Naruto: Konoha’s Kanpu

Chapter 805: Sasuke's Mood

Chapter 805: Sasuke's Mood

The large snowflakes fluttered, and in the blink of an eye, it was the end of the year again.

On this clear morning, Sakura and Ino, these romantic rivals, brazenly used the excuse of making Kadomatsu to invite Sasuke for an outdoor activity, aiming to create an opportunity for a date with him. However, the two ended up colliding with each other.

“Ugly forehead, I obviously came first!” Ino glared at her former best friend with annoyed look.

“Even if you come first, it doesn’t mean that Sasuke will agree to your invitation, dumb pig!” Sakura retorted.

“Ugly forehead! Please wake up, Sasuke will never like you!” Ino took a step forward.

“I was going to tell you the same thing, dumb pig!” Sakura refused to back down.

The two glared at each other, and soon looked at each other with disgust, and each turned their heads away.

Sasuke stood at the door of his house, looking impatiently at the two troublesome girls: “If there's nothing else, I'm going back.”


Sakura and Ino quickly rushed to Sasuke's sides, each grabbing one of his arms.

“Sasuke-kun, tonight is the New Year's Eve. The Kadomatsu at your house hasn't been made yet. Let's go collect the materials together!” Sakura suggested.

“Sasuke-kun, come with me. Sakura has already made plans with Naruto, she's too busy to bother with us. Hahaha.” Ino said with a laugh, covering his mouth.

“Bastard, I never made plans with Naruto!” Sakura was furious.

“So annoying. Both of you, stop talking. No matter who it is, I won't…”

Sasuke was about to refuse, when suddenly, a young man appeared from behind him. It’s none other than Itachi.

“Sasuke, you've been making the Kadomatsu for the past few years. You can go with your classmates this year.” Itachi said with smile.

“No, I'd rather train with my big brother than make Kadomatsu with everyone!” Sasuke's arrogant expression was destroyed in an instant. He hurriedly approached Itachi, wanting to hang on him like a koala.

Itachi smiled wryly and used his divine finger ability, and with one finger, he poked Sasuke half a meter away, and said: “Sorry, Sasuke, I have an important appointment. Let's train together next time.”

With that said, Itachi disappeared with a flicker.


Sasuke felt both wronged and unwilling, but deep down, he inexplicably felt a bit happy: ‘Big Brother poked my forehead again~’

He turned his head and looked towards Sakura and Ino. The rich variety of expressions on his face disappeared in an instant, returning to his usual cold self: “Since that's the case, let's go.”

The two girls were overjoyed, and they immediately surrounded Sasuke and chattering non-stop. One suggested going to the plum tree forest on the east side of the village to pick plum blossoms, while the other proposed going to the bamboo forest on the west side to cut bamboo. Neither would let the other have her way, and soon, they started arguing.

Sasuke’s head ached from this: ‘These two women are really annoying!!’

‘I should never go out with them alone, otherwise, I will be annoyed to death!’

Sasuke decided to go find Naruto.

If Sakura and Ino are like two flies buzzing around him, then Naruto is like a fly buzzing around Sakura… Well, this analogy doesn’t feel very appropriate.

‘Whatever…’ Sasuke walked away with large strides, paying no attention to the two girls who were calling his name affectionately.


The group of three first went to Naruto’s house, only to be told that Naruto had gone to Karin’s house early.

Their faces changed at this information.

Sakura and Ino exchanged glances, deciding to temporarily stop arguing. They unanimously agreed that they couldn't let that wild girl Karin get involved in their disputes!

Sasuke’s expression wasn't any better. If he simply added Naruto to the mix, he could help him deal with Sakura. However, if they go to Karin’s house, then Karin would surely tag along, and with one plus one minus one, wouldn’t everything he did useless?

“Sure enough, it’s better for only the three of us to go harvesting.” Sakura revealed a ladylike smile. “Sasuke-kun, let's listen to Ino and go pick plum blossoms first.”

“No no no, it’s better to go cut bamboo first.” Ino also has a gentle smile on her face.

Sasuke, witnessing this scene, felt a shiver down his spine. Even the goosebumps were up.

‘Forget it, let’s call that Naruto and Karin. That’s right, there’s also Hinata. With more people, I won't have to constantly face these two women, phew.’

‘I really have it tough.’

‘Why doesn’t Big Brother understand my pain at all?’

Thinking like this, Sasuke immediately went straight to the Gekko Mansion despite the objections of the two women.

As a result, Grandma Keiko told them that Naruto and the others had left early for training.


“Did I hear that correctly?”

Sakura and Ino looked at each other in disbelief.

Naruto always ranked at the bottom in theory classes, never passing the exams, so in their impression, Naruto is always the lowest ranking. How can the lowest ranking go for training? And it’s also during the New Year?

As for practical classes, well, their Iruka-sensei had said: Only by mastering the theory can one become an outstanding Shinobi. Someone like Naruto would basically stayed as a Genin forever.

Even if he is the son of Yellow Flash.

Truly, they felt sorry for the Hokage.

The two women sighed, then noticed Sasuke was almost disappearing around the street corner, so they hurriedly caught up.

“Sasuke-kun, since Naruto isn't here, let's go cut bamboo. Just now, stupid pig Ino also said to chop the bamboo first, right?” Sakura smiled.

“Really? How come I heard someone with ugly forehead say that we should pick plum blossoms first?” Ino, too, was quite the actress.

“Stop arguing.”

Sasuke is so annoyed, and his dominance is leaking out, “We're going to find Naruto! If you don’t want to, then don't follow me!”

Hearing this, the two women immediately turned starry-eyed and they followed Sasuke obediently.

Following the footprints in the snow, Sasuke tracked Naruto’s trails all the way to the river south of the village.

“The footprints disappeared here.” Sasuke frowned, looked towards the river, just half a meter away.

The river flowed rapidly, incessantly throughout the year, and even the severe winter couldn't halt its course.

“Look, there, they're on the river…?” Sakura, with her sharp eyes, suddenly pointed upstream and shouted.

The three immediately ran over, and when they got closer, Sasuke’s eyes immediately widened in disbelief.

On the river’s surface more than ten meters away, Naruto was yelling while fighting with Karin and Hinata. The three of them were maneuvering on the rushing river, throwing punches and kicks as if it were solid ground!

Just like real Shinobi!

Sasuke’s eyes turned red in an instant.

‘When did that Naruto become so powerful?’

Despite the three people on the river’s surface, all Sasuke could see was Naruto. Watching his agile yet stable movements, Sasuke is both envious and jealous, feeling a bitter taste in his heart!

“Sasuke, Sakura, Ino, why are you here?” Kanpū, covered in a layer of snow, walked over. He had stood there for quite some time, almost turning into a snowman.

“Kanpū-senpai.” Sakura and Ino greeted politely.

“Kanpū-senpai, is Naruto undergoing special training under you?” Sasuke asked with a bitter face.

“Hmm?” Kanpū noticed that Sasuke’s tone seemed a little off, and he vaguely heard some gnashing sound.

Kanpū grinned with a hint of slyness and said: “Is there a problem?”

“I just think it's unnecessary to give special training to the last ranker like Naruto. After all, no matter how much you train him, he can’t be an amazing Shinobi.” While saying that, Sasuke faintly shows arrogant and proudful expression, as if saying that he is the genius that deserved special training.

‘Of course, if you offer to train me, I will not agree, because I have the best genius Big Brother in the Shinobi World!’

“Sasuke, it seems like you're not quite convinced by Naruto. How about…”

Kanpū smirked, “You go up there and fight him now?”

Sasuke's expression stiffened. He looked down at the rushing river, his hands clenched tightly, and his delicate body trembling slightly.

He doesn’t know how to walk on water!

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