Myth Beyond Heaven

Chapter 2138 Mastery (2)

Chapter 2138 Mastery (2)


The lake churned as Shi Xuan unleashed the fury of the water element. Gigantic waves rose like walls, propelled by his immense power, each one aimed at breaking Yun Lintian's intricate defense.

The swords whizzed through the air, deflecting the waves with impressive precision, but their movements became slightly sluggish, betraying the strain on Yun Lintian's divine energy reserves.

Shi Xuan, sensing this, pressed his advantage. He wove through the onslaught of blades, his serpentine body moving with incredible agility. Lashing out with his tail, he slammed into one of the swords imbued with the Earth Law, sending it flying out of the formation.


A tremor ran through Yun Lintian as his meticulously constructed defense faltered. The remaining six swords scrambled to fill the gap, losing their previous fluidity.

Shi Xuan didn't miss the opportunity. Coiling his body once again, he unleashed a devastating water cannon, the condensed energy of the lake erupting like a colossal blue dragon.

Yun Lintian's expression turned solemn. He knew a direct confrontation wouldn't be wise. With a desperate burst of speed, he teleported using the Law of Space, narrowly dodging the water dragon's fury.


The attack slammed into the distant shore, leaving behind a crater that mirrored Shi Xuan's immense strength.

Looking at the destructive force, Yun Lintian realized his plan had reached its limit. Controlling seven fundamental laws simultaneously, while impressive, was ultimately unsustainable against a True God-level opponent.

A heavy sigh escaped Yun Lintian's lips as he heaved a ragged breath. His divine energy reserves were dwindling rapidly, the intricate dance of the seven swords demanding a constant flow of his energy.

Glancing at Shi Xuan, who watched him with a hint of curiosity in his serpentine eyes, Yun Lintian knew he had to make a choice.

He had to use his trump card again, a power he had barely begun to explore – the Great Law of Life and Death. It was a force of unimaginable potential, but also one riddled with unpredictable consequences.

The result of the combination previously left a deep concern in Yun Lintian's heart. If possible, he didn't want to try it again. At least, not until he could figure out everything.

With a deep breath, Yun Lintian delved into his Divine Core, bypassing the swirling vortex of his profound essence and reaching deeper, towards the primal energy that simmered there. It was a place he hadn't fully explored yet, a chaotic wellspring of life and death forces.


A tremor ran through the air as Yun Lintian attempted to harness this potent energy.

Shi Xuan, sensing a shift in the atmosphere, narrowed his ancient eyes, a flicker of surprise replacing his amusement.

Finally, with a burst of white light, a sphere of pure life energy materialized in Yun Lintian's hand. It pulsed with a vibrant brilliance, a stark contrast to the dark environment around them.

Then, with a flick of his wrist, a sphere of inky black energy materialized beside it – the embodiment of death energy.

The two spheres pulsed in perfect harmony, a testament to Yun Lintian's nascent control over this chaotic power.

This display sent a shiver down Shi Xuan's spine, a primal fear stirring within him despite his millennia of experience. He had encountered the forces of life and death before, but never so delicately harnessed.

He glanced at Tian He and the latter was calm and composed.

"Previously, I recklessly unleashed this power and the consequence wasn't good." Yun Lintian spoke calmly. His gaze met Shi Xuan's, a steely resolve replacing his earlier calm demeanor.

Shi Xuan, however, remained surprisingly composed. He let out a booming laugh that echoed across the lake. "Interesting! A fledgling daring to wield the Great Law! I haven't witnessed such audacity in eons."

His laughter subsided, replaced by a glint of excitement in his eyes. "Show me what you can do, little sprout!"

Yun Lintian wasn't surprised much about Shi Xuan's reaction. "Then, shall I try it again?" he looked at Tian He.

Without a doubt, Tian He must have witnessed the battle between him and Dian Lei.

Tian He smiled and said. "It's fine here. Nothing will happen."

With Tian He's guarantee, Yun Lintian channeled his energy into the spheres. They began to rotate around him, the life energy sphere emitting a warm, healing aura while the death energy sphere emanated a chilling, stagnating presence.

He knew he couldn't simply unleash these forces randomly. The uncontrolled power of life and death could easily backfire on him, causing untold destruction. He needed a strategy, a way to utilize their immense power with precision.

Closing his eyes, Yun Lintian focused on the battle, analyzing Shi Xuan's movements and attack patterns. He needed to exploit any openings, any weakness he could find in the True God's defense. It was a desperate gamble, but it was his only chance.


As Shi Xuan lunged forward, his serpentine body coiling for another devastating attack, Yun Lintian made his move. He separated the two spheres, sending the life energy sphere towards Shi Xuan's exposed flank. He intended to use it not as a weapon, but as a distraction.

Shi Xuan, caught by surprise, instinctively recoiled as the sphere of life energy approached. The warm aura washed over him, a strange sensation unlike anything he had experienced before.

He paused momentarily, momentarily distracted by this unexpected phenomenon.

In that split second, Yun Lintian channeled a sliver of death energy into his swords. The blades, imbued with this potent force, began to exude a faint, sickly glow. He had no intention of killing Shi Xuan but he needed a way to incapacitate him, to force a conclusion to this spar.

With renewed speed, fueled by desperation, Yun Lintian launched a flurry of attacks with his death-infused swords.

Shi Xuan, caught off guard by the sudden shift in tactics, found himself on the defensive. The swords, empowered by the Great Law, cut through the air with an otherworldly hum, leaving trails of darkness in their wake.


Shi Xuan parried desperately with his tail, the scales on his body clanging against the blades with a hollow ring.

The faint touch of the death energy caused a strange numbness to spread through his body, hindering his movements.

"Hmm?" Shi Xuan frowned slightly.

The life energy, though harmless, had disrupted his rhythm, throwing him off balance for a crucial moment. Now, these death-infused blades danced around him, their movements precise and unrelenting.

Despite their lack of raw power compared to his strength, the subtle touch of death energy chipped away at his defense…

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