Ninja World: I’m Not a Human Being!

Chapter 180: 180

Chapter 180: 180

Facing Kisame's sincere question, Katsuyu also responded sincerely:

"Kisame-sama, I said that I would do everything I can to help you, so how can I break my promise. Besides, although I am the owner of the Shikkotsu Forest, I only discovered this place by chance thousands of years ago and just stayed here. The natural energy here does not belong to me, of course you can take it at will."

"Thank you, Katsuyu. If that's the case, then I will have it."

After he finished saying this, he opened his mouth and swallowed hundreds of tons of hot spring water into his belly in one gulp.

In his opinion, absorbing natural energy by soaking is a little slower, and it is better to use a more simple and crude methodsince natural energy is contained in water, he will take all the seawater into his stomach.

'Gollum, gollum.'

After swallowing hundreds of tons of seawater rich in natural energy in one breath, Kisame felt like he drank a high-strength liquor, as if all the internal organs were on fire, and the violent energy rampaged in the body.

Absorbing so much natural energy at one time, is something that not even Katsuyu can do so, but Kisame can withstand it with the Kunpeng physique.

He slowly closed his eyes, his huge body sank to the bottom of the lake, and most of the functions of his body went into a dormant state, only the energy in his abdomen was surging with activity along with bursts of thunderous sounds.

Kisame's body gradually digested the natural energy and turned it into a part of himself.

Katsuyu watched all this silently.

In the past three months, it has witnessed Kisame growing step by step, going through hardships and difficulties, and finally succeeded in evolving.

When Kisame turned into Kunpeng, Katsuyu was greatly shocked, because it could feel an ancient and prehistoric aura coming from his body, even an extraordinary creature like her that had lived for thousands of years couldn't help but tremble.

Although Kisame's current body is only 100 meters, and in front of the 400-meter-long Katsuyu, he is only a little guy, but it knows that the potential of the former greatly exceeds it. Kisame's evolution has just begun start.

However, when Kisame said that he could devour all the natural energy in the hot spring, Katsuyu did not believe it.

It has lived here for so long, growing from a small slug to the current giant, absorbing natural energy for thousands of years, and the energy concentration in the hot spring has not become thin.

As it's body size is approaching the limit, the speed at which Katsuyu absorbed natural energy has become very slow, almost stagnant.

In contrast, even if Kisame can devour the natural energy without limit, how long will it take him to drain the hot spring lake?

A hundred years? A thousand years? Or ten thousand years?

This question was quickly answered by Kisame.

Because the speed at which Kisame absorbed natural energy is much faster than it imagined.

Every time Kunpeng wakes up from a deep sleep, it opens its mouth like a black hole, swallowing hundreds of thousands of tons of seawater into his belly, and then falls asleep. After a day or two, after absorbing the energy, Kunpeng will wake up again and swallow more seawater.

Week after week passed by.

During this process, Kunpeng's body also expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than a month, it's body length of 100 meters reached 200 meters, and it became twice its original size.

At this time, the hot spring lake could no longer accommodate Kunpeng's huge size. So it simply dived down and reached the depths of the sea, which is wider and closer to the underwater volcano.

It is also a place where natural energy is more concentrated.


Katsuyu was stunned. At this speed, in just a few years, Kisame will probably be able to absorb all the natural energy of the Shikkotsu forest, and its body length will spread to more than a thousand meters.

What is even more frightening is that Kisame at that time is still not feeling full, and there was still a lot of room for growth.

Time passed day by day.

Before he know it, Kisame had been in Shikkotsu Forest to train for half a year.

In the past six months, the entire ninja world has been surprisingly calm, and no major events have occurred.

However, this quiet is more like a calm before a storm. Konoha and Mount Myoboku, Nagato and Akatsuki of Amegakure, Kumogakure, Iwakagure, and Kirigakure on the sea side...

All forces are secretly accumulating strength, and maybe they will ignite the fuse at some point and, rekindle the war in the ninja world.

On this day, Tsunade came to Shikkotsu Forest after a long period of absence.

"Tsunade-sama, long time no see, did you come here because you missed Kisame-sama?"

A clone of Katsuyu appeared in front of Tsunade. It knows that Tsunade has served as the medical head of Kirigakure for the past six months, and has been busy establishing a medical ninja system and cultivating talents.

"Missing him? What a joke. That guy didn't move for so long, and he didn't send any news back. It just made some people worried, so they asked me to find out what's going on."

Tsunade said casually, looking left and right.

It is true that Kisame has been in retreat for a long time this time. After a long time, Yukino, Pakura, and even Orochimaru and others in the village began to worry.

However, she also has to discuss about the medical department when she finds Kisame. After all, the latter is the Mizukage and the head of a village, so she can't ignore him completely.

"So, where is that guy? Could it be that he failed while training some forbidden jutsu and died suddenly."

Tsunade didn't see Kisame's figure, so she couldn't help but guess viciously.


Katsuyu shook her head helplessly and pointed to the hot spring lake with her tentacles, and signaled to Tsunade, "Kisame-sama is there."


Hearing that Tsunade strode to the lake with high heels, and was surprised to find that the water level had dropped by several meters, showing signs of drying up.

Moreover, in her perception, the natural energy here is obviously not as strong as before.

"Katsuyu, what's going on?"

Tsunade turned around, frowned and asked Katsuyu.

Before Katsuyu could answer, a rumbling sound suddenly came from under the water, attracting Tsunade's attention again. She turned her head to look again, she was startled and took two steps back with a look of horror.

That's because a huge fish head floated out of the water, like a towering hill, casting a huge shadow.

'What is this?'

Just when Tsunade was in shock, the fish head opened its mouth talked to her:

"Tsunade, why are you here?"

"You, are you... Hoshigaki Kisame?!"

Tsunade's eyes widened, her voice stuttered, as she couldn't believe her guess.

"Tsunade-sama, what you see is only a part of Kisame-sama's body. Most of his huge body is hidden under the water, and his body shape is close to my body..."

Katsuyu stepped forward and explained it in detail to Tsunade.

"This lunatic..."

When Tsunade learned that Kisame had abandoned the human body and turned into the monster in front of her, she couldn't help but murmur, and couldn't come back to her senses for a long time.

After half an hour.

Under Tsunade's surprised eyes, Kunpeng opened his mouth wide and spat out a wet man from its mouth.

This is a clone created by Kisame using Senjutsu Chakra. It has 30% of the strength of his body and can last for several months.

"Let's go, I'll go back to Kirigakure with you. After all, I've been in retreat for half a year, so it's time to go back and have a look."

Kisame put on a suit and said to Tsunade.

Although he has abandoned the human form, it is more convenient for him to be a human being when he is active in the ninja world.

In addition, Kisame is sending his clone back to the ninja world this time for a very important purpose.

Under the hot spring.

Kunpeng, with a body length of nearly 400 meters, is like a fortress, quietly floating in the dark deep sea. Its eyes were closed, it's tail swayed gently in the sea water, and from time to time a series of huge blisters spit out from the vent.

At the bottom of the sea, the crust is broken, and the red magma overflowed continuously, rising to the sea surface, bringing a lot of heat and water vapor, and... rich natural energy.

Kunpeng, bathed in natural energy, developed and grew at an astonishing speed.

But unfortunately, the natural energy here is not endless. With the slowdown of submarine volcanic activity and using of natural energy, the concentration of energy is becoming thinner and thinner.

At this rate, in at least three to five years, or at most ten years, the natural energy of Shikkotsu Forest will be depleted.

Kisame realised this problem.

He has also done calculations and felt that If he wants to evolve into a Six Paths level creature, even if he devours all the natural energy of the Shikkotsu Forest, it may not be enough.

After all, although the Shikkotsu Forest is one of the three holy lands, it is only a small island after all. And the Shinju tree planted by the Otsutsuki clan back then absorbed the natural energy of almost the entire planet. Kaguya, who ate the fruit of the divine tree, has the power to change the world. She herself is the source of all chakra in the ninja world.

Therefore, Kisame clearly realised that he can't sit still and not take any action, he must take active actions and go to other places in the ninja world to find more energy.

The first thing that came to his mind was Mount Myoboku and Ryuchi Cave, which were as famous as the Shikkotsu Forest.

If the natural energies of these two places can be devoured, there is a high probability of him reaching the threshold of the Six Paths level.

But the problem is that both the White Snake Sage and Gamamaru are real ruthless characters. The former is his enemy and she personally trained her successor, Nagato to deal with him.

It is still too early for him to think about the idea of fighting the two holy land.

But fortunately, as someone who is familiar with the plot, Kisame tried hard to recall the plot during this period of time, and sorted out a lot of valuable information.

In the ninja world, in addition to the three holy lands, there are some unknown places or mysterious items that also contain powerful energy.

Kisame can think of a total of four places.

Hero Water of Takigakure, Ryumyaku in Roran, Meteorite in Hoshigakure, and The Stone of Gelel.

The purpose of his clone this time was to collect these four things and bring them back to the Shikkotsu Forest for Kunpeng to devour. In this way, his hopes of hitting the Six Paths level are even greater.

Ten minutes later, Kirigakure.

"Please don't tell anyone else about what you saw in Shikkotsu Forest. After all, it involves my biggest secret."

Kisame and Tsunade pushed open the gate of the small courtyard, walked in side by side, as Kisame said to Tsunade.

Kunpeng is his biggest trump card. Once the evolution is completed, it means that Kisame has opened up a new path that only belongs to him outside the ninja system.

Before he achieves this goal, he must not be known by the enemy, so as not to change.

"What if I wanted to say it?"

Tsunade responded nonchalantly, habitually contradicting Kisame.

Hearing her, Kisame stopped.

"Then I can only kill you in advance." He said with a smile, sounding like he was joking.

But as soon as the words fell, Kisame suddenly burst out with terrifying murderous aura, and before Tsunade could react, he stretched out his hand like lightning and strangled her neck.

Tsunade was lifted off her feet off the ground, by Kisame's hand. Her face was flushed because she couldn't breathe, her plump body was shaking violently in the air.

'This guy is serious.'

Tsunade felt the powerful power from Kisame's hand, and seeing his cold and ruthless eyes, she finally realized the seriousness of the problem.


She struggled hard, trying to form a seal to resist, but Kisame saw through her mind and exerted strength again on his hand, which suddenly made Tsunade roll her eyes again and again, and her consciousness quickly became blurred.

Just as Tsunade was about to be strangled to death by the sudden attack

"Kisame-sama, Tsunade-sama! What's going on...?"

An exclamation came from the door.

Yukino stood at the door with a panicked look on her face, her hands on her chest at a loss, obviously frightened by this scene.

Hearing her question, Kisame smiled at her and comforted her: "It's okay, I'm just playing with Tsunade."

After he said this, his eyes flashed and let Tsunade go.


Tsunade sat on the ground and covered her neck with her hands and coughed violently.

She coughed for a while, then breathed heavily, her chest heaving violently, it took a long time for her to recover, and her complexion finally returned to normal.

But her expression is still a look of lingering fear.

At this time, Kisame bent down, reached out to her with the big hand that had pinched her neck just now, and kindly pulled her up: "It's cold on the ground, don't sit for too long."

Tsunade said nothing, still sitting on the ground motionless, she raised her head and glared at Kisame.

"Tsunade-sama, are you alright?" Yukino trotted over and slowly helped Tsunade stand up.

"...I won't say anything."

Tsunade was silent for a while, made a promise to Kisame, then gritted her teeth and turned away.

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