Nameless King

Chapter 760 The Awakening

"What are you doing...?" Wain asked in confusion while Abyss Artist continued to wave his brush slowly.

Abyss Artist was controlling his hand, but Wain didn't bother him as he thought it was something important.

'Don't worry. I'm just fulfilling my task, or even... a promise I made to someone a long time ago.' The Abyss Artist uttered with a slight smile on his face as he drew some strange runes in the air.

"Was it the Nameless King?" Wain asked in a serious voice as he let out some aura.

"Yeah. You have no idea how right you are." Abyss Artist said as he drew some more runes.

Gradually the runes and the strokes of darkness began to form something whole. It was like a magical circle, but as if created by hand rather than with energy.

"Hmm? Are you done yet?" Wain uttered in a confusion.

"Huh, of course not. It's only a small part. I have a lot of work to do before the seal is ready." Abyss Artist said as a powerful stream of aura burst out of Wain, "Help me, I need your energy. That way we can finish much faster."

Wain nodded as a dark platform appeared beneath him and he rose higher. Wain didn't know what exactly the Abyss Artist was up to and from the looks of it, he wasn't going to tell him until the very end, but Wain had complete confidence in every form, so decided to help him.

Gradually the number of magical circles increased as Abyss Artist had already drawn hundreds of different runes and formations that filled the gaps between the magical circles. Wain was completely ignorant of it, but he felt that to create even a few runes of this level required great skill and knowledge.

'Strange that Blind Sorcerer and the others have no comment on this. I guess all I have to do is wait...' Wain muttered inwardly while shaking his head.

The Abyss Artist gradually accelerated as space became less and less stable, but Wain did not notice it because the changes were happening outside Death Shore and were watched by special persons.


"Ahahahaha, it's finally happening! My lord, soon I shall see you at last." Krakos exclaimed with an exciting look while staring at the space that trembled violently, "Well, it certainly is incredible that someone was capable of doing this. Although... only for him it was possible."


Suddenly several portals appeared in the air, from which the Arkans emerged. Some of them immediately directed their forces toward the space, trying to hold it, while the rest attacked Krakos.

"Well, well, now you're not even trying to convince me to retreat, are you?" Krakos grinned as his claws were covered in bright flames.

"It's no use. You're certainly not getting out of here now." One of the Arkans said with a deadly look as he rained his icy sword down on Krakos.

"Yeah... You're right, but do you really think a few units will be enough to stop me?" Krakos grinned as he swung his arms.

His movements were so swift that all that was visible was a blur of fire left by his claws. Then, several streaks appeared on the bodies of the three Arkans as they split apart as if they had been chopped with an incredibly sharp sword.

"What...? Why is a simple monster so strong...?" Arkan uttered while blood dripped from the corners of his mouth as his body was split in two.

"A simple monster...? Well, you don't even seem to know who my lord is, though you don't understand how powerful creatures there are in this world." Krakos said as he shook his head before waving his hand.

The runes on his coat shone brightly as hundreds of flying ishas turned into blades that pierced the Arkans.

They tried to block the attack, but none of their barriers could withstand the hail of fire bats.

"Hah, I hope stronger Arkans show up soon. The Fourth Rank is not serious at all. Compared to my Lord, you're no more important than a speck of dust." Krakos said with a cruel smirk while looking at the Arkans that were falling into the void with wide holes in their chests.

"I wonder what my lord is doing now...? I hope that guy's blood will be a great gift for him." Krakos muttered with a thoughtful look as he sat down on the edge of the platform, "Well, I'll find out soon enough. Space won't hold out much longer."


Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

The glasses shuddered as one of them fell from the hands of a tall man with long light hair.


The glass shattered as it shattered into tiny shards.

"Hmm? Why didn't you catch it...?" Osvald asked with a confused look as he raised an eyebrow high, "I know you well, you can't stand even a simple scratch on glass, but now... you let it happen."

"I agree... This isn't like you at all..." Marlis muttered while in a daze.

"Well, let's just say. It'll be a good way to remember the day." Sven said with a slight smile on his face as he waved his hand. The shards disappeared as Sven corrected his uniform and spoke, "It's time for us to take a little walk. Let's be in the first ranks of those who will see the new development of the world."

Sven headed for the exit of the bar. Osvald and Marlis were shocked for a second, then they nodded to each other and followed Sven. They too felt the shaking and had already figured out what was going to happen, but they didn't expect it to interest Sven so much that he left his favorite bar.

"Fine! At last something interesting is about to begin! I was interested in trying my hand as a teacher, but I'm a fighter, after all!" Osvald exclaimed with an exciting look.


Sven stepped out into the open space as a white road appeared in front of him that with each step he took continued.

Marlis walked behind him and with shining eyes looked at him inwardly saying, 'Sven... Will you soon finally fight again and I will be your support again? Even though I think Humans are dangerous, but... we all made the right choice to follow HIS path...'

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