Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2149 Undefeated (4)

Chapter 2149 Undefeated (4)

Zhan You, anticipating the attack, raised his crimson sword high. As the shockwave crashed down, he swung the blade with a roar that mirrored the Guardian's. A torrent of celestial fire erupted from the sword, a blazing wave that met the shockwave head-on.


The clash created a blinding explosion that momentarily drowned out the very roar of space itself. The shockwave dissipated, revealing a colossal crater swirling with remnants of celestial fire and fragmented shockwave energy. The Guardian, momentarily stunned, stood frozen amidst the destruction.

Zhan You, his celestial aura dimmed but unwavering, pointed his crimson sword at the monstrous being. "You are strong, creature of death," he boomed, his voice resonating with the power of a thousand celestial storms. "But your strength is borrowed, an echo of a power you don't truly understand."

"ROARRRR—" The Guardian, seemingly regaining its bearings, let out another ear-splitting screech. Its four glowing red eyes fixated on Zhan You, a burning hatred replacing the initial spark of defiance.

Si Junyi, sensing the shift in momentum, poured the last dregs of his power into the Guardian. With a burst of speed fueled by desperation, the entity lunged towards Zhan You, its obsidian claws glinting with malice.

Zhan You, however, remained unfazed. He met the Guardian's charge head-on, his crimson sword a beacon of celestial fire cutting through the darkness. This time, their clash did not result in a symphony of destruction but a meticulous dance of power.

Zhan You's movements, fueled by years of honing his celestial arts, were a blur. The Guardian, despite its monstrous strength, struggled to keep up. Its attacks became increasingly erratic, fueled by the waning power of Si Junyi who, like a candle burning its last wick, coughed blood into the void.

With each precise parry and counter-attack, Zhan You chipped away at the remaining strength of the Guardian. He was not focused on inflicting massive damage, but rather exploiting the flaws in the entity's form, the imperfections caused by the rushed transformation fueled by Si Junyi's desperation.

Finally, in a flurry of celestial fire and clashing steel, Zhan You found his opening. With a swift movement, he swept his crimson sword downwards, severing one of the Guardian's monstrous wings.

"GAHHH!!" The monstrous entity roared in pain, its remaining wings flapping wildly as it tried to regain its balance.

Seeing his chance, Zhan You seized the opportunity. He channeled his celestial energy, focusing it on the tip of his sword. The swirling galaxies around him flared in response, condensing into a blinding ball of white-hot energy.


With a battle cry that echoed through the devastated space, Zhan You unleashed the condensed celestial energy onto the Guardian's remaining wing.

The impact was a silent explosion, a blinding light that momentarily turned the battlefield into a white canvas.

When the light subsided, the Guardian of the Netherworld remained frozen, its remaining wing a smoldering ember. Its four eyes, once burning with malevolent fire, now flickered with a dull, dying light.

Si Junyi, his face a mask of quiet acceptance rather than despair, raised a hand towards the wounded Guardian.

A faint, dark energy emanated from his palm, tendrils of it swirling around the monstrous entity. Unlike the previous death energy that fueled the asura's monstrous form, this new energy felt…serene. It seeped into the Guardian's wounds, not to corrupt, but to stabilize, to mend the broken form.

The Guardian, sensing this shift, let out a low, mournful whine. Its remaining wing twitched, a flicker of life returning to its obsidian form.

Zhan You, observing this unexpected turn of events, lowered his crimson sword. The flames that danced around him subsided, leaving behind an air of wary curiosity.

"What are you doing? It should die on a battlefield with honor." he boomed, his voice echoing through the ruined tomb.

Si Junyi, his voice devoid of any emotion, spoke calmly. "The Guardian served its purpose. It is no longer needed."

The dark energy intensified, weaving a cocoon around the wounded asura, effectively sealing it in a state of suspended animation.

With a flick of his wrist, Si Junyi produced two shimmering fragments, each pulsating with a faint celestial glow. These were fragments of the Soul Scepter.

"These fragments," Si Junyi continued, "I'll give them to you."

Zhan You stared at Si Junyi curiously. "Do you really think I will let you go because of this?"

Si Junyi turned away, his back facing the War God. "The battle is over, Zhan You. You have won."

He turned around, preparing to leave.

"Come with me," Zhan You suddenly boomed, his voice resonating with celestial power.

He raised his hand, the crimson sword materializing back in his grasp. Celestial energy crackled around the blade, hungry for battle.

But before Zhan You could take a single step forward, Si Junyi turned. And for the first time in their encounter, a flicker of emotion crossed Si Juny's stoic face. Not anger, not desperation, but a chilling, profound acceptance.

His eyes, once an empty void, flickered. For a fleeting moment, they seemed to crackle with darkness so profound it seemed to devour the very light in the collapsing space.

An aura, thick and suffocating, pulsed outwards from Si Junyi, the oppressive weight of power so ancient it made the very fabric of space groan.

At that moment, Zhan You froze. The celestial energy around his sword sputtered and died. An invisible force held him captive, his muscles locked, his breath caught in his throat.

He had faced countless formidable opponents but none of them could give him such a cold dread.

Si Junyi's voice, devoid of emotion but laced with the power of the Great Law of Death itself, spoke through the oppressive silence.

"You have won, Zhan You," he echoed, the words seeming to vibrate through Zhan You's very core. "The Soul Scepter fragments are yours. Use them wisely."

He raised a hand, and the two fragments of the Soul Scepter floated towards Zhan You, propelled by an unseen force.

"Good luck, War God," Si Junyi whispered, the darkness in his eyes receding as quickly as it appeared.

With that, he turned, his back once again a stoic figure against the backdrop of the collapsing space. He began to walk, his steps unhurried, a faint serenity emanating from his form.

Zhan You remained rooted to the spot, the weight of the Great Law of Death slowly lifting. He watched, transfixed, as Si Junyi disappeared into the darkness.

The chilling power that had held him captive faded, leaving behind a profound sense of unease.

"The God of Death… has returned." Zhan You murmured to himself.

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