Naruto: The Prince of Lust

Chapter 174: Chapter 174

Minato nods toward Kurama before he turns about and begins scribing Fin characters the air. "The Thunder God tech is actually a combination of Ninjutsu and Finjutsu.

In order to perform the seal-less ninjutsu of, quote-unquote, teleporting, you must first create a seal contract that stipulates the mechanics behind it."

Naruto's blue eyes light up as he instantly shifts into his familial specialty, quickly asking, "how many metric character arrays?"

"A massive amount. It'll take days to properly write out," Minato happily answers, recognizing the curiosity in the Uzumaki's eyes.

As Minato continues to align character after characters, he informs his son, "the Fin contract utilizes Space/Time jutsu coupled with directional signatures that allows the user to create a dynamic conversion.

Now, I'll write out the Fin contract's centralized arrays in detail and explain all correlating functions, but you'll need to study and understand it before you create your own scroll."

An energetic Naruto hums appreciatively as his father continues to rapidly illustrating characters in the air. "There are three necessary pillars to the entire contract.

We'll start with the Space/Time array, which is written like this" Naruto marvels at the speed by which Minato writes out the characters. "This seal was gifted to me by your mother upon our marriage. She made me swear we'd only pass it along to our children when they were wise enough to wield it."

"Can't imagine Naruto fits that criteria," Kurama chuckles. "You're a hundred years too early for that," he adds with laughter.

"Tch!" Naruto grunts, whirling on his red giant partner. "Not being the wisest worked out great for you though, didn't it?" Naruto calls out before mockingly adding, "since you finally managed to make friends with a human!"

"You take that back!" a wounded Kurama snarls, raising on his legs and eying Naruto like prey. "As if the greatest Tailed Beast would ever be friends with a brat!"

"Settle down you two," a mildly amused Minato tells the bickering teammates, adding, "this is a very complex contract to arrange, so focus up."

Smirking, Naruto closely examines the pillars design style of the contract his father is forming and recognizes it, voicing as much, "you're using a borate chain to hexangularly link and group each array like each leg of a tripod atop another tripod; simple, elegant, and strong.

Uwwaahh, this really is going to take a massive amount of logic arrays, isn't it?"

"You truly are an Uzumaki," Minato laughs and Naruto smiles sheepishly. "Yes, it is; a very intricately structured pyramid of many tripods. Each of the three components will require many arrays which can always be added to a borate chain and remain stable."

Carefully analyzes the section of the contract designated for the Space/Time array, Naruto asks, "the first leg is the contract, the second is the Space/Time Jutsu, and the third?"

"The third is the dynamic link in the form of a personal signature, which you can put on an object, like a kunai for instance," Minato answers at the same time he flawlessly writes. "As the Space/Time jutsu is the only array passed on from word of mouth, I'll write that out in its entirety.

Most of the other arrays can be found in scrolls or books, so I'll only note what you need and you can write out those subsets on your own."

Naruto's eyes widen as his father continues writing the details of the Space/Time jutsu, offhandedly commenting, "the mechanics behind this Space/Time array looks crazy complicated. I don't even get the theory behind it."

As he writes, Minato voices, "the thing you have to understand about Spaceas in an area or expanseand Timeas in the passing from moment to momentis that the two are intimately connected to one another.

You cannot affect one without affecting the other, which is why it's written out together as Space/Time. The theory goes, the faster you move through physical spacelet's say the distance from Konoha to Kumothe slower time actually is. Simply put, time can, in fact, be slowed down."

Eyes squinted and confused, Naruto isn't sure about something he's never noticed or was told about and asks, "uh, okay, but how?"

"Because the natural laws that govern our universe saw fit to make Time relative to the observer," Minato happily answer. "For example, imagine you're running away from a large clock tower at the speed of light, which is about three hundred thousand kilometers per second.

From your perspective, the clock's hands would look frozen. Time will have, effectively, stopped for you. But just because time has stopped from your perspective doesn't mean it has stopped. No matter how fast you're running, from the clock's stationary perspective, time continues normally."

"Seriously," Naruto skeptically asks.

"Most serious, son," Minato answers as he continues writing the infinitesimal numerical assignments of the Space/Time function.

"The Uzumaki clan calls this phenomenon Time Dilation and this array simply states that time is a rubbery thing that stretches and contracts relative to the position being observed, whether that something is as small as a fly or as large as the sun."

"The math in this formula looks a hell of a lot bigger than the sun," Naruto wonders aloud, turning to his father for confirmation.

Minato nods, relaying, "your mother explained to me how, long ago, an Uzumaki by the name of Amaterasu, an expert in the study of the sun, light, and our universe, discovered mass also plays a part in Time Dilation.

Amaterasu theorized the larger the mass of an object, the faster it pulls everything around its space to it. Since space is interwoven with time, that means time dramatically slows down around large spinning masses as well.

The important point here is that time can, in fact, be altered, and if it can be altered-"

"Fin seals can utilizing it in jutsu," Naruto says within an astonished exhale of air. "Extreme chakra programming," Naruto recalls Naru-nii saying.

"Correct," Minato states. "However, this Space/Time equation isn't enough to create and utilize the Thunder God Technique. It's just the seal scheme your chakra maneuvers to perform the ninjutsu," Minato states, flawlessly continuing to write out character after character while Naruto absorbs it all.

"The directional signatures," Naruto recalls from the earliest writing on the long wall of seal schemes.

"They're linked to the Space/Time jutsu, which means something like a kunai is the focal point of the time Dilation, and since it's contracted to you, you're the only one the slowing of time affects."

"Nearly there son," Minato states with a prideful grin. "The setback to activating the Space/Time array is the calculated mass of influence stipulated within the contract creates a very strong gravitational pull."

"And that's how you move inside," Naruto hums as he reads. It's jarringly amazing how new and old this information feels in his mind. "Mnn, but how do you stop?" he asks himself, carefully analyzing his father's script before quickly answering as if recalling himself, "with chakra!"


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