Nameless King

Chapter 730 The Road To Darkness (Part 2)

"Well, it's probably some secretive but incredibly powerful bastard, isn't it?" Osvald smirked as his aura intensified slightly.

"I don't know." Sven shrugged, "I was curious to know that too, so before Wain's fight I checked the ranking table, but the Top-1 name was hidden. Anyway, it's not that important, because even the strongest Fourth Chronicle one can't compete with a Fifth Chronicle creature."

"Huh, you know that's a load of crap yourself." Marlis grinned while walking slowly toward the bar, "Years ago, you were the Top-1 at Colosseum. You were in the Fourth Chronicle, but the usual Fifth Chronicle monsters were too weak to make you use any skill."

"Well, that's because Fifth Chronicle monsters are quite plentiful, especially if like me you search them through different spaces. However, even among the Pillars, there aren't many Fifth Chronicle ones, the same goes for Arkans." Sven uttered with a calm look in a careless manner as though he was just enumerating facts.

"Agh... It's true, but there are so damn many Fifth Chronicle ones among the Dragons, it's just crazy..." Osvald muttered with a bored look, then an evil smirk appeared on his face as he clenched his hand into a fist, "This is exactly why I want to fight them again. Those few days, five hundred years ago, during the great war, were the best days of my life."

"Hey! You were actually the reason we almost blew our plan back then!" Marlis exclaimed with a frown as she puffed up her cheeks.

"Come on, there's no need to quarrel, it's been a fascinating few days anyway." Sven said while waving his hand before standing behind the bar.

He tapped his finger on the table as his ring glowed brightly.

A massive stone slab appeared in front of him, emanating cold steam that seemed to freeze even the air.

Around the edges of the slab were many different ingredients, some of which were worth millions or so rare that even the merchant guilds didn't have such things.

In the center was something special. There were thirteen hearts there, one of which was considerably larger than the others. Though the hearts were outside the bodies, they were still beating, very slowly.

"Damn, what is that?" Osvald asked with a confused look as his eyes went wide.

"It's one of my favorite ingredient collections. What you see here are the hearts of each representative of the Pillars, the heart of Arkan, and the heart of the Dragon." Sven uttered in a calm manner as a devious smile appeared on his face.

"The Heart of the Dragon?!" Osvald and Marlis exclaimed simultaneously.

Sven just nodded.

"Fuck! I thought it was from some huge monster, but it's actually the Dragon's heart! I'm already sure it's going to be the best cocktail I've ever had!" Osvald exclaimed with a happy look as he slapped the table.


A shockwave went through the entire bar, but such tremendous power didn't even make the chandelier sway.

"This is going to be an unusual cocktail, right?" Marlis asked with a serious look as she crossed her arms.

"Yeah... Your instincts have never failed you. My main goal is to make an unusual and delicious cocktail, but since it requires ingredients of such high quality... for a while even we will be stronger if we drink it." Sven said in a slow voice before taking hold of the red root, "Well, it's time to get to work. Just watch me and enjoy!"


At the same time, four tall glasses appeared on the table in front of them as a long, sharp knife came into Sven's hand.

He began to chop the ingredients, process them, and gradually mix them to obtain the necessary extracts and flavors for the cocktail.

Osvald and Marlis watched him in absolute silence with curious expressions. They had seen Sven make cocktails for them many times, but this time he was going all out.

"Great, now we can move on to the second stage." Sven spread some of the ingredients across the table as his ring glowed brightly.

Two crystals appeared in his hands, one of which exuded intense cold while the other burned brightly.

He used the ice crystal to lower the temperature of one ingredient and the second to set something on fire. Gradually more and more ingredients disappeared from the stone slab until Sven stopped.

"It's time to do the fun part." Sven grinned as he snapped his fingers.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

There were vibrations in the air as the thirteen hearts slowly flew up as though they were being lifted by some force.

At Sven's will, the hearts lined up, then he waved his hand.

A thin streak appeared on each heart from which blood began to flow, very little at all, just a few drops, but together they formed a massive stream.

"Almost there!" Sven exclaimed with an excited smile on his face before returning the knife to the ring.

Invisible energy divided the stream of blood into four parts that headed toward the glasses, filling them.

"And the finishing touch!" Sven said as he ran his palm over the glasses.

Crackle. Crackle. Crackle.

Three ice cubes fell into each glass, which raised the level of the liquid to the crown.

"Damn, you miscalculated every last detail." Osvald spoke with burning eyes, "I can't wait to try it already, but before I do, I want to know the name."

"Me too! What is the name of this cocktail?" Marlis said as she stared at Sven.

He thought for a while, then glanced at Wain, and for a moment his eyes widened.

"Well, I made this cocktail in honor of the winner, so the name should be appropriate." Sven said before raising the center glass and with a slight smile on his face exclaimed, "This cocktail is called - True Nameless!"

"Great name!" Osvald said with a broad smile before taking a sip.

Marlis followed him and the last one was Sven.

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