Napoleon in 1812

Chapter 148

Chapter 148

24. Battle for a New Era - 4

As soon as news broke that the Union's Right Army guarding the Pantin Forest had been beaten and defeated by a surprise attack by the Prussians, that Russian troops were launching a massive offensive against the Left Army, letters started to pour into the command of the Central Army.

The eyes of all the generals and staff officers in the Union command were on Napoleon, Napoleon did not show it, but he could not help but feel pitiful.

He had given the order not to attack but to strengthen the defense. All they had to do was dig deep trenches, install a battery in the right position, and hold out.

Was that such a difficult mission? They divided their units and cannons, didn't they? Napoleon asked the Italian officer who brought the letter from Eugene.

"It doesn't say who the enemy's commander is."

"Oh, that's because His Highness enclosed the letter before the intelligence came in. The commander of the Russian army is Levin August von Bennigsen."

Bennigsen... He was a Russian general who presented the disgrace of Eylau to Nabot. Of course, Nabot paid him back properly in Friedland. Bennigsen had not been active on the battlefield and had only served as an assistant to Alexander I,

Although he was cautious, he could not take the initiative because his position in the military was weak. If he took full power and led the offensive on the Left Army, it meant that he certainly received Alexander I's forgiveness and support, and this was not something to be taken lightly.

"Is there anything else unusual?"

"According to testimony from nearby farm residents, there were troops in black and white uniforms headed toward the Russian army with eagle-patterned flags. Judging by their appearance and handwriting, they appear to be the Russian Guard Infantry Regiment."

Only then did Napoleon know why Eugene hurriedly asked for reinforcements. The joining of the Russian Guards meant that Alexander I had moved himself, and that the true main force of the Russian army was moving to strike the Left Army.

In response to the news of the front, the commanding officers represented the situation on the battlefield by moving the models of the military of each country. In Napoleon's head, who was watching the scene, a picture of the battlefield unfolded in three dimensions.

Only then could Napoleon infer what strategy the enemy's command was working with. They were planning to hit this place after isolating the sides.

'You want to step on the land I'm protecting?

It was an unacceptable job as a commander in chief of an army group. This was a challenge. Napoleon, of course, did not shy away from this challenge.

"Tell Perrin to help on the left. He shall lead the entire corps together under his command."

"But if Perrin's gone, the Central Army's power will be greatly weakened, Your Majesty! Arthur Wellesley is a defensive commander, but he's not going to let that slide."

Napoleon asked back with a light smile at the words of Berthier, the chief of staff,

"Oh, have you forgotten who the commander here is? I'm sorry to hear that from you, who's seen all the myths that I set up from the closest place."

Words that seemed too confident and arrogant. Pride was something that one had to be most wary of on the battlefield. But none of the staff officers gathered here, as well as Berthier, could refute that statement.

Because it was an acceptable confidence for the God of War, who was about to conquer Europe by achieving unprecedented achievements and feats.

"But I haven't faced them again since we fought in Spain. If we fight thinking of the old Red Coats, we'll get hurt."

In order to survive the great revolution and wars that shook Europe, strong military power was essential.

Just as France achieved many military innovations and developments under Napoleon's leadership after the Peninsular War, Britain would have also improved its troops based on the past battles.

Just like the doctrinal innovations shown by the Swiss Republican Army. There would soon be a competition to see who was more advanced and how much progress was made,

"The British have begun to advance! It's Arthur Wellesley's flagI"

Napoleon, standing up from his seat listening to the results of the messenger, put his hand in his pocket and fiddled with his handkerchief and his pistol. The time had come to greet the guests.

Shortly after the end of the Iberian Peninsula War, a war correspondent had asked Napoleon this brave question.

'What country do you think has the strongest army in Europe? Oh, except France, of course. Because it's too obvious,'

Journalists around him burst into laughter and waited for Napoleon's answer. No general in European history had fought as many battles as Napoleon and experienced such a wide range of battlefields with various types and environments. And no other general had won that many.

Napoleon was a man who deserved the title of 'God of War'. Any military expert's arguments and papers would not have as much authority as his short answer. Among the reporters who all had their ears wide open, Napoleon replied:

'Brita in.'

'...Is that a conclusion that includes naval forces, Your Majesty?'

'The advantage of mobility should be taken into account. But considering the army alone, they deserve a seat after France.'

The war correspondents looked puzzled. Even though there were no British journalists here, how could an island nation that was only relying on its navy be the second strongest army in Europe after France?

Sweden had never had a weak army, from the Viking years to the time of the Lion King in the North to the present day.

"Well, I'm not saying this because it's my country, but thanks to the reforms of Peter the Great, Russia has defeated Sweden and conquered the Baltic Sea, and even overthrew the Ottomans, proving to be the strongest in Eastern Europe. But being pushed back by the islanders is a little...'

'Not to mention Prussia. Since Frederick the Great, the Prussian Army has always been recognized as the most elite and solid army in Europe.'

The war reporters talked back, but Napoleon smirked and uttered only two sentences.

"Have you ever fought the armies of these countries yourself? I have fought them.'

It was Napoleon's short answer, which made them shut up for their noisy chatter. And now, the British were showing their ability to match Napoleon's assessment of the past.

"The Dutch Infantry Regiment is retreating! Lieutenant General Ricksen (the Dutch commander) has arbitrarily issued the order to retreat and said that they can no longer withstand the British offensive."

"We have received a message saying that the Rhineland's defense forces are in urgent need of help! The British attack is stronger than expected!"

Just as Russia put Finnish troops ahead, Napoleon was also cold-hearted and put troops from French occupied territories first, such as the Netherlands and Rhineland.

They had to drag out time and drain the strength of the enemy, and then the elite French would join the battlefield as a rearguard to fight the decisive battle.

However, the Dutch, Rhineland and other armies sought help much earlier than Napoleon had expected, and even were already defeated and routed. It meant that the fighting power of the British army was more than he had imagined. There was also tension within the Union command. Napoleon gave orders while scratching his chin.

"Send the rear batteries forward. And among the infantry regiments of this army, the 11th to 20th regiments will be sequentially deployed."

"We will fill their gaps with reserve forces in the rear."


Napoleon deployed the French infantry to form a stop line, and in the meantime, he pulled the battery forward to prepare the counterattack.

No elite army could stand in front of a cannon, the queen of the battlefield. In addition, the French artillery was the best artillery recognized throughout Europe, If the fire net was concentrated on the advance route, it could create a massacre.

Bang! Booom-! Boom!! Boom!

The French infantry from the main force saved time for the batteries to be set up, by preventing the British from advancing relatively easily. Napoleon commended the infantry and ordered them to retreat slowly. Soon after, the French cannons that had finished aiming fired.

As the finest artillery in Europe, their shells fell right in front of the British lines. It showed better efficiency in terms of killing power to fire in this way than directly targeting enemy soldiers. Normally, shells hit the ground and bounced off, sweeping away the infantrymen in the front row.

But the problem was that the battlefield here was the Orime wetland. The path taken by the British army was particularly poorly drained. When the ground was wet, its coefficient of repulsion dropped sharply.

Even if the cannonball that hit the ground of the wetland bounced off, its power was greatly reduced or it was stuck in the ground.

Despite the myriad of artillery fire, the British continued to move forward without taking any major damage. Chief of staff Berthier sighed and muttered.

"I don't think the rain that fell yesterday afternoon has washed away yet. It would be better to wait for the distance to shorten and then use the pellets and the grapes."

"I guess so, Clever bastards, they have calculated this far and turned this place into the main battlefield."

Napoleon clicked his tongue. The news of the Polish troops' advance to the North was heard two days ago. It was advantageous for the Coalition to have a quick, decisive battle as soon as possible before the Polish garrison arrived at the battlefield and hit them in the side.

However, the Coalition command wasted precious time yesterday, when it was the best time to attack. Napoleon did not know what they were up to, but it appeared that it was also a trick to fight in a more advantageous environment.

'With a muddy environment, the artillery forces on both sides are simultaneously reduced. Then, they judged that we, who have relatively superior artillery firepower, would be at a disadvantage.'

In any case, the French artillery had been ordered to replace the shells and was waiting for the British to approach. The artillery officers were slightly arrogant now as the enemy walked proudly without taking much damage.

'You're not afraid of shells? Then why don't you get hit with pellets and grapes pouring from close range? We'll see who laughs in the end after you collapse and run away.'

As the French were holding their breath while allowing the British troops to approach, the well-walking British stopped at some point. And they waited on the spot,

The officers were worried about whether to issue the fire order or not because they were outside the range where the grapes and the pellets could reach. One of the command's staff officers watching the scene said with a smile.

"It's a typical 'turtle fight' trick. If the artillery, tired of waiting, tries to replace the pellets and grapes with regular shells to reach them, they will attack, It's a poor way of fighting, fitting the islanders, who have no amount of chivalry or bravery to be found."

Other staff members responded to the plausible remarks of the officer. Since Britain had been 'enjoying' such fights before the Revolutionary War, the staff members looked triumphant as if they had caught habitual criminals with reasoning. Napoleon, however, did not respond this way and was only looking at the front.

At that moment, the British who were standing still lifted their guns all at once? The target they were aiming at was the French artillery ahead. French officers were now scoffing at the British army, showing their contempt.

The hitting range of the grapes and pellets was approximately 200-300 m and the British army was clearly outside that range now.

At that distance, they were trying to shoot with regular muskets, not Baker rifles? Even if Robin Hood or Wilhelm Tell had learned to use gunpowder weapons, it would have been impossible.

Tatatatatata! Tatatatata-!

The guns were fired, but none of the French soldiers were affected by the bullets. Of course. Even the British could not overcome the limitations of their equipment.

While French officers were still laughing at their stupidity, Napoleon's eyes filled with wonder. He shouted suddenly.

"Get the artillery back now!"

"Your, Your Majesty?"

"Can't you hear me? Dismantle the cannons and take them back!"

The bewildered staff officers, alerted by Napoleon's second shout, hurriedly took the order and sent it to the artillery unit.

The artillery officers could hardly understand why they were ordered to dismantle the battery, which they had worked hard to set up, and to step back. However, they could not disobey the Emperor's orders, so they ordered each unit to retreat and began to prepare.

The British were shooting with their muskets. It did not matter if the target was hit or not, their only purpose was 'shooting'.

French military officers, including Major General Jean Latour-Mondron, the commander of the battery, began to feel something strange. What in the world were they thinking, doing that?


"...Go ahead and obey His Majesty's orders, when has he ever made a wrong judgment?"

Major General Mondron urged his men. The dismantling of the battery was a long and difficult task, but the French artillery had enough experience to do it quickly and skillfully.

Meanwhile, smoke from the firing and ignition of gunpowder began to cover the entire area beyond the front, starting with the British line.

Originally, guns of this era were often covered by thick smoke even after only a few shots were fired, but that was much worse now, as they were firing without knowing what they were doing.

Currently, foggy smoke was blocking the view of the French batteries so that the distance could not be measured. At this rate, shell ing would be vain.

"What's the progress?"

"Most of the bullets and explosives have been transported and disposed of. Now we just have to move the cannons."

"Hurry up a little more!"

Now, artillery officers at the scene also felt that the situation was unusual. Major General Mondron bit his lips with nervous eyes. The Emperor's judgment was correct this time as well.

They had to make a hasty retreat before that ominous-looking smoke could cover this place. However, the British army had already entered the next phase.

Chuck- chuck- chuck- chuck- chuck-

Regular footsteps echoed through the smoke. Everyone now knew that the British were using the smoke of gunpowder to create a curtain and advance.

A battle with enemy line infantry in a blind environment? It would be hell for the artillery,

As soon as the fear of death was about to hang on the faces of the artillery soldiers, a new unit appeared next to them.

A distinctive blue and white uniform with white diagonals, a tall bearskin, and red epaulets.

It was the appearance of the most elite warriors of the French army, the Middle Guard, that no other unit could oppose except for the Old Guard. As soon as he confirmed their identity, Major General Mondron raised his arms without realizing it. And he shouted.

"His Majesty the Emperor has sent the Imperial Guard for us! Don't be afraid of the enemies! The Middle Guard is on our side!"

The appearance of the Middle Guard, that did not show up on the battlefield before even in tight situations, was an event sufficient to give the soldiers confidence that the Emperor did not abandon them. The artillery cheered loudly in unison, and the terror that had darkened them disappeared.

Under the command of Major General Mondron, the artillery quickly stepped down without shaking. There was no longer any hesitation in their movements, Standing in front of the artillery, the Middle Guards raised their guns at the invisible enemy with the sound of trumpets.

"Aim forward! Fire!!"


The pros among the pros were different. The Middle Guards fired shots with restrained movements and postures even when their vision was blocked by the smoke.

After firing, moans and screams of the enemy rang out from the far side of the smoke. Major General Mondron was amazed as he watched the scene. Indeed, this was the Middle Guard of the Great Army.

"All preparations to step down are complete, Commander!"

"We can't throw away the golden opportunity that the Guards have created for us. Were stepping down right away!"

The British offensive would now begin, Even if the French kept their fighting spirit and combat power, this fight would not be easy.

But Mondron chose not to worry. In tactical unit battles, the Middle Guard had never been defeated, and the God of War was here.

'But I don't think their screams are in English...?'

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