
Chapter 51: the pope's speech

Chapter 51: the pope's speech

ARGENT put the flying shuttle on auto-pilot mode before turning on her light brain. They were currently flying towards Albion, just a few hours more and they would enter the country's territory. Before that, she decided to contact Finn. Since White had been sending her messages through her light brain that Finn had been trying to contact her for three days now.

Argent doesn't really have her own sPhone. Her communication device was her light brain. If someone wanted to contact her using an sPhone, then they could either contact Felicia or the company's main line - which was technically White. She didn't have the patience to sort out important calls from useless ones. So that job was left to Felicia and White.

She contacted Finn through his [TalkUs] account. Argent already has an idea why he had been trying to contact her these past three days. It probably had something to do with the disgusting video of the Bishop. After all, it has already been three days since she told White to release it in [Jiffy].

Finn's handsome face immediately appeared on the screen of the light brain. "Thank the goddess you finally contacted me. Did you somehow lose your sPhone or you just can't be bothered contacting me back?" he said sarcastically.

"I just can't be bothered," she answered honestly.

Finn felt the muscle on his face twitch. He should have known not to fight this guy with sarcasm. He would just be the one ending up losing. "That video of the Bishop, that's your handwriting, right?"

Argent lazily looked at him. "You already know the answer, why ask?"

Finn sighed. Yes, he already knew the answer. He just wondered how Argent managed to get that video without alarming anyone in Shandra's Temple of Gaia. "Are you certain it won't be traced back to Silver Corporation?"

"If I'm going to do something, I'm not going to be sloppy about it."

The only way that video would be traced back to Silver Corporation was if a god-level hacker hacked that anonymous account and found White's signature on it. But that was definitely impossible to happen since the people in this world don't even know what codes were, let alone the term 'hacking'.

Finn no longer asked Argent about the video and proceeded to talk about another matter. "I already sent a team to Shandra to make a deal with Mr. Wicks and to help him with his shop."

Argent raised one of her brow. "Help him with his shop? I never thought you're that generous."

"I wouldn't, in a normal situation. But your sister threatened me with bodily harm if I didn't send people to help Mr. Wicks."

Argent didn't realize that her sister actually sympathized that much with Mr. Wicks. Well, no matter, the sooner Mr. Wicks stabilized the sales of sPhones in Shandra, the better.

"Are you already in Albion?" Finn asked after that.

"In a while."

"Be careful of those aristocrats, they might swindle you out of your money since you're so rich now."

Argent almost laughed because of his ridiculous conjecture. "As if they have that ability."

Finn couldn't help but stare at Argent's lips that slightly tilted upwards. He knew that was Argent's version of a smile. And being able to evoke that from this indifferent guy just made him feel proud. He couldn't even stop the fast beating of his heart because of that small smile. Finn shook his head.

[Stop it, Finn! You already decided to not go on this route, right? You're going to stay as his friend. Nothing more.] After admonishing himself, he remembered something he had to say to Argent. "You might as well check the Pope's [Jiffy] account."

"The Pope has a [Jiffy] account?" Argent asked, a bit incredulous.

Finn shrugged. "He's young compared to the other priests. He was ordained ten years ago. And from what I heard, he advocates change in the Temple. Thus, he's not afraid to use sPhones. Check the video he posted. It's probably the Temple's way to contain the negative effects accumulated by the video of that Bishop. It's kind of ironic, really. Since people all know how much the Temple hates our company. And yet they're using sPhones to fix the problem caused by their clergy."

"That just goes to show they're a bunch of hypocrites."

Argent finished her call with Finn then turned off her light brain.

"Master, are we really going to travel around Albion first before we go to your palace?" Black asked, suddenly hugging her arm.

Aurum suggested that they traveled around Albion first. Since they informed people in Albion that they're going to arrive there in at least a month's time, why not take the opportunity to travel around first in disguise? They left Albion when they were seven. They didn't really have the chance to go to Albion's scenic spots because of that. This was probably the only time they'd have to go around since she's certain that when those people - i.e. the King and the other aristocrats - found out she's back, she'd be really busy.

"Yes, we're going to travel around Albion. And it's not a palace, it's a manor," she said, answering Black's question.

"Brother, have you seen this?" Aurum suddenly asked, sitting on her other side and showing Argent her sPhone.

"Let me guess, it's the video made by the Pope?" Argent said. Her sister nodded. "I haven't seen it yet. Why?"

"I haven't watched it either but it's currently trending. Let's watch it together?"

"Sure, why not?"

Aurum pressed the play button of the video and a man with golden blond hair and sky blue eyes appeared on the screen. He has this certain warm atmosphere around him. People couldn't help but think that he was nothing but kind. One just couldn't resist but want to get close to him.

"Good day to everyone. I know that these past three days, all of you probably already watched the video of Bishop Dupont. On behalf of the Temple of Gaia, I humbly apologized for his immoral actions. I assure you that the Temple of Gaia doesn't condone actions such as his. Hurting others for the sake of one's own pleasure is a sin that the goddess forbid us to commit. Being her humble servants, it's our job to follow her teachings. So we could set a wonderful example to others.

"But sometimes, there are those who couldn't resist the call of evil. They soak themselves in greed and pleasure, not thinking of those people they could hurt. One example is Bishop Dupont. As the head of the Temple of Gaia, I will do everything to punish him for his sin and to help those girls he hurt. I vow this in my name, Lucern Faust. Once again, I'm sorry and I hope you could find it in your heart to forgive us."

The Pope ended that speech with a low bow. Seeing the highest leader of the church apologizing so sincerely and bowing so low would surely leave a huge impact to anyone who's watching the video.

"Wow. He really apologized. He even made a vow," Aurum commented, quite impressed. After all, not all could easily make a vow. Unless one really meant what they said.

"He's acting," Argent sneered.

Even without the huge glasses and the silly smile, Argent recognized him immediately. The Pope who was acting all sincere and humble was the shady guy she met in Shandra. Knowing that, the questions inside her mind just kept on multiplying.

[Just what are you playing at, Lucern Faust?]


NOTE: Yes, you didn't imagine it. There's really a new chapter so early in the week. Yey! I'm doing a trial. If I managed to release 5chapters a week this whole month of July, I'll permanently change my update schedule to; Mondays-Fridays (GMT+8:00). Hopefully I could do it. *fingers-crossed* ()/

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