Nameless King

Chapter 847 Three

The energy was practically the most important thing for every living thing in the universe, so no one would ever willingly go where there was no energy yet. These places were like bottomless abysses from which it was simply impossible to escape.

Only beings strong enough could be in the open without risking breaking all their bones, and the borders of the world were an even more dangerous place, so without energy, there just was no way to survive.

Wain wasn't aware of these details, but he still felt the terrible pressure that made him feel quite a bit of pain.

'Fuck... What's even going on here...? Why did Nameless King decide to go here?!' Wain inwardly exclaimed while in disbelief. He felt that Nameless King's energy was gradually becoming weaker and it could only lead to death.

'Is this really how Nameless King is going to die...? Shit, it can't be! Abyss Artist activated some powerful spell, so it must all have some meaning, right?' Wain asked himself, trying to find answers to the questions.

Meanwhile, Nameless King continued to tumble down with a calm look. His life was threatened by the deadly poison as without energy the pressure could crush him in just a few minutes, but there was no anxiety in his eyes, Nameless King was completely confident in his actions.

After a few minutes Nameless King moved as far away from the world as was even possible for a living being, so he entered an empty zone.

"Agh!!!" Nameless King threw up a mouthful of blood as his face contorted in pain. Now the energy was no longer protecting him, in the empty zone Nameless King was no different than a mere human that for some reason ended up in space.

Crackle. Crackle. Crack.

In a few seconds, his skin began to crack as his silhouette trembled, it seemed that he had only a few seconds to live and Nameless King decided to commit suicide, but the sly smile that appeared on his face changed the situation completely.

'Well, well, it's a good thing that he gave me advice since I probably wouldn't have made it without it. It would have been pretty stupid to die because of a mistake at the very end.' Nameless King inwardly muttered before putting his palm to his chest.

A vibration went through his hand that went toward his heart and gradually moved straight to his soul, burning brightly with thick darkness like a flame.

"Is he really going to do this...?" Wain's eyes went wide while flying closer to the Nameless King. Wain had already figured out what was going to happen, but he still couldn't believe it.

"Damn, it's usually done in the most desperate situation and it's not like I have it under control at all. Well, maybe it was bound to happen sometime anyway." Nameless King complained lightly, then he clenched his palm into a fist.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

His soul trembled as massive streams of energy suddenly erupted from him. The Nameless King did the same thing Wain did to get through the barrier, he began to burn his soul.

The Nameless King's Soul was 99% infected with the power of a ruler of the Arkan World. It was like a poison that made him rot from the inside, so the only way to get rid of the poison was to remove the energy that held it.

The Abyss Artist and Nameless King knew this way from the beginning, but it could not be a solution since no one could survive after losing 99% of his soul.

'He began to burn his soul, but why...? Is that how his energy will get to me?' Wain wondered as his heart began to beat faster. He was experiencing many emotions at once since no one but him could see how the strongest man in the world was burning his soul and this man was the one from whom he got his power.

Gradually the massive streams of energy began to separate into two parts. They turned into two dark stars, hovering beside the Nameless King. The energy in them was deadly to him, but not now, as the poison was no longer in his soul.

"Agh... I feel so weak, but at the same time I feel incredibly light like I'm finally rid of a very heavy load." Nameless King whispered as only 20% of his soul remained.

In a few seconds his massive soul, unimaginable in size, was no bigger than a grain. It was a dot of pure darkness with no poison in it, it was the only undamaged part of his soul while the spheres beside it became several times larger.

"Fine... It is time to begin. My friend, you are very clever, but perhaps I am the first one to actually decide to do this." Nameless King waved his hand as a key appeared beside him.

The key touched Nameless King's chest as a wave of energy passed through his body, then many chain-like seals appeared on it, soaking into his body, and gradually disappearing.

"The catalyst is ready, now there are two sources left..." Nameless King said as a slight smile appeared on his face before breaking the key into two pieces. They flew into the dark spheres at his will.

Nameless King sighed and closed his eyes. He touched the spheres with his fingertips as they trembled and flew apart at great speed. Nameless King continued to fall down while his body was covered in thick darkness as he gradually transformed into a dark comet that seemed eager to land somewhere, though there was only emptiness all around.

"What's going on...?" Wain muttered with his eyes wide open as suddenly the two spheres got bigger and exploded at the same time. After a while, the same thing happened to the comet.

Wain couldn't believe it, but spatial barriers and different types of energy began to appear at the sites of the explosions. This could only mean one thing - in the midst of the void where there was nothing, new areas comparable to worlds suddenly appeared.

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