say nonsense. Its impossible that these young girls, who are barely of age, could have defeated such a monster. Please stop making unfunny jokes.

Its not a joke, Mayor. These girls accepted the request a few hours ago, and no other adventurers have come to this spring except them. You can confirm it with the gatekeeper. Those gentlemen over there are just accompanying us as our escorts.

Are you really saying that these girls? Excuse me, but were you really the ones who defeated it? Just how did you?

Oh boy, this is getting complicated. What should I do?

Um, were the ones who defeated it. As for the method we used, its a bit personal


As I was pondering what to do, Lily stepped forward and handled the situation. Truly, shes a great leader, especially in times like this.

Well, never mind. The important thing is that the magic beast has been defeated. This means we can resume fishing! Luckily, the town is currently overflowing with adventurers, and selling dishes made from this magic beast will help the towns finances. We need to hurry back to town and gather people! Dealing with a monster this ridiculously huge is going to take a lot of effort just to dismantle it!

Wait a minute Something doesnt sound right. Is he saying what I think hes saying?

Mayor, please wait!

Before I could speak up, the Guild Master stopped the Mayor.

Wait? Whats the matter, Guild Master? I need to hurry and gather people

No, why do you intend to use the materials from this beast without permission?

Huh? What are you talking about? Why would I use them without permission? What are you saying?

What Im saying is what you just said. Mayor, please understand. The quest you issued was for the subjugation or elimination of this beast, not for collecting materials. Any materials generated from subjugation quests belong entirely to the adventurers. Therefore, all rights to the materials from this magic beast belong to these girls, and if you use these materials without their consent, it would be theft.

What? How come?!

Why would it be? I explained everything when you came to make the request. If anyone ignored the explanation, it was you, Mayor.

Ohh He went and said everything I wanted to say and some more!

No, wait Let me change the quest contents then.

After it has been completed? Such a convenient quest change wont be accepted. That would be a breach of contract.

This is ridiculous! I cant just accept this so suddenly!

Its not sudden, and its us who are inconvenienced. This is fundamentally about the rights of adventurers. Besides, if unreasonable quests like this go through, in the future, adventurers wont take on high-difficulty quests like this one. Moreover, I feel its deeply unfair to these young individuals who achieved so much at their age. If you absolutely need it, you should negotiate for a purchase or something.

But, you see the towns finances are also in dire straits

Thats the towns problem and has nothing to do with them.

But No, Ive got it! How do you plan to transport such a massive amount of materials? You cant possibly carry a significant portion, right? In that case, most of it will just rot! We should find a way to make effective use of it, dont you think!? Do you agree!?

I mean, we were left out by the Guild Masters sudden offensive here, so suddenly coming at us with that question is a bit

In the first place, why are you assuming well provide everything for free? There are various negotiation tactics, like trying to buy it at a reasonable price even if its not the full amount, right? I understand that youre in a tough spot, but this is a bit much

But the truth is, I can actually transport it easily with my [Storage] skill. The biggest problem is that if I do that, it might reveal that I have the [Storage] skill, and thats a matter of life and death for me.

Ugh! Seriously! This is why I wanted to quickly store it in [Storage] and discreetly report it to the guild! While I was pondering how to handle this, the Guild Master and the Mayor continued to argue fervently. Alright, this is my chance to have a secret discussion!

Lily, what should we do?

Even if you ask me

How is it in reality? It will fit, right?

Well, yeah but

You dont want your skill to be revealed, right?

If possible


Hey, can I interject for a moment?

As we whispered among ourselves, Rad interrupted the discussion between the Guild Master and the Mayor.

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