
Chapter 95: flying to hangzhou

Chapter 95: flying to hangzhou

A SIMPLE black carriage was moving towards the entrance gate of the city. Anyone who could see the direction it was travelling could tell that it was leaving the capital. Inside the carriage were two silent individuals. One was older and was wearing a simple black robe, his eyes closed as if contemplating something. The younger of the two was wearing a gray cloak, concealing the western clothes underneath.

It was, of course, the young general - Zhang Lei Feng - and the young Duke of Hanover - Argent Blackbourne.

It had been an hour since they left the Zhang household. Argent looked out of the carriage's window and remembered her temporary farewell with her sister. This was the first time that they separated after seven years of being together. So she couldn't help but remember it. Especially with this quiet atmosphere.

[One hour earlier...]

"Remember what you promised. No unnecessary risk that would threaten your safety," Argent reminded her sister. They were just outside Aurum's courtyard. Because according to her sister, if she saw Argent getting on a carriage, her determination to stay here might be swayed. That's why they're saying their goodbyes here.

"I know, Brother. You too. Be careful, okay? Don't go getting into fights."

"Since when did I ever start a fight?"

"It's because you always tend to piss off people that's why you always get into fights. So try to be as low-key as possible, okay, Brother?"

Argent didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She didn't expect that there would come a time when Aurum would scold her about pissing people off when her sister, herself, was also good at that. "Yes, yes," she just said.

Then she turned to Black who was currently sulking at the side. He was wearing a green short jacket and a flowery skirt below. His black hair was gathered in two buns on both sides of his head, wrapped with a red silk ribbon. Anyone who saw him would think that he was a very cute little girl. They would never suspect that he's a boy.

When Argent saw Black earlier like this, she almost burst out laughing. She never expected that Aurum would immediately dressed Black in girl's clothing. But she controlled herself because this kid would surely throw a tantrum if she did. He might even refused to crossdress.

"Master, Black doesn't want to wear this fluffy dress," he said, pouting.

"But I think Black is very cute like this," Argent said.

Black's expression suddenly brightened. "Really, Master? Black is really cute?"

"Yes. Immensely so."

Black finally smiled and twirled around. "Then Black doesn't mind wearing this dress."

"Such a simple-minded brat," Aurum commented.

"Just let him be. This way it would be easier to coax him into wearing girl's clothing next time."

Then they saw the young general walking up to the courtyard's garden where they were.

"The carriage is ready. Are you--" Lei Feng stopped what he was about to say when he saw Black. His expression suddenly turned constipated. Then he glanced away. When he looked back at the twins, he already regained his composure. "Are you ready to go?" he asked Argent.

Argent nodded. She looked back at her sister. "I'll be going now."

Aurum couldn't help but hug Argent tightly. "Take care, Brother."

"Black wants a hug too!" Black followed, hugging Argent's arm.

Argent helplessly hugged back the two. "The two of you too. Make sure to take care of each other and don't forget to contact me everyday."

The both nodded then hugged Argent one last time before letting go.

[Present time...]

"Don't worry, three of my dark guards were left in the capital. I asked them to protect your sister if she's ever in danger," Lei Feng said, breaking the silence inside the carriage. "And that kid as well," he added. Then he remembered the kid wearing girl's clothing. He visibly shuddered just remembering that image. No. He would forget what he saw or he would definitely have nightmares.

Argent was slightly surprised by what Lei Feng said. "Thank you. That was actually thoughtful of you."

"It's nothing. About the thing you asked me, I already talked about it with my dark guards. It will go according to your plan."

The plan Lei Feng was talking about was them getting out of the carriage at the nearest forest. Of course, it had to be a spot where people wouldn't notice that two people jumped off from a moving carriage. After jumping off, the carriage would continue on like nothing happened. And would continue to travel towards the North, the complete opposite of their destination.

It was a counter-measure just in case the Emperor sent someone to follow them and watch their every move. The one driving the carriage was one of Lei Feng's dark guard. Argent believed that this guard had enough ability to lose anyone who would try to follow the carriage.

And then Argent planned to use her flying car to travel towards Hangzhou.

"Good. But aren't you going to ask me why I asked you to do that?" she curiously asked.

Based on Lei Feng's attitude so far, he probably would do anything she asked. She was not sure where this groundless trust was coming from, but it was not really to her taste. It did benefit her. But not knowing the reason why would just continue to puzzle her and then she would just be annoyed because she couldn't solve it.

"I know you have your reason. If you don't want to say it, then I wouldn't pry," he simply said.

"Aren't you afraid that what I'm doing right now would have you ending up on the Emperor's bad side?"

"Even if that's the case, I won't mind. I'm not so weak that I have to worry about something like that."

"Hmm... But it bothers me, this weird trust you have on me. So, mind telling me why?"

Lei Feng went silent for a second before raising his head and looking at her. "I'm not brave enough to tell you all my reasons now and explain to you everything. But trust me when I say that I'm not acting like this because I'm planning something nefarious. To you or to the people you treasure. If you don't believe me, then believe the vow I made to you."

Argent stared back at him. She knew full well that this guy was a bad liar. The fact that he wasn't turning his gaze away was proof enough that he was telling the truth. His explanation was surely not enough. But somehow, it already eased her irritation by a few degrees. And she decided to tell him about her purpose in coming here in Xing.

It wouldn't be avoided anyway. Being with her on this journey, he would definitely know about it sooner or later. It was better to tell him about it now. Besides, he made that vow. If, according to what he said, they wouldn't be enemies, then they might as well be comrades. This guy, along with his dark guards, would definitely be a big help.

"My mother, she's abducted and was brought here in Xing." Lei Feng's expression became more serious when he heard what she said. "Will you help me find her?"

"You don't even need to ask. I will do everything to help you find her," he declared, his obsidian black eyes full of unwavering determination.

"Good," Argent said, not even noticing the small smile that appeared on her lips.

After a while, they arrived at the forest near the capital. The carriage traveled swiftly inside. When they heard a small knock from the front of the carriage, they both knew that that was the signal that they could now jumped off outside. Both didn't hesitate to jump. They landed safely behind thick bushes. The carriage continued to move forward and the two easily jumped to the nearest tree branch.

"The clearing you wanted is just up ahead," Lei Feng said. "Follow me."

Lei Feng started jumping from one tree to another and Argent easily followed. In just a few minutes, they reached the said clearing. Lei Feng landed perfectly on the clearing, followed closely by Argent. After a few seconds, three of Lei Feng's dark guards appear in front of them. All of them were wearing black overalls. Argent was not familiar with the two, but if she was not mistaken, the last one would be one of the dark guards Lei Feng brought to Albion.

"An Si, have you checked the perimeter?" Lei Feng asked the guard who looked familiar to Argent.

"Yes, Master. There's no one one within 100 meter radius of this clearing."

Lei Feng turned to her. "Was that enough?"

Argent nodded. Then she took from her space ring the capsule that housed her flying car, along with the remote. She threw it and pressed the right button on the remote. Then the flying car appeared in front of them. She turned to the four men who didn't even bat their eyelashes at the sudden appearance of such a strange object.

"Get in. We're going to fly to Hangzhou."

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